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Collective noun examples:

 A herd of cows Bombastic Word

 A herd of cranes 1. Meaning of bombastic (adjective)
 A herd of deer Pompous; wordy; turgid; inflated; exaggerated
 A herd of donkeys
 A herd of horses Example
 A pack of hounds The bombastic woman talks a lot about herself.
 A pack of mongooses
 A pack of mules
2. Meaning of mettlesome (adjective)
 A pack of rats
courageous; brave; fearless.
 A pack of sharks
 A pack of stoats
 A pack of weasels
Such an attitude required fresh springs of energy, and
 A pack of wolves
the effect – I was delighted to sense it as I woke each
 A flock of birds
day – was to make me more bouncy and mettlesome
 A flock of bustards
than I had been for weeks.
 A flock of camels
 A flock of chickens
3. Meaning of obtrusive (adjective)
 A flock of ducks
Thrusting oneself or itself into undue prominence;
 A flock of geese
 A shoal of bass
 A shoal of fish
 A shoal of herrings
But the waitresses in Marshall and Shelly had new
 A shoal of pilchards
uniforms, dark purple instead of the old coffee-cream
 A shoal of salmon
shade, and a different style of cap, more up to date
and less obtrusive.

4. Meaning of cynical (adjective)

Sarcastic; doubting the sincerity of others; pessimistic.


The conversation which follows is the last in the book, wondering if the whiskey stains would come out – and
and the weakest, too, a stagey means of imparting deciding that they probably wouldn’t.
some crucial news for Bellow to fulminate against all
that is rotten and cynical in American youth. 8. Meaning of improvident (adjective)
Wasteful; careless; not saving up for future needs.
5. Meaning of depraved (adjective)
Corrupt; degenerate; debauched. Example
An improvident person may end up destitute in later
Example life.
The depraved state of women in monogamy,
associated as it is with private property and capitalism, 9. Meaning of sordid
will according to him, be replaced when capitalism is Filthy; base; vile; foul; dirty.
6. Meaning of labyrinthine (adjective) The sordid gutters needed to be cleaned after the long,
Complicated; confusing; maze-like. rainy autumn.
The criminals thought patterns were so sordid that he
Example was not granted parole.
she forced her mind through the labyrinthine
sentences of Jacques Mhlongo and Jacques Derrida 10. Meaning of quixotic (adjective)
until her eyes were bloodshot and her head ached. Foolishly idealistic; extravagantly chivalrous;
7. Meaning of rueful (adjective)
Regretful; mournful; pitiable. Example
He was popular with the ladies due to his quixotic
Example charm.
His head was bare and his smile was just a little rueful, She had a quixotic view of the world, believing that
as if he were uncertain of his welcome. humans need never suffer.
She looked down at her new French muslin pyjamas,
the corners of her thin lips turning up in a rueful smile,


Back to the drawing board

When an attempt fails and it's time to start all

Ball is in your court

Smart Idioms It is up to you to make the next decision or step

A hot potato
Barking up the wrong tree
Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many
Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong
people are talking about and which is usually

Be glad to see the back of

A penny for your thoughts
Be happy when a person leaves.
A way of asking what someone is thinking

Actions speak louder than words

Don't put all your eggs in one basket
People's intentions can be judged better by what
they do than what they say. Do not put all your resources in one possibility.

Add insult to injury Drastic times call for drastic measures

To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to When you are extremely desperate you need to
worsen an unfavorable situation. take drastic actions.

At the drop of a hat Elvis has left the building

Meaning: without any hesitation; instantly. The show has come to an end. It's all over.


Every cloud has a silver lining

Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to
better days.

Far cry from SIMILES

Very different from.
 As cute as a kitten
 As happy as a clam
Feel a bit under the weather  As light as a feather
Meaning: Feeling slightly ill.  As blind as a bat
 As bold as brass
 As bright as a button
Give the benefit of the doubt  As shiny as a new pin
Believe someone's statement, without proof.  As cold as ice
 As common as dirt
 As cool as a cucumber
Hear it on the grapevine  As hard as nails
This idiom means 'to hear rumors' about  As hot as hell
something or someone.  As innocent as a lamb
 As tall as a giraffe
 As tough as nails
 As white as a ghost
 As sweet as sugar
 As black as coal
 You were as brave as a lion.
 They fought like cats and dogs.
 He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
 This house is as clean as a whistle.
 He is as strong as an ox.
 Your explanation is as clear as mud.
 Watching the show was like watching grass grow.
 That is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.


 This contract is as solid as the ground we stand on.

 That guy is as nutty as a fruitcake.
 Don't just sit there like a bump on a log.
 Well, that went over like a lead balloon.
 They are as different as night and day.
 She is as thin as a rake.
 Last night, I slept like a log.


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