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 Referencia bibliográfica: Du Toit, C.W.

«Emotion and the affective turn: Towards an integration of cognition

and affect in real life experience.» Theological Studies, 2014: 1-9.

 Palabras clave:

 Los dolientes: (posibles metodologías para el estudio de las emociones)

- “the interaction between emotion and reason (…) Reason is not emotionless and emotion is not always
irrational” (p. 1)

- “What is undeniable is that the factors that evoke emotion and emotional behaviour as such have been
changing throughout history” (p. 1)

- What is an emotion?:

- Alternatives to reductionist models of emotion:

(1) The basic emotion model:

(2) Appraisal model: Role of cognition:
(3) The affective turn:

- “The so-called affective turn takes cognisance of cultural, social, religious and other environmental
factors; this broader approach clarifies the importance of affect’s role in rationality” (p. 1)

 Idea general del texto:

 Ideas, comentarios, preguntas:

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