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Matoa (Pometia pinnata) is a plant from Indonesia that grows initially in the Papua

region, but over time, Matoa trees have grown widely throughout the territory of
Indonesia. Matoa is very famous for its’ sweet and unique taste of its’ fruit. But people
are rarely aware of the benefits that can be obtained from Matoa plant. Every part of the
Matoa Plant has varieties of functions. One of them are on its’ leaves. Matoa leaf has
function as an antibacterial agent, antioxidant, and could inhibit bacterial growth. This
can be proven from researches conducted by Sultan Agung Islamic University, Indonesia
proving that Matoa leaves contain flavonoid compounds, tannins, and saponins that have
the effect to regenerate body cells, kill and inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans
and Propionibacterium Acne, these bacteria are the cause of cavities, yellow teeth, and
pimples. Therefore FOPIRA can be applied as a toothpaste, mask, and wound-healer. The
toxicity test of Matoa leaves are at a low stage which means the side effects of FOPIRA
is very minimal. These are the reason why we want to develop the potential of Matoa leaf
to become one of the latest innovations and FOPIRA can be a very good opportunity for
the younger generation to develop innovations based on natural wealth. From FOPIRA,
we hope it can be a step to improve public health, not only in Indonesia but also until the
international scale and to be able to support the development of Indonesia's natural

Dengan FOPIRA ini kami ingin memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat dunia bahwa
produk kami merupakan solusi inovatif dalam bidang kesehatan yang memiliki banyak
manfaat dan efek samping yang minimal bagi tubuh manusia. Serta kami ingin
membuktikan bahwa Indonesia memiliki segudang kekayaan alam yang dapat di gali dan
meng-encourage masyarakat untuk memanfaat-kan dan mengembangkan potensi

Dan pada akhirnya, langkah sederhana ini kami harapkan bisa memberikan perubahan
positif diseluruh belahan dunia.

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