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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region | iy SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOCOS SUR Bantay, llocos Sur September 9, 2019 Division Memorandum No. 304 _, 8.2019 ADDENDUM TO DIVISON MEMORAMDUM NO. 283 s. 2019 RE. DIVISION ORIENTATION ON ‘THE USE OF THE MULTIFACTORED ASSESMENT TOOL (MFAT) AND PEDAGOGIES IN ‘TEACHING BEGINNING READING To: OIC-ASDS Chief Education Supervisors Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary & Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 4. The venue of the Division Orientation on the Use of the Multifactored Assessment Tool (MFAT) and Pedagogies in Teaching Beginning Reading to be held on September 16-17, 2019 will be at Hotelinda Suites, Vigan City. 2. Each participant shall pay a registration fee of Eight Hundred Fifty Pesos (P850.00) to cover expenses on meals (Lunch & AM/PM snacks), venue and training supplies and materials which will be charged against school MOOE/school local fund. Deadline of payment shall be on or before September 14, 2019 (Attention: Cash Unit) Likewise, travel expenses shall be charged against school MOE/local funds subject to the usual auditing and accounting rules and regulations. 3. Participants are expected to be at the training venue on September 16, 2019 before 7:30 AM for the registration and Opening Program. 4. Administrative remedies shall be undertaken to the classes left behind by the teacher- participants. ono haces sep 00 1 ema Ker! aaah cia a trdovduy, CESOV coh jools Division Superintendent 5. For information. To be included in the perpetual indox under the following subject: oo ASSESMENT BEGINNING READING ORIENTATION cue coDe: 0045-c0.m OF 08 _ remo rrecrnnry ATE 9902018 cama en tte ME nr Mra 77 Bec Dawe “SMILE AND SERVE WITH A HAPPY HEART”

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