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Limba engleza
Clasa a XI-a

Numele si prenumele elevului

Data sustinerii testului
 Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se
acorda 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte.
 Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
PARTEA I__________________________________________________________60 de
I. 1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks. Write all your answers on the
Answer Sheet.

There were three sons of a wealthy businessman. Whenever they met, the two eldest
who were twins, used to quarrel about which of them should be his father’s heir. The
youngest, who was not in the least ambitious, took no part in their arguments. As soon as they
left home, the father arranged for an adequate income to be provided for each of them.
_____1 After years of failing health, the father eventually died. ________2. The elder twin
had inherited his father’s business, the younger was to receive all the money that was not
invested in the business , while the youngest boy was left his father’s house and estate as his
share of the property.Unfortunately , the elder twin who wanted to take up the stage as a
career did not realize that an actor who cannot even be punctual should not be expected to
manage a business. ____3_.The other twin set up as an artist , and had no doubt that within a
short time he would be making a fortune by speculation. He believed in taking risks , the
more spectacular the better ,and he invested in schemes which should have provided an
unusually lage profit. They failed completely in their purpose, and in less than a year he
was penniless. ______4.
But the youngest brother was able to fulfill his own modest ambition. With the capital he
had saved, he converted the house into an orphanage . He gained the approval of the Local
Authority, who made a grant large enough to provide for its upkeep. Influential people
contributed donations and with the help of a few assistants he was able to care for homeless
and backward children.

I. 1.a Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence
for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write
your answer on the Answer Sheet.
8 points
A. So it was not long before the firm went bankrupt .
B. He insisted that apart from this they were to be financially self-supporting.
C. They failed completely in their purpose, and in less than a year he was penniless.
D. He achieved contentment.
E. The will , which had been drawn up some years previously , was read to the family.
I 1.b Match the words in bold in the text to their definition given below. There is one
extra definition which you do not need to use. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
4 points
A. 1. an area where there are houses usually built
by the same owner/ company
B. 2.having a large amount of money, land or
valuable things

C. 3. the aim that someone wants to achive, or
that something is intended to achive
D. 4. the process or cost of keeping a building or
piece of land in good condition
E. 5.someone who will receive money, property
or a title when another person dies
I 1.c For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to
the text. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)

1. The younger brother did not quarrel with the others because
a. he disliked arguments
b. he was much younger that they were
c. he was quiet and shy
d. he was not interested in the subject of their quarrels

2. When the brothers went out into the world, the father
a. expected them to be independent
b. gave them the money they wanted
c. gave them money to be independent and then no more
d. saw to it that they had enough for food and accommodation

3. What was the main reason for the second son’s losing his father’s money?
a. his undue optimism
b. his senseless extravagance
c. his incurable laziness
d. his undeserved misfortunes

4. In which of these ways was the money for the orphanage not obtained?
a. the youngest brother’s inheritance
b. with the help of town an county funds
c. the youngest brother’s savings
d. assistance from important people

5. The moral of the story is

a. the proverb “Waste not, want not”
b. that carefulness with money may bring genuine happiness
c. the proverb “A little saved is a little gained”
d. that money saved may prove a worthwhile investment

I. 2 Read the text below to fill in the missing information. On your Answer Sheet, write
only the missing words next to the number indicating each blank space. 12 points

Many stolen paintings have a strange history. But (1) ____________

of the strangest was that of painting by the famous Bruegel.(2) __________
from the Courtauld Institute in London. It had fallen (3) _______________ the hands of four
thieves, who were trying to (4) ___________________ a quick profit. Until they showed the
painting to an art expert, (5) ______,they had no idea how much it was (6) ____________.

I.3. Read the text below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit
in the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them: 11 points


Cockroaches are a form of insect pest, (1) found in people's homes, where they generally eat
(2) waste and food products. Their bodies give off an (3) smell and some people have an (4)
reaction to them. They also sometimes carry bacteria on their bodies that are (5) deadly to
But possibly the most (6) thing about them is how difficult they are to get rid of.
The cockroach is one of nature's most talented (7) and can live for more than one month on
(8) food and water.They are also resistant to many kinds of poison and are even (9) by large
doses of radiation, strong enough to kill most other living things.Probably the best (10) to
dealing with cockroaches is to trap them in specially constructed 'cockroach hotels' whose
inside walls are (11) with a strong, sticky glue.
I. 4. Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet. 15 points
1.They didn’t do it.It is simply impossible.
They ……………………………………..
2.You can’t leave without answering me first.
Unless …………………………………….
3.Please help me with my luggage!
Would you mind ……………………………
4.With a lot of luck, you may win the scholarship.
If you ……………………………………….
5.Somebody had given him that old coin.
He …………………………………………..
PARTEA a II-a (30 de

Read the text below. In one paragraph write your own ending of the story. (8- 10 lines)

She had been married quite a long time, almost 18 years, to a man who, in the last year
or two, had begun to spend most of his time watching TV. When they were first
married, when they were both in graduate school, they had started out with a small
black-and-white. Eventually, after perhaps the 6th year of their marriage, her husband
had agreed to buy a small colored TV. Finally, just two years ago, they had gotten
another TV so that she could watch her favorite shows without having to wait for her
husband to finish watching a football game.

In the last couple of years, time seemed to be moving very fast, seemed almost to be
accelerating, and the more she tried to hold on to it, the less of it there was to hold.
This was a frightening feeling, a feeling she tried over and over to analyze.

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