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Comcast Olympic Ad
February 11, 2020

Interviewer: [Pause] Hi, Sean. Good morning.

Respondent: Hello, good morning, Kristen.

Interviewer: How are you?

Respondent: I’m okay.

Interviewer: [Crosstalk] Do you want to put the phone on speaker?

Respondent: Yes, I’ll do that.

Interviewer: Just so it’s easier for you, that looks uncomfortable.

Respondent: You’re right. Can you hear me, Kristen?

Interviewer: I can hear you just fine.

Respondent: Good.

Interviewer: Are you just getting over the flu?

Respondent: Yes.

Interviewer: How terrible. How long did you have it? | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: I was sick for about a week and a half. I’m good now though. I just have to go
through a little discomfort.

Interviewer: It’s terrible. When it hits you, it just hits you.

Respondent: I’ve had the flu shot also so I didn’t expect getting the flu.

Interviewer: The B-strain apparently is the more common strain this year and it’s not as
representative in a shot.

Respondent: Okay.

Interviewer: That’s why it’s hitting people even if you got the shot. I got the shot and then, I
heard that that’s why people with the shot were still getting sick but it would have
been worse if you didn’t get the shot but it’s still terrible. [Crosstalk]

Respondent: I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.

Interviewer: I said I’m so sorry that happened to you.

Respondent: Thank you.

Interviewer: I don’t know if you’ve done market research before. Have you?

Respondent: Never in this type of setting.

Interviewer: Essentially, I’m a moderator and a researcher. I work for a company that does this
for a variety of clients. We are an unbiased third party evaluator. That means that
we don’t work for the company that’s being advertised and we don’t work for the
company that created the ad. Our main job is to gather feedback and insights and
provide that to those and the client. To that end, you have to feel free to be really
honest. You’re not going to hurt my feelings. It actually hurts me more if you are if
you are really directing your answers and being opinionated helps and saying
whether you like something or don’t like something. It’s also very helpful if you can
expand on why you may or may not like something, something that’s more unique
to your preferences or how you choose to engage in certain activities and whether
this ad speaks to you. We’re going to be looking at four ads today. They are
television commercial ads and they’re not finalized but they’re close to completion
enough for us to evaluate. I will be recording this. That’s simply so that when we | | 888-223-9488

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have this conversation, we can just talk and I don’t have to worry about taking
notes and trying to capture everything you’re saying and so that I can have a source
that I can go back to to write the report. Your identity is confidential and
anonymous in the sense that we don’t have a last name. We don’t have any
information where we could identify you and that’s just so that you feel free to
share your opinions and when I write this report, I use extracted information with
the demographics that I’m not going to say “Sean, he just got over the flu and
hates it.” There’s never going to be anything that ties back to you directly. We
have some participants that are listening in and maybe watching. They don’t join in
our conversation at all. The one thing that might happen is I have a text box at the
bottom of my screen. They could send me a message asking me to ask a follow-up
question or to see what you think about something that they might want your
specific opinion about. At the very end, I’ll say “Does anybody have any other
questions?” That would be to them so that you’re not wondering who I’m talking to
and we might have to pause for a minute and see if anybody types in. Otherwise, I
suggest you do as I do which is forget they’re there and we’ll just talk to each

Respondent: I’m comfortable in this setting. It’s cool. For me being here and I have no idea
where you’re at, it’s cool.

Interviewer: I can tell you, generally, I’m in the Hudson Valley in New York. We’ll start off by
just chatting a little bit about ourselves. I am in the Hudson Valley in New York. I
work in market research as you know. I am a Mom with two kids, a girl and a boy
and I have two dogs, also a girl and a boy. I picked this place to live because I like
hiking and kayaking and I also like fancy food so there’s a lot of food places up here
but then, I’m close enough to New York that I can get there for a lot of the cultural
stuff too. That’s a little bit about me. Can you tell me a little bit about you?

Respondent: I live in Delaware. I’m sure that you may have heard of Delaware before.

Interviewer: I have. It’s a small state but it is one of the states there so [Unintelligible]

Respondent: We have some nice beaches.

Interviewer: Yes, I’ve been to Bethany Beach.

Respondent: Okay. | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: I did get a house there.

Respondent: I live in Delaware. I’m single. I have two children. I just celebrated a birthday,
February 7, and I’m 42.

Interviewer: Happy birthday.

Respondent: Thank you. I don’t have any wonderful story to tell you.

Interviewer: That’s okay. That’s perfect. I’m sad that you were sick for your birthday.

Respondent: I’m sorry?

Interviewer: I said I’m sorry you were sick for your birthday.

Respondent: You’ve got to go through it sometimes and it just happened to hit me.

Interviewer: Sean, what I’m going to do is watch four ads and then, we’ll have a little discussion
about each ad. We’re going to talk about what your overall impression, whether
you found them engaging or interesting. I’ll ask you a little bit about what you
thought the main messages were and if there were products that were described, if
that was clear to you and then, generally, if it motivates you to take any action at
all. We’ll have that chat about each ad and then, at the end, we’ll discuss which
one you like the most and then, rank them to which one you like the least and talk
about why.

Respondent: Okay.

Interviewer: That’s about it. Let’s get started. Also, let me know if you have any audio or visual
problems watching it.

Respondent: I will. Sorry about that. [Video Presentation]

Interviewer: What did you think about that one? What was the main idea?

Respondent: I’m going to say the main idea was focused definitely on Xfinity and what they
offer. A lot of people were happy in that. I liked that overall but I guess it was just
telling you about Xfinity’s internet. In my screen, I see the price of it, $30.00 a
month for 12 months. It’s actually a good deal. | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: That’s for internet service.

Respondent: Yes.

Interviewer: You said a lot of people seemed happy. What do you think they were happy about?

Respondent: It’s hard to say. I would say maybe the speed of the internet. The ad seemed about
[Unintelligible] when the basketball scene, it cuts through the people in the house
using the internet.

Interviewer: Is that something you’ve experienced, having multiple users? Do you have different
parts to your house that are better for service than others?

Respondent: Generally, I [Unintelligible] chat everywhere. I haven’t really had a problem with
different places in the home with different reception.

Interviewer: Number of users isn’t something that matters either?

Respondent: If I’m having people over, I would like to know that they could use the internet in
my house and wouldn’t have to worry about a slowdown or something because of
two or three people online that talks.

Interviewer: Who is your current provider of internet service?

Respondent: My current provider is Xfinity.

Interviewer: Oh, it is Xfinity.

Respondent: Hold on. No, I’m with Comcast. I don’t have Xfinity.

Interviewer: Actually, I know the same interviewing the first for Comcast.

Respondent: I don’t know.

Interviewer: I have you down as somebody who’s not an existing customer. Was that a recent

Respondent: Can you say that again please? | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: I have you down as someone who is not an existing customer. Did you switch to
Xfinity fairly recently?

Respondent: Actually, I just recently moved and that’s what was in the home so I am not a
customer. I don’t have a bill that I pay [in my knee].

Interviewer: Were you happy to find out that you had Xfinity? Did you have a different provider
before this?

Respondent: I guess it didn’t really matter what company it was. I wanted to know that at least
we had some type of provider but I just take care of that myself.

Interviewer: So you weren’t the decision maker. You just happen to be there. Why don’t we
look at this interview though as if you have to make a choice in the future and if
any of these things that we’re going to watch today would motivate you to choose
Xfinity? Does that make sense?

Respondent: Yes, it makes sense.

Interviewer: Okay, we’ll frame it that way. Did you notice any aspects of the Olympics in that
first ad?

Respondent: What was that?

Interviewer: Did you notice anything about the Olympics?

Respondent: The Olympics?

Interviewer: Yes.

Respondent: No, I don’t think I did.

Interviewer: Let’s watch the next one.

Respondent: Okay. [Video Presentation] I like the commercial. It was nice.

Interviewer: What did you like about it, Sean? | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: I like that it is fast. I want to think that the speed of the internet is as fast as the
runner. The Olympic athlete is elite and fast so I think that that’s the message. It
was to translate into the speed of your internet and it seemed like a house full of
people watching the Olympic athlete. They seemed to be using their phones and
tablets. Everybody seemed to be online and nobody was displaying any type of
anger over slow speeds. It would make me think that I’m going with a company
that I don’t have to worry about any slowdown.

Interviewer: Is that something that’s meaningful to you? Do you do things like gaming or
anything like that where that might be important?

Respondent: Definitely.

Interviewer: What about the idea of gig feed? Is that something you’ve ever heard of before?

Respondent: Could you say that one more time?

Interviewer: Gig feed, something that’s like gig versus another metric?

Respondent: I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard what that was. There used to be main speed. No,
I’ve never heard that before, length speed.

Interviewer: Gig, like gigabytes?

Respondent: Can you say that one more time? Kristen, I’m sorry.

Interviewer: That’s okay. It’s gig like gigabytes?

Respondent: Gigabyte, I’m familiar with that.

Interviewer: Yes, gig feed is what I’m saying.

Respondent: Okay, the gigabytes feed.

Interviewer: What about the Olympics? Did that tie into this more?

Respondent: Yes, it started off with Olympic athletes. At the very beginning with the
commercial, that’s what I heard was Olympic athlete. I can’t really remember her
name but, yes, I definitely heard or – | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: Do you watch the Olympics?

Respondent: Yes, I do.

Interviewer: Did you know that it’s coming this summer in Tokyo?

Respondent: I knew this year that the Olympics was coming but I actually didn’t know that it
was in Tokyo?

Interviewer: Is it something that you always planned to view when you know they’re going to be

Respondent: Yes, I know that the Olympics is on pretty much when I arrive and get a chance to
watch TV, I’m watching whatever is on whether it would be boxing and rowing. I
like to cheer my country on.

Interviewer: That’s great to know. As somebody who might face a choice in internet service
providers, was the information that was shown in this ad something that would
factor into your future decision?

Respondent: I honestly would probably remember the ad as I was inquiring about maybe
becoming a [cost a lot]. The ad would stick with me.

Interviewer: Cool, I’m going to show you the next one. [Video Presentation]

Respondent: I got a lot more information in that one.

Interviewer: What did you get?

Respondent: I’ve seen varied Olympic athletes, basketball and running. I’ve just seen different
faces and, overall, the commercial told me something I didn’t know that I could
just speak into the remote control for any Olympic event and that’s pretty cool. I’d
like that, to be able to watch any event.

Interviewer: Is that something in the past, when you’ve watched the Olympics, frustrating to
not find what you’re looking for or not know when it’s on?

Respondent: Definitely, I may not know the schedule of what is coming on. I just happen to turn
the TV on and I might catch – for example, I like boxing but I really don’t know | | 888-223-9488

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when it may come on. Not only that, it may come on 3:00 in the morning here in
America given the time difference from here to Tokyo but I’m going to just watch
it by that simple fact that I mentioned it to the remote control and it pulled right
up. I really like that. At least, that’s the way it looked to me.

Interviewer: Yes, I think you’re correct. I think that’s how it works. What about the amount of
viewing time? Did it come across that they’re going to have all the events covered?

Respondent: Yes, it might even have me watch different events that I’ve never watched before.

Interviewer: Did it seem like a viewing experience that would be unique to Xfinity?

Respondent: Yes, I don’t see any other commercials like this one, not even anywhere in this
league. I’ve always found the commercials for Xfinity pretty good, colorful –

Interviewer: What about – I’m sorry. Go ahead.

Respondent: I was just going to say colorful with one word that talked to me. The colors were
vibrant in the video. That just stuck with me.

Interviewer: Would it be something that you could picture yourself in anticipation of the
Olympics going and doing some research about getting these services so that it
would improve your viewing experience?

Respondent: I would.

Interviewer: They mentioned something about customer service in there. Is that something
that’s meaningful to you?

Respondent: If I ever needed to speak to customer service, I would like to know that I had a
direct line to Xfinity if I needed anything.

Interviewer: That sounds to me you noticed in that ad.

Respondent: No.

Interviewer: That’s fine. That’s good to know that. Let’s go to the next one.

Respondent: Okay. [Video Presentation]

Interviewer: What do you think of that one, Sean? | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: I would say out of all the commercials, this one here would probably be the least
[Unintelligible] one. Give me information about a sport that I didn’t know was in
the Olympics and I guess it showed me another Olympic athlete, I think Willoughby
was the latest thing. It didn’t really tell me anything. I don’t know. I guess if I had
to choose, this one would be the least exciting one.

Interviewer: Can you say why?

Respondent: I don’t know. It just makes me feel like it’s an average commercial.

Interviewer: Okay.

Respondent: It didn’t really seem to be for Xfinity going by their other commercials. This one
here, I just didn’t like it.

Interviewer: Were they offering different products or features in this one? Did you notice?

Respondent: No, I didn’t see anything new. I’ve seen the Olympic athlete and I’ve seen a son
and a mother who looked like they were ready to watch the Olympics but nothing
stood out like anything new.

Interviewer: What were the features that they were advertising? Was it the same as one we’ve
seen before in the ads?

Respondent: The pictures don’t really give me enough information or made it stand out to me.

Interviewer: It sounds like it didn’t really tell the story to help you understand what they were
trying to say.

Respondent: Not at all, it was a short commercial. If it could just have been extended maybe 10
or 15 more seconds and explained and told me something that I didn’t know, then I
think this would be a good commercial versus how it is now.

Interviewer: Do you want to watch? I was going to have you rank them in what you like the most
and what you like the least. I can replay anyone that you want or do you have it
fresh in your mind about which one you like the most?

Respondent: I do actually. It would be the second one. | | 888-223-9488

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Interviewer: The one with the track runner?

Respondent: Yes.

Interviewer: Or the one with all the different – Why don’t I replay it so I could see?

Respondent: Can I see that one please?

Interviewer: Which one, the one with all the different –

Respondent: The person that’s running, thank you.

Interviewer: Again, this is the second one. [Video Presentation]

Respondent: Yes, it was nice to be able to see it again. I actually heard some things that I didn’t
hear when I first saw the commercial like the gig speed. That’s something that
Xfinity has where they can keep the speed no matter how many people because it
looks like everybody is on their cell phone watching it and I’m going to count at
least nine people and maybe 10. If there are 10 people in there watching the
Olympics on their phone, this gig speed is pretty good.

Interviewer: Do you want to run the first one again? Because the first one had all the different
people using the Wifi in the house and then, there is this one. [Video Presentation]

Respondent: Yes, this was definitely the best commercial if I had to rank them. I’m ready. Yes, I
like this one the best.

Interviewer: [Laughter] Sean, you’re ready for the Olympics?

Respondent: Yes, this commercial definitely was the best one. It gave me a lot of information
and I got to see the different Olympic athletes. I know their background. I was on
watching them. If I’m watching, let’s say, track and there is an American that
wins, I may not know their name or nothing about them and it’s nice when they tell
you about them because I guess they’re all amateur status so their names don’t
really ring a bell but you might have the next Usain Bolt in the Olympics this year. I
like to see the fresh faces of Olympic athletes.

Interviewer: So this sounds like it was a combination that got you excited about what you think
of as being the Olympics but also conveyed a lot of information. | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: Yes, it made me want to watch the Olympics when it comes on.

Interviewer: Does it make you feel anything about Xfinity?

Respondent: Yes, Xfinity would be a company that could provide internet, TV and voice at
$80.00 a month. I think if that’s a fair price, I would be okay with that internet, TV
and voice.

Interviewer: What about the combination of Xfinity and the Olympics?

Respondent: I think it’s a good thing. It’s an honor to be able to show the Olympics and I think
Xfinity is up to the task to bring the Olympics to our TV so we can watch the sports
that we like.

Interviewer: Did it make sense to you that they’re an Olympic partner?

Respondent: Say that again?

Interviewer: Did it make sense to you that they’re an Olympic partner?

Respondent: Yes, it made a lot of sense.

Interviewer: Okay.

Respondent: I think it’s a good - [Crosstalk]

Interviewer: What were you saying?

Respondent: I think it’s a good partnership.

Interviewer: Why is that?

Respondent: From what I know of Xfinity, being the good company that they are already, it just
enhances their image at least with me knowing that they’re the provider of the
Olympics. As I’ve said, it’s an honor to be the main company that’s able to bring
the Olympics to watch.

Interviewer: I think there are other companies that are going to be broadcasting it as well. It
just seems like Xfinity is going to offer some of these enhanced viewing features. | | 888-223-9488

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Respondent: Like I mentioned before, the fact that you can take the remote control and just
watch whatever sports that you want, that right there is enough to make me think
about going with this company if I had to choose a provider.

Interviewer: That’s great. We talked about that last ad with the montage of the sports was your
favorite and then, you liked the speed one, the second with the track runner?

Respondent: Yes.

Interviewer: The two that were left are the BMX and the one where they have all the different
people using the Wifi. Of those two, how would you rank them?

Respondent: The Wifi.

Interviewer: Why was that?

Respondent: I just think it would better fit my needs, the Wifi versus the other one that you

Interviewer: It felt more relevant to you in what you’re looking for?

Respondent: Yes.

Interviewer: Sean, I’m going to see if there are any more questions for you.

Respondent: No more questions?

Interviewer: I’m going to see if anyone has any additional questions for you. Remember, I talked
about –

Respondent: Yes. [Pause]

Interviewer: No other questions, thank you so much for taking the time today and I hope you
feel better soon.

Respondent: Thank you very much, Kristen. Nice meeting you.

Interviewer: Nice to meet you too. Take care.

Respondent: Thank you. Have a good night. | | 888-223-9488

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- End of Recording - | | 888-223-9488

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