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Ankit Singh

In 10-15 years time, you want to reach some leadership position and capacity. What sort
of leader do you see yourself being and want to be in your vision?

Write this as part of LDP- Leadership Development Plan

The purpose of this Leadership development plan to develop my leadership skills and
competencies as well as strengths and weaknesses. In addition, this leadership analysis allows
for the considering my future leadership goal and development.
2. Personal Analysis
According to the trait theory of leadership, effective leaders should possess a wide range of
physiological, demographic, intellective and task-related characteristics . Successful leaders
have interests, personality traits and abilities, which are different from those of the less
effective leaders. In my opinion, I possess certain skills and qualities, which can allow me to
become a good leader in the future. For example, my communication skills are well-
developed. I can effectively communicate with both individuals and groups and express myself
in a clear manner without engendering murkiness or confusion. At the same time, I must say
that the lack of experience as a leader may limit my ability to effectively and clearly formulate
directions for the company’s employees. Self-confidence as one of the most important traits of
a successful leader. I can take risky decisions and accomplish complex tasks. Nevertheless, I
totally accept responsibility for these decisions and their potential failure to achieve the initial

Type of leadership :
Transformational leadership: Similar to charismatic leaders, transformational leaders use
their inspiring energy and personality to create an infectious workplace. This type of leadership
is suitable for me . As often more effective than charismatic leadership, as it also motivates
teams to build confidence and accountability. It can be effective in organizations that have
intellectual team members who thrive in interactive environments.

My analytical and conceptuality skills are also well-developed as I am able to visualise,

articulate and solve complex problems and work effectively under pressure. I totally understand
that the business world of today is fast-changing .That is why, I am trying to be as flexible in
the workplace as possible. As a leader, I accept whatever changes come their way and take my
leadership decisions in the light of these changes.. I must admit, however, that I am
experiencing certain difficulties with the strategic planning process. My understanding of
the planning process is still too limited to allow me to become an effective leader. My
experience in leading and managing others is not considerable, which, in my opinion, is the
main reason for the previously noted weakness.
Strengths : Communication, Self Confidence
Weakness; Not planned
Opportunities: To develop the analytical and interpersonal skills
Threats: Inability to achieve work life balance

Based on the personal assessment above, I can say that the development of my skills and
qualities in formulating directions for subordinates and in the planning process are the main
opportunities provided by the leadership development programme. At the same time, it may be
difficult to maintain a reasonable work-life balance during my academic studies. I have also
inability to maintain this balance can result in negative attitudes (e.g. anxiety and anger) and
ultimately lead to burnout.

3. Objectives for Personal Development

The objectives for my personal development are formulated with the help of the SMART
criteria, which imply that objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and
time bound . These objectives are presented as follows.

1. To further develop my skills and qualities during my working in formulating the

directions for subordinates by the end of December 2020
2. To contribute to my ability to set a vision for my company/department and realise this
vision through achievable objectives by the end of January 2021.
3. To widen my understanding of leadership by the end of December 2021.

4. Action Plan
The action plan, which contains the development goals, actions, success measures and schedule
goals, is presented by means of the following table.

Objective Action Success measures Target

Develop my Design task for  Completing the June 2020
skills in subordinates assessment
formulating the
Taking Feedback from
drections for
subordinates in  Formal Appraisal of
my company the workforce based
on performance

To contribute New products launched in  Sales growth December

to top authority the market which would  Profitability increase 2020
and company directly benefit the
vision company and its stake
holders  Increase in market

To widen my Understanding the own New opportunity to create January

understanding style of the working and impact 2021
the leadership continuing with the legacy
for further leader to take
my role

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