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Web-based virtual reality game where the user must

explore clues to find missing girl.
Intro screens welcomes user and tells them that they
have 6 minutes to find all the clues and find the girl
unlocked the door.

A digital clock timer is always displayed in viewers

sight. The clock starts off green and turns red when it
goes down to one minute left.
Include a buzz sound effect when clock hits 1 minute
and then a tic-toc sound to count down to zeo.

player must find the clues that lead to the code
that unlocks a door.

When the time is up and the user has not
unlocked the door.


Street Intersection, Night
The story takes place in present day Buenos Aires.
The scene will be enhanced by city noise, cars, people,
music, kids chalk drawing on the sidewalk.
• User can look 360 degrees and see the different
locations around them.
• There is a subway station, a café with a ‘closed’ sign
and a detective’s office with the lights out.
• The subway station sign will flicker, to catch the user’s
attention, indicating there is something there.
• Upon gaze, user is transported to this location.


“Subte” - this is how the station is called in Argentina
The subway is important because this was the last place
the father saw the girl - user finds first clue.
• User will find a café menu that has been left on a
bench with a child’s drawing on it. This is the clue that
the user should follow to go to the café.
• User exits subway station, the café light will be on and
the sign will be set to ‘open’, providing a passive clue
that this is the next location to visit.

Resaurant / Interior
The café provides a setting where the kidnapper could
have taken the girl.
• There is a door with a key pad, a child’s drawing on a
placemat and a toy cricket.
• When user focuses on the toy it moves to reveal a
detective’s business card with a code on it. User
should enter code on keypad to win the game.

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