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Tuesday, Dec 18, 2018, 8:36 PM GMT

H ealing Negative Karma
W rite on a piece of paper that you wish to heal any negative karma you may have collected in past lives. Hols this paper between
your hands for about 10 minutes, and !"#$"% that Reiki should flow into those past lives for the highest and greatest good. You can
repeat this exercise any number of times, until you intuitively feel that the healing has been successfully carried out.

The Reiki Symbols As Part Of Daily Life

W hatever kind of problems you are having, from strained relationships with your partner or family to difficulties at work or
studying, you cause Reiki to help to permeate the situation with healing. Here is one method.

1. W rite down the details of any problem area you are working on and hold the paper between your hands. Examples:
“Allow Reiki to flow into the situation of my relationships for the highest and greatest good”
“Let Reiki flow into the situation of my money issues foe my highest and greatest good”
2. Draw the Distant Symbol over the paper, silently saying its mantra 3 times, and intending that the Reiki connect with the
3. Draw the Harmony Symbol saying its mantra 3 times, asking that Reiki flow to harmonise and heal the situation in
whatever way is for your highest and greatest good.
4. Draw the Power Symbol saying its mantra 3 times, !"#$"%!"& that Reiki flow into the situation for the highest and greatest
5. M aintain this position for 5 to 10 minutes, and when you have finished, thank Reiki for its help, draw another Power
Symbol saying its mantra 3 times !"#$"%!"& that the healing is sealed in, and the treatment is over.
6. Do this each day, and continue to work on this situation until some resolution to the situation appears.

Empowering Goals With Reiki Symbols

1. W rite down all the aspects of what you are seeking as detailed as possible.
2. Draw the Distant Symbol over the paper, silently saying its mantra 3 times to connect with your goal.
3. Draw the Harmony Symbol saying its mantra 3 times to help your goal to be harmonious and in balance with your life.
4. Draw the Power Symbol saying its mantra 3 times to bring the Reiki in. Then hold this piece of paper in your hands and
!"#$"% that Reiki should flow into that goal foe the highest and greatest good.
5. Give it Reiki for at least 10 minutes a day until you achieve what you want.

Think if what you want is ethical. For example, describe the type of person or property you want rather than a specific person or

Empowering Affirmations With Reiki Symbols

If you are working with affirmations - positive statements which can help to reprogram your thinking - then these can be made
even more effective by writing them down, drawing the reiki symbols over them (Distant, Harmony and Power) and saying their
mantras, holding the paper in your hands and then saying them over and over to yourself while giving them Reiki

This can be a really powerful method for change, so make sure that your affirmations are always really positive, with an intention
for your highest good and are fully in the present because what we think, say and feel "'( , at this moment in time, is what is
creating our future.

B ecause Reiki will always work for your highest and greatest good, it will help you to achieve your ideal, but it may first produce
results that force you to face up to the blocks that are currently preventing you from having what you want. For instance, if you are
desperate to form a loving relationship, this might be because you don’t feel you are a whole person without a partner. This could
indicate that you need to work on your self-esteem and ability to love yourself, so it is likely that these issues would arise first.

Using Symbols To Heal Unwanted Habits Or Addictions

The Harmony Symbol can be used to help you change or eliminate habits or addictions which are no longer useful to you
(cigarettes, alcohol, non-prescription drugs, overeating, etc). It is important, however, that you should actually ()"# to give up the
habit that you are working on, because you recognise the benefits to you and acknowledge those benefits as being more
advantageous that whatever it is that the habit gives you. Reiki can be of considerable assistance, but it cannot force you to do
something you don’t want to do, or something your are only doing to please someone else.

The harmony symbol works on the psychological and emotional causes underlying things, and each of the aforementioned habits
has its root in at least one, and probably both, of these potential causative issues. Using the Harmony symbol will help you to bring
these causative issues to the surface - such as rejection, fear, anxiety, self-loathing, the need for affection, and so on -so that they
can be examined and healed. Such self-realisations can, of course, be very uncomfortable, so if you don’t really want to tackle the
problem, you will simply push it back under the surface and nothing will be achieved. But if you really do want to work on the
problem, then Reiki can help you to heal ad let go of whatever issues have been underlying your habit. It can also allow you to let go
of the problem enough to feel a sense of gratitude for the lessons it has taught you, because every experience has value in the
insights it offers and its contribution to who you are right now.

1. Write your name on a piece of paper, together with a suitably positive statement such as “I am now choosing a healthier
lifestyle, so I choose to heal and let go of my need to smoke/drink alcohol/ overeat/take drugs”
2. Then, in the air above the paper, draw a Harmony Symbol, silently saying its mantra 3 times and repeating aloud 3 times
the statement you have written.
3. Draw the Power Symbol saying its mantra 3 times.
4. Hols the paper between your hands, treating it with Reiki for 15 to 20 minutes a day. Continue to do this until you feel that
you have really let go of this unwanted habit.

Cleansing And Creating Sacred Space

Use reiki to clear negative energy collected and stagnated in corners, to create a positive space around you. This is good for rooms
in your home, workplace, hotel bedrooms, hospitals or wherever you’re staying.

1. The simplest and easiest way of clearing negative energy from your surroundings is to place Power Symbols all around you
- in all corners and sides of any room, plus the ceiling and floor.
2. Draw the Power Symbol (as large as possible, if no one is watching, otherwise draw it discreetly) and say its mantra to
yourself 3 times in each place.
3. Intend that the Reiki should clear and cleanse the room and seal it in light, making it a sacred place.

You can cleanse just about anything with Reiki, using the Power Symbol and intending that the Reiki cleanse whatever you are
directing it at.

Cleansing Yourself
You can also use the Power Symbol to cleanse yourself.

1. Draw Power Symbol (discreetly) in the air above your crown chakra, saying its mantra 3 times and intending that the Reiki
cleanse your whole energy field.
2. Then Imagine the Power Symbol growing and extending until it fills your aura. Visualise it moving downwards and towards
the ground, taking with it any negative energy until the negativity flows into the Earth with the Reiki, which will heal it and
transmute it so that it is useful energy for the planet.

Using Symbols For Protection

The power symbols (and Reiki) works for protection on all levels including physical, verbal and emotional confrontations and
psychic attacks. It can be used on everything (home, car, objects, etc).

This is best repeated daily and again in any situations that call for it.

Either draw a Power Symbol in front of you and step into it silently saying its mantra 3 times, imagining it encompassing you and
intending that it forms a protective barrier around you.

Or draw or visualise a Power symbol on each side of you, in front and behind, above your head and beneath your feet.

Car, home or other objects you care about

This is best repeated on a weekly basis.

1. Either physically draw or imagine drawing a large Power Symbol over the object, saying its mantra 3 times.
2. Imagine the Power Symbol expanding until it covers the object all around.
3. If you’re away from the object, use the Distant Symbol to connect with t first.

When Traveling

1. Discreetly draw a Distant Symbol, saying its mantra 3 times, and imagine it forming a bridge of light connecting you with
your destination.
2. Imagine a large Power Symbol over your means of transport, saying its mantra 3 times and imagine the Power Symbol
spreading until it covers your means of transport all around
3. Intend that the Power Symbol protects all the occupants of that means of transport for the duration of the journey.
4. You can then imagine a Power Symbol travelling ahead, clearing the way for you along the bridge of light formed by the
Distant Symbol.

For children
These may be occasions when your kids are not with you and you sense that they may need protection . You can connect with them
using the Distant Symbol, and then imagine a large Power Symbol encompassing them, intending that protect them for their highest
and greatest good.

This is controlling and potentially intrusive, you want what is best for them but their highest good may not be best served by being
so protected - kids need challenges to help their personal and social development. If they’re old enough to understand, it’s best to
ask their permission first. Then if they want Reiki protection, they are choosing it rather than having it thrust upon them.


Draw a Power Symbol over your forehead, saying its mantra 3 times, intending to increase your motivation in general or for specific

Either draw a Power Symbol over the top of your head or the Harmony and Power Symbols on your crown and brow chakras,
saying their mantras 3 times and intending that Reiki should help you to remember whatever it is that you need to remember.

Learning Things
Use Harmony and Power Symbols on your crown and third eye chakras and also draw them over the passages, chapters or
information you need to learn, saying their mantras 3 times and intending that Reiki helps you to learn.

Self-growth And Increases Understanding

Draw the Harmony Symbol followed by the Power Symbol on both palms, and then hold your head with both hands either on your
brow and back of your head, or on both sides. Imagine the symbols entering your head, and as you silently say their mantras, intend
that Reiki helps you with your self-growth and understanding.

Achieving Goals, Dreams, Ambitions

Draw the Harmony Symbol followed by the Power Symbol on both palms and then hold your head with one hand on your forehead
and the other hand on the back of your head, saying their mantras and intending that Reiki helps you to achieve your goals, dreams
and ambitions.

addictions affirmations ambitions anxiety children clean spaces cleanse yourself dreams emotional

energy field face blocks fear goals habits journey Karma kids Learning means of transport memory

motivation need for affection objects passengers Problems psychological Reiki rejection relationships

sef-esteem self-growth self-loathing Self-motivation situations studying traveling work

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