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Background About Reg Bryson

II. Law of Fascination

- It has a “Me too” kind of thinking (seeking to relate)
- It needs a more positive and proactive attitude toward advertising
- Consumers purchase a variety of brands that they think are similar than
- The advertising industry may have been wrongly convinced of exactly what
advertising is capable of.
- The Strong Theory – that advertising is indeed persuasive
- The Weak Theory – that advertising’s key role is one of reinforcement or
- More commonly held theory is the “​weak force​” rationalist’s view that
advertising’s primary role is that of ​maintaining or reinforcing a brand’s salience
among consumers​.
- “We are told that advertising is, at best, a supporter of other, more direct
marketing activities and a reinforcer of existing attitudes, values and
- Brand loyalty is most markets is an inaccurate statement
- “Brands, the cornerstone concept of modern advertising practice, have reached a
crisis of commodification – no differentiation, no loyalty and no impact”.
- Too many of today’s advertisers seem content to simply follow the crowd.

*to be simplified sa ppt

Convergence Theory (weak theory​)

- Advertising' key role is one of reinforcement & reminder
- Most common form of advertising today
- Passive approach, few consumers are converted
- The extent and serious effect this commercially crippling convergence force actually has
on a corporation is not widely known.
- Creative advertising is becoming an oxymoron
- “Me too” strategies rarely work
- Advantage does not come from imitation
- The trend toward “same sameness” is having a profoundly depressing effect on
advertising worldwide.
What happened to Differentiation
- Consumers see brands as being in more or less, the same category
- Consistency and Credentials < Creativity
- There is a higher need for recognition and awareness than consumer interest and
- Differentiation remains a critical part of marketing
- Convergence, not Differentiation is used as a defining force

Brand Parity has Become, Through Bland Advertising, Bland Parity

- Brands are becoming generic
- Creativity is now about the packaging and the process and not really all about
uniqueness and creating a standout aspect or differentiation

The Dangers of Safety

- Safe brand ideas or advertising is actually dangerous because it tricks the company into
thinking that it will work for them.
- Brand names or advertising ideas that merely fit are, in practice, lost in a
crowded/cluttered environment
- Agencies must seek to reward the consumer and be unique among the crowded world of
advertising instead of settling for merely satisfying the client
- “Safety” actually does more harm than good

Why Advertising is Your Most Potent Weapon

a. Advertising Situation
- Advertising that disturbs the status quo in the market is incredibly rare
- The role of advertising is achieved through creativity
- However, companies prefer to “fit in” (satisfy) than “be famous” (try to be
- The mindset of “Good is the enemy of Great” has already lost to mindsets like
“Close enough is Good Enough” and “Quick enough is better”
- There has not been enough support for what advertising can really do: it is
something potent, powerful and persuasive enough to transform a business
b. . True believers of Advertising: “The weak approach in this day and age is nothing short
of commercial stupidity”
- Doing something forgettable is unforgettable
- It is able to change attitudes and behaviour. It does not merely influence sales,
but is able to create them
- It must be an active weapon (it must have an effect)
- A company will be seen as how they advertise (if they advertise blandly, then the
company is bland.)
c. When well-used:
- Advertising can be the legal means of gaining the upper hand (vastly) over
- “A successful campaign does not have to be big in sales. It has to be likeable and
entertaining.” ( -JP Jones)

Conquest Theory (strong theory)

- advertising that is persuasive
- Requires brand separation
- Doesn’t focus on brand competitiveness
- Brand distancing - creating space around a brand
- this approach aims to create a CLEVER advertisement
- It does not target the brand's competitors, but rather it aims to be talked about by the
- Works around the context that "People appreciate cleverness"
- Clever ad = clever product & company
- Costs much less than dull convergence advertising; FINESSE not FORCE. KNOCKOUT

- Differentiation is critical and it works!
- It is no longer enough for a brand to be the symbol of "quality, value, familiarity,
confidence, reassurance and integrity"
- Consumers feels different and like brands that have great ads
- Brand knowledge accumulates as memories and needs to be refreshed with new content
- Brands hold an emotional attachment

- Aims to affect the consumers decision making rather than the cognition
- Affective memory = feelings and emotions // Cognition = knowledge and awareness

- Consumers relationship with product is developed
- Build relationships with the product instead of selling the product in a clever, honest,
fascinating and more likably appealing way.
- Conquest advertisement help the buyers buy rather than simply helping the sellers sell
- Creativity is your weapon, be fascinating

III. Examples
- Car ads in magazines: Many different models with similar ads. There are
so many different brands and models that the other ads located on the
bottom parts of the pages are rarely read or seen.

IV. Sources (used so far besides the book/​copy​)


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