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I sit with my back against the theater entrance so that I can face the open expanse of the

quad. The tallest sycamore tree within my view shivers; its branches are bare and defenseless

from the bitter wind. A flock of little blackbirds spiral down from the sky like leaves being blown

with the breeze. Upon landing, the birds immediately disperse and take over the quad. Bigger

birds, seagulls, swoop into the scene. The blackbirds chatter loudly in surprise as the seagulls

circle overhead. They skitter about the area to escape the intruders. My attention drifts away

from the invasion to notice that the moon is still clearly visible above the library, exhausted from

a long night. Four boys walk by holding open Chromebooks. Soon after, a group of girls walk

the same route with Chromebooks at the ready. Ten minutes pass until the migration of

students ceases. The moon is a lot lower now; however, it only moves when I’m not looking.

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