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In medicine, a nebulizer or nebuliser (see spelling differences) is a drug delivery

device used to administer medication in the form of a mist inhaled into the lungs.
Nebulizers are commonly used for the treatment of asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD
and other respiratory diseases or disorders
An otoscope or auriscope is a medical device which is used to look into the ears.
Health care providers use otoscopes to screen for illness during regular check-ups
and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially gives a view of the
ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum.

A tracheal tube is a catheter that is inserted into the trachea for the primary
purpose of establishing and maintaining a patent airway and to ensure the adequate
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a diagnostic tool that is routinely used to
assess the electrical and muscular functions of the heart. While it is a relatively
simple test to perform, the interpretation of the ECG tracing requires significant
amounts of training.
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is a measure of brain waves. It is a readily
available test that provides evidence of how the brain functions over time. The EEG
is used in the evaluation of brain disorders.

Pulse oximetry is a test used to measure the oxygen level (oxygen saturation) of
the blood. It is an easy, painless measure of how well oxygen is being sent to parts
of your body furthest from your heart, such as the arms and legs
An electrocardiogram — abbreviated as EKG or ECG — is a test that measures
the electrical activity of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical impulse (or
“wave”) travels through the heart. This wave causes the muscle to squeeze and
pump blood from the heart.

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