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everyone love chocolate.

The sweet chocolate flavor mixed with bitter that has creamy thick
texture. If you open the chocolate and put in your mouth you can feel it melt on the tongue
leaving a smooth taste. The unique receptor on the tongue are aware of this change in texture and
translate it into good taste. But behind the chocolate can also cause damage to the teeth and make
it difficult to sleep because the caffeine is quite a lot.

1. the topic of paragraph is Chocolate

2. the controlling idea of paragaph is everyone love chocolate

3. Themain idea of paragraph is impack of the chocolate

4) Do your paragraphs have transitions?What are theyand what are the function ?

There(But behind the chocolate can also cause damage to the teeth and make it difficult to
sleep because the caffeine is quite a lot.

5) Do your paragraphs have a concluding sentence? If so what are they ?


6) How many simple sentence, complex sentences, compound sentence and compound-
complex senetences are in your paragraphs?what are they ?

simple sentences :

everyone love chocolate.

complex sentences :

The sweet chocolate flavor mixed with bitter that has creamy thick texture

7) Articles (a, an, the)

8) Modal verb

9) Is there any conditional sentence in your paragraphs? Please mention! if he's only there
when we are happy, and disappears when we need

If you open the chocolate and put in your mouth...”

10) Please write the sentences that consist of relative pronoun in your paragraphs! Friend
is one who is always present in our lives

“The sweet chocolate flavor mixed with bitter that has creamy thick texture”

11) Do you have any direct or direct speech in your paragraphs ? what they are?

no. haven't direct or direct speechin this paragraph

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