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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the respected guest

respected teachers and my charming beautiful and smart friends.

Let me introduce myself. My name is……………………………………………from the

PPKI or special education students. I am honour to be given an opportunity
to stand here in this stage to deliver my speech

Dear special guests and friends, I am standing here today to continue our
ETA’ s showcase activity by delivering my simple speech. Today, I am not
going to talk about the environment, drugs, weather or politics or even
about the world wide issues.

But today in this beautiful day, I am going to talk about “How the ETA’ s
Programme impact us as students

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me talk about What ETA’ s are about? Well, as we all know ETA’ s
stand for English Teaching Assistant. These group of teachers were posted
in areas far from town

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