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Case G

The service price of 45 dollars for an external service of a doctor was found to be an

exaggerated price. Today's medical services have several alternative methods that do the same as

what a doctor offers on a computer. because being seen by a doctor who is not physically present

does not create the feeling of patient-doctor relationship. there is no contact and you do not have

all the evaluation services that a professional has in person. The only thing that the doctor could

offer would be laboratories and possible medications to a situation that is not 100% correct. a

clinic from the moment you enter does a physical evaluation and at the same time you are treated

a doctor evaluates you, asks and even attends you in the same clinic. today the insurances have

lines of nurses in which you indicate your conditions in which you are and recommend the

medications that you could use, if you have to go to a primary doctor or an emergency room. As

well as applications like ADA that offers you possible results of the condition that one finds on

the basis of the answers that you gave. in any case all this offers you the external world only for a

person to charge you 45 pesos for a simple prescription for what you said in less than 10 minutes

via internet. Moreover, it does not offer me a reliable service in which patient and medical

information is not heard by another or put a practicing doctor with only experience to do the


On the other hand, we have seen other examples of artificial intelligence demonstrating

better services and accuracy in the patient's condition. For example, according to a recent study

conducted by another online health service provider, Babylon Health, found that by answering

diagnostic questions typically found on a medical exam in the United Kingdom, its IA

technology diagnosed patients better than doctors taking the test, with 81% accuracy compared

to an average of 72% in the last five years among real-life doctors (CNN, 2019). So, we see that
a doctor in person is not as efficient, he will not improve the situation through a screen.

Therefore, it would be better for the company to invest a virtual intelligence and have these

doctors to evaluate the diagnoses given. On the other hand, in the United States these services

have been considered efficient, but the difference is that the total cost of 200 a year and if you

want to go in person has an extra cost. Therefore, the advantage of this service is that you can see

your personal doctor and evaluate yourself in person and follow a routine when you are in good


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