Research Method

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A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan


This research study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the

Restoration design approach through the integration of healing garden in the proposed
Heart Center Hospital in relation to the recovery of the patients from health disorder
specifically cardiovascular disease. This study was also conducted to give a better
perspective to the importance of nature to the people.

The descriptive survey was the method used in this study. The
questionnaire serves as the principal instrument in gathering the data reinforced by
interview and observation. There were sixty (60) selected respondents who answered
the survey questionnaire. 50% (30) of the respondents are patients (in-patients and
out-patients) with cardiovascular disease and 50% (30) are professionals comprising
16.67% (10) are Architects, 16.67% (10) are Psychologists, 16.67% (10) are Doctors of

As a result, 58 (96.67%) out of 60 of the respondents agreed that nature

contributes in enhancing the recovery of the patients from health disorder specifically
cardiovascular disease, and 54 (90%) also agreed to include healing garden in the
proposed Heart Center Hospital. It is recommended that biophilical approach through
the use of healing garden be included in the design of the proposed Heart Center
Hospital that would improved and enhanced the recovery of the patients.
A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan


This chapter presents the introduction of the research proposal. It
inclusively discusses the following components of study: background and rationale,
statement of the problem, research objectives, hypothesis, significance of the study and
scope and delimitations.


A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan

One of the implications of modern society is that people are becoming

accustomed to their built habitats that they do not notice their deleterious effects, and
as a result, stress has become a chronic issue. It is indeed significant that health care
centers may consider environmental responsive buildingsto promote a healthy and
safety living (Joye, 2007). In the case of hospitals and other healthcare facilities, gardens
function are especially effective and beneficial settings with respect to fostering
restoration for stressed patients, family members, and staff (Ulrich, 1999). Gardens
became less prevalent in hospitals during the early decades of the 1900s, however, as
major advances in medical science caused hospital administrators and architects to
concentrate on creating healthcare buildings that would reduce infection risk and serve
as functionally efficient settings for new medical technology. The strong emphasis on
infection reduction, together with the priority given to functional efficiency, shaped the
design of hundreds of major hospitals internationally -- that are now considered starkly
institutional, unacceptably stressful, and unsuited to the emotional needs of patients,
their families, and even healthcare staff (Ulrich, 1991; Horsburgh, 1995). Despite the
intense stress often caused by illness, pain, and traumatic hospital experiences, little
attention was given to creating environments that would calm patients or otherwise
address emotional needs (Ulrich, 2001). There is the hope that pleasant, user-friendly
facilities will attract patients and improve their healthcare satisfaction (Hutton &
Richardson, 1995).
Biophilic design incorporates Green Building design, but considers that
true sustainability must expand its considerations to include quality of life issues
involving total human physiological and psychological health and well-being (Pollack,
2006). This design is the deliberate attempt to translate affinity into the design of
modern buildings and landscapes, thereby creating places which are instinctively
experienced as restorative, neurologically nourishing and beautifully alive (Pollack,
2006). It is an innovative way of designing the places where occupants can live, work,
and learn. Inspite the need for the nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, building
builders often designed their cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the
A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan

environment and alienate them from nature. The recent trend in green architecture has
decreased the environmental impact of the built environment, but it has accomplished
little in the way of reconnecting to the natural world, the missing piece in the puzzle of
sustainable development. Biophilic Design points the way toward creating healthy and
productive habitats for modern humans (Mutch, September 1999).

As of 2009-2011 statistics, the Provincial Health Office in Pangasinan noted

that heart disease was the top leading causes of mortality in the province of
Pangasinan. Relating this finding to the physical structure of Pangasinan, but
unfortunately, most of them especially those hospitals that are providing medical care
to patients who have problems with their heart seem to have lost their naturalistic
elements-healing and health due to many flaws exist in their current healthcare system.
Consequently, this results to stressful environment for the patients, families and
medical practitioners.

Considering the aforementioned predicaments, a study which sought to

design a Pangasinan Heart Center adopting the biophilical approach through the
integration of natural elements that would help patients for fast recovery was
undertaken. Consequently, it is hoped that the proposed project would also mitigate
the increasing mortality rate cause by heart diseases in the Province.


This study sought to design a proposed Pangasinan Heart Center in Sison,

Pangasinan that promotes a healthy environment through the integration of biophilical

Specifically, this study answered the following specific problems:

1.2.1 What are the psychological implications of nature for patients?

A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan

1.2.2 What are the perceptions of the public on the integration of the
Healing Garden into a Heart Center Hospital?

1.2.3 What are the natural elements integrated in the healing garden of the
proposed Heart Center that enhanced the recovery of the patients?

12.4 What are the architectural design considerations, guidelines and

standards used in designing the Heart Center?


In general, the research study aimed to design a Heart Center that

promotes a healthy environment for patients who are suffering from heart diseases.

Specifically, the study attempted to achieve the following specific objectives:

1.3.1 To identify the psychological implications of nature for patients.

1.3.2 To know the perception of the public on the integration of the healing

into a Heart Center Hospital.

1.3.3 To integrate the natural features in the courtyard of the proposed

Heart Center to enhance the fast recovery of patients.

1.3.4 To determine the architectural design considerations, guidelines and

standards in designing a Heart Center.


The researcher is certain that healing garden in the built-in environment

(courtyard) of the Heart Center contributes in enhancing the recovery of the patients.
A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan

Thus, it is ideal and effective to integrate the biophilical approach in the design of the
proposed Heart Center in Sison, Pangasinan.


The output of this study will be beneficial to the following sectors:


- This study will awaken the awareness of the public with regard to heart

- The public will be conversant on the importance and functions of nature to

built -in environment.


- This study will be likewise helpful to the province of Pangasinan to address

and lessen the rate of mortality that mostly causes by heart diseases.

- It will provide new job opportunities in the province of Pangasinan as well

as to its neighbouring provinces.


- This study will serve as a basis on architectural researches that have a focal
point on the design of Heart Center.
A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan



This study covered the psychological implications of nature for

patients. In similar manner, it assesed the effectiveness of the integration of
the healing garden in the built-in environment of the proposed Heart Center.


This study focused on the design considerations, guidelines as

well as the standard requirements of the facilities for the Heart Center and
other prominent related codes.
A Proposed Cemetery Chapel Restoration in Asingan ,Pangasinan

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