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1920’s: A Decade of Contrasts

The 1920’s was a time of contrasts in the United States. The ratification of the 18 th Amendment
prohibiting alcohol brought about a culture of lawlessness, even though the amendment
intended to bring about morality. The 19th Amendment which granted women voting rights
shaped a more independent woman, yet the flapper tested the limits of society’s acceptance of
gender equality. Many African Americans moved north during WWI to fill jobs vacated by
soldiers and enjoyed a measure of equality and prosperity. Yet, a resurgence of racism
occurred when soldiers returned home expecting to get their jobs back. The number of
immigrants in the country and a fear of Communism added to the nativist feelings in the U.S.
Modern conveniences created leisure time for some Americans while the gap between rich and
poor grew wider. The 1920’s was a time of contrasts, a clash between traditional and modern
To show what you learn in this unit, create a piece of art that demonstrates the contrasts of the
1920’s. The art can take any form—a drawing or painting, a short work of prose, a poem, a 1
minute original score, an interpretive dance, or other teacher-approved product.

Criteria Points Possible Points Earned

Product shows creativity and effort 10

Product evokes the contrasts of the


Historically accurate depiction of the

Brief description explaining how the
product illustrates the contrasts of the 15

Total 45

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