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PP, 401-424
FIGS. 1-27, JUNE, 1967


University of Houston, Houston, Texas

Granular gravel and sand-sized quartz fragments in untransported naturally disintegrated detritus were
examined from nineteen massive plutonic rocks, sixteen gneisses, and six schists located in the desert areas of
southern Arizona and southern California.
"['he mean size and standard deviation of each quartz type derived from each rock group reveal: (I) the mean
size ef total quartz released from massive plutonic rocks and gneisses is identical (coarse sand) and is one and
one-half to two times coarser than total quartz released from schists; (2) monocrystalline quartz grains with un-
dulatory extinction are coarser in size than non-undulatory grains. Therefore, grain size must be specified when
the percentages of non-undu[aterv quartz in sandstones are compared.
The angular difference between c-axes in medium sand-sized quartz grains with undulatory extinction
averages four to five degrees with standard deviation of two to three degrees and is independent of the type of
rock from which the grain was derived. Measurements of this feature are probably useless as indicators of
Polycrysta[llne quartz grains are yielded in abundance by each of the groups of rocks examined. Higher
proportions of these grains occur in the coarser size fractions. Therefore, the proportion of polycrystalllne quartz
released from each type of rock depends, in part, upon the size frequency distribution of total quartz released
from the rock. Polycrystalline quartz grains of granular gravel to medium sand size are nut derived almost
entirely from foliated metamorphic rocks. PolyerystaIline quartz grains from the several types of rocks exam-
ined possess some distinguishing features. (I) For any grain size other than very fine sand, polyerystalline
quartz from gneisses will be formed of a greater number of quartz crystals than will grains from massive
plutonic rocks or schists. (2) Quartz crystals in polycrystalline grains from gneisses and schists commonly show
preferred crystallographic orientation. (3) The grain size distribution of quartz crystals forming polycrystalline
grains from gneisses and schists is frequently bimodal. Intragranular suturing and moderate grain elongation
are not reliable as indicators of provenance, Monocrystalline quartz grains between granular gravel and medium
sand size are derived in much greater abmldanee from massive plutonie rocks than from gneisses or schists.
However, a terrain exposing follated rocks (gneisses plus schists) will yield an amount of monocrystalllne quartz
approximately equal to that yielded by a terrain of massive plutonic rocks.
Comparison of the character of first-cycle quartz, as observed in this study, with quartz as seen in many
mineralogically mature sandstones provides strong evidence that quartz grains are reduced in size by sedimen-
tary processes. Size for size, the more mature sediments contain lower proportions of polycrystalline quartz
in their total quartz, higher proportions of non-undulatory quartz, lower proportions of grains in the 1-4 mm
size range, and fewer elongate quartz grains.

INTRODUCTION A N D PURPOSE OF STUDY" T h e purpose of the present investigation is to

This study is a continuation of earlier work determine t h e size a n d internal s t r u c t u r e of
(BIatt and Christie, 1963) to evaluate the use- clastie quartz fragments immediately after re-
fulness of clastlc q u a r t z grains as clues to the lease from their p a r e n t igneous or m e t a m o r p h i c
sedimentary history of sands and sandstenes. I n rock. F r o m these data, t h e characteristics of
quartz in the m a j o r source rocks of sediments
the previous study, the frequency of occurrence
of u n d u l a t o r y extinction in quartz crystals was can be traced t h r o u g h t h e b i r t h process into
determined q u a n t i t a t i v e l y in a variety of mas- first cycle s e d i m e n t a r y d e t r i t u s a n d make it pos-
sive plutonic rocks, gneisses, a n d schists. In sible to determine the interrelationships a m o n g
addition, q u a l i t a t i v e estimates were m a d e of the type of source rock, initial size of quartz
proportion of polycrystalline quartz grains t h a t grains, a n d the internal s t r u c t u r e of the quartz
might be released from these types of rocks. T h e f r a g m e n t : polycrystalline, monocrystalline with
d a t a obtained indicated t h a t most quartz grains u n d u l a t o r y extinction, or monocrystalline with
in the rocks examined have u n d u l a t o r y extinc- n o n - u n d u l a t o r y extinction.
tion and t h a t a m o n g the quartz grains released ]PREVIOUS WORK
from all three types of rocks, there would prob-
ably be a large proportion of polycrystalline Only Dake (1921) a n d F e n i a k (1944) h a v e
published m e a s u r e m e n t s of t h e sizes of q u a r t z
quartz fragments.
grains in igneous and m e t a m o r p h i c rocks; no
x Manuscript received June 11, 1966; revised Octo- one has examined the i m m e d i a t e disintegration
ber 17, 1966. products of such rocks: grus, gnus, (?), sehus (?).

Dake (1921) measured the longest diameter of liquid may be analogous to the first few hundred
a total of 420 quartz grains in thin-sections of feet of stream transportation; however, for the
fourteen different massive plutonic rocks. His purposes of this study, the size distribution after
data indicate that quartz grains in these rocks agitation is considered to represent that of the
have a mean sieve size of approximately 1.33~ sediment "when released from the parent rock."
(0.40 mm) and a standard deviation of approxi- After being boiled in the acid, the sediment
mately 1.06¢. (Dake's thin-section measure- was dried, sieved at one phi iixtervals for fifteen
meats were converted to sieve equivalents using minutes in a Ro-Tap machine, weighed to the
the graphs of Friedman, 1962, p. 17, fig. 1, and nearest 0.01 gram, and bottled.
p. 21, fig. 5.) If Dake's values can be taken as Subsequently, each size fraction was set in
typical of quartz grains in massive plutonic plastic and thin-sectioned. Visual examinatiort
rocks, then the size range between +0.27~b (0.83 of numerous samples of the loose detritus had
ram) and + 2 . 3 9 ~ (0.18 ram) should include 68 indicated that the maximum grain size of
percent of the quartz grains from such rocks', quartz fragments in the samples was always
and 95 percent should be included within the less than - 2 ~ (4 ram). Examination using a
size range - 0 . 7 9 5 (1.73 mm) to + 3 . 4 5 5 (0.09ram) binocular microscope revealed that quartz
Feniak (1944) measured maximum lengths grains in disintegrated massive plutonic rocks
and widths of quartz grains in thin-sections of and gneisses are present in small quantities in
118 massive plutonic rocks. He found that the the fine and very fine sand sizes, and are neg-
dimensions of the average quartz grain differed ligible in quantity (less than 1 percent of total
significantly between "silicic" rocks, "inter- quartz) in silt sizes. Consequently, thin-sections
mediate" rocks, and "basic" rocks, being 0.85 were made of the grains within each one-phi
mm (0.25¢) X 0.55 mm for 88 rocks in the first size range for all sizes between - 2 ~ (4 mm) and
group, 0.49 mm (1.0~b) X 0.34 mm for 26 rocks --~-4~# (.062 ram). The samples of disintegrated
in the second group, and 0.39 mm (1.35~) schists examined contained 4 to 6 percent of
0.26 mm for 4 rocks in the third group. The silt-sized grains of minerals and rock fragments
weighted mean of these thin-sectlon measure- and large amounts of the total quartz in these
ments of grain length, converted to sieve rocks occur in the fine and very fine sand sizes.
equivalents, is +0,95~b (0.52 mm). These data However, owing to the uncertainties inherent in
suggest that the size of quartz grains in a mas- the determination of the grain size of silt parti-
sive plutonic rock may be proportional to the cles and the additional uncertainties involved
percentage of quartz in the rock. in determining the percentage of quartz among
these grains, this material was not examined
for mineralogic content. As a result, the size
Weathered, disintegrated, untransported de- distributions obtained for monocrystalline
tritus was collected from small talus cones at the quartz grains and to a lesser degree those ob-
base of outcrops of nineteen massive plutonic tained for total quartz in disintegrated schists
rocks, sixteen gneisses, and six schists, in desert are not as accurate as those for disintegrated
areas of southern California and southern Ari- massive plutonic rocks and gneisses. Poly-
zona. The effect of different climatic conditions crystalline quartz grains are of coarser size than
on the data obtained in the present work is un- monocrystalline grains and, therefore, the silt-
known. sized detritus from schists could contain only
The designation "massive plutonic rock" was negligible quantities of polycrystalline quartz.
restricted to those rocks possessing massive or Linear traverses were made across each slide
hypidiomorphic-granular texture. Rocks of gran- to determine the percentages of quartz, feld-
itoid mineral composition but having megascop- spar, rock fragments, and accessory minerals
ically visible flow structure or banding of nfin- excluding mica flakes. Traverses were continued
erals were gronped as gneisses. A hand specimen until either one hundred quartz grains were in-
of the fresh, unweathered rock and a sample of cluded in the total count, or until a total of five
the disintegrated material weighing several hundred grains was counted in the slide. Since
thousand grams were collected at each locality. very few slides contained more than 20 percent
Care was taken to assure that each outcrop of quartz grains, counting was almost always
sampled contained only one rock type. continued until a total of five hundred grains
In the laboratory, approximately 100-150 was reached. All of the slides of the coarser sand
grams of each sample were randomly selected and granular gravel-sized fragments contained
and boiled for twenty minutes in a 5 percent less than five hundred grains, and in these slides
solution of oxalic acid (Leith, 1950) to dis- all grains were counted. Table 1 shows the re-
aggregate fragments held together only by iron lationship between grain size and number of
oxide generated on the outcrop. Agitation in a grains counted in the three rock groups studied.

TABLE 1,--Relationship between grain size, mean number of total grains counted, and mean number of quartz
grains counted in disintegrated massive plu~on~ rocks, gneisses, and schists

Massive Plutonic Rocks Gneisses Schists

Mean No. Mean No. Mean No. Mean No. Mean No. Mean No.
Grain Size of Total of Quartz of Total of Quartz of Total of Quartz
Grains Grains Grains Grains Grains Grains
Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted
--24, to -- 14, 45.8 4.1 43.4 2.4 50.7 2.3
-- 14, to 04, 119.1 14.7 121.8 12.3 135.5 16.8
04, to + 1 4 , 349.8 55.5 402.1 46.2 420.5 55.7
+14, to +24, 476. I 69.9 500.0 47.2 500.0 77.7
+24, to +34, 493.8 52.3 500.0 47.8 500.0 89.8
+34, to +44, 499.1 28.8 500.0 31.5 250.0 37.3

In making the point counts, the only grains very few slides would contain sufficient quartz
counted were those whose diameter in thin- grains for meaningful point counts to be made.
section was at least as large as the hole diameter 2) U n d u l a t o r y - - a monocrystalline quartz
of the sieve from which they came. For example, grain showing visible evidence of being strained.
in the thin-sections of grains which were retained The zones of undulatory extinction may be
on the 1 mm sieve, only grains whose thin- either gradational into one another or be sepa-
section diameters were 1 mm or larger were in- rated by more or less well defined planes. In
cluded in the point counts. Smaller fragments most grains examined in the present study, the
were not considered to be mineralogically rep- zones of undulatory extinction were separated
resentative of the original whole grain. In order by well defined planes (fig. 1A-D), a char-
to be counted as a quartz grain, it was required acteristic of quartz which has been "strongly"
that at least 90 percent of the area of the particle deformed (Bailey, Bell, and Peng, 1958, p. 1446,
in thln-sectlon be formed of quartz. 1461). It should be emphazised that the dis-
The raw weight of each size fraction was then tinction between "undulatory" and "non-undu-
multiplied by the percentage of quartz in that latory" quartz grains depends, at least in part,
size. In this way, the size distribution of the on the optical quality of the lenses in the micro-
clastic quartz grains in each sample was ob- scope used and on the "quality of observation"
tained. The size distributions were plotted on of the observer. The change from "non-undula-
arithmetic probability graph paper and size tory" to "undulatory" is completely grada-
parameters computed using the formulas sug- tional and it may be possible for a "non-undu-
gested by Folk and Ward (1957). latory" quartz grain to show asterism of Laue
During the traverses of each thin-section, the spots, that is "crypto-undulatory" extinction.
internal structure of each quartz grain was 3) Polycrystalline---a quartz grain composed
noted. Three types of internal structure were of two or more quartz crystal units, each of which
recognized, two of which are analogous to those may be either strained or unstrained. The
defined in the examination of thin-sections of boundaries between adjacent crystal units may
undisintegrated igneous and metamorphic rocks be either planar, curved, or sutured. In po]y-
(Blatt and Christie, 1963, p. 564-565). crystalline quartz grains, more than 10 percent
1) N o n - u n d u l a t o r y - - a monocrystalline quartz of the grain area in thin-section is occupied by
grain showing no visible evidence of strain. another quartz crystal. The number of appar-
(less than one degree of rotation of the flat mciro- ently different quartz crystals contained in each
scope stage). A monocrystalline quartz grain was polycrystalline quartz grain in the plane of the
defined as one whose area in thin-section com- thin-section was determined quantitatively in
posed 90 percent or more of a single crystal unit grains containing thirteen or fewer crystals.
of quartz. Shreds of feldspar, quartz, mica, or Quartz aggregates composed of a greater num-
other minerals attached to the quartz grain but ber of crystals were grouped together during
which totaled less than 10 percent of the grain counting. Physical separation of quartz crystal
area in thin-section were not considered sufficient units within the polycrystalline grain was not
to designate the grain as a rock fragment. There accepted as conclusive evidence that the units
were two reasons for this decision: (1) such were parts of different quartz grains in the un-
shreds of grains would probably be removed disintegrated rock. Coincidence of optical ori-
from the quartz grain with very slight trans- entation, intensities of undulatory extinction,
portation, such as a few hundred teet; (2) if and parallelism of zones of undulatory extinction
such grains were counted as rock fragments, frequently indicated that quartz units which

FIG. I.--(A) Monocrystalline quartz grain, gneiss detritus, coarse sand fraction. Blocky polygonal boundaries
to zones of undulatory extinction. (B) Monocrystalline quartz grain, gneiss detritus, coarse sand fraction, show-
ing enlargement of the blocky polygonal boundary. Note that the abrupt changes in c-axis orientations within
the grain are not marked by "dust" trails or planes of bubble inclusions. (C) Part of a monocrystalline quartz
grain in massive plutonlc detritus, coarse sand fraction, containing three distinct and sharply defined c-axis
orientations. Note that the boundary between the two darker zones is marked by a "dust" or bubble trail.
This boundary may represent either polygonization or parts of the grain which have undergone brittle fracture,
slight rotation with respect to each other, and partial healing. (D) Monocrystalline quartz grain from gneiss
detritus, very coarse sand fraction, showing "dust" trails marking sharply defined areas having different c-axis
orientations. Note that trails may be curved (as at "a") or intersect at an acute angle (trails labeled "b").

appeared physically distinct in thin-sectlon were distributions were determined for total quartz,
actually p a r t s of a single grain (figs. 2A, B). polycrystalline quartz, total monocrystalline
In such cases the separated portions were quartz, monocrystalline u n d u l a t o r y quartz, and
counted as a single q u a r t z crystal unit. Re- monoerystalllne n o n - u n d u l a t o r y quartz. How-
counts of several slides indicate t h a t d a t a ob- ever, some samples contained only very small
tained in this m a n n e r are quite reproducible. a m o u n t s of one or more of t h e several varieties
In order to o b t a i n consistency with the defini- of quartz, a n d it was necessary to d e t e r m i n e t h e
tion of a monoerystalline quartz grain (see weight below which it is not possible to estab-
above), q u a r t z crystal units within the poly- lish a meaningful size frequency curve. I t seems
crystalline grain were counted only until 90 clear t h a t the a m o u n t of q u a r t z required for this
percent of the area of the polycrystalline grain purpose m u s t be a function of the n u m b e r of
was included by the grains counted. T h a t is, in size grades in which t h e particular quartz t y p e
a coarse sand-sized fragment, for example, a occurs; the more size grades represented, the
group of three tiny quartz crystal units totaling greater m u s t be the total weight of t h a t quartz
less t h a n 10 percent of the area of the poly- t y p e in order to indicate its true size-frequency
crystalline grain would not be counted. distribution. By trial a n d error, the writer found
A rock f r a g m e n t was defined as composed of t h a t a smooth cumulative size-frequency curve
more t h a n one mineral species. In these grains, was o b t a i n e d for all weights of a quartz type
less t h a n 90 percent of the grain area in thin which averaged more t h a n 0.3 gr per size grade
section is composed of a single mineral species. in which it occurred. Consequently, this figure
For each of the 41 disintegrated igneous a n d was adopted as t h e m i n i m u m required for con-
m e t a m o r p h i c rocks examined, size frequency struction of a size frequency curve. As a result,

A 8
FIG. 2.--(A) Polycrystalline quartz grain from massive plutonic detritus, medium sand fraction, formed of
only two quartz crystals but appearing to be formed of five due to effect of thin-sectioning. Intercrystalline
boundaries are straight to somewhat curved in this grain. (B) Polycrystalline quartz grain fr¢m gneiss detritus,
coarse sand fraction, showing polycrystalline quartz grain formed of only two quartz crystals but appearing to
be formed of four. IntercrystaUine boundaries are moderately sutured in this grain.

the number of samples used in the construction of the several "pigeon holes" possible within
of the mean size distributions of the several this compositional range. The mean sample size
quartz types may differ within each type of was 113.7 grs. (range 75.7-148.5); the amount of
source rock. For example, in the disintegrated quartz in the - 2 ~ to +44~ size grades averaged
massive plutonic rocks, size frequency distri- 14.4 grs. (range 4.6--38.3).
butions for monocrystalline quartz grains were In view of the values published by Dake
obtained from all 19 samples; but the average (1921) and Fenlak (1944) the large grain size of
size frequency curve for polycrystalline quartz the average quartz fragment in the granitoid de-
grains was based on 16 samples, and the curve
for non-undulatory grains on only seven samples.
The number of samples used in the construction
of each curve is noted in its figure legend.
Using a universal stage, measurements were
made of the degree of undulatory extinction in ~ 32.72
the strained monocrystal]ine quartz grains in ~. 27.26- ~////
each slide of the medium sand-sized fractions
of five massive plutonic rocks, and five schists.
This was accomplished by" locating the areas g.
within each grain showing the greatest dl- ~_
vergence in optical orientation, plotting the
orientation of the c-axis of the grain in each of
these areas on a stereonet, and measuring the
angular difference between them. The number of t
strained grains measured was, of course, limited /
by the number of monocrystalline undulatory, B A S E D ON
quartz grains in each slide and averaged 64
grains in the massive plutonic rocks, and 20
-19 SAMPLES- /
grains in the schists. Because of a scarcity of / f MEAN : + 0 . 4 B
monocrystalline quartz grains in detritus from g- : 1.17 #
gneisses, no measurements of degree of undula- / SKEWNESS = + 0,12
tory extinction were made in these grains. ® /
g /
Total Quartz
Almost half (19) of the forty-one disintegrated
-I 0 I 2 3 4
igneous and metamorphic rocks examined are
massive plutonie rocks. These rocks range in
FIG. 3.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency
composition from granite to quartz diorite. No curve of the distribution of quartz grains in disinte-
a t t e m p t was made to place each sample in one grated massive plutonic rocks.

tritus (fig. 3) was surprising. Mean size of these all rock types examined. Elongation was partic-
quartz grains is +0.484~ (0.72 mm). Standard de- ularly apparent among the polycrystalline
viation is 1.17~; skewness is + . 1 2 ; kurtosis is quartz fragments. Also, many quartz fragments
1.03. This mean size is 38 percent coarser than in the coarser fractions of the detritus from each
Feniak's value and is 80 percent coarser than the of the rock types contain hairline fractures which
one obtained by Dake. The cause of this differ- undoubtedly will be the initial surfaces of
ence is the abundance of polycrystalline quartz breakage early in the transportation process.
grains in the total quartz of the disintegrated That these fractures were not generated during
rocks examined, and such grains are significantly grinding of the thin section is shown by the
coarser in size than are monocrystalline quartz following observations. (1) They become no-
grains (see below). Both Dake and Feniak based ticeably less common in the finer sized sand
their estimates of size on the assumption that all fractions, even around the edges of the slides
quartz fragments released from massive plutonic where the quartz has been ground thinnest.
rocks would be monocrystalline; they assumed (2) They are preseat in some abundance in a
that adjacent quartz crystals in the rock would diverse suite of mineralogically immature and
separate along their boundaries during weather- coarse sandstones examined but are uncommon
ing. The mean of the size distribution of mono- in more highly quartzose and finer grained sand-
crystalline quartz grains in the present study of stones. Such hairline fractures are rare or absent
disintegrated rock is remarkably similar to the in thin-sectioned grains of St. Peter sand and re-
average of the values obtained by Dake and cent beach and river sands examined. Conse-
Feniak from their studies of undisintegrated quently, there can be no doubt that these frac-
rocks present study 1.03ek (0.49 mm); Dake tures are formed naturally. They are believed to
1.33~ (0.40 ram) ; Feuiak 0.95~b (0.52 ram). Con- be responsible for a fairly rapid initial reduction
sidering that Dake's conclusions were base on in size of the coarser clastic quartz grains. Moss
only 14 samples and those of the present work on (1966) reached a similar conclusion from his ex-
19, in contrast to 118 examined by Feniak, the amination of naturally disintegrated British
the near-coincidence of results is meaningful. granites.
A substantial proportion of quartz grains was As the average sandstone is composed of
noticeably elongate (fig. 4) in the detritus from approximately two-thirds quartz grains, the

FIG, 4.--Three polycrystalline and two monocrystalline quartz grains from massive plutonic detritus, me-
dium sand fraction. Note pronounced elongation of the three quartz grains in the center of the photo. Also
straight to slightly sutured intercrystal boundaries.

effective upper size limit of quartz as it enters

its initial sedimentary cycle is of interest in re-
lation to the deficiency of grain size modes in the 40 ¸
--20 to (h# (4-1 ram) size range (Pettijohn, 1957,
p. 47-51) in sandstones. From figure 3, it is 31.1
clear that the amount of quartz released in the
--20 to 0~ size range from massive plutonic
rocks is not insignificant, amounting to more
t h a n one-third (369~,) of all quartz in the grus.
(As will be discussed later in this paper, this
figure is 40 percent for gneisses and 18 percent IG
for schists.) Why, then, do grain size modes 5.7
rarely occur in the very coarse sand size range?
Analysis of published data led Pettijohn (1957, 9s .

p. 50) to conclude tentatively that the cause is

not hydraulic, but probably results from an
initial deficiency of monomineralic fragments in 84b-t9 SAMPLES -

this size range at the time of release of the de-

tritus from igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Lustig (1963) reached a similar conclusion. If o. 50 '
d:L - 1.03
these authors are correct, the present data sug- / STANDARD DE¥[ATION =
gest that granular gravel-slzed and very coarse ?.5 i ~ 1.19 III --
~" IE : • SKEWNESS = + O.ll --
sand-sized quartz grains are reduced in size
fairly rapidly by sedimentary processes. This
suggestion is in marked contrast to the view of
Kuenen (1959, p. 30) that " . . . most quartz ~2 /-I 0 i 2 3
grains survive a number of successive sedi- ¢
mentation cycles without more than a few per-
cent loss in weight." FIG. 5.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency"
The size frequency distribution of total quartz curve of the distribution of monocrystalline quartz
in the grus (fig. 3) is positively skewed and the grains in disintegrated massive plutonic rocks.
reason for this is uncertain. It is possible that
the skewness reflects the frequency distribution in the --34 to - 2 4 size fraction would eliminate
characteristic of freshly disintegrated igneous the slight positive skewness evident in figure 3.
rock (Rosin's distribution) as suggested most If this latter suggestion is correct, there is little
recently by Kittleman (1964). Frequency dis- reason to doubt that the size distribution of
tributions which plot as nearly straight lines on total quartz grains released from massive plu-
Rosin's law graph paper show a positive skew- tonic rocks is lognormal, with a mean size of
ness when plotted on arithmetic probability approximately 0.7 mm (0.54) and a standard
graph paper. However, in the present study, we deviation of 1.20.
are dealing with a nonrandom selection of parti-
cles from the natural detritus (the quartz grains Monocrystalline Quartz
only) and it is uncertain whether the selection From a petrographic point of view, as con-
of a sample on a mineralogic basis from a trasted to a statistical one, the skewness may
Rosin's distribution should yield another Rosin's be viewed as resulting from the mixing of two
distribution or a lognormal distribution. populations with differing grain sizes: (1) mono-
Alternatively, it is possible that the slight crystalline quartz grains and (2) polycrystalline
positive skewness is a result of the method of quartz grains. Monocrystalline quartz, which
analysis used in this study. In sizes smaller than forms 90 to 95 percent of the quartz grains in the
4 mm ( - 2 4 ) percentages of quartz were ob- average sandstone (Blatt and Christie, 1963,
tained from thin-sections. Grains coarser than p. 577), forms 54 percent of the quartz released
--20 were examined visually and, in every case, from the massive plutonic rocks examined.
only polymineralic rock fragments were seen. Figure 5 shows the size frequency distribution
However, there is little question that, if thin- of these grains. Towe (1963, p. 791) has reported
sectioned, some of these rock fragments would that grains of monoerystalline quartz greater
appear to be composed entirely of quartz. This than 1 Into (0q~) in size are "rare" in "thousands
is true despite the fact that only grains of large of samples" of sandstones examined by A. V.
thin-section diameter were included in the point Carozzi and his students. However, figure 5
counts. The addition of 2 to 4 percent of quartz indicates that 20 percent of the quartz in grus is

non undulatory quartz is 10 percent in the very

very coarse sand size, 4 percent in the coarse
sand size, and 16 percent in the medium sand
371 size. (No estimate is possible for the granular
gravel size owing to the overall scarcity of quartz
grains in this size.) The differences between
these three values and the value of 13 percent
estimated from earlier examination of undis-
~ 2c integrated massive plutouic rocks (Blatt and
: 12,0 Christie, 1963, p. 567) are not statistically sig-
nificant. However, the percentage of non-undu-
latory quartz among monocrystalline quartz
grains in the fine and very fine sand sizes is
considerably greater than the percentages ob-
tained in the examination of the coarser grains.
9., i
BASEO ON / This suggests that differences in percentages of
84,-7 SAMPLES - I i /, non-undulatory quartz among different lithie
units, or among different thin-sections from the
o / same unit, cannot be contrasted unless the mean
size of the quartz grains is specified.
~" 25 N = -t- 1.95 $ There appear to be two causes for the increase
~ l£ / / STANDARD DEVIATION,o,g8, in percentage of non-undulatory quartz with de-
creasing grain size. One cause is that grains of
SKEWNESS = 4-0.03 different sizes, derived from the same uniformly-
5 I KURTOSIS = 1.00
bent larger grain, will have different degress of
-z -~ o i 2 3 4 undulatory extinction as indicated by the ex-
treme orientations of the c-axes in the grains.

Fro. 6.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency

curve of the distribution of non-undulatory quartz ,50
grains in disintegrated massive plutonlc rocks.
of this size. (For detritus from gneisses and 35,8
schists the values are only 4 percent and 5 per- o=

cent, respectively.) Once again, rapid size re- 26.1

duction of the coarser quartz grains is suggested
by the data of the present study.
As was the case for total quartz in the grus, ~_
the size distribution of monocrystalline quartz
is slightly positively skewed. The alternative
statistical explanations suggested to explain the
skewness of the distribution of total quartz are
equally applicable to that of monocrystalllne
quartz. From a petrographic point of view, the

] ,/
the skewed size distribution of monocrystalline BASED ON j
-18 SAMPLES- 4'
quartz may be considered to result from the -
mixing of two populations, each of which forms AI = + 0.80 $
a symmetrical, lognormal distribution: (1) non- f STANDARD DEVIATION
= 1.02 Q
undulatory quartz, which forms 14 percent of SKEWNESS = -0.02
the monocrystalline quartz, and (2) undulatory KURTOSIS = 1.08
quartz, which forms 86 percent. Figures 6 and 7
illustrate the size distributions of each of these ¢.
two quartz types.
The incidence of undulatory extinction as a
function of grain size was determined for the
monocrystalline quartz grains in the grus. The iii
proportion of monocrystalline quartz grains with Fro. 7.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency
non-undulatory extinction appears to depend curve of the distribution of undulatory quartz grains
largely on grain size (fig. 8). The percentage of in disintegrated massive plutonic rocks.

The i m p o r t a n c e of this effect is related to the TABLE Z--Summary of frequency distributions of

radiusof c u r v a t u r e on {0001} in the larger grain. degrees of undulatory extinction in monocrystaUine
quartz grains of medium sand size in five disintegrated
If the radius is large, as compared with the size massive plulonic rocks
of the smaller q u a r t z fragments, f r a g m e n t a t i o n
of the larger grain will h a v e a m a r k e d effect on Sample M, ~ Ski
the degree of u n d u l a t o r y extinction present in
the smaller fragments. If the radius of curva- 28 3.3 ° 2.1 ° -.10
ture in the p a r e n t grain is smaller t h a n or com- 60 3.8 ° 2.6 ° +.18
16 4.3 ° 1.9 ° + .22
parable with the size of the d a u g h t e r grains, 12 5.0 ° 2.0 ° +.28
fracturing should have little effect. 11 5.0 ° 2.9 ° +.22
T h e second cause of the a p p a r e n t relationship 4.3 ° 2.3 ° +.16
between grain size and percentage of non-undu-
latory quartz lies in the method by which the determined in a total of 320 medium sand-sized
point counts were made. The counts were made monocrystalline quartz grains from five disin-
on a flat microscope stage, a n d it seemed certain tegrated massive plutonic rocks selected a t ran-
t h a t m a n y grains which in reality have two or dom from the nineteen rocks of this type.
three degrees of u n d u l a t o r y extinction appeared The d a t a in table 2 (see also figure 9) indicate
to have less t h a n one degree on the flat state. t h a t the v a r i a t i o n in t h e m e a n degree of undula-
Such grains were t a b u l a t e d as non-undulatory. tory extinction among monocrystalline quartz
I t also appears quite likely t h a t this effect is grains of medium sand size derived from dif-
more p r o m i n e n t in smaller sized grains, as the ferent massive plutonic rocks is quite small,
distance over which the variation in extinction ranging from 3.3 ° to 5.0 ° . Nevertheless the small
position occurs becomes relatively large com- values of s t a n d a r d deviation for each of t h e five
pared to the size of the quartz grains. samples cause some of t h e means to be signifi-
The degree of undulatory, extinction was cantly different from each o t h e r (by t test).

I i
- +o .j/l I I I 32.1

70 I---- ~ MEDIUM SAND__

/ ! = ~ ~ 5 0 . 0 55
-° "" / I I

5C " . i;o. I J p+ 0.3
4C- I J
2( ,.
" I~ ~~
I I f
Co I0
(Blatt 8 Christie, 1963)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Meon oercent non-undulotoryquortz in monocrystolline quortz ) 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16
Oe(jree of undulatory extinction
FIG. 8.--Re]atlonshlp between internal structure
and grain size in monocrvstalline quartz grains in dis- FIG. 9.--Histogram and cumulative frequency
integrated massive plutonic rocks. The lines from each curve of the degree of undulatory extinction in me-
point indicate confidence limits on each mean at the dium sand-slzed monocrystalllne quartz grains in dis-
95 % level. integrated massive plutonie rocks.
410 H A R VE Y B L A T T

Polycrystalline Quartz
The size distribution of polycrystalline quartz
grains in disintegrated massive plutonic rocks
~,4 ; is almost perfectly lognormal, with a mean of
,, 35.6
- 0 . 0 2 4 and a standard deviation of 1.004) (fig.
10). Skewness and kurtosis are + . 0 1 and 1.02,
respecitvely. Addition of a few percent of quartz
in the --3cb to -2q~ size range would not cause a
significant negative skewness in this curve; that
12.3 is, the resultant skewness would remain within
the "near-symmetrlcal" range. The polycrystal-
~ "2.5 line quartz grains average 1 mm in size and are
.. /////Z _ 0_.1
thus twice as coarse as the monocrystalline
quartz grains. Standard deviations of the two
. !
/ types are similar, one phi unit for polycrystalline
quartz, 1.2 phi units for monocrystalline quartz.
- 16 SAMPLES-- As these two types of quartz in the grus differ
g I / MEAN =-0.02 J in mean size by a factor of only two, it should be
~.5(~ / STANDARDDEVIATION true that the average polycrystalline quartz
= 1.00 II grain is composed of only a few quartz crystals.
~2~I SKEWNESS " "1-0.01 Figures 11 and 4 illustrate that this is indeed the
16; / KURTOSIS • 1.02 case. Only in the granular gravel and very
coarse sand sizes are significant proportions of
polyerystalline quartz grains formed of more
than five different quartz crystals. Clearly, finely
-I 0 I 2 3 4 polyerystalline quartz grains of coarse to very
fine sand size are not derived in quantity from
FIG. 10.--Histogram and cunmlative size frequency plutonlc igneous rocks.
curve of the distribution of polycrystallitle quartz The intercrystalline boundaries within the
grains in disintegrated massive plutonic rocks. polycrystalline quartz grains range in character
from straight to sutured, but recrystallized areas
Presumably this may be explained by the dif- within polycrystalline fragments are uncommon.
ferent deformational histories of each of the five Intercrystalline suturing in polycrystalline quartz
massive plutonic rocks from which the quartz grains is not diagnostic of metamorphic deri-
grains were derived. The prominent positive vation. Morphologic or crystallographic pre-
skewnesses of most of these frequency distri- ferred orientation of different crystal units
butions reflect the fact that most of the grains within the polycrystalline fragment is un-
(79%) have between slightly greater than 0 and common.
6 degrees of undulatory extinction, but values Polycrystalline quartz grains form a large per-
range up to 16 degrees in the 320 grains ex- centage of the total quartz in the disintegrated
amined. Such low values are similar to those massive plutonic rocks, averaging 46 percent
reported by Bailey, Bell, and Peng (1958, p. with a standard deviation of 23 percent. Tbus,
1446) and are consistent with experimental evi- almost half of all quartz grains released from the
deuce concerning the great strength of the granitoid rocks examined are polycrystalline.
quartz structure. These data are in marked contradiction to the
As most sandstones probably contain quartz common assumption that granites yield almost
grains from several different plutons, these d a t a entirely monocrystalline quartz grains. As one
indicate that it will be difficult to differentiate would anticipate, the percent of polycrystalline
among medium grained sandstones on the basis quartz in the total quartz is strongly size de-
of degree of undulatory extinction in plastically pendent, averaging 61 percent of the very coarse
deformed quartz grains. It is possible that the sand-sized quartz, 49 percent of the coarse
mean degree of undulatory extinction may differ sand-sized quartz, 28 percent of medium grained
among quartz grain assemblages of like grain quartz, 14 percent of fine quartz, and only 3 per-
size, but these differences wili apparently be cent of very fine grained quartz. Clearly massive
quite small and dimcult to detect, even with the plutonic rocks supply appreciable amounts of
precision and accuracy obtainable using a uni- polycrystalline quartz to sediments; therefore,
versal stage. There would seem to be little hope it is unjustified to equate the presence of such
of using such a technique successfully in fine- grains in a sediment with derivation from meta-
grained sands. morphic terrains.



(65 GRAINS) (178 GRAINS) (521GRAINS) (574 GRAINS) (128 GRAINS) (19 GRAINS)


80 //'
z /,

70 V. ,t
/, /,
(,.9 ,/ ,/

1.1.1 4 0
0 /

I.l.I 30 /, //
,/ Z,/ ,/
,/ ,/
20 V,

I0 C,
I ! i

&~6A Nm6A


FIG. 11.--Histogram of the number of quartz crysta]s contained in each grain size of polycrystalline
quartz fragment in disintegrated massive plutonic rocks.

An a t t e m p t was made to determine whether sampling of a small area or spot sampling of

the quartz grains derived from an areally re- many outcrops over a large area.
stricted massive plutonic source might have a
distinctive size distribution. Four samples of GNEISSES
grus were obtained from small roadside talus Total Quartz
cones less than 5 miles apart along a continuous The sample size of the disintegrated gneisses
exposure of massive plutonic rock, were treated averaged 118 grs. (range 74-188); the amount of
in the same manner as all other samples, and quartz in the --25 to +..l.g~ size grades averaged
their frequency distributions compared with 12 grs. (range 4-18).
those from widely separated outcrops in other Figure 12 illustrates the size frequency curve
areas. No unusually close similarities are ap- for total quartz in this sediment. This distribu-
parent among the size distributions of the 4 tion, like that for total quartz in disintegrated
contiguous samples; and the mean sizes of their massive plutonic rocks, is trimodal; in the gneiss
total quartz, polycrystalline quartz, and mono- detritus the modes lie at approximately +0.44~
crystalline quartz are almost identical to the (polycrystalline quartz), + 0 . 8 ~ (monocrystal-
average values for these quartz varieties as line undulatory quartz), and --b2.7~ (mono-
obtained from the other 15 samples of massive crystalline non-undulatory quartz), as discussed
plutonic rocks. Such results suggest that the below. The mean grain size of + 0 . 4 8 ~ for total
same mean size of quartz grains for rocks of this quartz (coincldentally identical to that of dis-
type will be obtained from either intensive integrated massive plutonic rocks) results from

50 and quartz-bearing gneisses in source terrains

and (2) that equal amounts of total quartz are
contained in both rock groups. The data needed
4o for the calculation are easily obtained from a
o comparison of figures 5 and 13, modified by the
fact that massive plutonic rocks yield 2.4 times
25.89 as much monocrystaltine quartz in their total
quartz as the gneisses examined. The data indi-
cate t h a t for each monocrystalline quartz grain
~.~" ' 12.29 in each size grade released from gneisses, the
IO granitoid debris contains 8.5 grains in the gran-
ular gravel size, 14.1 in the very coarse sand
size, 5.0 in the coarse sand size, 3.0 in medium
sand, 1.1 in fine sand, and 0.5 in the very fine

"95 I
/ sand size. The dominance of granitoid rocks as
suppliers of the coarser sand sizes of mono-
84--16 SAMPLES-- crystalline quartz to sediments is probably even
greater than the histograms indicate because of
~- 5C / /
MEAN = + 0.48 ii
J the collection procedure used in this study. All
samples were collected from small talus cones
= 15615 along open stretches of highway in a semi-arid
2,~ f SKEWNESS = + 0.12 region, and it is quite probable that almost all
/ KURTOSIS = 0.85 silt grains and probably some very fine sand
grains as well have been winnowed out by wind
-z -i 6 i z 3 4
and rain immediately after release from the
gneiss. Monocrystalline quartz grains in detritus
¢ from the massive plutonic rocks are coarse
enough so that their size distribution is probably
FIG. 12.--}tistogram and cumulative size frequency
curve of the distribntion of quartz grains in disinte-
grated gneisses.
the relative amounts of these three petro- 4o
graphically distinct quartz types, and the large o
value of the standard deviation results from the =
large difference in size between the coarsest and ; ~ ' 258
finest modes in the distribution. The slight posi-
tive skewness of the distribution is identical in g
g 15.1
sign and amount to that of the quartz in grani-
told debris, and similar explanations for this de-
parture from lognormality can be applied.
Monocrystalline Quartz 0.6
Monocrystalline quartz forms only 22 percent
of the total quartz in disintegrated gneisses, in 94 ' /
contrast to 54 percent of the total quartz in BASED ON
- 9 SAMPLES- - /
disintegrated massive plutonic rocks. Figure 13
shows the size frequency distribution of this
quartz type in gneiss detritus, and it is apparent /,
that it is also considerably finer in size than t h a t
from grus. Whereas, the mean size of single
crystals of quartz derived from the grus lies I STANDARD DEVIATION
= HI#
near the coarse sand-medium sand boundary o
(+1.035), the analogous grains from disinte- / r KURTOSIS]=Ofl
grated gneisses average fine sand size ( + 2.185).
The relative amounts of monocrystalline -I O i 2 s
quartz in each size grade yielded to sediments by
these two rock groups were compared. Such a FIG. 13.--Histogram and cumulative'sizerfrequency
comparison is possible if one can assume (1) curve of the distribution of monocrystalline quartz
equal areas of exposure of massive plutonic rocks grains in disintegrated gneisses.

unaffected by winnowing at the sample site, but

significant amounts of very fine sand from gneiss
detritus may have been lost to the analyses of
the present investigation. If this hypothesis is g 34.2
correct, the proportion of quartz sand in the
in the coarser sizes that is released by gneisses is

even less than the histograms indicate, the win-
nowing hypothesis would also explain the
reason for the pronounced negative skewness of
• 0,0 : 13.4
the size frequency curve of monocrystailine
quartz from gneisses.
Blatt and Christie (1963, p. 576) found that
the average percent of non-undulatory quartz
among monocrystalline grains in 24 undistin-
tegrated gneisses was 13 percent. In the present
study this value is 30 percent, very probably as
as a result of the fine grain size of the monocrys-
95 d
talline quartz grains present in the disintegrated ~75
gneisses examined. The data from disintegrated
granitoid rocks discussed above (fig. 8) indicated
that an assemblage of fine and very fine sand-
sized monocrystalline quartz grains will have
two or three times the proportion of non-undu-
latory grains than will an assemblage of medium

= 1.1211
= -0.13
KLIRTOSI$ = 0.81
or coarse quartz grains. The reason that the
single crystals of quartz are of such small size .2 -i
/ 6
in the disintegrated gneisses examined is uncer- J
tain, but may be due to separation of quartz FIG, 14.--Histogram and cunmlative size frequency
crystals along hairline fractures during disin- curve of the distribution of undulatory quartz grains
tegration of the rock. in disintegrated gneisses.
None of the samples of gneiss detritus con-
tained sufficient weight of non-undulatory deviation of 1.27~. This mean size is not sig-
quartz to allow a meaningful size frequency nificantly different from that of the log-
curve to be constructed, possibly because this normally distributed polycrystalline quartz from
type of quartz is most prominent in the finest disintegrated massive plutonlc rocks (fig. 10).
sand sizes, precisely the sizes in which the This fact, coupled with the relatively fine size
effects of winnowing at the sample site would of monocrystalline quartz (0.22 mm) in gneiss
be most pronounced. However, six samples con- detritus as compared to grus, suggests that the
tained adequate weights of undulatory quartz, quartz crystals forming the polycrystalline
and the mean size frequency curve for these quartz derived from gneisses are smaller in size
samples is shown in figure 14. The number of and greater in number than in polycrystalline
samples involved is too few to allow more than quartz of the same size in grus. This further
very tentative interpretations to be formed, but suggests the possibility that it may be possible
the fact that the undulatory quartz grains have to differentiate statistically between poly-
a coarser mean size than do undifferentiated crystalline quartz from gneisses and massive
monocrystalline quartz grains clearly indicates plutonic rocks. Figure 16 is a histogram of the
the relatively fine size of the non-undulatory relationship between the grain size of poly-
quartz released from the disintegrated gneisses. crystalline quartz in disintegrated gneisses and
The standard deviation of the size distribution the number of quartz crystals contained in the
of undulatory grains is similar to the values grains. Comparison with figure 11, the analogous
determined earlier for the same type of quartz in histogram for grus, clearly shows that gneissic
grus, and the negative skewness of undulatory quartz is indeed more finely polycrystalline than
quartz from gneisses is probably due to the quartz from massive plutonic rocks. For
winnowing effect at the sample site. example, among the granular gravel-sized grains
from the granitoid rocks almost half (48~) are
Polyerystalline Quartz formed of only 2 to 5 individual quartz crystals;
The size distribution of polycrystalline quartz only five percent of grains of this size from the
in disintegrated gneisses (fig. 15) is lognormal gnelsses are this coarsely crystalline. A large dif-
with a mean of ..4-0.074~ (0.95 ram) and standard ference in proportion of polycrystalline quartz
414 H A R V E Y B L A T2'

examined and these types of textures are prob-

ably diagnostic of metamorphic rocks (figs. 17A,
B). Intercrystalline textures within polycrystal-
line fragments were varied, ranging from fairly
o= straight to highly sutured (fig. 18).

~2C 22.6
~ 29.3
Almost four-fifths (78%) of all the quartz
released to sediments from the disintegrated
gneisses is of the polycrystalline variety. As was
,~ roi~ 16,5 i the case with the disintegrated massive plutonic
rocks, the percentage of polycrystalline quartz
in the total quartz of gneisses is size dependent,
averaging 96 percent of the very coarse sand-
1.0 sized quartz, 88 percent of the coarse sand-sized
quartz, 72 percent of medium grained quartz,
44 percent of fine quartz, and 21 percent of very
BASED=ON I J fine grained quartz. W h a t is the comparison be-
84-16 SAI~PLES~ tween the amounts of polycrystalline quartz
. I Jf
'/, MEAN-+0_07 . released in each size grade from quartz-bearlng
= STANDARD DEVIATION gneisses and massive plutonic rocks? Once

- 25
: 1.27#
again, if we can assume equal areas of exposure
and total quartz content for the two rock groups,
the data indicates that for each polycrystalline
quartz grain in each size grade released from
granitoid rocks, gneisses yield 2.4 in the granular
gravel size, 1.2 in the very coarse sand size, 1.5
in the coarse sand size, 2.3 in the medium sand,
4.2 in the fine sand, and 16.8 in the very fine
sand size. At least for the coarser sand sizes, it
FIG. 15.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency
curve of the distribution of polycrystalline quartz is clear that the common assumption that poly-
grains in disintegrated gneisses. crystalline quartz in a sandstone is good evidence
of metamorphic provenance is unjustified. For
grains formed of only 2 to 5 crystals persists equal areas of exposure, gneisses yield only
through the fine sand-sized grains. The histo- slightly more polycrystalline quartz in the
grams for the very fine sand grains are statis- coarser sand sizes than do massive plutonic rocks.
tically identical. It appears likely that a criterion Thus, in polycrystalline quartz grains, the only
for distinguishing between polycrystalline quartz criteria of metamorphic origin which appear to
grains derived from massive plutonic rocks and be valid are fineness of polycrystallinity, mor-
gneisses might be based on the number of quartz phologic elongation and preferred orientation of
crystals forming the thin-sectioned grains. the c-axes of the individual crystals in the quartz
Another distinguishing characteristic between fragment, and bimodality of quartz grain size
polycrystalline quartz fragments from the two within polycrystalline quartz fragments.
types of rock is the occurrence in some of the SCHISTS
polycrystalline gneissic quartz fragments of
bimodality in the size distribution of the un- Total Quartz
broken quartz crystals. During recrystallization As a result of the small number of samples of
of a quartz aggregate new grains tend to be ini- disintegrated schists that were examined (6)
tiated at grain boundaries and, if recrystalliza- the data pertaining to the size distributions and
tion is terminated prior to the development of an internal structures of quartz grains yielded by
equigranular texture, the resulting metamor- these rocks could be no more than suggestive at
phic rock (and fragments weathered from it) will best.
show two distinct crystal sizes. This type of tex- However, the 6 schists examined spanned the
ture has been produced experimentally from St. complete range of regional metamorphic facies.
Peter sand by Ernst and Blatt (1964, plate lc) Two contained sillimanite, one contained horn-
and by Carter, Christie, and Griggs (1964, blende, one stilpnomelane, one clinozoisite, and
plates 8 b, c, and 9a-f). one contained both epidote and chlorite. In ad-
Polycrystalline quartz fragments formed of dition to the handicap of small number of sam-
crystals having either extreme morphologic pre- ples, the detritus obtained contains 4 to 6 percent
ferred orientation or crystallographic preferred silt-sized fragments of undetermined mineralogy
orientation that was visible using the accessory as well as a great deal of very fine sand. As it
gypsum plate were fairly common in the gneisses seems certain that most silt and some very fine



(37 GRAINS) (157 GRAINS) (612 GRAINS) (516 GRAINS) (303 GRAINS) (77 GRAINS)


90 m

70 z~
// //
60 // / / //
f¢ //
0 // //
,50 // //
l- //
Z //
40 ~/ / //
// N
// //
gE // /1"
l.U //
Q. //
Q //
zo ~ ii '/

V///4 ,.

tt3 03 rO r o
uD o ) r o rO


FIG, 16.--Histogram of the number of quartz crystals contained in each grain size of
polycrystalLine quartz fragment in disintegrated gneisses.

sand have been winnowed from the sediment with internal structure can only be generalized.
prior to the time the samples were obtained, the Mean sample size of the six disintegrated
size frequency parameters and their correlation schistsexamined was 137 grs. (range 101-188) ;the

Fro. 17 (A) Polycrystalline quartz grain, gneiss detritus, very coarse sand fraction, showing strongly sutured
intercrystal boundaries, elongation of contained quartz crystals, and bimodal size distribution of these
crystals. (B) Portion of a polycrystalline quartz grain from gneiss detritus, coarse sand fraction, showing strongly
sutured intercrystal boundaries and superb morphologic orientation of contained quartz crystals.

FIG. 18.--Sub-equant polycrystalline quartz grain in gneiss detritus, very. coarse sand
fraction, showing both straight and sutured intererystal boundaries.

amount of quartz in the -2cb to .-p4~ size inter-

val averaged 19 grs. (range 12-23).
The size distribution of total quartz from
ta schists (fig. 19) is more obviously bimodal than
ta was the analogous curve for gneisses or massive
27. I0 plutonic rocks; but, as before, the bimodal char-
acter results from the mixing of two populations,
monocrystalline quartz and polycrystalline
g quartz. The average grain of quartz from the
m schists examined is only 0.44 mm in size, as com-
I¢ pared to the mean size of 0.72 mm obtained from
both gneiss detritus and grus. Were it not for
the effect of winnowing at the sample site, quartz
from the schists examined would be still finer in
. / mean size. Qualitatively, the relative fineness of
schist quartz seems quite reasonable, as schis-
B~ - 6 SAMPLES-- ~' tose rocks are generally megascopically finer
grained than either massive plutonic rocks or
gneisses. It is generally recognized that there is
a large increase in the size of the quartz grains
2= / i MEAN = +1.20 ¢1
= 1.34~
during the transition from shale to phyllite to
schist, but it is not until the latter stages of this
~" / SKEWNESS = -I- 0.08 development that the quartz grains attain sand
•_ / KURTOSIS = 0,77 size (.062 ram).
/ Monocrysta[line Quartz
-2 -I 0 I Z 5 4
Monocrystalline quartz forms 39 percent of
the total quartz from the schists and, as winnow-
FIG. 19.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency
curve of the distribution of total quartz in disinte- ing would remove largely monocrystalline grains
grated schists. (polycrystalline grains are coarser), the mean
percentage of this q u a r t z type released from TABLE &--Summary of frequency distributions of
schists m a y be as high as 50 percent. Figure 20 degrees of undulatory extinction in monocrystalline
~uartz grains of medium sand size in five
shows t h e size distribution of monocrystalline disintegrated schists
quartz grains in the average sample. T h e very
large negative skewness of the d i s t r i b u t i o n prob- Sample M~ ~'[ Ski
ably reflects the effect of winnowing of the silt
and very fine sand sizes. Once again, bimodality
is e v i d e n t and results from the mixing of two
2.6 °
3.7 °
4.1 °
1.8 °

2.5 °
+ .24
+ .27
+ .54
populations: relatively coarse u n d u l a t o r y quartz 75 4.6 ° 2.5 ° + .24
and finer n o n - u n d u l a t o r y quartz. 65 6.0 ° 2.9 ° +.58
B l a t t and Christie (1963, p. 568) found t h a t 4.0 ° 2.3 ° + .37
the percentage of n o n - u n d u l a t o r y grains a m o n g
single crystals of quartz in 21 schists averaged
range (cf. fig. 20), the present d a t a correspond
22 percent, s o m e w h a t higher t h a n the value of 13 well with the d a t a from the earlier s t u d y 21
percent o b t a i n e d from e x a m i n a t i o n of undis- u n d i s i n t e g r a t e d schists from widespread local-
integrated massive plutonic rocks. I t is now evi- ities.
dent t h a t this difference in percentage was due M e a s u r e m e n t s were made of t h e degree of
to the difference in m e a n q u a r t z grain size be- u n d u l a t o r y extinction in a total of 126 medium
tween these two types of rocks. T h e finer the
sand-sized monocrystalline quartz grains from
grain size, the higher the percentage of non- five disintegrated schists. T h e results of these
u n d u l a t o r y quartz among monocrystalline m e a s u r e m e n t s are shown in t a b l e 3 a n d figure 21.
quartz grains. In t h e present study, the a m o u n t The degree of u n d u l a t o r y extinction in mono-
of n o n - u n d u l a t o r y q u a r t z is 0.0 percent in coarse crystalline quartz grains derived from schists is
grained q u a r t z sand, 15 percent in medium almost identical to the values o b t a i n e d in q u a r t z
grained quartz sand, 25 percent in fine grained
from massive plutonic rocks. (Compare tables
quartz sand, and 54 percent in very fine grained 2 and 3.)
quartz sand. As the average single crystal of
q u a r t z in schists is probably in the fine sand



I 20
19 7 ~ f14

,, 23

9S j /

/ /
=N +2.06J

/ "
: I.II I
SKEWNESS = - 0 . 4 2 /
KURTOSIS = 0.72 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16
_ I I
-I 0 J 2 3 4 Degree of undulotory extinction

FIG. 21.--Histogram and cumulative frequency

FIG. 20.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency curve of the degree of undulatory extinction in me-
curve 'of the distribution of monocrystalline quartz dium sand-slzed monocrystalline quartz grains in dis-
grains in disintegrated schists. integrated schists.

50 ses, of course, the quartz occurs in bands the

lengths of which are measured in centimeters.
In such rocks the size of the polycrystalline
~ 40
g quartz aggregates contributed to sediments will
L~ 33.7
be controlled almost entirely by the disintegra-
o. 30 tion process and cannot be estimated by exami-
nation of the fresh rock.
~ 2o Comparison of the mean size of monocrys-
talline quartz from schists (0.24 mm) with that
of the polycrysta[line grains (0.55 ram) reveals
Io that the polycrystalline grains are, on the aver-
age, 2.3 times as large. This ratio is similar to
t h a t of grainitoid quartz (2.1) and, therefore,

i /
polycrystalline quartz from schists should also
be composed of relatively few quartz crystals
BASED ON as compared to polycrystalline quartz in the
same size range derived from gneisses. Com-
I // parison of figure 23 with the analogous histo-
grams for massive plutonic rocks (fig. 11) and
= f

/ MEAN = + 0.85
gneisses (fig. 16) shows that this is indeed the
case. Two of the 6 disintegrated schists ex-
/ = 138 ¢f amined contained a small but significant pro-
= 4" 0.16
= 0.90
portion of extremely fine-grained recrystallized
quartz aggregates (figs. 24A, By. These aggre-

-I 6 i
2 3
I 4
gates are not gradationa[ with coarser polycrys-
talline quartz aggregates in size of contained
quartz crystals. The aggregates formed of the
FIG. 22.--Histogram and cumulative size frequency, extremely fine-grained quartz define a secondary
curve of the distribution of polycrystalline quartz mode in all grain size ranges shown in figure 23.
grains in disintegrated schists. The studies of polycrystalline quartz frag-
ments thus indicate that although these grains
Within the limits of measurement of this angle are released from gneisses and massive plutonic
using a universal stage, both mean and standard rocks with a coarser mean size than from schists,
deviation are identical for grains derived from the number of quartz crystals forming poly-
the two groups of rocks. The skewnesses of alI crystalline quartz grains is much larger in gneis-
five of the distributions of schistose quartz sic quartz than in massive plutonie or schistose
grains are strongly positive. This was also true quartz. Intercrystalline contacts between quartz
of 4 of the 5 distributions obtained from grains crystal units in the polycrystalline quartz of
derived from the massive plutonic rocks. the disintegrated shcists examined may be
either straight to slightly curved or sutured, as
Polycrystalline Quartz is also the case in massive plutonic rocks and
The size distribution of polyerystalllne quartz gneisses. As only 6 disintegrated schists were
grains in disintegrated schists (fig. 22) has a examined the relative abundances of these types
mean of +0.85q~ (coarse sand) and a standard cannot be evaluated.
deviation of 1.18~. The distribution has a posi- Polyerystalline quartz averages 61 percent of
tive skewness that may, at least in part, result the total quartz in the disintegrated schists ex-
from the effect of the lack of thin-sections in the amined but because of winnowing of the finer
-3q~ to -2q~ size range, as discussed earlier. As grained monocrystalline grains, this figure may
the polycrystalline grains are coarse, winnowing be somewhat too large. As was the case in mas-
can be disregarded as a factor modifying the fre- sive plutonic rocks and gneisses, the proportion
quency distribution. Polycrystalline quartz of polycrystalline quartz in total quartz of dis-
grains from schists are only one-half the size of integrated schists is size dependent. In the five
those from disintegrated massive plutonic rocks size grades from very coarse sand through very
(0.55 mm as opposed to 1.01 ram) and this dif- fine sand, the percentage decreases sequentially
ference seems qualitatively correct, as thin sec- from 84 through 82, 66, 42, to 16. When com-
tions of undisintegrated rocks of these two types paring size for size these values are quite similar
reveal that isolated groups of quartz grains in to those obtained from disintegrated gneisses
schists are considerably smaller size than are but are greatly different from those from disin-
such groups in massive plutonic rocks. In gneis- tegrated massive plutonic rocks.

(13 GRAINS} {89 GRAINS) (270 GRAINS) (319 GRAINS) {192 GRAINS} (20 GRAINS)

90 o. ~0
O) 7
or) 8O ~7
Z /
E 70
60 LJ
0 ,/ /, /.
5O //
LO ,/ 11
4O // ,j
0 // 7
(Z: // /
/ ,/
LU //
D. 3O //


0 tO 0'~ i"O I¢)

~o_ ~6'OA N~A N~O_A


FIG. 23.--Histogram of the number of quartz crystals contained in each grain size of
polycrystalline quartz fragment in disintegrated schists.

Fio. 24.---(A) Polycrystalline quartz grain in schist detritus, medium sand fraction, showing extreme inter-
crystal suturing, moderate degree of elongation of contained quartz crystals, and moderately developed bimodal
size distribution of contained quartz crystals. (B) Polycrystalline quartz grain schist detritus, medium sand
fraction, showing elongation and superb bimodal size distribution of contained quartz crystals. Note also in-
tensely sutured intercrystal boundaries.

CONCLUSIONS seen less commonly in the rocks examined, but

In view of the data obtained in this study, are this feature appears to be diagnostic of meta-
there any features of quartz grains in sandstones morphic origin. Also, in metamorphic quartz,
that appear to be useful in determining whether sometimes the individual crystals forming the
such grains were originally derived from a grani- larger grain may show a preferred crystallo-
toid rock, a gneiss, or a schist? The following graphic orientation upon insertion of a gypsum
features seem to be useful for this purpose. plate. However, many well-developed preferred
(1) For any grain size, polycrystalline quartz crystallographic orientations of crystal aggre-
from gneisses will be more finely polycrystal- gates cannot be detected by this procedure.
line than will grains from massive plutonic rocks. There is no necessary correlation between the
For example, if a medium sand-sized polycrys- presence of morphological elongation and crys-
talline quartz grain in a sandstone is formed of tallographlc orientation, either in monocrys-
six or more apparently different crystals it is talline quartz grains or in polycrystalline ag-
very likely to have been derived from a foliated gregates.
metamorphic rocks if formed of less than six crys- Suturing of grain boundaries between crystals
tals it probably had its origin in a massive plu- in a polyccrystalline quartz grain is, by itself,
tonic rock (compare figs. 24A, B with 2A, B, and unreliable as an indicator of provenance. Sutur-
4). ing commonly accompanies fine polycrystal-
(2) Many polycrystalline quartz grains from linity, shape lineation, and preferred crystal-
foliated rocks are formed of somewhat elon- lographic orientation in metamorphic quartz;
gated quartz crystals (figs. 17A, B) and the but intercrystalline suturing is also common in
polycrystalline fragment itself may appear polycrystalline quartz from massive plutonic
elongated in thin-section. (However, it may be rocks.
disc-shaped in three dimensions.) A substantial (3) A feature apparently peculiar to meta-
proportion of polycrystalline quartz released morphic polycrystalline quartz grains is the
from the massive plutonic rocks examined also presence of two distinctly different sizes of
was somewhat elongate (compare fig. 17A with quartz crystals within a grain (figs. 17A, 24A,
fig. 4). Therefore, moderate degrees of grain B). This seems to represent an arrested stage in
elongation are not a reliable criterion of meta- the recrystallization of a quartz aggregate, the
morphic origin. Extreme grain elongation was smaller crystals being the newly developing ones.

FIG. 25.--Monocrystalline quartz grains, massive plutonic detritus, fine sand fraction,
showing arrowhead or elongate sliver shapes.
O R I G I N A L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S OF C L A S T I C Q U A R T Z G R A I N S 421

I'hG. 26.--Lithic arkose, Mt. Tom, Massachusetts, Triassic, showing polycrystalline quartz grain very prob-
ably derived from a foliated metamorphic rock and many sliver-shaped monocrystalline quartz grains of fine
sand size. Note similar appearance of theses slivers to those in freshly disintegrated detritus (fig. 25).

This feature has been produced experimentally (2) In the present study it was found that
and such grains were frequently observed in 36 percnet of the total quartz from massive plu-
metamorphic detritus in the present stud)'. tonic rocks, 40 percent of that from gneisses,
(4) Some authors assume a monolithologic and 18 percent of that from schists occurs in the
source area for a sandstone. Under such ex- 1-4 mm size range (figs. 3, 12, 19). There ap-
tremely uncommon conditions, the massive or pears to be little doubt that grains of this size
foliated character of tile igneous a n d / o r meta- rarely are present in such abundance in elastic
morphic rocks exposed could be determined by deposits in which the mean grain size lies in the
the proportions of polycrystalline quartz in 1-4 mm range, hence granular gravels are
total quartz within each size grade. typically bimodal (Pittijohn, 1957, p. 47-51).
It is significant that the appearance of the ag- The modal size of elastic rocks rarely falls
gregate of quartz grains at the time of release within this range.
into the sedimentary cycle bears little resem- (3) Blatt and Christie (1963, p. 571) have
blance to the appearance of quartz grains in pointed out that multicycle sands contain
many sandstones in the geologic record. significantly more non-undulatory quartz among
(1) Polycrystalline quartz grains at the time their monocrystalline quartz grains than do less
of release from a source terrain of granites, mineralogically mature sands. The present study
gneisses, and schists, form 50 to 90 perrent of indicates that the less mature sands contain
coarse sand-sized quartz, 30 to 70 percent of proportions of non-undulatory quartz consistent
medium sand-aized quartz, and 15 to 45 percent with the proportions released from source rocks,
of line sand-sized quartz. Examination of considered collectively. This proportion is 10
twenty-four lithic and feldspathic sandstones to 15 percent of monocrystalline quartz in the
by Blatt and Christie (t963, p. 577) indicates medium sand and coarser sizes.
that mineralogically immature sediments (those (4) Qualitatively, it is apparent that a much
containing more than 10 percent feldspar and higher proportion of quartz is elongate in freshly
unstable rock fragments) contain an average of distintegrated igneous and metamorphic detri-
only 7 percent of polycrystalllne quartz in their tus and in mineraloglcally immature sands than
total quartz (standard d e v i a t i o n = 6 percent) in mineralogically mature sands such as the St.
and quartz arenites average only 2 percent of Peter, Dakota, etc., (compare figs. 24, 4, and 26
polycrystalline quartz. with fig. 27).

FIo. 27.--Fine sand-sized fraction of St. Peter sand, Ottawa, Illinois, Ordovician, showing dominance of
sub-equant grain shapes and relative lack of elongate slivers such as are common in freshly disintegrated igne-
ous and metamorphic rocks and ill mlneralogically immature sandstones. Probably the sliver-shapes fracture
readily and form part of the silt-sized quartz in shales and mudstones.

In my opinion, the most likely process that which are visible in thin section. Such grains are
will explain these dissimilarities between the very likely to break early in the transportation
quartz at the time of release from source rocks process. A large proportion of monocrystalline
and quartz as seen in many sandstones is size grains contain planes of bubble inclusions, and
reduction. Probably the polycrystalline grains these planes of structural weakness may cause
are reduced in size by fracture along quartz size reduction as has been suggested by Bowen
crystal boundaries. The relatively small amount (1955), Davies and Rees (1946, p. 93) and Moss
of this type of quarz in most sandstones, even (1966). Fracture may also occur along zones of
those rich in unstable lithic fragments or feld- undulatory extinction (Borg, et al., 1960, p. 175;
spar, suggests that fracture may occur fairly Raeside, 1959, p. 495); or parallel to the c-axis
rapidly in the sedimentary environment. Per- or rhombohedra because of weaker bonding
haps much disaggregation of pure quartz forces in these directions within the quartz
rock fragments occurs in the soil as has been sug- crystal structure (Bloss, 1957, p. 221; Borg and
gested by Raeside (1959, p. 496). Using field Maxwell, 1956, p. 74; Anderson, 1945, p. 426;
evidence and chemical analyses, Dorr (1964) Ingerson and Ramisch, 1942; Fairbairn, 1939,
has documented extensive late Cenozoic solu- p. 365; Griggs and Bell, 1938, p. 1740). Ander-
tion of fine grained quartz from Precambrian son (1945, p. 426) and Fairbairn (1939, p. 365)
quartz-hematite units in several areas of Minas suggested preferential fracture perpendicular to
GerMs, Brazil. Ruckmick (1963) has described the c-axis of quartz. Bloss and Gibbs (1963)
similar occurrences in southeastern Venezuela. report that {i122}, a second order trigonal pyr-
Reed, et el. (1963) have described solution fea- amid, is second only to the r and z rhombohedra
tures of probable Quaterna~, age in quartzite as the main cleavage in quartz. Several other
in western North Carolina. I was unable to dis- more obscure "cleavages" which have been re-
cover any published petrographic studies of this ported in the literature are tabulated by Bloss
process, but the field evidence described by the and Gibbs (p. 822).
writers noted above appears quite convincing. An alternative possibility for achieving size
Monocrystalline quartz grains, when newly reduction of relatively unstable monocrystal-
released from igneous or metamorphic rocks, line undulatory quartz grains is through chemical
frequently contain one or more hairline fractures activity during soil formation, a process which

has not received the attention by sedimentolo- rocks, "All evidence suggests that the breakage
gists which it deserves. The significance of this of unsound quartz becomes negligible when this
process has been suggested by Oertel, 1958, p. material is virtually all less than 2 mm in dia-
127-129; Carroll, 1952, p. 793; Wahlstrom, 1948, meter . . . . "
p. 1180; Brock, 1943, p. 728; Goldich, 1938, p.
35; (;alloway, 1919, p. 279; Sorby, 1880, p. 48.
H u m b e r t (1948, p. 283, 286) states t h a t he
has observed in thin-section solution of quartz Some of the data upon which this paper is
grains in granitoid rock under lateritic weather- based are taken from a Ph.D. dissertation sub-
ing conditions in Siam and New Guinea. mitted to the University of California at Los
The a m o u n t of size reduction suggested by Angeles in 1963. The writer is indebted to Pro-
the d a t a obtained in this study is in marked con- fessor J. M. Christie, who supervised the dis-
trast to the views of Kuenen (1959a, 1959b, sertation, for offering helpful suggestions and
1960). On the basis of the great difficulty in ob- advice through the course of t h a t work. The
taining significant size reduction of coarse dissertation research was in part supported by a
grained sand and granule-sized quartz particles Penrose Bequest G r a n t from the Geological
during experimental abrasion studies, Kuenen Society of America. J. C. de Gross6 prepared the
(1959b, p. 30) concluded t h a t " . . . most grains thin sections used in the investigation. Draftings
survive a n u m b e r of successive sedimentation were made by Mrs. Penny Scrutchin and Robert
cycles without more than a few precent loss in Rogers.
weight" and that " . . . the most likely manner Vigorous discussions with Professor R. L. Folk
in which sedimentary quartz could disappear is of the University of Texas have contributed to
by granitization and m e t a m o r p h i s m . " Smalley some ot the views in this paper but, of course, he
(1966) concurred with Kuenen based on theo- does not necessarily subscribe to all of its con-
retical analysis of the quartz crystal structure. clusions.
Moss (1966, p. 128) concluded t h a t although I would like to t h a n k the organizations and
breakage of quartz grains is i m p o r t a n t during persons noted above for their support of and in-
the disintegration of igneous and metamorphic terest in the problems discussed in the paper.

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