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A 2-page reading depicting years of lives of human series that hold him from a box of stereotypes.

From the beginning of the title of the work you start talking about myths about a Latino person.

The characteristic of a myth is that it is an imaginary story that alters the true qualities of a person

or a thing and gives them more value than they have. But the curious thing about this reading is

that the cases or examples are so real that they could become a myth. Like racism, stereotypes or

education imply what is the perception of an audience aimed at Hispanics or Latinos.

At the beginning of the reading gives an image to be able to give that first message indicating a

situation in which is the following: "As a Puerto Rican girl growing up in the United States and

wanting like most children to "belong," I resented the stereotype that my Hispanic appearance

called forth from many people I met. As it also indicates in the following sentence that if you want

to belong to a society you will already have to fill the position of the beautiful woman who attracts

attention as indicated in this sentence "Mixed cultural signals have perpetuated certain stereotypes-

for example, that of the Hispanic woman as the "Hot Tamale" or sexual firebrand. It is a one-

dimensional view that the media have found easy to promote". Based on the above examples we

see that culture is mixed with stereotype. When you see Latino or Hispanic women through

television or other types of communication, they are always beautiful women, without education,

with a plot in their lives and their desire to grow. Culturally the woman of that culture is recognized

for her beauty pageants or practicing a dance that might be considered sexual or otherwise. As well

as wearing eye-catching clothing and having work that are of service. But that doesn't mean that

this is most of the population and therefore to have communications to that image of our women

create a stereotype and fit our culture to a very limited space. Therefore, a generation in which

education is more accessible and the world of work is developed so that women can have the same

position as men causes Latina or Hispanic women to be confronted with an audience because their
stereotype developed in their mind causes confusion or even a confrontation with themselves. You

might consider that culture to be inferior and that it must stay at a level that was established by a


In conclusion, our culture has a burden and pressure to bear in the world of work and in society.

Our only job to remove these stereotypes and make people understand who we are is to teach and

set an example of who we are. As well as if we are in a communication post where we are reflected

in a wide audience, to teach and show the image of the best education to make us understand that

we too can be the same as those people who consider us inferior. For in a world where we are

afraid to grow up and teach others what we are capable of, it is a world where we will be locked

into a word that does not symbolize or give us meaning for what we are.

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