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DFFB Tonseminar / Outside shooting

The noise of a Rolling suitcase, and steps. Fade in.

S and H are walking through the park. H has a tiny suitcase, he rolles it behind him. S
tries to break the silence.

S: I actually don´t miss her anymore.

H: (Looking at S) I think about home, when I think about her.
S: (Always looking forward, ironic) How can you even associate that?
H: Memories I guess. It´s imposible to me not to think about home.
S: (In an agresive way) She was such a bitch.
H: I don´t want to start this conversation again, okay?
(Moment of silence while they keep walking)
S: (Trying to break the ice again) I knew a guy who died because of sadness.
H: (In a serious way) There a lot of people like that.
S: (Beeing curious and looking at H) Do you think she was one of those?
(Akward silence)
H: (Doubting it) I, I … don´t know.
(Silence and walking)
S: Maybe it was her fault.
H: (Upset) Just be quiet, we are almost there, okay?
(Keep walking)
S: (Breaking the ice for the third time) I´ll just close my eyes, and you’ll do everything.
H: (Looking at S) It´s always that way.
S: Maybe someday I will do it myself. (Laughs slightly)
H: When I die you will have to carry the suitcase by yourself.
S: I will.
The cámara stops following them and they get lost and fade into black.

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