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8.1. Recite the creation story in Rig

 Review
 Identify the names of the
major Hindu deities and
their corresponding
functions or powers.

Do the Hindus have a
solid concept of a
Interpret the different pictures.
Read the of the story of creation
based on Hindu tradition and the
cosmic egg theory.
Interpret the creation through
Fill in the blank. Write the missing word in every lines
of the story of creation based on Hindu tradition
Who really1. ______________, and who can swear,
How 2. __________________ came, when or where!
Even3. _______________ came after creation’s day,
Who really knows, who can truly say;
When and how did creation 4._______________?
Did He do it? Or Did He not?
Only 5. _______________ up there, knows maybe;
Or Perhaps not even He.”

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