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B2B Demand Generation and Predictive Analytics - April 2016 2

Table of Contents

3 Introduction

4 Executive Summary

5 Barriers and Challenges

6 Key Findings

18 Use of Predictive Analytics

23 Analyst Bottom Line

25 Acknowledgements

26 Appendix – Survey Background

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B2B Demand Generation and Predictive Analytics - April 2016 3


B2B demand generation is an area of major investment whose performance is critical

to revenue growth. Radius and Demand Metric recently partnered to understand
current pain points for B2B demand generation marketers and how predictive
analytics address those challenges now and in the future.

Increasingly, B2B demand generation carries greater expectations to produce qualified

leads at higher volumes. The emphasis on quality and quantity challenges the
delicate balance between information gathering and sensitive lead nurturing. Efforts to
improve demand generation are well justified; the top barrier to achieving revenue
objectives identified in this study is demand generation process effectiveness. With
demand generation so clearly a part of the critical path to revenue, B2B marketers are
eager to discover and explore approaches, technologies and data sources to drive
more effective demand generation. As one survey participant stated, “Demand
generation is our primary issue.”

This study catalogues the current state of B2B demand generation, specifically
gathering data to understand whether, and if so, and where predictive analytics can
contribute to greater demand generation effectiveness. This report presents the
findings of this research, giving B2B marketers a set of benchmarks for comparison
along with ideas for improvement.

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B2B Demand Generation and Predictive Analytics - April 2016 4


This study measured the current challenges for B2B demand generation marketers
with the objective of understanding specific, current pain points as well as how and
where predictive analytics can address them.

All of this study’s participants were from B2B organizations, a majority of which
experienced revenue growth during the past fiscal year.

The analysis of this study’s data provides these key findings:

ü  Predictive analytics adopters are more likely to have an effective demand
generation process.

ü  Inaccurate or poor quality data is an impediment to effective demand

generation and the successful application of predictive analytics.

ü  Marketers primarily targeting Enterprise are more actively engaged in

analyzing their data than those focused on Mid-Market and SMB.

ü  More study participants claim to understand predictive analytics well (44%)
than are actually implementing or using it (11%).

This report details the results and insights from the analysis of the study data. For
more detail on the survey participants, please refer to the Appendix.

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Across B2B demand generation marketers, these are the top, rank-ordered

1.  Improving demand generation process effectiveness

2.  Improving sales process effectiveness

3.  Identifying new leads in existing segments

4.  Having better data about leads or customers

5.  Identifying new segments to pursue

6.  Increasing share-of-wallet with existing customers

7.  Offering more competitive solutions

8.  Retaining customers

Four of the top five barriers are associated with the top of the funnel. These
three top of funnel barriers are also inter-related; the demand generation process
needs to work better (#1), and the key reasons it does not include the inability to find
new leads in existing segments (#3) and/or find new segments (#5), and incomplete
or poor quality data about those leads (#4).

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Overall, less than one-third of study participants report having a B2B demand
generation process that meets objectives well. However, when predictive analytics
are applied, process performance soars, effectively meeting the objectives
set for it over half of the time. (see Figure 1)

Effectiveness of Demand Generation Process in

Meeting Objectives
Overall W/O Predictive W Predictive

46% 44%
32% 30%

Ineffective Neutral Effective

Figure 1: The use of predictive analytics has a big influence on

demand generation process effectiveness.

The data shown in Figure 1 correlates to almost every other study question, so the
“Ineffective”, “Neutral” and “Effective” response groups will serve as a means to
segment study participants based on process performance, enabling comparisons
across segments for many other findings this report shares.

When demand generation process effectiveness is viewed by the traditional sales/

marketing funnel, it reiterates the top of the funnel is the area most in need of
improvement (see Figure 2), as previously identified in the top-ranked barriers for
B2B marketers. For over three-fourths of study participants, the bottom of the funnel
requires little attention.

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Sales/Marketing Funnel: % Significant

Improvement Needed
Effective Neutral Ineffective Overall


Part of the Funnel




Figure 2: Regardless of segment, the top of the funnel is the most problematic.

Figure 2 confirms again that the differences between the “ineffective” segment and
the others are dramatic for the top and mid sections of the funnel.

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The use of predictive to identify which leads will buy or are the best to target
correlates to how much improvement the top of the funnel requires (see Figure 3).

Significant Top of Funnel Improvement Needed

Percent indicating significant

improvement needed


Predictive challenge: none to minor Predictive challenge: moderate to major

Challenge level: predicting which leads will buy or are best to target

Figure 3: Regardless of segment, the top of the funnel is the most problematic.

When the challenge of predicting which leads will buy, or which ones are best to
target either doesn’t exist or is minor, 30 percent of study participants indicated that
significant improvements are needed to the top-of-funnel processes. This compares
to 45 percent indicating the need for significant top-of-funnel improvement when the
predictive challenge is moderate to major.

The use of predictive analytics also correlates to the satisfaction level of the
“Nurturing” phase of the demand generation process (See Figure 4).

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% Satisfied with Nurturing Phase of

Lead Gen Process
W/O Predictive W/Predictive

W/Predictive 50%!

W/O Predictive 28%!

Figure 4: The relationship between the use of predictive and the “Nurturing” phase.

Given the variations in the effectiveness of demand generation meeting objectives, it

is not surprising to see similar variations in satisfaction scores. When demand
generation is viewed as a process comprised of several phases dramatic differences
are evident (see Figure 5).

% Satisfied with Phase of Demand Generation Process

Ineffective Neutral Effective
40% 43%
28% 26%
25% 20% 22%
17% 19%

Acquiring new leads Nurturing leads Managing data Analyzing lead data Qualifying leads/
quality passing to sales

Figure 5: The variation in satisfaction across segments is dramatic.

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It is easy to understand that organizations that rate their demand generation process
as “effective” (Figure 1) are more satisfied with the individual phases of that process.
However, the delta across ratings segments is surprising. For the “effective” process
segment, the lowest satisfaction with a phase depicted in Figure 5 is almost twice as
high as the highest satisfaction for a phase rated by the “ineffective” process

The most dramatic contrast in Figure 5 is with the “Acquiring new leads” phase, where
the delta between the “effective” and “ineffective” segments is 62 percent!
Acquiring new leads is the front end of the demand generation process, and with the
“ineffective” segment reporting satisfaction at just six percent, their process is
hobbled from the start. It is clear that while each of these segments may call what
they are doing “demand generation”, their processes are very different.

Data completeness impacts demand generation. The study found a strong

relationship between richness of customer data (having all the desired fields of data
such as contact information, titles, industry, company size, etc) and the effectiveness
of the demand generation process effectiveness (See Figure 6).

Assessment of Customer Data Richness

Ineffective Neutral Effective

27% 26% 27%
21% 23%

Lacking Neutral Rich

Fig. 6: Lack of data is a key contributor to demand generation process ineffectiveness.

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More than half of study participants who rated their process “ineffective”
also reported a lack of desired fields of customer data. Without proper data, an
organization’s outreach to target prospects and interested parties is severely limited.
In the past, there was but one-way to get the desired data about customers and
prospects: ask them for it. Many, however, are reluctant to provide it. Today,
marketers have technology and supplemental data solutions as options to enrich their
customer databases.

In addition, data accuracy and reliability also impact demand generation (See Figure
7). When your demand generation process is ineffective at meeting
objectives, it is almost three times more likely that the data on which it
depends is inaccurate.

Assessment of Customer Data Accuracy

Ineffective Neutral Effective

50% 51%
32% 33% 32%
18% 16% 21%

Inaccurate Neutral Accurate

Figure 7: Data inaccuracy is a key contributor to demand generation

process ineffectiveness.

Data accuracy has far-reaching implications. As Figure 1 shows, companies who use
predictive analytics possess more effective demand generation processes. Success
with predictive is contingent on data accuracy, so getting this right is imperative.

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Figure 8 shares the result of asking study participants to rate the extent to which they
feel the impact from data reliability issues.

Assessment of Data Quality Impact on Marketing

Campaigns/Sales Efforts
Effective Neutral Ineffective

Significant 12%

Moderate 62%
Degree of Impact

Slight 26%

Not at all 0%

Figure 8: Data quality issues contribute significantly to demand generation

process ineffectiveness.

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More than 80 percent of study participants with an “ineffective” demand generation

process report that data quality has a moderate to significant impact on marketing
campaigns or sales efforts. The top barrier to achieving revenue in this study is
Improving demand generation process effectiveness, but Figures 6 through 8 suggest
a core driver of process ineffectiveness likely could be a data issue. The
problems represented in Figures 6, 7 and 8 have the same solution: a data hygiene
process and the use of supplemental data to complete and correct what currently
resides in the CRM database.

In particular, data quality issues can limit the ability to predict which leads will buy or
are best to target (see Figure 9).

Where Figure 8 shows the impact extent of data quality on marketing campaigns and
sales efforts, the study collected further data on the specific challenges that can limit
effectiveness. Study participants rated them, and the percentage for each segment
rated as major challenges to sales and marketing efforts are shown in Figure 9.

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Major Challenges to Effectiveness of

Sales & Marketing Efforts
Effective Neutral Ineffective

Attracting higher quality inbound 28%

leads 72%

Improving marketing campaign 33%

conversion rate 68%

Improving closure rate of sales 28%

efforts 55%

Sourcing new leads from target 21%

segments 49%

Predicting which leads will buy/ 30%

are best to target 47%

Reaching leads effectively w/ 25%

outbound efforts 47%

Having accurate, complete lead 28%

data 45%

Growing business w/in target 33%

segments 43%

Having good intel on target 42%

markets 40%

ID'ing new markets via segment 12%

analysis 21%

Figure 9: The study segments experience these challenges at very different levels.

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The three segments in this study experience these challenges very differently, and
help illustrate the difference in maturity of the demand generation process by
segment. The “effective” segment’s top challenge – “having good intelligence
on target markets” – is the next-to-last challenge for the “ineffective”
segment. Conversely, the top challenge for the “ineffective” segment – “attracting
higher quality inbound leads” – is in a three-way tie for fourth place for the “effective”
process segment.

Predictive analytics usage has a relationship on the degree to which one of these
challenges is felt. For the study participants implementing or already using
predictive, none report that identifying new markets through segmentation/analysis
as a major challenge. By contrast, almost one-fourth of those who are not using
predictive rate this as a major challenge. The use of predictive also mitigates the
challenges of having good intelligence on target markets, and improving the close
rate of sales efforts.

To better understand how these challenges impact each segment differently, consider
that for those in the study that report a “neutral” or “effective” demand generation
process, none of them experience any challenge represented in Figure 8 at a rate
greater than 42 percent. For the “ineffective” segment, however, their top three
challenges are all experienced by over half the members of the segment.
Furthermore, the top challenges differ by segment, as Table 1 illustrates.

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B2B Demand Generation and Predictive Analytics - April 2016 16


Ineffective Demand Neutral Demand Effective Demand

Generation Process Generation Process Generation Process
Segment Segment Segment

Predicting which leads

1st Attracting higher quality Having good intelligence
will buy or are best to
challenge inbound leads. on target markets.

- Growing business within

Improving marketing target markets (tie)
2nd Attracting higher quality
campaign conversion - Improving marketing
challenge inbound leads.
rates. campaign conversion
- Having accurate,
3rd Improving closure rate of complete lead data. (tie) Predicting which leads will
challenge sales efforts. - Improving closure rate buy or are best to target.
of sales efforts.

Table 1: Each segment experiences a different top challenge.

The types of challenges these segments have with their demand generation processes
are indicators of process maturity and effectiveness. For the ineffective segment, the
top challenge in Table 1 relates to getting the process to work. By contrast, for the
effective segment, the top challenge relates to getting the process to work better.
Process issues dominate the “ineffective” segment’s problem list, while data
issues dominate the “effective” segment’s improvement list. Therefore, it
appears as the demand generation process matures, data looms larger as an issue.

Finally, the target audience for marketing teams is a factor with demand generation.
Firms who primarily target enterprises are more actively engaged in analyzing their
data about their enterprise prospects and customers. Table 2 shows the uses of data
where variances were significant.

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B2B Demand Generation and Predictive Analytics - April 2016 17


Targeting Mid-
Targeting Small Market
Companies: Companies:
USES OF DATA Companies over
Up to $10 million $10 million to $1
$1 billion in
in annual revenue. billion in annual
annual revenue.

Analyze data to find new

revenue opportunities with 38% 52% 75%
new or current customers.

Analyze data to identify best

customers and replicate them. 46% 46% 73%

Segment and analyze data to

determine where to invest. 33% 32% 64%

Table 2: Firms that target enterprises are far more likely to

analyze their customer data.

There are several reasons for the greater tendency to analyze data when targeting
the enterprise, but the study data analysis points to two reasons. First, these firms
enjoy a richer set of data (Figure 6) for the enterprise than those firms targeting
small or mid-market companies. Second, these firms also enjoy better data
quality (Figure 8) than those targeting smaller companies.

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Predictive analytics is the subject of great interest and discussion in the Sales and
Marketing community. This study measured the current understanding and usage of
predictive analytics, and Figure 10 shares a summary of how well the members of
each demand generation segment in this study understand the benefits of using
predictive analytics.

How Well the Benefits of Predictive Analytics

are Understood



Very poorly Poorly Neutral Well Very well

Fig. 10: Understanding of the benefits of predictive analytics in demand generation.

The study found a relationship between how well participants understand the benefits
of predictive analytics and the effectiveness of their demand generations processes.
Figure 11 shows the level of understanding for participants with effective demand
generation process relationship.

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Relationship: Understanding Predictive & Demand

Gen Process Effectiveness
Process Effectiveness

Ineffective! Neutral! Effective!


56% 62%
48% 41%
19% 26% 17%

Poorly Neutral Well

Figure 11: Better understanding of predictive analytics results in

greater process effectiveness.

The relationship shown in Figure 10 is very revealing, because it shows the correlation
between understanding the benefits of predictive and demand generation process
effectiveness, not the usage of predictive and demand generation process
effectiveness. The study did gather data about the current usage of predictive
analytics and will share those findings (Figure 12). Before doing so, there is another
relationship to explore: the understanding of predictive analytics benefits and the size
of company a firm targets. Table 3 shows this relationship.

Understanding of Targeting Mid- Targeting

Targeting Small
Market Companies: Enterprises:
Predictive Analytics Companies:
$10 million to $1 Companies over
Benefits for Demand Up to $10 million in
billion in annual $1 billion in
Generation annual revenue.
revenue. annual revenue.

Poor 31% 27% 11%

Neutral 25% 32% 36%
Well 44% 41% 53%

Table 3: Firms that target enterprises are more likely to understand the
benefits of predictive.

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Firms that target small and mid-market companies share a very similar understanding
of the benefits of predictive analytics in the demand generation process. It is the
firms targeting enterprises that understand these benefits the best.

Study participants shared their views of the benefits of predictive analytics through a
number of write-in comments. This list shares a representative sample of these

ü  “Ranking from high to low who is most likely to buy.”

ü  “Using data, predicting customer or lead actions.”

ü  “We use it to rate lead quality and sales process pipeline.”

ü  “A tool associated to a methodology that lets us understand the past events
and use it to predict, with a high level of accuracy, what could happen in the
future (trends, probabilities, etc.)”

ü  “Forecasting revenue based on marketing efforts.”

ü  “Ability to predict whether a lead is likely to purchase your products in the
future based on information and data collected.”

ü  “Using trends or behavior patterns throughout the sales cycle to predict how
certain segments of our market will behave, thus enabling marketing to
tailor messages and content based on those predictions.”

More important than understanding is usage of predictive. The study examined the
current adoption status and shares it in Figure 12.

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Usage of Predictive Analytics in Demand

Generation Process

8% 12%

I don't know Not in use Testing Implementing/using

Figure 12: Users of predictive analytics in the demand generation

process are in the minority.

It appears that the usage of predictive analytics in the demand generation process is
currently by early adopters. There is, however, enough data to establish a valid
relationship between usage and the effect of this usage on demand generation
process effectiveness. Figure 13 shows this relationship.

Usage Status of Predictive by Segment

Ineffective Neutral Effective


52% 48%
12% 7% 9%

Not in use Testing Implementing/using

Figure 13: The effective segment is far ahead of the field in testing & using predictive.

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The correlation between demand generation process effectiveness and predictive

exists not only for users, but also for testers of predictive analytics. The
organizations in this study that show no interest in predictive analytics have the
lowest-rated demand generation process effectiveness.

The usage of predictive analytics in demand generation does vary based on the size of
company a firm targets, as Table 4 shows.

Targeting Mid- Targeting

Targeting Small Market Enterprises:
Usage Status of Predictive
Companies: Companies: Companies
Analytics in Demand
Up to $10 million $10 million to $1 over $1 billion
Generation in annual revenue. billion in annual in annual
revenue. revenue.

Implementing/Using 10% 11% 20%

Testing 27% 27% 38%

Not in use 56% 54% 38%
Testing 7% 8% 4%

Table 4: Over half of the firms that target enterprises are testing, implementing
or using predictive analytics.

A firm’s understanding, use or even consideration of predictive analytics is

related to that firm’s demand generation process effectiveness. When
predictive analytics is part of the demand generation mix, the results from that
process better meet objectives.

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B2B Demand Generation and Predictive Analytics - April 2016 23


It’s no mystery that for B2B firms, the effectiveness of demand generation impacts
revenue growth. The study measured this relationship, which Figure 14 displays.

Relationship: Revenue Growth & Demand

Generation Process Effectiveness
Ineffective Neutral Effective

53% 57%
28% 19% 19% 24% 14%

Declined Flat Grew

Figure 14: Almost three-fourths of study participants with effective

demand generation processes grew revenue year-to-year.

This study has identified several factors that are critical to the success of the demand
generation process. Firms that wish to achieve the best possible performance of this
key process should focus on these aspects of it:

ü  Starting well. The most ineffective demand generation processes

experienced the most difficulty in the early phases (Figure 2) of the process,
with top-of-funnel activities (Figure 5). It is impossible to make up for lack
of richness (Figure 6) and poor quality data (Figures 7 & 8) later in the
funnel without somehow obtaining missing contact information and other
data that indicates lead quality or propensity to purchase. Most marketers
understand the tradeoff between the quantity of leads collected and the
amount of information leads are asked to provide. A better solution than
simply elongating landing page forms exists in the form of third-party,
supplemental data that marketers should investigate.

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ü  Exploiting data. A key differentiator this study identified that drives
demand generation process effectiveness is relatively few marketers
understand the benefits of predictive “very well” (Figure 10). Marketers
have or can get a lot of data about prospects and customers, and to get the
highest possible return on this data asset, they must segment it to profile
their best customers, and then go find more like them. Likewise, data
analysis can direct marketers toward new revenue opportunities with new or
current customers, and guide sales and marketing investments. Study
participants that primarily target enterprises have done the best job of
figuring our how to conduct these analyses (Table 2), but the tools, data and
technology for doing so are accessible to anyone that has the will to do it.

ü  Predicting the future. Predictive analytics is to many marketers the

equivalent of theoretical physics: only a few, highly educated specialists can
understand or apply it. However invalid, this perception persists. The reality
is that the demand generation process is an ideal pairing for
predictive analytics, and commercial solutions exist to help integrate
predictive into the process. As Figure 1 shows, the impact of predictive on
demand generation is dramatic. Predictive analytics provide a powerful lever
for improving demand generation process effectiveness.

Demand generation process effectiveness is the top barrier to firms in this study
achieving their revenue objectives. As Figure 14 shows, this critical process can
generate drag, sending revenue growth down, or it can create lift, helping revenue
attainment soar. Getting the right data at the start of the process, analyzing it
effectively and using it predictively represent the flight plan for the highest possible
revenue attainment.

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Demand Metric is grateful to Radius Intelligence, Inc., for sponsoring this research,
and for those who took the time to complete the study survey.

About Radius

Radius is a B2B predictive marketing platform that uses data science to separate
critical insights from data noise enabling revenue driven marketers to quickly find and
engage with their next best customers.

Powered by a real-time Business Graph of over 50 billion dynamic signals from over
18 million U.S. businesses, Radius bridges the gap across data, insights, and
execution. Through an intuitive, plug-and-play user interface, Radius reveals vital
information to target prospects and deepen customer relationships with unparalleled
efficiency. Key use cases include uncovering go-to-market insights, prioritizing leads
and accounts, maximizing conversions, and identifying upsell and cross-sell

To learn more, please visit:

About Demand Metric

Demand Metric is a marketing research and advisory firm serving a membership

community of over 80,000 marketing professionals and consultants in 75 countries.

Offering consulting methodologies, advisory services, and 500+ premium marketing

tools and templates, Demand Metric resources and expertise help the marketing
community plan more efficiently and effectively, answer the difficult questions about
their work with authority and conviction and complete marketing projects more
quickly and with greater confidence, boosting the respect of the marketing team and
making it easier to justify resources the team needs to succeed.

To learn more about Demand Metric, please visit:

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This 2016 B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Study survey was administered online
during the period of February 16 through March 7, 2016. During this period, 319
responses were collected, 295 of which were qualified and complete enough for
inclusion in the analysis. Only valid or correlated findings are shared in this report.

The representativeness of this study’s results depends on the similarity of the sample
to environments in which this survey data is used for comparison or guidance.

Summarized below is the basic categorization data collected about respondents to

enable filtering and analysis of the data:

Type of organization:

§  Primarily B2B 78 percent

§  Mixed B2B/B2C 22 percent

Primary role of respondent

§  President, CEO or owner 13 percent

§  Marketing 59 percent
§  Sales 21 percent
§  Other 7 percent

Annual sales:

§  Less than $10 million 40 percent

§  $10 to $24 million 15 percent
§  $25 to $99 million 12 percent
§  $100 to $499 million 10 percent
§  $500 to $999 million 12 percent
§  $1 billion or more 11 percent

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Revenue growth environment in most recent fiscal year:

§  Significant increase 20 percent

§  Slight increase 41 percent
§  Flat 20 percent
§  Slight decline 8 percent
§  Significant decline 11 percent

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