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JANUARY 1958 MODELL Full details of the Edgar Percival 9 3 Contest Designs | Transmutone—the Latest R/C receiver ls emallere production | Bore—aig Price £3. 5. 0 sl eon: This hes bean dewee | Seroke™as0 ioped for the experienced Modeitor | Espace Bnd is ideal tor mall ceste modete: | Weune gathers PP: Tax 12. 6 Gamplece wich metal propeller blank Vier @i' aia, | Total £3.17. 6 Ladiouted charion of the in She Price £2.14. 0 her's peiticmminar shes woutaipor Powaine aie. PR Tax 10. 5 itarses ny lara one Fropelion “Eien [Total £8. 4. 5 For those with a sabe badger his [Bore a7g mie ice. is the ideal engine. All che vires Sf the Samer Merlin, be wishes se ae = 7. 1 fae fing. Pose tok Momo 2te aw | Toeal €2. 3.10 Bore—a75 Rentrmance i at gout a tone, | Bris Price 2. 4. 1 chert, Complete with propeller, J Waist vigor” [P.Tax 8. 6 sinner and tommy ber Provatter Ete xe Vtotal €2.12. 7 Ennines nny staring, acciiy | Soothe Price: G2 A I the compression setting cxm be found P.Tax 8. 6 Total €2.12. 7 ree eee Price Q. 4. | freefight and control line. Complete P. Tax 8.6 Ros See Total 2.127 ‘win ball races, downd: Price £3. 7. 0 revision for a twovspeed fete ot P.Tax 12,11 & ‘Sheu Seeribiy aves Je ies for Total £3.19. 11 'A powerful, rugged motor svitable | Borat 5 for the larger medet expecially for | Sphere ce, Price 8. 5. 0 radio eontrot works Complete mith spinner, tommy bar, and integral plastic take FF ioe Engineered to last.a DAVIES: CHARLTQN LTD. CoO CUT Fa Pet) Pa TA TOD SAS Cee ee 7) January, 1958 yoonpoo : | | the RG another brilliant model! Lind pat brought to you by— : A MERICA ’S most authentic PLASTIC CONSTRUCTION KITS ions to the U.S, authentic |-seale model, Moulded nk, nose-spar, clear eanop; 31 parts and retails at 12/- Modellers—Remember there's no Substitute for Lindberg Authentic Kits AVAILABLE THROUGH ALL LEADING HOBBY AND TOY SHOPS Manufactured under licence by MODEL TOYS LTD. i ccisorne toss, London w.l0 ago Shao aMUEt 2 January, 1958 TRU-FLITE poration KITS A range of 22 scale replicas of popular aircraft Simple and straightforward construction makes them ideal for the newcomer to modelling. Kies include: Plastic Prop. and Wheels, Rubber Motor, etc. Priced at 3/7 each (Inc. P. Tox) Mlustrated: FAIREY SWORDFISH ‘ HARVARD SOPWITH TRIPLANE * FOKKER D.VIII SOLIDS Just four examples of Britain's Ingest range of Scale Solids, there are 42 in aie comprising Bombers, Fgheers and Supersonic interceptors: Naval and Civil planes, These are the ideal ies for everybody. Prices from 2/6 each to 7/4 each (ine. P. Tox) Kits inclade all parss necessary for speedy conscrvetion Mustrated: SAAB J.29 * TEMPEST CRUSADER . MUSTANG ‘QUICKY’ KITS Veron’s famous “Quickys™ in three “JETEX" ang six Rubber Duration Models. Both types ff kit are completely prefabbed and pre-decor- ated, with plastic props., etc., and a detailed Sscage-by-stage plan enables them to be built easily and quickly. Prices from 2/8 each to 3/10 each (inc. P. Tox) Mlustrated: PROVOST » SEA-HAWK THUNDERJET AUTOCAR ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE "FREE" VERON POCKET FOLDER MODEL Al RCRAFT (Bournemouth) LTD. NORWOOD PLACE - BOURNEMOUTH * HANTS Telephone; SOUTHBOURNE 43061 -WHOLESALE ONLY eis INTHE Hop, 4 nose port E = Kindly mention AEROMODELLER shen replying to advertisers January, 1958 3 FLY AS AN OFFICER IN ao) “Om awuas hers Supermarine N.S BRITAIN’S NEW NAVY “In modern conditions the role af’ the air- craft carrier, which is in effect a mobile air station, becomes increasingly significant. DEFENCE WHITE PAPER, APRIL 1 HERE 1S NOW No QUESTION about the impor of the Fleet Air Arm of of the continuing need for Pilots and Observers. The aircraft carriers and their aireraft are known as the “fists of the fleet exciting, hard-hitting and mobile So the Fleet Air Arm requires the finest men they The standards are high, the training is strenuous Sut there is nothing to compare with the rewards, the personal satisfaction and standing, and the life of a Naval Officer flying the latest jet aircraft and helicopters in Britain's New Navy. You join on a 12 year engagement, and can apply later for your commission to be made permanent, The pay? A married Pilot or Observer of 25, forexample,can carn up to£1,500 fa year, There is a tax Tree gratuity of £4,000 after 12 years service. Age linits: Pilots 17-23, Observers 17-26, Full details of life in the Fleet Air Arm are explained in an ilustrated booklet “Airerew Com- missions in the Royal Navy” Fur a copy of this booklet write 10 THE ADMIRALTY D.N.R. (Officers) Dept. AM, QUEEN ANNE'S MANSIONS, LONDON, 8.W. Age - Toauusa) STORY PART 9 January, 1958 This is one of a series of by John Paterson, Managing Director of Solarho Ltd, articles on Balsa Wood: FUNGUS ATTACK . . . Continued Last mon‘tit I described the hap- hazard technique of — individual operators in logginy the Balsa trees. Having moved the logs to the river they then have to be made into rafts and floated down to the saw-mills, Nobody hurries in u country. ike Ecuador and again it is usually a matter of weeks before they arrive at the mill. Generally speaking, they are in the river for this time and luckily there fungus ceases to work: but, again, there are other varieties of worms and insects in the river ready to attack the wood and cause damage At the saw-mill there are always piles of sawdust and waste pieces lying around waiting to be pushed back into the river for dispos Again, ideal conditions for the breeding of fungus spores and you can say that immediately a log is sawn the fresh saweuts become infected, The two big mills at Beuador have batteries of kilns and as the wood is, cut it is kiln-dried to a moisture content well below that at which the fungi will work, ‘This docs not, however, prevent te-infestation by fungus spores, so that if the timber should get wet once more fungus growth can start all over again Vo make matters worse for the purchaser, in the smaller mills they cannot afford to build kilns and, therefore, the timber is air-dried. In the’ dry season things are not so bad as the wood will air-dry to below 18 per cent. moisture content in about three weeks, ‘This is quick enough, in general, to prevent For years our greatest worry was this fungus attack. Indeed, it was this which ea heavy losses in my ‘T I venture in 1948/49, where, in the humid conditions of that isiand, we just could not dry the wood fast enough to prevent serious damage When I visited an American saw rill in South Carolina a that peri ‘Santobrite i never F saw them using which is a fungicid to apply it to ‘Trinidad. A year or so later, however, when a battery of kilns thar our shippers used in Eeuador were destroyed by fire, { remembered this and actually flew “Santobrite” out to Eeuador to try it With the assistance of the Forest Products Research Laboratory. at Princes Risborough we evalyed correct methods of application which, have now solved this problem of fungus attack. The dip works by actually killing the fungus spores on the surface of the wood when sawn and by preventing fresh infection while the wood is drying. Even in the Wet season it will enable the wood to, be dried to something like 30 per cent. moisture content and still protect it while it is being brought to England and dried in our own kilts, All our wood is, in fact, treated with “Santobrite”, It is very important that Balsa- wood should be put to dey properly, and for Balsa the proper way is to crosserack it end up so that the sap runs out quickly—and so that you can get the maxirn air round the pieces, T have seen good Balsnwood spoiled by being eross-piled in a high pile, and where any two pieces crossed ‘blue stain went right through into the wood, The other important defect is Mineral Stain. This is, T think, a function of the soil conditions’ in which the tree grows, At its worst it can he very unsightly and spoil a log completely Whilst we specify that we shall hot receive wood with Mineral Stain the poor mill-owner has not X-ray eves and an otherwis ful piece of Bulsawood may have this stain right in the middle. ‘This is not his fault, but it costs us money to get rid of it in our milling operations. At times it would be ridiculous to dis- card an otherwise perfect piece of wood for a small stain, or even the odd worm hole, ‘This latter point is x subject in itself and one with which I will deal next month n circulation of THE BEST BALSA YOU CAN BUY COMES FROM SOLARBO tro - comMERcE WAY - LANGING - SUSSEX Telephone: LANCING 2866-7 Telegrams: SOLAREO, WORTHING January, 1958 a 5 WORN iders- MAGPIE 2 BEGINNER'S MODEL The 49" CONTEST MODEL growl ASK YOU LOCAL MERCURY DEALER for copy of the latest Mercury leaflet in which detals of these gliders and all other Mercury Models will be found. ‘Ask him to9 to show you one of these kits. Examine Ie carefully for the clearness of the plans and he ullding Instructions as well as y There is no better kit avaiable at any price than a Mereury Glider Kie. [EXPORT ENQUIRIES: COURTNEY REED (EXPORT) LTD., 4 BRABA PATH TO SUCCESSFUL MODELLING ‘The young medelier’s career will only be successful if ic is progressive. He must not attempt to run before he can walk and the models he chooses to build at each stage must be carefully selected to ensure the maximum chance of success both in the Building and the fiying. With Mercury Gliders, the modeller’s early development is assured. Each model is a fine flier, from the Magpie co the Marauder, and each’ Ssuceessive model gets alittle more interesting to build and more advanced in design and performance. 17/5 MARAUDER ALL THE WAY popular enthusiasts COURT, PHILPOT LANE, EC} i: Air Marshal Sir John Whitley» KB. AIR MINISTRY (ANB). [ADASTRAL HOUSE, THEOBALDS ROAD, LONDON, WC! Dear Sir, suggesting a career 33 al¥! parenta with a son GrOHiNE UPL Pet your son hinself. But you are some facts a attractive to en ambitious young nan. ays @ big responsibility - not least for Ou8 ne final analysis, the choice mist lie can help him in his choice. pout one career which is particularly J rofer to a flying career in the we peem to be sone misconceptions, at Here, therefore, Royal Air Force, about which th present. t me eesure you that fying will continue in the Royal ASF al Air Force has the First, let be foreseen. The Roy: Force for es far ahead es can prine reoponssbility for the oF defence of this country. For young me print core who are trained to tacicle the problens of the air in the Ait there will be more - not fener ~ opportunities in the missile °¢>- ‘This de especially true of those who qualify nov for a permanent oP short Service cormission and come wnocossfully Uarough their Pilot's, wavigator's or Air Electronics Officer's training. Tn a service as complex and as ceevard-looking a9 the Royal Air Forcey There is always 8 constant denand for the right kind of senior officers, Tt is a well-paid job. In how seny callings can e man of 25 earn £1,500 e yoar? Tris a job of hgh Seaponsibility. Quite apart from flying ani its fascinating skills, there re The manifold duties of an onficer; to aen unier hing in stafls Liaison or training Jjobsi perhaps, in high command. and on has the choreter, intelligence and fitness for this magnificent (bat oe eine) Life, If he io over VTi and Fitneg.E, or equivalent to the requires etondard, you may be doing him to tne Air Ministry for fuller saforsation: a service if you write eo country needs the right kind of YounE men for Let me add that th this vitally important job, and it needs Shen 1ON~ you knox yourself if your 8 Yours faithfully To any young man who wants to fly... Us YOU Nile isa fe ot possible to gio fll dotalls about this worthutle carer. For further Information write to 3), Adastral House, Lonion, WC. January, 1958 LONDON W.C.2. TELEPHONE - HOLBORN 7053 TELEGRAMS + BALSAWUD LONDON ATES OF SHEFFIED = PLASTICS? WE HAVE ALL YOU NEED Postage 1/6 — Over @ Free THE REDGATE CO. (SHEFFIELD) LTD., MOORHEAD, SHEFFIELD I FROG 1/72 Seale, | Canberra REVELL azatioa l= | Cheyer Se Recinn. 916 Hunter ya [Sevan be? 2 AN | cougar Sieh BN | SuceRiera Se Vets 3/3 | Brame AIM | Sateee 826.0 Marauser 31 HoCouk Te Drover sp |v GAN | Goins 829 Super fortresz 31/= | Welle Fargo Stage.” 716 | Sea tae 33 GM | Carine Reman Racing Sie 33 Be oar Forces aihlNCORN Mawr, | Shwe OE me Meesor si LINDBERG: B82 Bocing Spa” BIL| Satu Honcar” 3 ei Gi | UB approx. Seale | Air/Scr Felcopter Sore au Satin 25 | spenre mn Thinderserook |. 411 MERIT | Bitte Be | Mies 7 AURORA Fancher $11] o teguae Canberra 1S | Jap Zero SES Scot Supermarine SIU | een Marcin Faieay Cannee 8 | Sey Ha Sopwith Camel | Sevendes Bene Sprical fe Louie Garman sisaeros HIGHWAY PIONEERS | Vana FROG 1/96 Scale | Conair Frenen Niou ore 895 Duryea ay searhee ‘ye | Hela Foam ate '800 Pacis a3 KLREWARE Siynihe 2§ | Thunderboie Finag Neer 1903 fora 43 | scrooner Skew 2S | Seu ar Beto [904 Gicsmobie 49 | Tupvose Suber sabe 316 | Thumdercepear Foktor Ta-ane 1957 Ronacte 45 | Ashore. Lea Thendecstreak 26 | Convair VO. Fokker OF [919 eae 43 | O8S'Corscttion Ghucse 26 | Canter bie ero I91T Rall Royce ©. 49 Britannia We | Soya SH Trae [913 merseces 49 AURORA Douglas C7 136 | BRO Laper Sanea Kaman Hoke 1815 Far Tource 4.9 | Chinese Junk 20% Vircoune 146 | Winnie May Praecks HSA 9is TFord Sedan” 49 | kine Sip Be BG Forces Filer Hornet 1523 Belay 43 KLEEWARE 1/96 Scale anther Gn Mg 43 | Monogram, Skyray 26 bp aad Usekheed VFO “s N" | Binsy Doodle Hydro. Courie ae 17 Seal Foe sabre Monocram aoe 19 Searfre 2 | s26imacor tug | $56 Sikorsky Midget Racer nn 1? eighe 26 | 828 Meret Prsests al mei Thinderstraik )-2)6 | Boosts De 3 FaBiversac 3 REVELL Black Falebn itt OSs Navy Trainer: Uoekhose 95 USS Nutter 1s | Chinese tunic) 13) i LINCOLN 9 | Lchening P38 1 | USS Missours 16 | Consealttion 4 W | Scing Pao AT Ie | USS Loe angele | I LINDBERG Sieroune 4 | 866 fee Bomber 2 11/8 | Gur Hine pe. We | Fora Paine 5/8 | Por. Bost Me Kindly mention AEROMODELLER «hen replying to adoertisers January, 1958 “MAYFLOWER" Overall length 13 in “CUTTY SARK” Overall length 17 in. Overall Fength 20 in Write for our new Brochure, fully illustrated in colour, featuring ali “Marinecraft” kits. Postage 4, MODEL AERODROME LTD. “PSoansn . . + and so easy to build HISTORICAL SHIPS A_PLEASURE TO BUILD and A JOY TO BEHOLD “Marinecraft” Galleon Kits include a range of seven magnificent and famous ships, beautifully coloured and exact in every derail. “ARK ROYAL” Overall lengeh 1? in Kits include coloured silk screen panels, sails, can- ons, shaped hull, rigging, paints, easy to follow plans and detailed building in- structions There is also a range of Miniature Galleons accu- rate small models exact in every detail but scaled down to half size of the sizes given below illustra- tions. “BOUNTY” ‘Overall length 13 in. Prices range from 12/2 to €3 12 0 inc. P. Tax. “GOLDEN HIND” ‘Overall length 24 in. “SANTA MARIA” Overall length 19 in, For those unable to call at our retail shops we offer a prompt 24-hour postal service. ia dioica ue ‘Book These ese: j 3 for New Year Reading AAA Adds AALAAA ddd bdb ad Tas the eh nil dif "AEROMODELLER ANNUAL a eee = anes MODELLER Sting othe yar royal ov ANNUAL 1957-8 U ome and abroad, records | 160 poges size 8} by St. in. fully bound in plastic cloth, with thes: elout dst coves Ppotng, aver 100 pans: 40 drawings, sllustrations. Laurie Bagiey's full colour dust . cover picture appears as frontispiece in the book ‘The arc and science of solid scale model construction demands only the more modest tools and the simplest fof materiale so that wo high tial expenditure is recured £0. make = fomlete ayro can be confident that Wie very five fforte will bo highly awarding of time and efiore. The crpert wil ind fea vorkable ring of informstion gathered by the author orered from historic types che laid the foundations of toccessfal Bight fhroush the porennilly popular Wplanes ofthe 1S}:18 War, to more rocere evarples of the Baie of Benin, up ff ie MINIATURE a ae eee te) Siaba ton! 130 pages & by Sh ins., including 30,000 words of text, 244 deta drawings, over 30 of the author's foun models on ort plates. Fully bound with gold blocked tie on spine, two colour dust cover. septs Sec Appin Peng MODEL AERONAUTICAL PRESS LTD., 38 CLARENDON RD., WATFORD, HERTS model pan desinnr. offers his Selection ef model bout, yacht, Jeter 30"hyropine, peed Seven “desis with flict parte covering rcedes Bonz GP, tanker model, planing droping, tug, round bilge yackey I9th century A conibute arules onal January, 1958 MODEL.MARER manual ‘Algo exiy.sesled.u3 128 Big pages, size 10 by 8 in,, with type area of Bk by 6% in, giving nearly @ thousand words 0 page, filled with drawings, diagrams, photos to provide years of modelling activity. Handsomely tound in red and stiff board covers end gold blocked spine Dustcover in black, white and yellow. The leading modellers of te JO), country enrich its pages. USE THIS HANDY ORDER FORM Jo: MODEL AERONAUTICAL PRESS 3elZhbeon Ron, Watlord, Herts Please ida) marked Xa der or Sich techs emtcance ‘ae AEROMODELLER ANNUAL 57/58 MODEL MAKER MANUAL AIRCRAFT IN. MINIATURE > MODEL CAR RAIL RACING »O MODEL BOAT RADIO CONTROL — (6 0 BOAT MODELUNG. css, »O SCALE MODEL CARS eo 1 SIMPLE RADIO CONTROL asa »O DESIGN FOR AEROMODELLERS (517 »o CONTEST MODEL SAILPLANES (599 o CONSTRUCTION FOR AEROMODELLERS, | € oo FLYING SCALE MODELS ay , THE AMATEUR ROO MAKER (sa. »o PLANS HANDBOOK CATALOGUE (116 , NAME ADDRESS ‘Ge order on plin paper VOLUME XXIIL NUMBER 264 JANUARY 1958 Managing Beiter == Fuior 2 2 = = Arbtent Editor == * Special features “HEATWAVE" . “ PAILLESS AT TERLE 16 “LUPTLE AUK"... 20 “TRANSMUTONE - 2 GREKTINGS HELICOPTER n 8 “POPSCORE” au our oF Tite RUT i 4 ‘CHE “YES” MACHINE 6 * Regular features HANGAR DOORS WORLD NEWS: . 8 AEROPLANE IN OUTLINE —Nonp 2 WHAT'S THE ANSWER? 2% READERS WRITE ™ AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED—E.2.9 38 DECOR DETAIL 7 8 ENGINE ANALYSIS—Atao X-3 aNp Wen 25K 4“ CLUB NEWS: a # * OMOREPLLER | Jovorperates the MODEL ANI: CONSTRUCTOR and is oultisied yon the 13th of the previous month by the Bropeietors: MODEL AERONAUTICAL PRESS. LiMrren SUBSCHUPTION NTE! (pland) 2 (veracaa) 22/- Peanmim prepa Gnciuding tho spec! Cts ghoril a Advert Or LARENDON ROAD, WATFORD, HERTS. Tuationes GADEUROOK. 3551" (Monday Fe) The International Situation Av THE LAST sreRTING of the FAI. Models Commission, held in Pacis last November, some pretty sweeping decisions were made in regard to furure World Championship events, Ono of the most important matiers debared was the proposal by Gyeat Britain and other countries to reveet to annual competition, thus countering. the inevitable loss of interest in those contests not scheduled for World Championship status in any particular year. Unfortunately, fon being put to the vote, the proposal was defeated by 8 votes 10 G, aid Wwe continue with the bi-annual series Prabably the most vital decision taken was grouping the three main free“Mhght categories of Rubber, Glider and Power into a combined Championships, commencing in. 1955 with Russia as the probable venue. Thus we almost achieve the Model Olympics advocated some years ago by this magazine, and we await with Interest the results of such meetings which we are confident will silence for good those Jeremiahs who loudly maintained that ‘meetings on such lines could not be condueted successfully. ‘The triple Championships at Weishaden in 1953 did much to counter such criticism, though certain organisational shortcomings on that occasion prevented # clear-cut picture being presented Te was further ayceed to grant World Championship status to three other categories of model Rying, ie. Radio Control, ‘Team Racing, and Acrobatic Control Line. For Radia, 13 delegates voted in favour, Spain bein in opposition, whilst for the other eategories 12 were in favour, with France and Great [Britain against From 1960 the Radio Control andl Control Line Championships will be held in. the same year, bur not necessarily together. It ‘would seem logical to follow the same pattern as obtains with the free-light events, and stage a combined meeting. Naturally, such increases and grouping brings: about further problems of expense und accommodation, and Russia has proposed that in fusure National teams shall consist of thres and not four tnembers. This is louical, but the official feeling in this country js that three is the absolute minimum to which teams should be reduced, and still retain any semblance of 2 “team” A tryout of the contral-line combination will rake place during the first week in September, ywher jum will stage a special mecting in connection with the World Exhibition to be held in Brussels, We understand that the contests will take place within the exhibition grounds, and they should form an inceresting guide to the future of such an embracing programme Great Britain will stage the Rubber and Power World Champion- ships. in 1958, probably at CranfieMt during the August Banke Holiday period. Whilst certain eniticisms have been levelled against holding mectings during a Bank Holiday, it must. be appreciated that the S.MLA-E, is conducted on a purely volun Jpasis, and can rarely find people with time on their hands to participate in stich activities during a working week. ‘The three-day Tank Holiday break affords a period that ean be used to advantage, for we doubt whether employers will be prepared fo grant time off to timekeepers, processors, ete., with the same willingness they would grant to’ successful team member. = On she cover As vou REAP ins, the two EPS oath delet shold be ready ior Sion nt Aare fered sistem Tabane padre ing Eiiccqpuance txt yf Stapleford the picture san BUS Gace and "ae Wighoan a the contra just betove they left Detain othe long: dcitecry haul {bso stages. High Spe Sunday, November 17th, 1957, saw a contingent of keen speed fliers at Heston Aerodrome, Micklle- sex, to witness an attempt by Ray (Gadget) Gibbs ‘on his own British and World Speed Records in the Class IL G_c.c.) class. Despite fuel separation troubles. owing to the low temperature, Gibbs managed to get in a fine run to cover the kilometer course in 14°7 seconds, producing a speed of 152-4 mop.h, (former record 146-2 m.p.h.) for the British record, and equivalent to 24 k/he, for the World Record, which formerly stood at 235 k/hr. ‘We tinderstand that the Carter Glow motor used ‘was that employed in his earlier successful attack on the record, but that an additional piston ring had been fitted. In fact, the engine is that originally reviewed in Engine Analysis in our May, 1956, From a foreign source we learn that Studeny of Czechoslovakia achieved an identical speed during Oetober but that on cheek the engine was found to be over-size. We await confirmation of this statement, but we can confidently anticipate a first class struggle between our own fliers and those from the State laboratory in Brno, for Gibbs is certain that he can get still more k.p.h.’s from his motor given more favourable conditions. Mechanising Model-making A new machine to speed research work on ultra- sonie planes of revolutionary design has been bought by Lockheed Aireraft Corporation. Lockheed is the first U.S. aircraft manuficturer to buy this new machine, named the Whaley “over-arm wing, contour machine”. Only three others have so far been built, but these are being used at the laboratories of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at Langley Air Force Base, U.S.A., where all four machines ‘were designed and developed. Lockheed will use the new £10,000 machine to make wind tunnel models of ultrasonic aircraft designed to conquer the problems of the heat barrier, thus surpassing the speeds achieved by the company’s F-104 Starfighter, reputed to be the world’s fastest combat aircraft, With current methods, the aerodynamic models made for wind-tunnel tests cost the company as, much as £50,000 each to make. Mr. J.B.’ Wassall, dircctor of engineering at Lockheed’s California Division, said the Whaley January, 1958 Heard at the Hangar Doors A npleg hee i pooaeoy ts Nove Ptah ctrport hanger machine will speed model construction by nearly 40 per cent. ang appreciably cut present costs “Tt will fashion lift surfaces of wind tunnel models from all metals”, he said, “including the hardest of all—heut-treated steel”. He added: “It works. steel with micrometic precision with a minimum of template guidance at tolerances down to -003 of an inch as compared with the old process of preparing steel shapes which, besides being laborious, was good only to 0-15 of an inch”. Utilising a new variable speed cutter adjustable to all angles, the Whaley machine can transform a block of material into any wing shape— ight, tapered, swept, or concave. ‘Thus it climinates long and costly handcarving common to” previous contouring methods. Tt ako eliminates the need for an enlarged 3D pattern to be made for the final reduetion—but professional model makers can rest assured their services will always be needed for wind tunnel work. In the Balsa Jungle Ever since five young American missionaries were killed by the Auea Indians in Ecuador eighteen months ago a series of “Friendship” flights over their settlements in the jungle has been maintained by the Missionary Aviation Fellowship, ‘The full story is now the subject of “Through Gates of Splendour” by E. Elliott, and latest reportin the Manchester Guardian of November. 16th. tells how balsa is used to extend goodwill to the natives. Footprints were noticed in the mudbanks of the river Curaray, and a bright yellow Balsa model was set up to create interest. (‘I'he Missionaries use. Piper Cubs) ‘This did not attract interest, so fleets of small balsa “solids” were launched into the river. ‘There were still no responses; but the missionaries in the Balsa Jungle will persist in their efforts to reach the Aucas who watch every move from the dense, dark background. More on those Plastics ‘To the many readers who have written in appre- ciation of last month's plastic modcls feature we extend a big thank-you, even to those who taxed our research dept. by selecting some of the more rare types and asking for sources of supply. (Why January, 1958 not tackle your model shop—they should know Where to get all of the 185 types on the British market?) Surprisingly, no-one wrote to us complaining of a few errors in scale which erept through in the Lincoln listing, and which we amend as follows Vidkore Visgoune 1/121 English Blvetvie Canberra 1/98 Dons DEP T150") Vets Valiant 013! and, of course, under the Hawk listing, it is the Graf Zeppelinand not the Atlas Racket which is 1/242nd- scale, Inthe Frog range, we checked the Douglas DC-7C against span figures for the DC-7B, hence the scale should read 1/96 as with the Britannia and e airliner series. Other Fro kits nor listed last month were + 53 19 parts E 12a thunton S18 te fare Wariam'S35) 1 Fina” gio 27 pane BE Cane 027 122 witilsrin Be 3 pare Be'iseliand 110. y ee We bite Gloster ticteut Vth 1 than S/n 28 hares Beiivilian! Vesem PBA | than $1)" 33 parte Stiperaazine Ses Hise 1 thin 33 38 bane Vishers Fescane 800) H Shan 18)6. 58 parts Plans this Month ‘This is a contest. modeller’s issue as far as A.P.S. plans ure concerned, and we present three top-elass mode ce Green's “Heatwav to start "off the 1958. season, Nationals winning power model * heralds a return of the light, hand- 1 climbing power type of medel which will now replace the E.A.L. power specification in popularity for home contests, and, of course, the performance of John Hannay’s “Topscore” needs ho introduction to all keen glider fans. "Little Auk’ with its dual land/water purpese fills the bill for a medium-size rubber job, and we know that its simple construction will make it a popular selection, launch, bi No scale models? Not this month: bur instead we feature a prototype jet in “Acroplanes. in Outline” that should stir the hearts of all ducted fan devotees. Who'll be the first to make a free flight Griffon?) Of all the jets ia the air today this one strikes us as being the most suitable for fan propulsion. Not forgetting the E.P.9—this is, another natural seule model, and one which we'd like to see radio contralted at, say, } scale ARO. = CLOENLEE) Aeron cr Index ONcE MORE We offer our service of providing, a complete four-page index for ArRoMODELEER, ‘olume 22, of last year. Tr is available only from the editorial offices for a nominal charge of 6d. per copy: but we must also request supply of a suitable stamped and addressed, (2d, stump for U.K. readers only) envelope preferably measuring, 63. YFin. so that we can despatch the index with only a single fold. Subscribers will automatically receive their index in the post with their ArRoMOOPLLRR This is also the ideal time of the year to consider binding your copies into # handy reference work, The price of binding in handsome red cloth covered stift jacket with title gold blocked on the spine is only 12s, 6d. Copics should he sent well packed with the covers removed if not required to be bound in, Alternatively we offer the “Easibind” folder specially prepared for ArmoMoortier which takes the 12 copies plus index, and has the advantage ‘of permitting individual copies to be removed if ever necessary. ‘This is sold direct from our offices at 10s, 6d. per folder. More Welp Needed Response to our appeal in the December, 1957, issue in which we asked experienced radio control enthusiasts 10 help aur tyros in their awa loeabty has been excellent. Several Good Samatitans have volunteered to whom we publicly express our thanks. Still more helping, hands would be appre- iated to assist home constructors. Lone hands with the enthusiasm to build their own equipment are often frustrated, not only in regard to frequeney checking but on other aspects of radio equipment, A little advice from an experienced operator can make all the difference hetween success and failure and very often ensures the admission of another enthusiast to the ranks of radio control. We are keeping a reyister of “Radio Samarit here at the Editorial Offices, and do insist that people in nced of help frst write for an appointment. ‘The absorption wavemeter promised for this sue in “Radio Control Notes” has had to be held over to next month, meantime, any more volunteers? ok ME, Contest Results CFARROW, SIMELD twat eS parired TROPHY Grosdon BATA 38:00 2 Wishce A uarntony"” 8 nt Tsehs ot entries bannnghaca Nea C, a8 $. Bown. 1 isouth tinetad 1. Wea Sauter Cian Beer ae $ yehtton, Fee 12.0014 00 By 5 Chai | Ashcan 2. Romer, D, (Surbiton) ieee is 8. Mey, Crm BRS B 6 SabieMite. 308 8 fons Step i HAMLEY TROPHY 5: Heron 1 te FROG JUNIOR CUP etic 2345. 48 entries 0, Sith. W. Baath Hlectrie) 19 219 Gatater Bythe At exten 4, Seemang DEW Ge Mantes) 12 00 1, Chapman Glave) 718 2 Gaten Sh dsurbivon), tibs ENGINEER CUP 2 MacileyP. Bourmemun > $2 32 Boller’ c! Se Xivane) 10h Septeiher 13th. BB cade 4 Greaves, (Peaeatngten) 31S 2 Remisgten, Wi Br Ceoughbots Hentes UAC 2pea7 § Mieese pate) Ha Cale) fors7 2 Siniiton Nave iis §: Hocker: Ki 436 5. Kine, ROG. (Ceondony IES, 3. Roumnamouth ALAC HEi10 6. Batre E(Sodthuraptn) si 6, Bias 8 Gonna Wan £ Levmnaee DMN Rise PLUGGE cur Sduthmpron AEC, 22:20 SER CLARION, (Cian Chasnpionahs Surbiton ALC rt Birminghany NEA. Bailion ALEC Hesse », 698 points St ALLEN, Se ‘@tadio Champ.) Nivon (North Lines). J. ODontell GWhteied), ‘rorny JUNIOR CHAMPION D. Greaves (Lesmineton! Oven rower duration models are gradually showing a set pattern of evolution with long shallow pylon and rear fin. Mike Green’s est of a series of such designs and as the 1957 Nationals winner has established a firm reputation for high climb rate, Construction is easy, so why not start yours now for the new season? Use good quality medium/hard,jjth sheet for the fuselage sides, cement sq. longerons and spacers in place. Cut out formers of ply and } sheet, ‘Thon, shape and drill engine bearers and temporarily bolt to engine. Cement formers to starboard side and glue or cement in hearers very accurately, The Tongerons will have to be trimmed to take the bearers. "The precise position of F.1 and F.2 will depend on the individual tank and cut-out system. chosen. Various holes for the fuel tubin : must also be made before finally ylueing. Fix tank and tubing. ‘Then fit the port side and cement the top and boitom spacers. Make box of ykth ply for prop saver and cement t F.5. Add sheet to top and. dottom—geain direction is optional and proceed with the pylon. The fin can be built and fitted, sheet covering preventing any possibility of warps, The built in three parts—eentre section and tips. Pin down te and Tr, The latter is packed up fin. at the front, and is suitably notched. Insert riby—care will obviously have to be taken with the diagonals, Ribs ut the dihedral break should be suitably angled. Now notch the ribs and add top. spars. Lilt from ‘board and fit the lower spar. Shape co and sheet with soft pth. Add small upper surface riblets, Shape ‘tr and then join outer panels at correct angle. Fit soft balsa tips, Sheet the eentre section and sandpaper off to prepare for covering. ‘Tail is of similar constractic Jap tissue was usec! on the oviginal to keep the ‘weight down, On the wing use two or three coats of January, 1958 Mike Green’s British Nationals winner—a current fashion lightweight for maximum open power contest performance HEATWAVE LETelia pretenses January, 1958 15 dope, according to strength (50-30 “Glider dope ‘and thinners, for example). Finally 50-50 Banana oil and dope really thinned out for gloss. The tail has the same treatment and the fuselage light weight Modelspan covering ‘Trimming ‘The flight pattern is a fairly wide right climb and right glide, No down or side thrust has been found necessary with this series. Hand launch to check slide, If anything, there should be a barely- perceptible right turn. ‘Then proceed with short motor runs under low power (5 sec.). Some left rudder may be needed. ‘The glide can be sorted out at this stage. ‘The turn is achieved by tilting the rail and will work out finally to about 1-1) in. up on the stock, 2-3 in. long and vary right side. Do not put the tilt in all at once because the length to get the it does affect the power turn slightly. Gradually desired effect. Once in inercase the power, using the rudder to adjust the trim you should do easy tum in the chmb. Keep the right wing up either by four-minute maxs, so long sing wash-in or, which is more convenient on the as you keep out of down jiying field, use a small flap of th trailing edge draughts! FULL SIZE COPIES OF THIS 1/5t) SCALE REPRODUCTION ARE AVAILABLE PRICE 6/. PLUS $4. POST FROM AEROMODELLER PLANS. SERVICE PLEASE QUOTE PLAN NUMBER PI’ 686 WHEN YOUR ORDER ‘THe s1XTH IN THIS scries of interesting contests took place at Terlet at the national gliding centre of the Royal Netherlands Aero Club, from Sep- tember 27th to 30th. Honours go to the German Aero Club for initiating this type_of contest for a layout which, unfortunately, suffers from a general lack of attention. The reason is probably that the design and trimming of a really good fying wing is no ‘easy task, and only the expert can expect to achieve outstanding results. Nevertheless, design appears to have progressed during the last ten years or so and much of this is to the eredit of the Germans. ‘The Royal Netherlands Aero Club also undertook the organisation last year when the beautiful challenge shield was won by Great Britain through, F. Smith of the Southern Cross A.C. Great Britain should have organised the event for this year, but various difiiculties arose, so that the R.Neth.A.C, offered to take it aver one more With che A/2 formula being applied to the fying swing glider from now on, total area was more than halved and, in the ease of some very large models of 1956, even less than a third this year. Yet, performance proved to he higher. tries were received from four nations: Ger many, Great Britain, Yugoslavia and Holland, team manager and G Caine Sthe Ks ling, Fie lisipon be Hetigmnan’ an rman of the hotel tiation Seite Aetighe, Rabberadrteem flying wing fron Yuyostavia theses fare ia of thee Neth Si tba apt ake plese ahied Halos ef Brisk scat metebor Martha teste highest seinen Hh ate Seale Mamie of ths BY JUSTE VAN HATIUM entries being for gliding, rubber and power, as in 195%, Checking went on during Friday evening and Saturday morning, with only minor corrections to area and weight required on a few models. The first three flights took place on Saturday afternoon Conditions were not too good, with a strong bre and intermittent ruin, ‘The wind forced the launchers to run back fast to reduce towing speed. Some models could not stand the excess speed and many cases of flutter ‘were noticed. With the quite generous A/2 weight there is no need to build ultra-light and soerific essential stiffness Dutch team member Osborne started the ball rolling by scoring a maximum, thereby acquiring a lead which he did not relinquish right through the contest. With another 113 and a flight of 90 seconds he stood at the top with 383 secs. when the day's three flights were finished. His closest rival, Boretius of Germany, stood at 245 and third man ‘Ten Hagen, Holland, at 236 secs. Holland had taken the lead with 791, with Germany second, with 671, Yugoslavia third with 522 and Great Britain fourth with 347. Sunday morning started with rain and looked very much like a repetition of last year, when the io wt scoring 1166 pine Stamling fram loft to right: Van der Casi, tonal, pial Nerhertond dera Club tiltdiaw Ceaure at Tort “of meat’ Wakefitd temgith and fin at oar, hick shouid all January, 1958 last two flights had to be flown in the afternoon. However, the ruin stopped and a hurried trip made to the Iuinehing site, In the glider class, Osborne consolidated position with fights of 139 and 87 seconds, ending with the top score of 609 secs., an average of very nearly 122 seconds. Second place was taken by Boretius of the German team with 452, while Dutch team member ‘Ten Hagen—winner of the 1955 contest in Germany—scored 411, Holland proved to be the highest scoring team with 1,366 point against the German team's 1,112 points. Yugoslavia came third with 1,030, and Great Britain fourth with 646 points ‘There were many interesting and promising, designs at Terlet, but there is little doubt that Osborne’s was superior to all, both in design as well a3 in trim and towline characteristics, which were of the highest order. Next we would choose Roretius’ simple layout, which only needed stru tural improvement to eliminate flutter. Once again it was proved that a pleasing and sound layout is not enough and a great deal of time should be spent on achieving perfect trim. In the rubber class there were, unfortunately, only two entrants, but quality was very high, Here the British competitors made up what they lacked in the glider class, for Marshall made the highest score, 66+ sees. with a perfect serics of five fights all well over the 100 sees. mark: 164, 146 and 118. A really grand achievement ! Second came Schubert with a total of 398; a very creditable effort in view of the fact that he was flying with only $0 grammes of rubber. On his last flight he really got his model going and booked 133 seconds. ‘The rubber- powered flying wing strikes us as a really worth- while class which deserves more attention. Only two flew in the power-class and it proved an easy win for Klinger, who entered a beautiful high-thrust design which totalled 395 secs. over five left, another novel rubber-pomerod flying win is iate waakout: Wing Der monte ik champion it rabersmateeel iin wit cl thieh ee teks com wes 139 Soon Sehabert ured the only rub sein rather iow ining froin: Ocrmenp’ Rights. Old-timer Kron (Germany) smashed his model. in his first flight and scored a mere 23 seconds so Klinger had no opposition, Thus ended another of these intimate and pleasant small international contests of which we have so regrettably few now that the World’s Championships set the tone for ghmour and expense. It is to be hoped that in 1958 ‘Terlee Gliding’ Centre will have to look anxiously at the large entry and wonder how they are all geing to be accommodated! GLIDER ‘Tones in seconde TOTAL Gsbomne (Holland) 190190" 139 8708 reuite (Gea) ts i “att 6. Kon (Grenaay 718. Bondonse (ules) ih 10. Goieer (Germany) 1 Ente (Germans) 12 Mabie (Vzonova) 13, Marshall (Great Britain) 1a; Tipper (Grom Bean) 13) Ceattalne (Great itn) ys met apt race fort with ‘pater in the content é E a ARO January, 1958 WORLD NEWS ‘Tue contRoLine woys are certainly giving the FAIL. some. work with their recent spate of speed records! On ‘October 13th J. Skudky of Czechoslovakia pushed the 2:5 cc. figure up. & Doris kph. (46.6 mph.) wsing the MVVS glow engine, and in Hungary” on October 27th G, Benedek’ lifted the jet figure to 28L1 kph C746 mph.) using his self-made large Aerojet MH pulse unit, plan opposite These are terrific figures, and make Gadget Gibbs’ 5 ec, improvement reported in Hangar Doors all the more important. "These. aren't the only records submitted for ratification, USSR. has, through Dosaaf organisation, set_ an. altitude figuire that will probally stand for all time, Ci, Tjubuskin’s 3 ec, specially-prepared design went to. §,103 metres, (16,740 It), olftetally observed by an AN-2 biplane Did anyone complain about prop efliciency at a: mere 000 fein Se Alien or the” USA "Seems ke Teorge Lj: ud ether a new Tine in props oF the daddy of all thermals. Or wos it Sputnik fuel? Abgees Young Faridah Marian bolita a Tee ie ha ‘nay Fite Sends New Year Greetings to all aeromodellers everywhere Back to earth, and Hungary again, more 30 gramme now rule Wake results (this time with Benedek on top, find Azor 2nd) show that 750-800 secs, is the Kind of total we ean expect from a topline model in relatively Still az, seems Ike the old fyoff bogey will at last Be ibroken in Wakefield contests. ‘The new Alag ¥-2 glow ricer engine 4 up to 120 map.h. in contests, promsing swell for potential users in the U.K. if iis ever exported Vensersoxt in West ‘Transvaal, South frien is another of those places city tyes have to dreams about, Mouelters there have a 200-ft square control-line field, with conereted areas for take-off at varying radi and @ Central pylon base. What's more, one modeller lives Fight next door to this hiven whers noise tno nuisance. We clip ths item from WIPMAC, the W. Province newsletter which alin reports arrival of valvelasy radio duties on the market, meaning complete installavon of Singleseanel including bteries ane eseapement of 3 mere 4 ouness. Kit for this imported American outit Sony £28, ehey say Mercury Yracer In Singapore, Fron Ceachanlaatin, Ras. Clu shanks tn reitien ite recurni tah sarvoantral move able to Sot ei ade ating th a hitiatent me Beko: Novelties, 1 BG. atterine wnt tiles aay January, 1958 19 ~ GISELE) Speaking of radio, the view top right comes from Sgt. Morley, A.A. based in Singapore, an ambitious modeller, who unlike most of the deengine re fans is repared to Ko ahead with his design, It’s 8 C-130 Ficreules for'four Frog 149. glow ‘engines, throttle control on the inners and three channels serving elevators, rudder and reetraciable uje. “Even if it does pot fly”, says Sgt. Morley, “L shuall be quite happy Duilding it, and it must fly at least once to convince the sceptics. Nice juicy note in West Coast Model News, USiA. announces the annual W.A.M. dinner—price £1 exact, inclucing tip and tax with the interesting choice of 4 Weounee steak or a chicken for the min dish! Below: George Lenvile's outstanding jet record holler T MAZEPPA IT ALLOMENSIONS | IUMILLMETERS, 222 Ly January, 1958 (11le HOR OVER LAND OR WATER JOHN TRINDER’S 30-in. RUBBER-POWERED DESIGN IS A PRIM PERFORMER Tar Lirtee Avg is the name for fan almost extinct seabird and regre tably rubber-powered floatplanes. also fall within the almost extinct category Ivis hard to explain why this is so, for models like this one are particularly easy to build and trim, and are a great pleasure to fly. Being convertible to a landplane. by removing floats and plugins in a normal wheeled w/e, it is a double purpose design and for eontest work a one-bladed folding prop essembly is suggested. One further note’ before bnilding—do pre-cement joints wherever possible as this at least doubles the life of any model Build both fusclage sides at the same time—one on top of the ather. While these are setting, make up cabin frames PI and P4, Separate sides and complete construction of box fuselage over the plan view adding spacers. Fit 4x 4) diagonals—these add reat rigidity for little weight. Bind the nose with Cotton and rub cement over strands, and secure the undercarriage tubing t0 appropriate spacers. Build floats by fitting hth sides on the main former, after u/e has been bound in place then add L.E,, 'T.E, and sheet covering, Slot the wing and twil trailing edges in. deep to key the ribs, Pin down wing TE. with 3). packing, under front. Cement ribs to TE. and add Tewling edge and top spars. When set, remove from board and add underspar. Raise tapered panels 2in. under outer rib and join to inner panels. Same’ system applies to the tailplane. The upper and lower fins axe built over plan and cemented to fuselage using appropriate holes in in. sheet for positions: Original is covered with lightweight M. Jelspan throughout. Watershrink and give coat of 30/50 dope and thinners to wing and tailplane and two louts need extra coats of Pin down wing and that they coats to fuselage. ‘The Banana vil for waterproofi tailsurfaees with supports ta ensure and leave them: thoes days remain tene for the dope to harden complet Little can be discovered by hand gliding, so put fon 100 turns and hand luuneh over long grass. Two degrees of downthrust have been built into the model, so power stalling should nor occur and right rudder should ive the best flight pattern for this model, Ze, right turn under power and on the glide. Increase number of turns on Aight until roughly 500 are reached. for by 35 per Now, ani until now, is the time to try taking off water. The rear float will leave the water immediately on release and the model should unstick within a few feet. If this does not ocenr, inerease the angle of attack on the front floats. If at any time any portion, of the model should be ducked, @ pin prick i comer of the waterlogued panel will drain water out, Nord-Aviation Lun cuttraiy wide-sereen goddesses ofthe pneumatic wiggle, some aeroplanes demand more thas a casual scrutiny. AV shape most definitely in the whistie-worthy class is the contemporay French Griffon I] research interceptor fighter. Forget for second the delta wing and suchlike excreseences, and the voluptuous Griffon 's revealed as an impressive blowtorch with & small, coneshaped nacelle mounted on top to house the pilot The Nord-Aviation 1500 Griffon IT is currently undergoing a new series of evuluation trids at Istres, hear Marseilles, with Nord’s Armand Jacquet at the controls and test engincer Bernard Curis in charge of the whole operation, ‘The main purpose of this second series of tests—whieh commenced in October last year— Into try out the unspecified-powor SNCEC MA, Fumiet “Which dugments the basic, 7,710-Ib. st. BINEC ALA, Att JO1P axiatetlow turbojet. Although the Fronch are Keeping very. quict about the bomber intereeptor performance of the Griffon Hl, an ese ‘wibtess has stated "She climbs likeabat out of hell ¢ and keeps on going up and up, nearly vertically. "The roar of she ramjet engulfs the "drome. Teasing one Geifened and speechless!” A. pretty tus of phrive Perhaps, but the Griffon LI isa thoroughbred with en your old family tee fn behind the Ciriffon mined-power interceptor is M. Jean Galtier, aged 56 and one of France's brightest engineering brains. In the 1920's Gulucr worked lor the now delupet Hemnard company and had s hand in the design of the single-seat Temnard 12C-1 fighter, and the types 181, 1. 191GR Che Ofeae Cameri— “Yellow Canary” of 1920), the 6OT, 80GK, 9031 and 17018, "Then in 1937 Galtier joined Gencral M. Vernisse at the Arsenal company snd their intile were given to the series of VGsixhters snd fighter-bombers: the VG-10 (later the VB-I0 of 1946), VG-33, VG-36 and VG-39 of the late 1930. After the war Galtier produced the Arsenal VG-70_researeh jet and the experimental swept-wing naval fighter, the Nene-powered. VG- ‘which was destroyed in a ying accident [At this time Galtier began orion pliders, the Ars. 1301 anti Ars2301 swhich were intended {o give flight data in preparation for 4 rocket-powered supersonie fighter which was abandoned in favour of Conventions” gas tuebine-power. ‘These gliders were towed behind “a cwo-momr N.C.702 (licenee-built Siebel Si 204A) with variety “of configurations nailless, tailplane, tailplane and noseplane, and noseplane ouly—the lastmentioned being ancosporsted. it the Griffon design to eliminate the tyansonie twins: mose= down pitch and resultant loss of lift at Mach 1-0 ‘AC the beginning of 1953, Arsenal yas absorbed by S.NC.A. dt Nord (now NonleAviation) and Galtier hhendedthe interceptor research off-shoot 8. FF C.MLAS. une it, 100, was brought under the direct management of Nord, Prom the -Ars1301/2301 gliders wore evolve toe dunce Gale” proses, “the sq scl BC. 1400 delta tighter (successively the Tin24 Sat {4a Gert 1k ana of 1954 nd 1958): and the eamard1300 Guepard, later renamed Griffon January, 1958 Number 53 described by C. W. Cain drawn by E, Tage Larsen 1500 Griffon ‘The latest Gerfaut, the 1405 Gerfaut 11, afterbumning $.N.E.C.M.A. Atar 101G and is currently undergoing missile firing tials at supersonic speed-— the Gerfaut IT is capable of Mach I-+—and is the first European aireruft to be engaged in Mach’ 1:0-plus guided! missile firing rials Since the Nord 1500 Griffon was flown for the first time at Melun-Villaroche on September 20th, 1955, this hard-worked sole prototype has been progressively modified. ‘The original 6,500-Ib. st. S.NE-C.MLA, Aur 10iE-2—whieh with S.NE.C.M.A. tvo-door vyeclid” afterburner gave a max, power of 8,370-Ib. st as been replaced by amore poweeful tar 10LP backed up by the “Sunday Punch” S.N.E.C.M.A, ramjet to sive a levelflighe speed in excess of Mach 1-7; and an interception altitude shave 55,000 ft. In its present form the Nord 1800 Griffon IT was first flown fon January 23ed, 1957, ‘To accommodate the additional flow of air required to feed the hungey “stmight-theough' S.N.E.C.M.A, ramjet, the original nose intake has been widened and deepened. Likewise, the aft end of the fuselage has been deepened and lengthened to accommodate the new ramjet tailpipe. ‘The former characteristic anhedtal tail surfaces have been disearded. ‘The siting of the braking chute has also been altered. Originally it was part of the dorsal back of the rear fuselage whereas now itis Positioned just below. tho small area rudder. ‘The peculiar xeometry of the fore part of the fuselage hos necessitated the use of boundary layer [ences which appear above the intake and are joined to the bottom of the cockpit nacelle. Formerly these two fences were straight but the increase intake diameter hss. brought about the introduction of curved Fences, N.DL—As the Grifon I, the Nord 1500 carted the experimental ldaniication fetter (in Wael) tehind the fuselage rovndels But ton the revioed Gnifon TI the leer repaced bn ‘ete ising tind’ it ein (eto pments 2.8 ccc. diesels. He remains convinced that the smaller model can be made to win contests continually, ond hopes ore day to carry off the Gold Trophy with a seale type. (We've supplied him with drawings for an ideal subject!) His distinetion is a massive handle with heavy gauge soft wire line connectors for adjustment, and dessensitising contrat Flying Poto's 334G ourselves after the Thunderbird, was a revelation as it was seemingly faster than the far larger 6 cc. American model. It pulled hard too, end though rock sceady when straight and level, would drop its nose squarely at the flick of the wrist and xo quite “square” despite the lack of flaps. Loops are large with 334G and a vertical eight takes all the space from bottom to top and back again if itis to be a perfect figure, ‘This is a veal stunt man's model, beautifully smooth, yet as nappy as n terrier when roused and ideal for old’ simple S.MLA-E. Schedule. Of all the 2°5 designs, we have own it alone impressed us for its ability to be posi- tioned anywhere on the cireuit at any level, aay tine, A wandering stunt could soon be corrected and eamou- faged before the judge could have time to devect ony flaw. We should also add that Pete his « remarkable 2.46, January, 1958 prefect stant tice at top Wit Neteonond with the *fente Arcow'y the tent wre ef tehicl te thegttte for! power com Ramee jog nul uatng vary large Hane tek wary lag But we still rate the man-size "35" eliptical winged stunters easier to handle, and for the US. “Hour glass”, and square cight stunts which have now come into our S.M.ALE, Schedule for this season, they have special advantages, mainly in giving the pilot more time to consider his standard as he fies ‘Two designs cannot be used as a basis for any fic opinion on the standard of present and future flying, even though the Thunderbird in particular, hos won Championships in_ practically every country where the kit is available. One must give credit to others, and if tho U.S.A. contest results are analysed, one name alone comes up for continued Championship, success for design and flying. ‘This is George Aldrich No. less than four times the Nats. winmet, and this year, supreme winner of the Jim Walker Trophy in the lly-off betwixt, Junior, Senior and Open vietors. Aldvich’s Nobler His design is the Nobler, also kitted in the U.S.A, and like the Thunderbird,’ dating back beyond” five years in development, Distinctive for its Caudron Pho Noller iw tatest U.S. Poe SS and speclat fonk ae ae taled Below. Cenrge states thee a erfeet in mina the note ‘out frame Fiza seater sows itotails, Enc bit ya Note fi for tadhctee fiche ad GG! position January, 1958 31 208 PRLMERS Few-wow st Nobler, ttarted theft iasomptoy Wn is ortunlly, comemporars, sith the id to eliptical img bat Nhat ate iy dori and ea a Racer lines and the fact that George ies clockwise (like many of the earlier U.S. experts, eg, Harold de Bolty the Nobler has a high tail, Wah “T/L and can weigh up to 3 Ibs,, delivering an all-weather perlorm= ance to bring in on impressive number of first placings dating back to the 1951, Plymouth Internats. ‘The Grawing of Nobler shows it in latest all-time Champion ship version, Only the tail surfaces have been modified in six years of service, apart from appearance variations: in eabin position and decor. The drawing shows the Tatest Suinmarising there world leaders, Palmer, Aldrich, Stoufls, and Russell, one can identify’ points int common among their design’ and techniques. ‘They ily for the Judges, positioning each stunt exactly where it will impress most, they exhibit a smoothness of pattern tha makes the most dif_icule manoeuvre seem so effortless nd in their models, use faper wings, high tails, generous, fin area and build’ their wings so’ that the section is, fully maintained from leading to trailing edges. We have not had the pleasure of fiying Georg Aldrich's Nobler, but as the leading contest flier in the US.A., we have specially commissioned him t0 design a combat/stunt snodel for 25-35 v,c. The result Will be seen next month, when we feature the "Peace= maker"—introdueing new structure, a new look in Stunt design, above all quick to build, extremely tough, and fully tested by George Aldrich with both the Oliver ‘Tiger and AM. 35 through SQUARE four leaf elovers, SQUARE and ‘TRIANGULAR vertical eight Can you wait? aes? This sehite beauty Whe sei thers cont be nothing na ‘innit ean inapiration for sticksinethecniada, unt bear we Pog rca ei Oe Mere oa ar Pogasis, it hex some feat common itch that af Sr. ‘Same sinner Palowakis entry. (See World News) aaa Bice ‘Top, the J. Roberts Cs ofits seanter fs designed for Flighe ne BRITAIN’S LEADING A/2 DESIGN—TWICE IN THE NATIONAL TEAM & REGULAR CONTEST WINNER ‘Panis MODEL Was first designed in 1952-53, and adopted by the Wallasey club as a standard model in 1954. Modifications have been made ice the original first appeared, all of these being changes in detail which have been considered necessary in the light of competition experience, ¢, simple and positive wing fixing, auto rudder, To quote a few of the model's successes 1954—ise at British Trials 15th out of 66 in the World Championships on four flights only. 1955—Ist in S.M.A.E. Cup. 1950—2nd in Model Engineer Cup. 1987—Ist, British Trials. 8th, World Championships. by John Hannay Aged 28, waried, 2 children eeedine’ Hh so rasber fd ehdér a Wallasey. Building Instructions: Cut two sheet sides trom f-in. stock, and glue din, square strips uround the edge of this outline. Join sides with formers 3 and 4, and, when set, join nose with formers [ and 2. Make up lunderfin and top fin from two laminations of ty-in. sheet, and join rear ends of fuselage sides with the fins sandibiched between. Insert nylon line in fuselage for auto rudder, ensuring that itis free to operate smoothly. Make up box for wing tongue from I-mm. ply, and bind well, but donot fix in position until wings with boxes have becn con structed, With box loosely in position, slide tongne through box and locate wings, ensuring that they FULL SIZE COPIES OF THIS |/th SCALE REPRODUCTION ARE AVAILABLE. In reaching the ‘Trials, the model placed | [ 2nd, 3rd and 4th on the combined results for the North Western Area, and was only beaten into top place by John Rhead of Wigan, who topped the national result on. a combined total. Other successes have THE AEROMODELLER PLANS SERVICE TOPSCORE been numerous, having won for Stan Hinds the Scottish PaaLoad Rally for two years in succession, Ist places at Woodford and Huddersfield, and 2nd place at the 1957 All Britain Rally for Len Hutton. ‘This latter modeller has become the North Western Area glider champion for 1957. "Topscore” is the desiza flown in the 1957 World Championships in Czecho- slovakia, and is, in the writer's opinion, the best he has produced to date. ‘The reasons for this are considered to be as follows: @) In eased aspect ratio. 2) ‘Thinner wing section. @) Close rib spacing to. preserve the section, this also being the reason for the subsidiary spars on the underside of the wing, ‘The Wallasey club considers tha for consistent suecess a basic design should be adopted and developed by all. club members, for in this way fauks in the model are soon shown up and can be corrected. Wimess the performances of urbiton in power, and Whitefield. and Birmingham in rubber in support of this argument. With the Team event now taking precedence over individual results in World Championships, this aspect cakes on even greater importance January, 1958 slot home properly into the cutouts provided in the fuselage sides. Firmly glue box into position, then complete top and bottom sheeting; udd nose block ‘and. sand to shape prior to covering. Wings: Cut out all ribs, allowing for sheeting top and bortom of root ribs. Lay down ‘TE. ; L.E. and insert all ribs. Remove flat centre sections from board and gluc in bottom flanges of main spars. Glue in subsidiary spars, then completely sheet the underside of both centre sections with e-in, sheet, A itoennan Make up both wing boxes, then, with both centre sections flat on the board at fusclare width apart, slot boxes onto wing tongue and cut away top of the root ribs to allow the wing boxes to sit fat Well glue into position, and when set make good the root ribs over top of boxes. Trim down L. to approximate nose section, and complete sheeting of centre sections, Make tip sections and join to centre panels. Choice of dural for wing tongue is of prime importance, and must flex without bending. ‘The ‘Tailplane is simple and self-explanatory’ from the drawing, Trimming: With auto rudder set for right turn, hand launch into wind. I glide és reasonably lat try on line with auto rudder adjusted for straight tow. ‘orrect any tendeney to weave by moving hook back. Onee satisfied with tow, trim alide for fairly tight cirele. Pack up ‘TE. of tailplane until model stalls, then file off a little at a time until stall just dise appears. Tow up and deliberately stall off the line overhead. If recovery is not immediate, remove a fraction more from the 'T.E. ps PRICE Sf- PLUS 63,POST FROM AEROMODELLER PLANS SERVICE. PLEASE QUOTE PLAN No, G.S64 WHEN ORDERING, + of ida dd sc EA 1 NO BUTS ABOUT IT! Deas Su, ig Jets fom Mr. Monnesc-Redich fauto control, pubtsesed in your December Ie 34 January, 1958 The Fitor does not hold himself responsible for the views exprested by correspondents. The names and adresses of the writers, not necessarily for publication, must in all eases accompany letters. the Society for the kuvwledge, the fasts at my digposa allow Seletion of the team. As tit sttition mie tstsie Eiae, ieaiultted to be xo misleading that SRS fras‘nor Vet arson the Society has "Lim his autobiography, A. I. G. Fokker {tte rg, ats davieatic soneste clits tate gid he foe sesiened i Under eis SAL ACT tule, Stroplanes and seeapons” ‘ad Mag’T ad some Sal nmol genecal tid everything, om designing the srvliest pact te! negotiating Yo the Sipe: gules be so maaading teat “Te"hae long. been tat opinion 6f- the fingest contracts" aie, ete, He bas iedemande a teply inorder at your reales saemmbera_ af the Radio ‘Control Sis repeated this self gloriication in marty ay ot emai in apres of the faci. Gomnive thatthe general steal of rds ieteires acd etatesnente, Fe also mae ‘Mr Redlicits ever one by ones figtng ta the ‘country i lide short of the ‘German uthortion bcisge that f, Danny he pat edit years the 2PeMting. "This includes we performance Ie id "he" atone eas the. designer. SNE Nc hes fun contests for cath BME ty profemtonal allo Coneol Mer Bogincerine ‘expert thercore, sere Si Me mae tee US Liwell @ deans de wes fer iar nee pete ane Reem cate Tere Soya fo MS ful obtzining In he Griginal SAL Ae sudo ontrl sules tor he"singlet Mechel aan he frat apa AR fae i ony el Sn feure ety yh aye tata ee ee RL RE el Soe ne Saat ote bid ft with aipstne'Seinautaae fearnectts cach aera com; etiorna Natoma Comes kee tenee Eh ee Nae aceertentad emcee BESTE NSE aC teal porte |, Remameeenet late practical information prior to the athe. 2. 'To prove how little Fokker actually: tus occa (Mormon pri 2 he TE ocrdibe tu ut that compatitors —? Goadiened "le oes seule Heit aia" Ree iat na caer mht state te he Weed foe ahs eecne Gy Tttes taken of, turmto the Idges ond ask, “ht tive mist tapos ae famous tone, uemieers, ned the Genceat EA, thy fey for ature TT and oe ee TENE “Sterner foresng che vtndard ie aetna Vi ae Tiernaeinufe aie tad Rete eis of aio contol fing: ie prriaily that of erually de tgne constructed ad tert etngtth enh hevtampeta Tictsdte car ince Jno eget ad fe 2 SUE coeyuau aeeeeeners aa = Seat) atau a reese cunt lee Sp themtnee ee 3. HEAan atu wep mw eomae meperename Hae COMM AUT Grace conten Rzete tice ee Header undtattns at sama EARS eomey ic emieraS MAE! Beveshce etm of hetnwseling tlre yi fet hg a at Fe Centre bey was DUC UP for ity have done, then the standard of ving nd ‘Sir Gecilrey de. Hvilland, Hag Soma iran nat Tol sry oe gerund te o Sere com cums Geran cotets | Goeaeeenelicecl emerautenly tatty Ta Ect SiS Ba pag oan models a eeier GSC eherdare aa word nett ruetnamas Uke Batley te sea are ote PRESTR he oman twee lea ty ae Reet ee neceontrot begs ann SRR “Smee fom thom Mulch et euaretil Mer idis breifealistiheGahis ©” HDT, Gunn Is there rea emecael clei forahe gauche tue TST mand ce'was ima ta ware oto teat sheets conan er er aL Yee, elipdto arrngrant teak caetiee ess cecal comer eu Ceieronera nen mess ETO omnes: «© Soiday arctan tae puma embeeoir iat Tea Say taete may eaten aaah al ease ad ober sage Hes SONG Of Sea SOIT atl aol ely en Ge Sing od ee Liniee han Sen walle ofthe Subecmie APR a8, ALAS POTS Fret that it would be better to separate ‘Yourg faithfully, Dunstable, Beds, See Ga Take carat ac Son, {SR ag ne i he dom Scary, BMA on, CROWES! Ratu ments “rma the “1987 rom reply from efcial aon oe ee tee Tent see Ps thos interested in "CRUMBS" in 4. The S.M.A.B. Radio Control Sub Ese ported Mi, edlich albeat In every sote'WSecemiser tuew, and Tam pleseed 10 primittes has et sexslany curing ‘Pde whe erteted our acon ta afording te that Wonk planes ate now caching oh Peller sen ch 4S pniont pune othe ena Tester we wuld Sayfa, ‘owteyer” an Wonk ptm derma et Bere RUS SANS Goal ejene her aly agprcate com: several Yeats inexpertne of ese fol ‘Beraceare in conse Tousen iM tnd ads Jel fo he re of cnet. Tenge ano a oe felice emit sootcal chs and sas Femulary" act ae Judes at “mectngs bath in this coun on abo Te the sao and le"g¢ radio control ‘uaellers fee any dean to ahi they have empl opportunity doing sovtinauet ee Clube and Reem to Biter fair crac of the whips eb.) ‘THE FOKKER REPUTATION ‘bt, %e the’ best of our DEAR SIR, ‘Sour [acat cation "anh outlet 1 ered challenge “CRUNIDS 26 eny pe of contest take your pick (aml soc, fe SSOAPSUD a contintartley flocking ‘doo? sees and nermergus pektstors) ite do verte ree num good shout "CRUSIHS, partitulaty the bin lit genom, Dietinsteli ttstancing and Knowles hosucidetnande have evar My frend Pater 1. Gray draws my abemt of the tives inensca where suggestions attention Me Fave been iade by Individaaf models toncerning the Wie’ AVE" G. Poker as the , Van Biaedm's Teter “VI now aie on FHP Radio. ‘To. increase ied paleo all che cove snd thee rapa Ite tomeniberof tho Sul-cormittec; dearer of hig aeroplanes snd weaporte."Thakes a cent t9 ear uxt as hw it wae slits have certsiny” been combdered —““Teappeany that Nee f-vam Latur is aot! on-set. find in several cases adopted eq well inured etd har gwatiowed the “Nowe "condahone of comps, i mistse 6, Me. Hediich’s statement thot the lead ohles myth lock srek and bartel Holland sina we neste fe ey pale at face in Fadio eontsol lying in Great Uritat Tam tying to-wyite an wihiased and fair inehes at the crak of dou Tt f win, mister tas been eit toa few indfitualioe tc his sears but ibe manewith ed a tn 7, Rend en the FACT pode rules saver at ara fie" fae nae SHG. Fokker the Fokker ehievemeat foc Illand ta be fine casted an roanfer dese Tooke For hig. T have done lesb on plan-—shot gus ‘of the fiery me uly raves othe lauded with Jer" explication of ail Incuan “Packs I feel shove be wil se she fhieed dimentto twicstand, and are tvulsble"and willing sources, aid wits pone: After ay is ‘etacao at to cal for no reply ‘Sogumeona oF has undoubtedly been disiated: ahe foe a FALL Incernationtl Coneat for one of the greatexpecmonaitee {t 4vationy aver sea sere itil cxpekt ‘whigh this Sockets wl be expocted tq tl his contrition should nor be wader: "CHRUMIS"ta be kets wel bred Biace eum, chen raid contol Stinger tuo auaiies im certain respects pore en Pres may ret nsured that aiming ave een outstanding. But in Fespeet fo IN Rw) Hunter ‘coments base om those rales ene Be abllkter ma danigner and fe eheincering (1964 Champ. of Stetuiile Spain Be) January, 1958 AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED Number 88. by J. D. McHard Edgar-Percival RIP+Q rue Epean Perecvar E.P.9 is not a pretty aeroplane, by virtue of its cargo carrying functions, yet its simplified structure, and careful design has produced an airframe which is’ decidedly more attractive than many of it's agricultural contemporaries, ‘The P.O (later designated E.P.9 to avoid confusion with produces irom Edgar Pereival's former works at Luton) originated from a detailed personal study of potential operator's requirements the world including U-S.A., Australia, and New Zealand, where aiceralt are extensively employed for agricultural work at which they are more eflieient thatt conventional spreaders for seedling ond dusting, Design commenced May, 1954, and the first prototyne flew on December 21st, 1953, from Stapleford Acro- drome near Abridge, Estex, with Edgar Percival at the controls Subsequent flights confirmed that the design monts had been met and in some cases excer Abounding confidence in the aeroplane reatilted ini Production line being laid down, even before any definite orders had been placed! ‘This optimisn hus since beon fully justified by the rapid deliveries which Bduar Pereivals were able to quote to the enquiries that flowed into the little factory Duspite eramped quarters, the tremendous enthusiasm of all concerned with E.P.9 production, ensures building time of only nine weeks per nircraft A design feature of the acroplane, which makes itself very evident upon becoming airborne, is the very high pilot position in relation to the engine. At first this gives the illusion of being in a perpetual shallow dive! One quickly becomes accustomed to the view and many advantages of the arrangement are appreciated. Visibility all round fs superl sid equal to that of a low=wing type the pilot having 1 clear view over the mainplane in the direction of any turn. ‘This is an essential requirement for an agricultural aircraft where abrupt low altitude manoeuvres are continuously eatried out as normal routine during crap dusting operations. Tn the unhappy event of an aecident the pilot is well sd above the engine and cargo with considerably sr immunity from possible injury Initial climb is almost helieopter-like after a seemingly non-existent take-off run—another very desirable Wing root ancl cabin detail of G-AOZO thot of top Toft Hop ight, intarion pth rca bat take frst th, * control columns; lower. ie fete Se Te show she. coat “ ee ree a ll whlih bonth esate ab Tigh the brightte coloured voprecain EPS shown ‘om cover im true oon “Honpar oon be beet fn the reer caste attribute when remote areas with unprepared landing. strips are likely to he encountered, Apart from ‘its erop dusting work it ean be exploited as an ambulance aircraft, carrying 2 stretcher attendant and a walking case. It has an enormous advantage over the smaller ambulanes helicopters in that a seriously injured patient is able to receive emereency treatment, inchicing blood transtusions, during Might 1020 ddomnunairation atrerafi Heating shows 6. a el for ir aabete Be cPenoy ath alae Towa 36 January, 1958 zht freighting can be undertaken, the rear part of the fuselage “pod” having # volume of 185 eu, It, and a floor area. of 45 sq.ft. the recently increased payload row stands at 1,600 lb, ‘The low rear platform makes the handling of goods a very simple matter. Sa light passenger-carrying aircraft the E.P.9 accommodates 5 persons with luggage in addition to the pilot! Perhaps because of its smooth contours, the acroplane gives the false impression from a photograph of being about the size of an Auster, Its true size is on fully appreciated after one has climbed the under= carriage und made the ascent to the cockpit, Another size-revealing shock comes when it is realised that one can stand upright in the rear fuselage, Aerial photography is yet another task for which this maid of all work is adaptable, ‘The virtual absence of obstructing structural members in the freight bay floor makes the fitting of vertical cameras very simple whilst the comparatively large transparent areas and removable rear clam door give the oblique cameras a wide field of view ‘One of the very latest overseas deliveries is ZS-CHZ in red and eream now on its ‘South Africa, “44 airframes have been made and are under construction at the time of writing, and those in service ate to be found in widely sepirated countries throughout. the world—quite an achievement for such a small private enterprise company so youthful in age if not in experi ‘Type desionations are: EP.9 Freighter; EP.9A tiliser; EP.IB S EP.9C Duster; EP.9D versal Hopper; EPIE Passenger; EP.OE Ambu= ance. All models may be fitted with fats, ski or wheel undercarriage ‘Thanks are due to Messrs. Edgar Pereival for their unstinted co-operation in allowing us complete freedom to examine and photograph the E.P.9 both om the yt Z, Fab. 2, hy jt ete Shoe ‘on 5: artenha fs Han: 2298 “Hulen Liidt ®escocvergi s Bien BR Corman E.P9, onco re BF, now D-EDUY of — Height Sit Vin. pepe | "Feitering on right tt Performance (jut tony Se Sie Geta pale reiecem er lene easy Cruisin speed fen leet) Landing socal tie aia size 105 ye. Part Ill of WORLD WAR | GERMAN AIRCRAFT FINISH by P.L. Gray In our new series ‘Towanns vite END of the war Home Defence fter units were formed in Germany and were known as “Kestas’” (Kampf Einsitzer STAifel) in comparison with the Front Line fighter units known as ""Jastas” (JAgd STALic)). ‘These “Kestas” were largely equipped. with, jiemens-Schuckert D types which were covered all over with the dark lozenge fabric except for the whi fin and rudder, and’ bore white crosses on the dark surfaces, The really gaudy machines beloved of the fietion writers sere the ekeeption rather than the rule, but some toned illustrations of some single seaters of which details were obtainable are included, it being thought hat at fexe specific examples would be’ preferable to a lat Df generalisations. When bright colours were used they were applied over the camoutlage finish, It has not been possible to obtain a record of Staffel nuarkings as these Were not official but were solely the choice of the Staffel Commander and the pilots them= selves, and probably varied frequently. For those who wish {o finish a model in a more colourfill scheme, yet have it based on fact, a table is appended as « rough guide to the way some of these airerate were painted, which has bec culled from various aurobiographical writings. Such information is unfortunately vague, Dut in the heat of a dogfight doubtless the pilot did not have time (or incbnation) to study the exact manner in which his adversary was painted. ‘Tyin-Kngined 0 ~ ‘Twin engine machines generally conformed to the sume camouflage schemes as the already described single and (vo-seucer uircraft. Clear doped aeroplanes. were widely used at first_and later on were camouflaged; although many machines appeared in. “half-and-half” finish, i., camouflaged wines and clear daped fuselage, ice versa. The printed lozenge fabric wus not applied to the majority of bombers but sn irregulie lowenge patiern was painted on in shades of dark blue, indie, black, dark purple and dark grey. Reference again to the “Table of Fabrics” (November issue) will show that colours were by no means uniform. AEG GIV machines do appear to have been covered with a printed fabric at Teast one captured example wis—with «large regtdar fae rt inder of wings inte lies Contry ex portion bleek nnd sh rb Coscept tail pointing) reas afi, Thattonts Fokker BF fram aco ches caring plot emg teh A aoa Cea eS pris, —_—— ro a ictal hexagon pattorn which had been sulditionally stippled over with coloured dape to make the effect even ‘more vague and hazy. Hl cerion of Eiki, Rata Vth (Sorat veining ta the firat aff rad onateril, Siemens. leatele of Greek eras ‘wie Nosenge fabric ‘Gowarra photon) January, 1958 Nay German naval aeroplanes wer except for few Dornier expe mental fying. boots, twinstoae sea th chow being frowned upon bythe authorities During the latter half of the wae these. seaplanes were. extensively dperated from bases on the Baltic ard Noth Sen commis, one of the most, notable (or. notorious!) hnsing Zeebruge commanded hy Oblt. Christianson, who downed many British IGN.AS. machines “The Naval airerat langey followed the practice of the Air Force, except that large Naval series numbers were painted onthe fuselage sides, usually in. black. but times addivonally outlined narsowly an white omctimos fuselage erosses were omitted. With. the adoption of lozenge fabric the fusclage sides were often painted plain dark green, simply leaving the decking In the patchwork colours. ‘The fabric dilfered from that tt the Air Foree in having lozenges in a patter of quite fextlar hexagons. Althouge st has not been possible to raumine a picco of this fabric, iti logically concluded that the pinks and yellows of the land scheme fabric ‘were dropped anid light green anid alternative shades of blue andlor grey substuted At all events this camouilage proved most effective as the seaplanes waited on the surface of the North Sea ) for Allied patrol flying boats to appesr, whereupon they started up and gave battle. Size of the hexagons on the single-engined machines ‘Top left Lif. Roland € Il lived wp ta ite German namo “Iaifizck” (Shark) in appearance i rep toara palisad sported tos jue cour ournished sa “i sete ply couered ute room “con be idtsingutshed She'manuer fn ehich the mel Sieber ve ‘ae “tor faces (LWA photo). Top. right, dunkere Daf 191d tee draft were painted, (teal photographn) Belov left D iran infineter im tha face wid tmpannage concerti ond depen me EEA pe) Dede ‘creat applied tw Navat seaplenes and Noarine serial IDainted woer the erase underoath the we I with groom iPaselage. bande ighe red selon wehite Seticoen en hich the erent teas superimposed oe Sita i aie tured near Bonnirul on Febraary 26th, tt over datumininns with coryplete! tail watombly and fiselage motif in ehowolate brown js estimated as being about 12 to 15 inches in diameter: those used on the lnrger Friedrichshafen und Gotha, twin-engined seaplanes were proportionately larger. aft the AutrocHungarian arerafe which generally followed tho some systems adopted by the German Air Poreo, xcept that mare siruy tones ere used for operations over" substropical theatres. On toachines using the System of Innge irregular patches of camouflage, the dape fniuh war cubbed well nto the fabric by hind ith cla ote whl et ver hula pt {ibe was inefoduced the toaterial cas very sila 0 that ured on Gorman Naval machines, in having ‘etthAlbtvon sing Hanna’ eanttonbure Weld ete rs This aeraptane wees captured, Wie photo.) fon the onatel Aga0 POOaLUa) January, 1958 Sta, Sea of ea fight, an intact BVM abot down by “ect a en lao pattern of pattern of regular hexagons. Tn some instances the pattern was additionally washed over in places, following the outlines of the hexagons, to form Inns’ of darker tone, ns shown National insignia of the Army machines was the sarne as the German, except that no crosses wore cartied on the fuselage sides, although they were occasionally painted on the wheels discs, The Naval flying-boats and Marine Corps scout aireraft carried red-white-red chordwise flushes, both above and below the upper wing tips (the portion covering the ailerons span being split equally. into three divisions), the tailplane was likewise equally divided, also the rlidder. Crosses were additionally carried on the wings, inboard of the flashes, The straight sided Greck erosses were not adopted by the Austro-Hungerian Pores until. about Augast/ September, 1918, ‘All aireraft carried a serial number, painted in black oon the fuselage sides by which, onee the key was known, any aireraft could be identified, even sts sub-contractor, ‘Yo ive complete detail is beyond the scope of this article, but it can be briefly stated that the tens digit preceding the stop indicated the manufacturing firm, as follows: 01-09 Licence built German 10-19 Lohner Ainoeafe pes Sn—30 GcAvtacy Causuian 20-29 Phonke Airerft Se) hig Lond verte 50-59 Celine (Muntrian Gea #09 Chet tmeaian Govt ecto 70-79 Fisehamend (mainly 8089 WCE Wena Care ‘augecomeractanis) fae Waka) et O-Ae. Bey SRE ae ne ‘Lo well-known Austro-Hungarian fighter pilots were Frink Linke-Crawlord, who seored 27, victories and Godwin Brumowsky, 15 victories. Both, at one time, Aew ‘Austrian built Aibatros D. TLI's—with Austr 90-99 MAG" tlungartan Anna w.)ethe ro figure after the atop, eer bull * gril 38°58 Gil J vachine of th Tr Greek exoases Type Ais the frat styte used, this was illustrated ei oe a ie in Ba er B00 nad Atbatrox CNM COSI. Ty po iinet roportions, Crow with Lah eras dentth, border vl “Coss wadthy as on over of £dth June, 1918 alae of ariinal print Tings show shaded fo ‘Darker, Woe: feecon Saretage stripes, Mack ender neh Re acc fe at Farag inch fom irpoton, 4) 8 Nt Rromortons of erowe 2 bite unter Daimler engines instead of the German Mercedes— Brumowsky used a skull device (no crossbones) painted fon the fuselage, and LinkesCrawford an eagle with ‘outstretched wings, PREFIX CODING OF MILITARY AIRCRAFT Although the flowing list explaining, the prefix cxding of all Gorin toittar sirerae ts ‘not ateetiy‘caneerned ‘with thete ‘imoutlage or insgnin eta presente inthe interests of completeness iikeie He Intormasiin on the numbers of asad, ‘Pach Hicraf eutgory A Ginarmed aweraeat ace B Unlined tNo-acit plans Gp EST hip. mney eining © emad torseae biplanes, usually over 180 hp, 1 Armed Sglesnest iplance: tn 1918 monoplatis were ako ais catoaoy, of Folder 1 VU Her F Tfitet three aitcraft of triplane Urata Gwin engined biplane hoesbee GL. ‘Tain entined biphine bomber with liebe airframe. YT Armourad "armed svorseat biplane for else support of ‘round forese NC uvpe'ewerseat Biplane uel for nist dues, RSTn met inane te seated “Cane” S$, otuled seal, aierart_ only one sllosted, AGO § 1 Gr. Cie biplane with ight aire CEs: Lilt amnouet atack act —only one. allocated, TALHERSPADE CLS BY Armoured type aircraft, nai for trench selling De Priptane’ieeet Uniqs Service at Arica i Yagdoeatici (Fagor or seout-Squdeone). tas iegembeeihingen [Aufkiaruner “und. Aralerc Fieger) (Recee anc Avulfery Obvervations) 33 Schlicht tateln CGround setae Squadrons 7 Heinhunisstge (Long range ave une) 5 iombengeselndee mit Misgesnrnt 20" iombemtatfen 2 Plivbeus Abteulungen (Giant! aero? unit, And so to 1958, 40 yours inter ane "ake “cubront Laflnife sive ince aos 128000 ee ano Wivgauuaa OUT OF THE RUT PHOTOGRAPHS FROM ST. ALBANS SLOPE SOARING MEETING AND EVENTS IN SWITZERLAND HLM CAMERAMAN friend of ours, who has the »yable occupation of produeing short movies on sorts of subjects ranging from shows to dinghy sailing, recently witnessed his first experience of radio controlled slope soaring. He rated it the most satisfying form of seromodelling he has yet seen and we tend to agree with him. While most of the country was being subjected to pelting rain from dull overcast on November 3rd, Ivinghoe Beacon in the Chilterns was bathed in sualight, and though winds were cold and strong, the radio flights we enough to spire a flood of activity there. We understand that the ory Club is now seeing a hither of modelling, most of it on slope soare role a glider weaving under full control, soa fettom seit) Creaor sehaw’ot ith the birds, swooping and gracefully gaining, height with every turn into wind, and you begin to zet the spirit of radio slope soaring. ‘Times were not great at this first St. Albans meeting: but we Venture to predict a heavy entry and high p formances next tin {Continued everteaf (dont Maratal of Mayen tnt hin aihan, ust back Sroms the Myariee mscsting, toon after thie ple san ieban at tdtoghoe Radio 1. R, Kesby (Bletchley)... 4:a7 2. G. Upson (Northwick Park) 3:20 (Fifteen entries} Un-Controlled 1. D. Edwards (St. Albans) 247 2. D. Tipper (St. Albans) 20 1 1 diwards Gnd attempt). 1:20 4. C. Reaves (Oxford Meteors) *.. feds (Thirty-five entries) Interesting point is that the controlled model was a large solid tet of the old Ranshee dihortral on Rustolf Schenk Beg af Gon pte yh ‘rie (ue, eqns of Orford Meters made han catered lat Go esntering pote wd pal glider with fore and aft fins and stick fuselage, and Dave ‘Tipper’s second. placer was a tailless model which had been flown in the British team at Terlet (see page 16). Also out of the ordinary run of e Swiss Hydromodel Championship: Lucerne, which appear to have produ in offset main floats this season, Championships held at Interlaken whic introduce something new. The pictures by Maurice speak for themselves, and will, we hope, h modellers to’ try more’ over-water ‘performance ‘Tun Avac is @ Hungarian engine of extremely neat appearance and clean design, now available in. limited quantities in Great Britain. “The layout is quite con- ventional for a modern, plain bearing diesel (ihe apparent “housing” cast in the front of the crankease unit is there only for appearance) and performance, ‘whilst pethaps on the moderate side, is consistent. ‘The Alug is extremely well made and finished and stacting and general handling characteristics excellent, ‘We found, on test, a fairly rapid fall off in torque and. power past the peak, which oecutred at 12,700 r-p.m., but the engine sull Continued to. run well at much higher speeds on propeller loads. thing of a vicious “bite” Lor hand starting oF Grinch diameter propellers, but if the compression. is slackened right off and the engine well choked, starting remained virtually instantaneous. Above about 11,000, pam. smoothest running was obtained on a fairly heavily nitrated fuel (e.g., Mercury No. 8). On a straight diesel fuel, oF a fuel with lees than 3 per cent. nitrate, control settings were a little critics! at the higher speeds, swith a tendeney to “miss” when running. ‘On bench tests, 109, there was an appreciable falling off in power as the Alag warmed up—and it does get ‘quite hot with only static slipstream cooling. A “hot” Full size agg 43 aoa) ENGINE ANALYSIS “Yar TWO CONTINENTAL ENGINES Reviewed by R. H. WARRING. re-start sometimes produces the “continental squeak’ common to Webra, Schlosser, and Taifun engines Tt ean be remarked, however, that although the eylinder tended to get extremely hot the main hearing remained, quite cool, showing it to be a nies, free-running fit, ‘There is, in faet, appreciable side play on the b consistent with a present-day trend Constructionally the Alag features a clean, light crnkease casting bushed with a press-fitied brass or bronze alloy sleeve for the main bearing. This bearing, is reamed to size. ‘The custing is threaded to take the eylinder and the screw-on backplate, the latter being, fa thermoset plastic moulding of the Bakelite type. The hack cover serews in to a considerable depth, leaving a minimum of crankcase volume ‘Three exhaust ports are milled citcumferentially through the top of the flange, with six transfer passages cut on the inside of the eylinder tem roughly 3/64 in. Below the bottom of the ‘The bore is very generously tapercel to relieve the bottom end, this in fact being more or less obligatory with this type of porting as otherwise the lone is likely to bounce in finishing the bore. The result is a very free fitting piston at the bottom of the siroke and one which tends to be relatively tight at the top. ‘The cast iron piston is relatively heavy, ground to finish with a slightly conical top. Its gudgeon pin is 197 an, diam, Gbinm.), press fitied and appreciably shorter than the hore size. Connecting od is machined from dural with ball-shaped ends. "The hardened steel crankshaft is 334 in, diameter (5 mm.), tapered down at the front toa -194 in (S mm.) meteic thread. Length of thread is relatively short (J inch), but the propeller sets back « further 4/16 in. over the boss of the drive washer, so quite high pitches can readily he accommodated. ‘The only Inconvenient point is that the diameter of this bows 3s rather large, calling for a hole through the propeller hub of 7/16'in. diameter. PK, An interesting fonture of the crankshaft is the small hhole for the tae port. ‘This is only 5 ram, diameter, which ss appreciably below that on other shatt-valve 25's, Te appears siequate for the jab and because of the aller amount of snecal removed from the section the shaft is that much stronger asa consequence, The crank web is circulur with no pretence abalone Crank pin diameter is 1963 in. (S$ mm.). ‘Tae shaft (and pin} are finished by grincling, ‘The web 3s untreated, fay no attempt has been made to remove sc: “ihe inwbe tube cast in with the erinkease unit is quite short and fiited with a moulded plastic ventur! wpped in position. by the spraybar. ‘Two alternative venturis are provided, one giving improved high speed performance at the expense of some deterioration in arcing characteristics, “AIL test running wes done with the yeneril purpose Venturi, ‘The speavoar inelf, eurned from briss, is angled backwards and slightly upwards to the left Summurising: A pleasant engine to handle, easy 10 start and not af all fussy about control settings. Light for its size, and compact, without sacrificing mechanical strength of running inte distortion troubles. Tt should, in fact, make a very good freeslight motor swinging, say, an 8x4, 9x 3 propeller. For control tine work an SxS or 8x6 would probably be better for stunt January, 1958 ALAG X38. SPECIFICATION Displacements 256 6.06 CLR in) Bos Sa be Propeller Bore stole mito! Lt Bre woier tf ours Rie." pomees 8S RAL, 120 1300 tae thc, Gan Dax, Page: 17 eunceinches Pasi entn i ties ALP. Moe sett age pees cr ante et cul) cut) Fuel used, Mercury No. 8 Ans Tamar mill eh Rina iUitarss, Canton own, Maines aes ae atuminiar Price: £3 158.08, py 12s. td pe + +. and from Germany ‘Tie Wepia 2.5 R is a glow version of the well ‘Mach I diesel andl as such retains a layout different from that normally. associated with rs Although a yory compact engine, the 2.5 Ris accually taller than it-need have been. ‘The basic exversion consists of a new eylinder jacket and. serarate. head, uuulising the same finer length as on the divssl, Hone there isa fair amount of depth "going to Wasie” ak Che top (occupies! by the contra piston an the diesel) which hhas to be filled by the head. The 2.5 R proved to be # besutiful engine wo handle, Starting was na pmblem on any size af prapclier. One for uwo finger chokes was adequate to prime, followed by a sharp flick. Run to speeds well in excess of 18,000 p.m adjusted anil non-critical necdle valve at 12,70) hoy. pcre die 25 (GLOW) Workmanship is of the highest standard, with good attention given to detail and fits. ‘The, internal com- ponents are of the more “mpssive” construction associated with diesel design, yet the total weight af the motor is kept down toa matice of 4f ounces. Fsternally the finish is adequate, without being outstanding "The extremely’ solid eylinler liner screws into the light crankease eusting, sealing by means of «copper gasket, Semi-eircular transfer ports are cut on the inside Of the eylinder, terminating, just helow the level of the exhausts. ‘The’ piston is effectively supported at the bottom of its stroke by eight narrow pillars of metal between the transfer passages. ‘The transfer opening is quite shallow at the bottom of the stroke. ‘The eylinder jacket serews on to the outside of the liner to just below the level of the top of the liner. ‘The head then plugs into the top of the eslinder, sealing a fairly chick non-metallic gasket and is held in place with six short serews threading into the eylinder jacket ‘The glow plug mounts centrally in the head and is of Webra design, featuring, relatively large air chamber around the plug element. ‘This has the effect of meintai ing a higher element temperature, although on test the original phig quickly burt out and was replaced by a K.L.G. type. Running and handling characteristics remained unaficeted by the change, WERRA 25e SPECIFICATION Duracentent: 247 ce: (13 00.91) rer 2 th SS smn) Broke! “tint mam Boreivole ratio: 12 Proseitin Test Data are wee 4 ounces . Bex B82 02 13.200 ce. Proper rom Bite, Torjues 13 vounceinches at —— "ene “000 ey atch Power auipil 082 IHD. perc ee ee Pome ation AMMO HTTD. per | QE 2 Met! Spucificorin: eat Grareace tte alloy die casting bey Gylinter’ hnrenea soe! 36 Ghlinder acer Matoned! ligt alloy Gylinder hoa: ached it alloy Finon' care tron Con. resi veal GearkshnitsHerlened steel Main bearings: to boll cet Mamalactrere Pet uae: Meth Pulp dnd Stouettechniky Nithromerhane 255 pg nooo etn Sehonbor Castro 388% {Sormans) DM.AVSO (£4 58:04), chien, ‘The back cover casting is relatively light and thin, carrying a rotor dise of moulded Bakelite or similar thermo- setting plastic. ‘This appears to be a perfectly satisfietory material, not the slightest signs of we conclusion of the tests. ‘Che venturi ine take opens out sideways past the spray bar inte « relatively. wide pore opening in the back eover, the shape of this, assage being carried on by the leading edge of the rotor ise after the manner of most "ye-worked"” engines, ‘A conventional paper gasket seals the back cover to the crankcase, fixing being by four Allen, head screws. ‘The crankshaft bearing assombly is east integral with tho crinkease front cover as a detachable unit, again held by four similar screws and sealed with ‘a thin gasket. The shaft is mounted on two ball races and the whole is assombled as a permanent unit, comprising shaft, earings and connecting tod locked in phice on the crank pia. Connecting rod itself is of dural, machined to finish and of generous section. ‘The cast iroa piston is relatively heavy, with the gudgeon pin pres-fitted in place. ‘The whole assembly, including the piston, can be withdrawn irom the front of the engine on removing. the front cover screws. It is necessary to check that all holding screws are tight after initial running, especially a these engage only to « depth of ubout # inch, Summarising, the 2.5 R appears to be a particulacly seless engine, sturdy, compact and very easy to handle, capable of extremely consistent high speed running, when st has a_particularly avid thirst tor fuel. After ong periods of fast running the cylinder and piston re= mained perfectly clean, indicating exceptionally efficient scavenging, tis probably the noisiest of all 2 Webra 2518 Componentashow jlated Cylinder ports and plastic {Gor [rahe yevat caching bellow of Stinky” Wanweed ured aes the cut spor, akine contusion of Ua ute fox down the street W's fee barely tonne (very ilar: slats" Metutne. poured wns Citige dope down his belt pipe wohioe teat (he aways om SCcovering the vital The other’ members Dave af the fuselage Biated menaty at 5 ‘Got what, sou great slobbering ass” srowied the Chub Sedtereys pice himsult Sip frown the Plans by fatere iovention, fe wil works my Yes Machine "Stinky so Damed because ofthe persistent mazes his adel always seeed fp Have in anding om the Spears. dadkead marsen, wed setretiey: “Toast he bedtnelh ate cote tacking found liga. (Why les he bite ‘the end of the tube When #’clors) "This Imichine, whch turned on vll'eaue anvone ‘Use my fletds, but mind the bull" thin, 200 yore 0. grant all ou, wishes. ‘Wharewor ed sik rs noe cease he members looked at each other, after ait Stinky vor rarely fall wach side. Be seu mean asked the Club Scertary opel Seere We to atk Parmer Brown Sor the oof these. lovigus. Butercup Ioadows, he would grant tee” "Yeas ea Banly peowdige “Slare" McCune. ‘came forwaed Stinky, tad Wf it does work and I pas your club ve wil ay it ‘fo ot the metdow Brel nat pyday, but ttn Neds Seon nea ae oe use" then who should walk iy tue “A glorious morning's ying.” The “YES” mi January, 1958 chine A SMALL STRETCH OF IMAGINATION BY R. P. WILSON ILLUSTRATED BY “RUSS” Miuery, Dolfully glancing about hm, he smuteired * Hin, odes We gaged a him Grinning wickedly, Stiniy depressed switeh” onthe black) bas. ‘Then, to ot getonitinest "gentle mie it a, “he fete, ol Mngry. Land us a aut Misery, ached Sthiky, Our jive reek Tower? os Miteey teacaed thie dle hat and pulled out a fot wallet. He handed Stinis's Erie pound note. Gasps of apazement cama the retvening est for he reo igh Handing the £1 back, Stinky suid “Oh, 1 forgot, Misty. Tl get me spend onigher | won't feed ie afer al “Any dime, Séoks, any tims”, em Miser putt te mole cl wrth ee many Sompatans Stinky switche “Here, what's this?" glared. Misery. come overall “queer”. Tie" ranted and Sealed’ ose, For 2 moment silence reins Stinky, old In, sou'vegot ie sel monte xem rot bin ‘he Club» Secrotiry called. for sflenes, ‘Lads, fomorroy instead af peng to ck seed kllow we wl ell on ‘Tnmer Brow Ed see: ip poration to'woe the eadors, aoa you, Stinky, ring pour Lack bu All in agreement an full of exetcment we fepejzed home te prepare our any Fesehe The more sling contortion Tho pile of old modeling magazines: having Srey fe ducing" the exctoment Nest cay dawned brieht, clear, warm, wwil'a wer) gummle brecaes T decd to go brie with ngy R/C aby ao Tee ae abe ile" chiooms Mle" just the Sch Arciving near Papier Brow fle and farm the Club Secretary followed 0 Stinky aersing the back Bix, agpronched the farmhnse dage “Oe, Stay sd tee Bee."“eunten on He id oy balcine the BK offs set irhcun,¢s0 take Te Mie cede roth appeared, a great” pearing smite Tight “Ut his rang unalaven fe Mi, ad, Sahat Secretary gale ‘ctu allow toatl and fellow members of the Hida Node! tiyimg Club to use te Sreadows We wil eae no it Ay, lad, sure, thee and all chy pale esm sve Bin aby ney but ard Wy fel spose big barn mpi bul’ in Ther be Soild: looking over my shoulders "etic opal” face 08 Tt "muti wane Soul all be ‘thissiy. Ada! he bageled into Bie Fahour: Neve o ches ln a hss Feeling int, the Secresry. joined she novice in colebacion of milk dink We duly’ and’ with tut bappuness arived Albion at the Zhendosns No" ll eeeen or Dalida: Jst the Darn inthe datance wie $Bevadist wo white he pie ba Stinky gently put down she Black Box, raking nate the Switch wrs on ara wel Hlorowbiy “had” ¢. thoroushiy “cniovatle Inorning's Ag, pears ow any Came lunch tne, ve all st dows tp aur sandwiches giving Stinky pride oF esc 200 plot amd Having bad our sandich but to prepara for the afternoon's Sin ‘shen deny Sawer, Base, Wasa Someone seas fring ut us, pulets of sl swing amt "The 160 modellon whipped rount as one anand lodked'in the direction of te farm ‘Reasing down the held was Famer Brawn and his sone all brandishing 12 Doras. The Yeo “nocedlers turd, sathered up chat Delonas al hightatied fe ocer he elds, Dost pursued on one aude Iy the Einnet and hit ons, aba Cerin feo the thor lle, thereat” Diack bul, "shoring nd bellowing fe and Souter Holding is black big, Stinky galloped act side, Together we leant forthe EH ig bieakthorms As we aaied over, flared Stig. Stinky, wou mutton beaded elt, drhat an the name of sand ane coment went As we hit the, oaleny, ail galloping, Stinky” panted, “"Dunno's Ho foyunanty sori Ghee rand down, bar sti We seached the Clubhouse all in_ong piece Sith "tite! oases and “Moved ‘Rarmer Brown, eight sons and nine ashore in ction! tempers. Stinky was mailed, and the See ‘etary shakes “Seiniy, notre we teat Sou to pice, roll us wie went wrong” Stinky took the Hl ff the tac how and peered into the maze of wires ad bat tees Fie*oou oe sal beeen an replaced 8, shen wufebed oe Sink, Ly led dhe Seretary, in reat plesure, “we all ensived gar outing Shi edady forgive you, old fons We tll we te mcadows, ‘The faemare areal Very"frity sot the bully The owas. sloeps poveluly, sil odd Stinky cept in 2 podly tre stock oF td La Delteries. ‘Ne for me, st does not affect fe, PSfyow ee goceee cin countay fe but ther tin tell or oar Presklent Sli weld oe ike i January, 1958 Souvep—rae MYSTERY of the missing {Chub ovine ceeded the shoal ot models Aepiered im our Novembar ioue fading 19 he Timely hops word nou reach ue {roa Indignane teaman stating shat the bright tunel of lads are the conitaants of the LARNE MLC, und shat the moses shoul ara huta fod those oma hy te Sous shout that he ia welcome so 90 ad Hve'a (ook, but own kree muse be'paldit ‘rouble fe that our Taah Giend had ne en that he aad ty deny the phi, pababhe {alongs for Kn eto of the ate Beonke with clairvoyant power, Probably poe'bo wrung at that when you ace what Powers of dedetiom see face to apply te ime chub reporter Tue to bet hale forting expert, and ecrtainiy an unvelr Bt knoe fo hake: icud or taf compe SiRO Pe Srmotationt: Whac wold “you fake of saci tem “il won the com ping his well-hnowa thee sexed wool sh Nest mcting iy om Saturday nest, and Alityembers ar aed to beste tr ated ati seo Mnows(outee hs chab) sho “Hi tat comp ta he ig an sth tat ae! na st at i hs “wel own thses weer eid Yet seh reports thusly Gal wil a‘pled for dhe Editar to {Src ps ol ep he ele os una oes wed fo thas wort of inet Avion 'ascona tape of “report His ccampletely Joa she chat tbe aie the foptansfeachen he oehere eek meting Erte src to four weeks past, and insane ase the pases of a atonal Pas. cannot be ‘Sod for fecal club notices. Have rene of orportion yout clus volley eal cents Four reports to fatual gen that son feel wil Intctest modellers sutside sour own elubs RAE, Asso A ery, sucessful contest was drugred by F/O ‘Cision a¢ RAAB ABLHORN Reuven tbe service elt” at Ablioe Wurstor nec) Gutsy and tea Cerne clube fromthe local town’ of Olderbure Sad'cloppenbars. The Joal Subs tose the place eturm “and spectators ito be Teened omays tre! tae fase tae tbe ‘Seeman Tad) ad flown tenoet the HAF fo had oven roan TA te el amd Preimatntanm ese terre Dnpite the Soll TAR emey de 10: the “ste of Turbulence” out Yoore, they. managed Anita tn hee omisie uing Oren, der ea Ce Stats .A.1, Gutertoh) Hers Back (Oldcnbus Herr Heber (Oklenbu) Fie Pane SSG hatin ga F Carerda Tram Race ‘Mo Cawiord (AP, Abthor) TQ Redfern GU Wana), ‘sunt HG Radler (AF, Wont fre liogenann (cioppenbars) Us veling (Oar pent TALC, Redfern (RAF. Wanster) Fier iecker (Clappeehice) Herr Kralage (Clappenbury). Northern, Bad weather ue pald spain to hopee of the BAILDON ALPE sensing the Harrow Shieh Hatin day. produced a ue se foo. ind Cotiean!t 34, ‘Hesston’ O25, ang Banners 937 wore thie best ihre, Tlowecer, the threareornered. final of the Aven hnoricaue, flown the same day erween the Hasan ‘A teats fia fa Stockton protided te exeltng end vo the prosecdinge, wien akon sped kame te Siewrg aver. ‘Stockton by. 25 secon, she Iwinnidg Might enka pace-dorene the een tnintes of the mootfa A club HLL, Cider fentese seule in 4 sivpice vn for Sta Rekentey's 402, ata qencral comp Howe a7 Club Hews NNT in fog anda, sa Bsfan Fagleston place {op sith 8205 fying a 2-3 ec. Creep. Undo’ on he Hla were won His seofe toa eapecuble tora of over & faiegyamere) “TS by Tony Pannet being she'nist be London October 13th saw perfoct weather at choblamy when St. ALBANS von he Shen ED.LECCe event why a wove of SP5¥ aginst SURBITON'S 22 35-They sre tuck However, aa thet ol Que dake in’ the mutber scetan, Sufouton lowe two. The Kes ALAA. for fliers di'nox pondace scrap of anime se eimeht, bare been expusted, but the Pago has a erent stor, CROYDON rally came baat ito. the picture Wil ing to'shew theres sil plenty of ie in iat teat fa, fr they a pint nt i's record by beim the fst tear to oral The'midmut score of $8" munuten, Not ‘ote nth athe next thee members fouled 34208 realy pret peeformanee, find Croydon retin the Shield whet they fate now won forthe sith year in suceer™ ‘An csttgordinary meeting of the EPSOM AND DAEEC browgt shout’ de dae Eiditin tthe Lele thane, incsibers nan effore eo remove tome “dead Mood’. "Seven members tural sup. at Gholi for the Hiaey “Prophy, but the ‘Suhr uote of luck wae eigen ee fo la ens rlin (jen rally 41 Feet) whieh libs at gi ae a ate" Pondon Area, made oniy_swo fightn, Rida hewseltler tole Hin after the Second heat kept iim hia badewom Yor fhe're tie Weasel wae that ho Shee members int sie medels, and atoor ei he'Tocal plier sts bro to Tight Sinumber of meni shat have been resting fcuting” collection. These aves Callow Frog. f49° powered Nalards RD. 46 porteeed ils AES. Tandedors 9 Skylesda Pont rive in re an hite wet Alb Dart up fronts a lee povered geen ant fed ‘Cardinals ‘and. white all “coveted Hovering qld Carnes sald covtact Woking police statin with a full dene thou. Digtsional sad champs for {967 are Noy. Bumble for power, Me Willis tn bt, and Willy aoX Th Jones eins #9 fiders’ Aw reported. thy. ST ALBANS HAL. worsted Surbitentor the Avea Cun, BR the en neabe eore fh Wonch Teo tnaw's"aa then died nly for 349 Doce rn Sth inthe collated remtts he Fle aring event, at Tighe ws cite Stesstly a other wi be stvel ext Springs vex. cli craze ix mshi Aine, ile’ aetachon thane, 3 tn mos ‘On November St, Carl Slincans" pest Boe with 2 38 Yor tase Tights.” Don Hearts coming second with 237. te swonl have more pore, but hit ht fale ive FARNBORQUGH M.A. mutts tuuned oat dor the Nevers Ch contest, ‘Alin Szesom’ starting well by cutting fig fingers on the prop blsdes of hig a eed Hob D-4p. Rakesh reps ey badge snd late bands soon stopped the bleeding Sea ging commend to eave 1). Sib ovine hie Oliver “Tiger” poyered 2S dicant 11" Bone of comention ia the cublat pre ae fo pot be Boe Bia searemounted ne being pop Kast Anglia The NORWICH M.A.C. teuin did walt jn the Aten team ruse champioushipe st “Pidbansa Deen taliey Fest place after «very heetic fica. [cee cll eofatevene ae exci ie ahi any suas but tho Sal wus corner zoe of the time. “thee C a am ive ‘recent "joined "the ciub, Biecliig eomprtoms ih chothog and VANGLIA MRC. ore naturally plessed pith Ron Grevsoase’ slr win t Ye All Tineainet and Ne, ali’ motional win inthe Ke MUALA. Their uaa! uncle with Thameside. for ‘the Aten Championship scouted #9 the latter grou etumisiing be ice points, Ania. honour being sated SAM iar te iad ibbon, San nes dso 2.6.41, ofthe DEBDENAIRS MC. John ‘ies receiving Mercury. Siamarch Tit for being the aurstanaing junior of the ean how op for faire competion Boho uy Lame Stiiplane opi, hich ites a Moist date for next sean! Western ‘The BRISTOL AND WEST M.AC. hase hada Weay succor Bemon, tht een rubber “dsien bung “serv ‘consitent, ‘inning ll the event field fn the Are pls Sintat dhe Brockport Eapress Halle aa 3 Jet at Hasletts A elub foam secur Sed lees in the Harrow "Shield score 82 S40 Including ove triple pias Vibe tears putt be amie ant rubber esclllern, thee UF thes! being antent power amen, none oF ‘Whos ad flown a contest rubber ia une 2 1Gye mands ako! Super esther as La Sa for nw Weec of Englan! Champ ombips, Shen J Down of South Grist had Sing Si nih Rieeribees wl of Gow ues Out of « possible sore of 730, South Eastern John West of the SOUTHERN CROSS. AGT Conpatulated on his win inthe Matin’ Sophy, hay fst national suecess ‘May’ fie fellow in the footsteps of hi cul rates Smut and Cates, neither of whom ‘Wore. athe with just one national wink Bicone akon lace ‘rraing a hab, "more ‘Rewa ‘of whieh anon, West scored 6746 wen winning the clob gliler ‘comp. fo moderate wind, tha the sare Caused nuay! snodels ts go oo. very uel Souther: The Area, proutamene for 1957 fnishod with 's meeting gt Beaulieu’ Atrdeome fot the Racrow sed RE RLATA, Most mccesee foi flier of the. year vias Rete” Gage of Boutmemstone ier von the" CaMesides Trophy Thanton. Cane gn the ales Iya ally eve hoy Cie Wrehan Dye mung a gtider yam place by ine econ "He Amstyry Hsing Deus have aire mucin he Ata by a the bpaidine this foe Winans of the Beales Hilly were: Redio Ee Johan CQRECS: Power Hiading” (OXni). Rubber Alecander (Comey); Qhder Ponte (Com ieyyr am sae A Mosk (Wot ant TRand'E™ CHES Cvese Fee) ‘N farther Open Rally, will be held at Denateu on Febrasry 2rd, then dhe Sa2N6 “chodute of contents i panied. PORTSMOUTH M.A.C. lost the anal gommest gieh the Sombarpton club for the Sidbart Trophe, mainiy due to sole cere fn rubber Comidivions were poor with Mong iid plus heury showetn and two ubivr Jobo loge Wiped of witha munuter aol at Sond Sosy ht, puting its in the cas meth? sc winter indoor scalar, oe to take a brea and tether stock for tho next season. Thera is Sod ale Gr puplersmarhe fasclayes, ar AGRA ilowanuaa rubber jobs, and utilisation of the thin Tlonedek"seciions. A Galloping” Ghost has beta obrcrved, though as vee only ata ort AWeTjear upcuta ote proposed watesprane contest in the 1958 scasone venue probaly eote Harbour South Midland TOWLE (Midd) MLR.C. or ingerelilyevett atthe, Avex ally wits oh Bh SN ata fon mee Sites ecco po 3 Tones Sy Sontacr ther this or indicus Interested SPinddoe fying'to eypore the pecsbiiey of engi aclene bt ible Sort the Quarcerman, f Iver Lane’ Cowley, Middx. Nori Wester ‘Area champions for the 1987 sesson are Jolin “oO Dunnelt in” power, ggber aed ‘Seerall champs" Hct’ «alae slater, and I? fly QWistereld) i Cameo} Eine, Whiteheld tapped the Area results in the Hureom, the O'Donnell brotier and Yeas Nasr Ei) tree loc Sinai civ ppaa See intes for Spee MINA M0 mane and 8 48 bck in Hsin fesent Snes soll tthe jut abut he lant oe vember Sed say" members of, the SOUTHPORT MAC. on the bangt Asin for the larber Cinder Challenge Uronie four Sige being required wets mann tt two dniautes sit im vie ofthe high wine Crasher "wae! plenuiluly and G, MeCabe copgiign. J. Headley, naw ISR” deport. that“ oe fit power and model aly" fouled S246 to" win fhe event, “and Peat (3 190), pcing second hasier (2 4a) ted North Eastern ing completed a 1A semarialis tine ef 20, minaies memes Gpiihe eHORSAby ECSRINB ERS MUFC" requested 4 ntopwatels thou army have been mare apmrmpmate ‘THisecas wo have ousted all ocr form of siodeling tn'thr cul whieh after'ysemon St deanonstraions at local shows, welcomes thetwinter break to wet 4 rest. i to geet Sr pace the newivtormed ASHBOURNE. Mab. SAS Gite wiooghen coupe of area ore tesrerig ‘on the eae of TC Cha {wishes to contact other lube mith ew to January, 1958 the rubber ev te cary off bows St Welboeborous we There was a disappointing urcout, for the ‘Atea “Chub COarmpignstin, “ent ile iicghim snd che LEAMINGTON AND BMA, “compering. Leamington son nis by vntoe'of ther ghee ising which Nar Suieet "to 2351/76 bonus a three eyte mige bei Used ee of the th ina Deven had igh hopes of tetas Jha the Bee furion cup for another see following "hime Hehe fan” wil ‘ecient rubber model bat after ase foot ol tim on is second igs he ad Soe Peston del ore Peal with tora} of 913 so place ted nthe eatinal Roe rit docen members worked hast for the Varro Shick aa eitlled 43 "23 Fie harmcle fad Ited hack ist fhe. for, eter disappearing imo 2 cloud ar ive model wean peed gp Ba ad Sti eked the model ursder hit arty and Sycled with tg the address on sve abel Ske ite way! Ts poo fentiin meant Jpuch tes te and repair for Hanae but Ine Sinise te suman’ ghee ith anes ‘Stop Press Je Harris scored 7:12 bonoien, thd, James b soured alder wim with 2Gi-seurold L. England of the COLNE MAG: put it acfon tke seniors to win the fuer’ fvent ina accent ater hay rally n losing | wishallcubmen a prosperous and Somptatnning! seta an 1336" a Inco that move hee jot crme theo Bagh newly westingse aad woul ao sreloome loc! tinateseed'eatautans ABS dexigne aoc to find favour in the : 158 indoor National Pelinaey Bot Minfortunately" fost the vandel inthe NORTHAMBTON. "MLALC. as tiey i. proces. Atonetter ive models Were last, Shuld!) and a tagh degree of ‘acess im eral co be confirmed age: Corn, Exchange, the" wind being very wong and Tetsieting foported “om, ‘Such plans ge” have been Nanchester—ebwuary 240] 2h 19 dificult! The lub) ix peupaing to bald ntuotuced Sind ad) there are cu tation Winter Rally es Dacese sted the members at Farle Trion on r ‘ha Ste bik int Ge'age che wee, mocretarial Cha 6. ors Northampton lee seemet 19 domorive SOUTH BRISTOL M.A.C. Nhe AMIS: Nig Nae im lot the “opposition, particularly, when. Ted Power, 14 Achille Rood, ieet ie Ying secowted ets te Eran ™Rerie"s tobe" al eager noanted ion Gene, Urea irecla later trom | farmers bor, eho found teturn cathe sping held. Bert Revell proved DE HANIT-UAND Gtsiield) M.A.C Whe model wath ke"lagtips fe'a tgream, thar his “Swed Waitals ob cxtd do 4E Willsas, 39 alme load, Warps have been removed, and iknow Hr stuff by racking up tice waxes to win ‘Hatch, Hers RADIO E ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS: ¢.ssresese 8 STATION PARADE, SHEEN LANE, MORTLAKE, S.W.I4. ‘PHONE: PROSPECT 9375 Following the phenomenal success of the “Aeromodeller” single-channel Transistor Receiver, the Transistorised Multi-Tone receiver (Transmutone) will give you proved multi-channel equipment at low cost. yislecarnal tananon reciee, Component “Transmutona” multi-channel trancigtor receiver. Component package 'TGraneiae rs, 3 condensers, § resistor é ondencers, resistors, | A ‘Price 82). “ Prompt Mall Order Service. 2 SAE. for price lists and information. 3k REP, products are also stocked by the model dealers listed’ below. kA full range of engines with chrotdle control to suit RC models All advertised ED engines and R/C equipment from Model Led 11 Bradburn, 76 Market Se. roadway, ucke 280 Willington Super Mosel Alreralt Supalis, Ze! Welingoorouth. Ne Northampton Experiments Piadel Co, 62 Poor Ford St Coventry. rezze Medel Kear 00 south Smpan As, Esekigh anes Tie’ Model shay, 30 Friars 3 © ae 26 aceuntor” Gila rgb) 45) Speediac” Seed 3 oscitwa actuate) 33 “Seaman BUD MORCAN THE MODEL AIRCRAFT SPECIALISTS January, 1958 49 URGENTLY WANTED! Large Quantities copies of “AIRCRAFT OF THE FIGHTING POWERS” Books of Bristol, Miles, and Westland Aircraft * HIGH PRICES PAID FOR ALL COPIES. “EXTRA HIGH” PRICES PAID FOR VOLS. | (revised), 2, 6 AND 7 OF A.F.P. * Plasto send ll books cordily, packed to Tdcecs‘Ealows” Gochofar itt bE seme por sturn. (Should fer be lniceepeables bobs SHIT'BS eecrnea ost, pai. aed our oreial ponage retdnsee 30) Send Now to: Dept. AM/DE, HARLEYFORD PUBLICATIONS LETCHWORTH ee BALSAWoOOD- @ PARAGUAY —@ SOUTH AFRICA © ARGENTINE @ INDIA © PORTUGAL = @ AUSTRALIA © YUGOSLAVIA. © NEW ZEALAND @ THE CONTINENT your requirements. Trade pce lists on eppleation 2 Sole Menefacturers ond Shippers |s shipped all round the world to satisfied clients in metric and English sizes, Let us quote you balsawood Send 64. in stamps for MY ENGINES Allen-Morcuey 19 sMetcHeresry 35 Aler-Mereuey 35 eibeee veg EB! Racor 199 c< ED! Hornet asec Allon Dare ec ‘Alloon Super Mer Alben Sette ec ‘Altucn Kapier 23 2, fratin Carman Oisch 80 ‘engines in seach SECOND HAND ENGINES ED. Bee tcc, ED. Comp, Specst 2 Ce allbon siierin 76 ce ghia mile 8 arog si Allon Sabre 15 ee. Allbe rer a ac a/b cach 6D. Sse Amey 98 ccs Frog 0.1 SAS each Ameo BLED. Racer Tse alae s0e ex fond amped addressed envelope TFaV CASH FoR Goon SECOND HAND ENGINES. TRIANG RADIO CONTROL Crystal Cont. Tranemiter. 130) Retelrer ‘a edie Sore fo; Bowls) I= EDT RADIO CONTROL ders AS ABVERTISED. Send tor pric le X-Acto Burlington Chest .. 87/6 Fulleange of cts tool stack Sind fo toe Hseened ae BOAT KITS FROG RADIO CONTROL Boat comscere wey Caribbean Coaster, 32° ean Toe 20 Ethos! ‘Comets rage of MARINECRAFT SRTEEGN RH‘ Stocks Send for Seokover s+ FREE FLIGHT POWER For Sc. motors — isgna 38 ean Baio (ions Setasor VT Shyisen and Monscoupe forte ie Wan Balte Betra, “916 CARDIFF Please add 1/6 postage for orders under 25) ‘Cheques, Money Orders or pay Cash on Delivery 22 CASTLE ARCADE Send P.0., LATEST PRICE LISTS. PLASTIC KITS Linpscre Winnie hay Bulg vara Scuka cites oe H i 3 i Canberra ak eees fa Newport Spel Canc ses Saeuae Mercedes neve Miser Caalise, chester Bile, Partch 836 Bomber 8.52 Bomber 8.47 Bomber TRindertres MONOGRAM Hoe hod cae ° Ceatinn He Specabons ie FUL RANGE OF HiGhway "AINA * ‘ ‘ $ § > ' ' 1 ! * $ i : ‘ i 5 3 : honeen Can kets COMET SERIES All a 176 each: §. Sabre, Skyray, Starires “Coupar, Thundersteexe see tne Tiber Gi psinting sats 84 Fock, Plastic CEMENT ES. ane SSuCURED ENAMEL 8 Brasher Sd, etch, ‘v Fine PLASTIC OLD TIME SHIPS BLACK FALCON MRATE CHINESE su Viking hip ‘CONTROL LINE KITS Ps tang. Petre Toresdor to Toran, Class Maer Claes 8 KeviJoker for} ce Ghaiop 26" for foi Sec.. Skystreak 26 ananeCles A, 24° Fre 1A Team Racer erobat 42" for 23 oc Phone: 29065 Kindly mention AEROMODELLER then replying to advertisers pose 50 January, 1958 A sprayed finish is a perfect finish HIGH EFFICIENCY SPRAY GUNS for any Cellulose, Lacquer, Paint, Dope, etc The only SPRAY UNIT with the 5 YEAR GUARANTEE TRaor No. 3 GUN Discounts (hind Bulb perso * 9/6 Pose v4. | Roan ‘Traxsroxt Kits yy Kevtnse Wacon Bop eee Kirs oe Compass Mopets yg SKYLEADA Kits (FUtt Rance) 3 ANORMA, Moprtcrart aNp LINESIDE Bortome Kers yx Piastic Kits sy Linpnexa, KLEEWaRE, LINCOLN, Hawk, Murrr, Bett aND Vunean fe MaRQuerry Kits 4 Make IT YOURSELF Kits oe NYLON FLOWER-MAKING KrTs > Brass, Coppa aND ALUMINIUM SHEETS yy Tune, SECTIONS, Rubber: Tubing and Pump Connection %0 convert No.3 Gun for tyre pump epernion. 26 post fee FOR OPERATION WITHICAR TYRE PUMP— No.2 GUN, 3 40s sparing texte fone "entre conten, 118 | NO. 6 GUN, yith 621 wide nat spraying fu From your locel Model, Handerft or Hesbes Store, or direct from GELSPRAY LTD, (J), Beechwood Rie, Watlord, Herts Teh! Wattord 6284 335 Bradford Street, Birmingham 5 SB Se We gs eines etc, oe Cann Bases x NO. 8 GUN, sh 8:28. wide nack spraying TRADE ONLY Bae pee Tasos Sonat A Please trite for full Catalogue IMITATED... but UNEQUALLED ATLANTIC MODELS Clear orfeotoured cellulose in any colour it any quaniey * Exclusively used for the World Power Ghampionships British champions ia every field of sport are timed by Smiths British Stop Watches. It's their split-second accuracy and extreme dependability that count. Remember, they are made by the workl’s largest manufacturers of clocks, watches are sold by Jewellers everywhere e201 7 jewel 2 prosura, 50h second opm. ideal tor ussinapore SMITHS CLOCKS & WATCHES LTD., SECTRIC HOUSE, LONDON, N.W.2 a wate Kindly mention AEROMODELLER when replying to advertisers January, 1958 51 —a science fact For abuolucecopicalicy bald hie rotker. powered. latex hortles co 150 foot from is own earn z and descends ently by auco-rloared parachute, Albis, reas eve (Talored”) pares of Ship and Rams, MORE JETEX “TAILORED” MODELS: somplere with Jetex Rocket-metor and el illus), Starigheer, Fieey Dele 2, Gost, Hunter fst. Simply assemble (com ear phn Skyrocket, Super Sabre, Skyray, ete. All wh pre nd iateuetons. Price 48x. 7d. formed attain faselage shell, accurately die-cut (*Taered”) pares, special cardboard busing is transfer, mstrutions, 4, come plete with Ietex S08 motor, Avge JETEX 2225=5 Ask to see them at your Model Shop SEBEL PRODUCTS LTD., I77 WEST ST., ERITH, KENT ‘TELEPHONE: ERITH 3000 (5 Hoes), "GRAMS: SEBELCO, ERITH FOR A FLYING START TO 1958 BUY IT FROM ARTHUR MULLETT’S NO PURCHASE TAX ON OVER: lac! corency acct, Fl fil Reconoe ates of exchange fen TADIO CONTROL A orders ayer (from abroad C0. Patol Relais permiing. schools 7 Ha Jeri rcs ol pars ot cot Sereplsee\ ED ouenae | Maer ene mete Bee tg TLYING 4O EE aes Bt” BE Pee Hee Giese Tee Wie, wa Nal? lene” mi sth cee SHE ees TET awomemam nee] BEBE ue Contestor 17/6 3/8 Cirroronic a Eonvaie VIO eo LS “cencry 34! Whiting 59 Sereuir WR Taro cough "Tle Mente 190 Super Sabre Thuhderserenk GM Albacros my CT ee UTE a fy cease ye Bie Sirs a TV sel ome ok UR Yt PU cos sii 3 BU? Ue Pleats odd 1/6 postage, OPAC LECT es ake ee Kindly mention ABROMODELLER when replying to advertisers Sole New Zealand distributors for: J.B, Motors. Diesel and Glow -e.c. and 1.5 c, Spares available. Fox Motors. Glow 19, 29, 29R and 59. Spares available, ‘These are the only motors now being sold in N.Z that carry cur guarantee, and are serviced under guarancee in our own factory Celspray Spray Units No. 2 and No. 3. 15/6. PAW, Trucuts. Full range, also reverse. propellers available at all times. Berkeley Kits made under licence: Cessna 170, 72° wing for RC, FF, etc. 200 shaped parts, block cur, near ready to assemble £8,10.0, ‘Sea Cat. 68° wing. ROW, ROG, F, etc, All parts shaped, block cut, near ready to assemble, 6.19.6, Thunderbolt, 403° wing. CL, FF, etc, Shaped parts, block cut, near ready to assemble. £4.15.0. Cessna BIRD DOG. 36° wing, Rubber, FF, CL, ete All parts prescut, near ready to assemble, 2.12.6, hat po i ‘averne over 2800 sqft. plus ur Bataried out BETIAMR arcis a lower cee ie the rtd “BETTA”’ MODEL AIRPLANE CO. P.O. BOX 240 NEW PLYMOUTH, NZ 600. aly Lareass / Todels World's finest range of Balsa Solids. 23 World War Il Types. All 1/72nd Scale Range includes: "Typhoon" IB 3/-; 'Mosquito” IV Dornier Do.217 7/+; Wellington’ Ill 8j+; “Fortress” I Lancaster" Ill 14) For {ull range, see October “Aeromodeller’”—or send SAE, for Price List. c. P. DIXON Adastra Works, King Street, Southport If your dealer does not stock, we will supply you Post Free. DEALERS—Stock now! READER QUERY SERVICE REPLY COUPON Only queries accompanied by this coupon and a STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE can be dealt with. Writeto THE EDITOR, AEROMODELLER, 38 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts. January, 1958 cme eee afd IMAN A.A. HALES uo © 50 EASY TO ASSEMBLE! © PRE-FABRIGATED, PRE-DEGORATED! ||| © EVERY ONE A FLYER! 1 Only 5 ll ACH <@ PIPER PACER wo-fone lous tckeme Sirhan ttacer sass BIRDDOG I] sensi a ]] Seral aumbore "hugged AERONCA y SEDAN She se ae nih wos peer Orange and white colour Inge alcernaive under: Catriage for Bying. or AUSTER AUTOCAR ore popular Briish Tidiolane presdecorated {altel colourasneme Higmy guthenti in here’s another model that is fun vv veolan MITE Why not ery your hand 3¢ a model boas fora change! Ths ie anecher AW preabttatedalubulsa ie by YEOMAN hes 9 grand Tee gatin"erwver for poring by all cesrc motors: Leni 3 in ||| SEE YOUR LOCAL MODEL SHOP ll v ask him to show you SSCA nner nx Kindly mention AEROMODELLER when replying to advertisers Aga January, 1958 53 © TU SUuaE GAMAGES MAMMOTH WORKING MODEL RAILWAY How-to-co-it Magernine of (Uc. Modeldom Read FLYING MODELS, the only American magazine | devoted exclusively to model aviation! Every issue includes how-to- build data on new model airplanes of various types (with full-size plans wherever possible} vss worth-while hints... photographs ... how- to-do-it Information... and features for sport aplenty! Now published every month Annual subscription: (12 copies) £1 9 6 | Including Postage Will continue throughout the School Christmas Holidays ! THE LARGEST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD! our lst eppurtony t se agen this vortate. marvel of ingmaty, London's Mail your order and remittance today to: Tran pope eerccton cose hv eeu of ab square fet. Open Thursdays? ATLAS PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTING CO., LTD. | I32-page MODEL & TRAIN BOOK - only 1)- Pox 6 (eps. Ay | 18 Bride Lane, Fleet Street London, EC.4 | AMAGES OTT ‘THK MODEL 147 DERBY STREET ROLAND SC SPPCIALIST BOLTON, LANCS. To ORDER Fx XY CONTROL LINE KITS APOPULAR ACCESSORIESK & RADIO EQUIPMENT x BOR Te ORR A Race Nae See sume ad Bvorap Aiooct Gk * MOGecevers x * | toms G3 es SUM rhea Sane. a a ht e0.800 Twit’ oo rie nese Hecury tae R, T as Beh Rey ea | OD. Service Arwitble, FONTS Ee san a Reolfnan 3 icaaanl see arward” Bch Bowel Hater dene Be OSiatthcestteccite ” EO St tRawsnater Grier Mendel ecg Hecrvantes 35 SRPMS RITE oh poo Sormanwenth Rots (WO 2 Cote aSSET BE ei hecho aS fwcongi Ae ENGINES ARES ALIGHT poweR a fer Cine te WES AReisottes ERG i slomecrs 3 Bi Boned eibsrsecin ge Be ect ae Beech! HI Eeconiigano encings Fahne Ui ED: Meher Cores tets, BE oaerMeaane Leen | Bis Popul 95, SOR dries. Oa Mon heateee, 0 Be soso Sarva tis Segneara 75: Cites ioe Bo Gea ee ARG ok GLIDER KITS Frog 80.8 cc, Dicsal fF Valves, 1S) 3) orton 86" 4/2 Tua ence rou ace wor Saks Sa evforearstd upon TERE SMT ReoTTAKEN IN, iP OF 2a: sap rez 250 88 Fre 860 Gow Caer 30 Trae FiSpai Hodes “71165 Chet ot ala : Pat exeHANGE TOR VANY Aegso 2S een CHO” Hane 26° Bopinnott rs in if PB Aigrtercusy i 598/18! Martin at Incrmedicca Rogaine “goons sn im ity His AP Mer tercury 25 cc: Sher 19e — Coment 236 GOOD CONDITION. 4 ROR BeGINNERS Mortersiry docs 3480109 Conese xc Ul A XCACTO TOOLS & x HoAumorkn seamn. Mise Meotectriscs METRO caeumeisaay gut A fatiiae ben “ie Se Beene see ATS ae reastic mits a EESISGEM ds aah Meese ws | siren ccc ane? ary T Gary the il range of Frog Bales Seripper 56 painted eae if Bpieiiee HE AA" Sires Rear "Roan sah Snare A aad eee fie Recta MY! unos ate may Site aiken tn Sinee Bl Ranatadnte Moon a AHS Regs ag Roc akrannia "This Gavan! ip peeety ‘sh | Bice ee SSR, Nance a, tes V tonnes Stoel Cae ee | dates ee oes Vina'yaiels £ SRR caer On afouesr MAI dee Sond 495 TNE Cunctiase Tenms are friable on sll purchases over 2, Send for tated implied agrenment frre Now Froe 199 vibra AUSTRALIA ene 8 CENTRAL AIRCRAFT CO., PTY. 5 PRINCES WALK . Mon Ds fo ‘arcade hie! Moker thei Plan Service Tal, Chtterbe BIRMINGHAM 3584 4. J. REEVES & CO. (B’HAM) LTD. als, MOSELEY RD. 12 Species with o warld wide reputation ‘AIRCRAET, GOATS, RAILWAYS crt Radio Contd Tels Miblond BIRMINGHAM. sor HORNTON'S (Models and Toys) Lig 22 STEPHENSON'STREET. AMIGA, 2 ‘eng Senge Door ol Thestre Royal 42°T uavgeion sr. sms, 2 Stockists of Medel Aires Railways tnd Shins PENICUN RAWCLIFFE’S FOR MODELS 38 WHALLEY RANGE, BLACKBURN MODEL 8OAr KITS IRC RART Els ENGINES % ACCESSORIES BOLTON Ta, 7097 ROLAND SCOTT The Mode! Specialist 147 DERBY STREET The obvious shop for il Mage Aierft B. CUTTRISS & SONS MODELS AND HANDICRAFTS 19.51 CLEVELAND STREET Call ond s08 eu Shop at Tats 3504 i CALEDONIA MODEL CO. (Mads! ond Precision Enainces Spire’ Sraeert co (Our works your service fr engine Tepatsrbores ade Everything for egmer and ntiviat, GUILDFORD, ued 2374 PASCALLS MODEL SHOP oF ai Race Rieter Aecraaree HONG KONG. oa RADAR CO., LTD. asin SHA YSUr, ROWLOON Team oalas ri el Tae) BAT 6319 E. F. RUSS 7-101 BATTERSEA RISE, ‘Swat A COMPLETE STOCK FOR MODELERS. GIVE US A WSIT OR ORDER BY PST LONDON) MODEL AIRCRAFT SUPPLIES LTD. Wl NEW KENT ROAD, SE, The cde eed eet op Service with setfecton Tal: HOP 3462 Harry York Tel PAD. 87.2.9 LONDON. BURLEIGH’S 303, EDGWARE ROAD, W.t THE MODEL MAKERS’ PARADISE, Send 64 for Ut, BURLEIGH of Edgware Rd., Ltd, uum RE January, 1958 Modellers can be assured of personal service coupled with expert knowledge of acromodelling requircments at any of the following shops. We invite bona-fide acro- modelling traders to take advantage of this feature, in cwhich space is available at moderate cost. ii MANGE. MODEL SUPPLY STORES 17 ORAZENNOSE STREET, MANCHESTER 2 Monchestar's Moin, “Macc for every abe of EIT ENGINE ACCESSORIES, Sorbo, BALSA, te Slarthrm SKYLEADA Feetoy. OXFORD. HOWES MODELS #10 ROAD STREET ni Everything for the Modeller Tels 397 GEORGE WEBSTER (St. Helens) LTD. CORPORATION STREET, St HELENS: ALL LEADING. AIRCRAFT ITS,AND ecessones, xAeTO Tools. ASTIE Cea AND BANE KITS, BOAT KITS CRAMER'S The Hoty Haven of West Hert Mia High Street, Watford {akectoc) ull srecke of all thers J. J. BRADBURN ed Modeller Sadie Coners! Nechine i tos muck trouble, Wry us A. J. JEX 1a SOMPTING ROAD Model atcrfe specie. Al pes of rains hits ard accessories stoked, 9 ‘turn est service January, 1958 55 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PRESS DATE for ianue February, 1958, December 28, 1957 ‘ADVERTISEMENT RATES Privote Minimum 18 words 6 Shch tubsequene word! Trade Migimury 18 words Iis., and Bd. per word for ach tube Box numbers are permis the advertisement COPY and Box No. repli AS, Beparement, The 38 Clarendon Road, Watlord, Herts, SITUATION VACANT dIcknown Coy Manuficuurers raquire Frelance Conpultant on Model Arere-and Fising Toys. Rnowleae of the model trade ay ay 10 rise om Wesizn ecential: Iiply mating experince tow No. 8 FOR SALE recut oomerang RM, 62. Ts Brand ne Ripmas Servo ad vulteine’ Fa. atin pert ‘valley ed, Hast, Alva Sea Fury 6 ec oughoard onine. exglleot condi cast offer. "Re Allinglary‘Taltotsy Me Pary's Avene, Bed KS Ib 25. sary starter, Bench run only. £5 or exchanae Sidhey Hts, Outi Noman FD, Ryerost Heed! eeriver Taree fotex 200's 284, each J cach, “Al wmrouehed ow No, 5 Mom, 15 gc diesel, Perfect sondtion, 4 Posters fad, Clapham, London rand ew Junior 60 {C.C. W061 “Franemiter 9510, Receiver, | k.DuiRtcer ecapemene whale batctan etey Lor Pia Ako Skgskontet ral iD. Hornet abe. J.B Pegler 37 Stein Rd, Shirley. Soll. Hadio plane 6-fe span, complete with 3 rogd restr, rudder se wheel ad bates Bueno ensine 2810s" Single bane tra Lomplete {2 10x ‘Tysnaistgl tthe eeecver” Gar TED. 346 h thot Tae Reed ue 30s. ED Wage Tose SAEs pleases Joho. The Ghee Laat, Wil "edwards, ater 1s unused, Hest offer, Meetines, NiwiaoorLines, March 1951, to, Desemhcr 1986, $ mins Med Peet Tape 2d Rebeca 125 in, shit Spite (1 3° "New MBciinairtheds £1 Ser din, irudnele Sa Jeter loves Ae jean in 8 wer Aes plate 4h, Mint so ic Rice hoind new Lie eed ocr svi up modeling. eed Seo lor oes, Minne, eecboar Kanntorcate Hit, Ne om, Bootie Mibon ‘Dart, Nile, 75, ED. 2c. 35 Mine 1-3 40s. New Soy OH Ss MeCon § spa Mae 3, Ste suet lah Sti. Kcr, Rover ed Heal lacing Motor ew in box 73s. each, 8 Brac nestor Hil Surrey.” RIN, TED, Comp with wates jacket Mytiel and coobing Gon, newbs sebored ia 4 nly rebored Mili 75 with ower excellent wore Nin Hele 80, propulcrs, fue tank ee DPR MeLuei Caswall, Benny, Stings, Seottind ‘Sunesh lightweight motorised aerzoa,-second proerssive, lint witches 425M 10, Witcomive Cirsun Sherwood, Nottingham, WANTED Super Viere G20, Good condition. Goad price nad 1)? Braliam, 13 Choate Rony Copnoty Bore ‘Cevealcontroled transite Eb the Tot ge sl separates 1 ate outputs #0 ore sexe recives. Johnson, ‘Phe Cate, Lark Wile, ‘Wanted any ofthe following series of books: Taschen buch der Lafitte Spec tatersel: sume, Ahice and Exped ane l at pariculalypreewold War Bitneplace, Sesiond, Nove Wanted’ U-Reay’ Cit, Hanae or similar, state price required. John nalsds 67 Pask Acmac, Lauristony Fallin Scotland ‘Bngine 149, Mle TH Faeapement,2'E'D. Receiver, "ransiter Scpveng: Li Hack Lane, Blgnsdem, Svein Wilts Fabulous pees paid or dr Iya Mel vinplone Nace, Rlvine Mf ip almost ant condition. "Ako Histeer aver Blan Bos Vol I. eit lagusine tor$ any phaten, pans or alouates noe published oe prin inte couniey. PY A" Tilley? Vin 3 29 Cootharet Road, Hondion, NS Books Faye's 1950, 1951, AD. AYES. Agablane Spotler 1984-48 (with ude) BBderegtanc, October 1984-May 1986." Ofer.” Aativional Ist, S.A. nite” Tis Avenue, Doversourt, Bei mcrican Magariner” Years wtucripiion, Medel Airplane al catsiogve free. "Willen Li. (Dept 1, 9 Dipers Caren Beds Titsteaed Catalogue No, 13 Containing over 450 items of Government Sarplos and Mel Redio Control Exuipmant, 2x, Post fee fefuned on ze tf sad 23. 63, oversesy seamal, “Arthur Sally Radio Cassel 3h Nott "Phone seb, every month.” Send stamped addressed elope for deseriptise leaflets or 2s: 40U" for cutrent copy” or Lis for iro to tsh Gliding Aewiton, Bap NP 3 te Va iypieeh 1b ‘Awe phot a rns, 35 Tin Kindly mention AEROMODELL! SR nn Tinga EIFFLAENDER REBORING SERVICE FIELD BANK, CHESTER ROAD, MACCLESFIELD REBORES: BEES Series | and PB ELFINS, I~, HALE Ses Mo OTHERS 8/4, except. thore under 46 ee Sahich ‘re 20, Prices caafl with order” Return postaee fre WOO. Service is extra. SPARES.” stocked "and tte ENQUIRIES S.A.C, piesse for, Immediate aecencion. PROMPT SERVICE wich 10 day” guaraneen,” WELDING Carried out at owner's rial only, We'do not bore ringed motors. TRUCUT PRECISION AIRSCREWS ACCELERATION! (Over 4000 Rave. par second, Decelarates at the same rate The NEW! A.V. 2 speed throttle unit 28 previously ‘supplieg to the overseat marker ean now be yours (or fe lctle as. 15/~_ Fits most engines AUTO - VAPORISERS wew Road, LYMM Cheshire PHILLIPS THE TRANSFER SPECIALISTS (Trade only—export enquiries invited) Now availbble—latesc FLAP. Squadron insignias (42 designs) in I/72nd and flying scale with display chart. 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