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Stratford International School

J. Catolico Ave. Lagao, General Santos City

2nd Grading Examination (Media and Information Literacy)

Name: _______________________________ Strand/Section: __________________ Date: ________ Score: ______

TEST II: IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is asked for in each item. Write your answer on the space provided before the
statement. (2 pts each))

1. _________________________It is that which informs, that which enables us to know.

2. _________________________The set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed, and how to
locate, evaluate, and use it effectively.

3. _________________________It is a vast chain of computer networks in which anyone who has access to a computer can
publish their documents.

4. _________________________The three-letter code preceded by a dot (.)

5. _________________________These are well-researched articles found mostly in academic journals and published for the
specialists of a specific field.

6. _________________________This format include materials that have been photographed and their images developed in
reduce-size film strips and which are viewed using machines with magnifying lenses.

7. _________________________A system of signs and symbolic meanings embedded in a media and information text.

8. _________________________The ways in which media represents reality.

9. _________________________The established and socially accepted ways of doing things.

10. ________________________A system of classification of works of art, based on established conventions.

11. ________________________The capacities of the human mind aided by technology enable the process of media and
information messages.

12. ________________________The study of signs.

13. ________________________Which means there is a kind of symbolic work that can be found in media texts.

14. ________________________A view of a situation or setting from a distance.

15. ________________________A view of a figure’s entire body in order to show action.

16. ________________________Shows a subject down to his or her chest or waist.

17. ________________________Often used at the beginning of a scene to indicate the location or setting.

18. ________________________Short shot of a character’s response to an action.

19. ________________________A shot from the opposite perspective, after an over-the-shoulder shot.

20. ________________________Shows people or objects from above, higher than eye level.

21. ________________________ stories that have critical importance to community and national life.

22. ________________________Trained people who report news to an audience in an objective, comprehensive and bias-free.

23. ________________________Means topics or issues that are critical to the lives of the community and the body politics.

24. ________________________Acceptable structure of the news story that is told objectively.

25. ________________________One of the guiding principles in covering and presenting news stories.

26. ________________________A device that incorporates text in the television screen.

27. ________________________Stories that the human interest angle is played up and presented in a longer and elaborated

28. ________________________Reflect the views of the writer or stand of one organization other than the media institution.

29. ________________________It expresses the editorial committee’s stand on a very specific issue or specific person or

30. ________________________Pioneered the sub-genre of investigative reporting in the Philippines.

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