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WW II Study Guide

1. Joseph Stalin
2. Benito Mussolini
3. Adolph Hitler
4. Hideki Tojo
5. Emperor Hirohito
6. Francisco Franco
7. George Patton
8. George Marshall
9. FDR
10. Dwight Eisenhower
11. Douglas MacArthur
12. Harry S Truman
13. A. Philip Randolph
14. Countries involved in WW II
15. Battle of Britain
16. Neville Chamberlin
17. Winston Churchill
18. Charles de Gaulle
19. Nonaggression Pact
20. Luftwaffe
21. Blitzkrieg
22. Draft
23. allies
24. axis powers
25. Dunkirk
26. Trade embargo
27. Atlantic Charter
28. Cash and carry
29. Lend lease act
30. Genocide
31. Holocaust
32. Women’s Auxilary Army Corps
33. Rationing
34. Manhattan Project
35. War Production Board (WPB) and Development
36. Selective Service System
37. Office of Price Administration
38. Office of Scientific Research
39. D-Day
40. Aachen
41. V-E Day
42. Majdanek
43. Operation Torch
44. Battle of the Bulge
45. Battle of Stalingrad
46. Battle of the Atlantic
47. Battle of Midway
48. Atomic Bomb
49. Yalta Conference
50. Nuremberg Trials
51. “Zoot Suit” riots
52. GI Bill of Rights
53. CORE leader
54. Korematsu v. U.S.

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