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Junk food (Agisna)

You know that junk food is unhealthy?

We need food to suply us with nutrients. Nutrients which are used to build our body and fuel
Anybody knows why cant junk food do that for us?
Because junk food doesnt have enough nutrients in it. It does not give you energy to play or
stay strong.
If you
And anybody knows why drinking soft drink is not good for heathy?
Because soft drinks contain higher sugar, which cause the tooth to decay.
So why do we feel so weak after eating some many chocolates?
Because sugar weakness the immune system, which can cause weakness and lost energy.

2. Healthy Eating (Indra)

What do you think it means to be healthy?lots of different things affect how healthy
we are.including we eat and how active we are.we know that all living things need food to
saty alive

Have you ever wondered why this is

Can you think of a time you left hungry?

How did it make you feel,perhaps your tummy left tired or grumpy or maybe
you found it hard to concertrate.why do you think we feel this way when we’re hungry? Well
just like a car needs fuel to make the engine work propely,our bodiesw neede food to be able
to work properly as well.

Today we’re going to investigate what it means to eat 4 balanced diet and why eating
a range of different food is good for us.

3. What is a balanced diet? (Adria)

Do you think it would be healthy to only ever eat chocolate.

What about if you only ever ate carrots?

It’s very important that we eat a variety of foods and we’re going to find out
contains something called nutrients. We’ll be learning all about nutrient such as
protiens,carbohydrate,vitamins and minerals. Eating a healthy diet means that the food we eat
gives our bodis all of the nutrients they need to work well as giving us lots of
energy to learn play and grow.keeping us full of beans for a morning fiil night.

4. The Food Pyramid (Hera)

Healthy foods are fundamental for our existence. We need to learn about the food pyramid
and follow it’s step here it is.

The first step on the pyramid the smallest one is the one about fats and sweets; it is the
worst one. Must eat very little or nothing from this step. Pastines and sweeties are delicious
but they contain a high number of calories which are very bad for our body they make is

Second step is formed by meat, fish and egg. It is very important to very disputes. We
should eat more fish and egg than meat.

5. Third steps is dairy. This group consist of milk, cheese, and butter. We must eat
these foods from 1 to 3 times a day (Dea)

Four steps is very important because it evolves around fruits and vegetables. This
foods fill our bodies with vitamin and mineral and allow us to stay in shape and be strong.
Doctors recomend to ease 5 times a day.

The base of the pyramid or the fifth steps in the group of the carbohydrates here you
find cereals, breads, pasta, rice, and potatos. There are also very important so we must eat
theme daily.

6. The Important Of Healthy Food (Andhara)

Dave loved eating chocolates pizza’s, burger’s, and everything else that was call
“junk”. He ate junk food for every day meal of the day. “honey it’s fine to have all of this one
in a while, but you must eat healthy food like vegetables, cereals, breads, fruits, chicken, fish
etc”. Dave just keep ignoring any advice. One day his mom decided she won’t cook food for
dave. She told him feed him self. He ordered pizzas, burgers and chinese. Having freedom to
eat anything made him extremely happy. Everyday dave would go out and eat chocolates,
chips and all sorts of street and junk food.

7. Gradually, however he realised that he wasn’t enjoying outside food as much as he

did before. He started to feel sick and lazy and decided to go to a doctor. When dave
put on his shirt all of this shirt’s buttons popped out. What? My shirt has shrunk!.
Next he tried to put on his pants but they too didn’t fit him to any more. Dave tried to
fit into all of clothes. But every shirt popped and every pants ripped. All of my clothes
havae shrunk! What do i do now? He began to cry and felt confused. Dave decided to
strave him self to lose weight but whenever he felt hungry he lost control and ended
up eating junk food again. Soon, he bacame bigger and it became difficult for him to
walk. He felt lazy all the time. (Putri)
8. At the school everyone began to call him fatty, which made him sad. One day he went
to mom and told her everything. I told you to eat so much junk food and now look at
what it has done to you. But what should i do now? Control! The best way to stay
healthy is to have healthy food. You can enjoy your favorite food once in a while, but
have a balanced diet. Exercise regularly, have fresh fruits and vegetables and drink
lots of water. Dave felt encouraged. He began eating vegetables and fruits. He
exercise daily and once in a while he would treat himself with a small burger or fries.
Soon he was back into normal shape. Nobody made fun of him at school. His mom
felt proud of him. (Azis)

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