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Phase transition of a two-dimensional binary spreading model

G. Ódor,1 M. C. Marques,2 and M. A. Santos2
Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, P. O. Box 49, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary
Departamento de Fı́sica and Centro de Fı́sica do Porto, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre,
687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
共Received 22 January 2002; published 16 May 2002兲
We investigated the phase transition behavior of a binary spreading process in two dimensions for different
particle diffusion strengths (D). We found that N⬎2 cluster mean-field approximations must be considered to
get consistent singular behavior. The N⫽3,4 approximations result in a continuous phase transition belonging
to a single universality class along the D苸(0,1) phase transition line. Large scale simulations of the particle
density confirmed mean-field scaling behavior with logarithmic corrections. This is interpreted as numerical
evidence supporting the bosonic field theoretical prediction that the upper critical dimension in this model is
d c ⫽2. The pair density scales in a similar way but with an additional logarithmic factor to the order parameter.
At the D⫽0 end point of the transition line we found directed percolation criticality.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.056113 PACS number共s兲: 05.70.Ln, 82.20.Wt

I. INTRODUCTION different behavior 关9兴, parity conserving class 关6兴, mean-field

behavior, diffusion-dependent exponents. Some related mod-
The study of nonequilibrium phase transitions in systems els were also studied 关13–18兴 with the aim of identifying the
with absorbing phases is an active area of research in statis- relevant features that determine the critical properties. The
tical physics with applications in various other fields such as matter is not yet fully clarified, but it seems most likely that
chemistry, biology, and social sciences 关1兴. The classification this system belongs to a distinct, not previously encountered,
of the types of phase transition found in these systems into universality class. Park et al. 关15兴 have also pointed out that
the binary character of the particle creation mechanism,
universality classes is, nevertheless, still an incomplete task.
rather than parity conservation, might be the crucial factor
The directed percolation 共DP兲 universality class is the most
determining the type of critical behavior of the PCPD.
common nonequilibrium universality class 关2,3兴. Directed Higher dimensional studies of PCPD-like models are thus
percolation was indeed found to describe the critical behav- necessary in order to clarify their universal properties and
ior of a wide range of systems, despite the differences in thus contribute to a full understanding of nonequilibrium
their microscopic dynamic rules. However, the presence of phase transitions.
some conservation laws and/or symmetries in the dynamics In the present work we studied a two-dimensional model
has been found to lead to other universality classes 关4兴. where particle diffusion competes with binary creation and
The pair contact process 共PCP兲 关5兴 is one of the models annihilation of pairs of particles. In its nondiffusive limit,
whose 共steady state兲 critical properties belong to the DP uni- this parity-conserving version of the PCPD allows for an
versality class. If the model is generalized to include single interpretation in terms of a unary process of particle pairs.
particle diffusion 共PCPD or annihilation/fission model 关6,7兴兲, The model is described in the following section. Cluster
a qualitatively distinct situation arises since states with only mean-field studies are presented in Sec. III and Monte Carlo
isolated particles are no longer frozen and the question has simulations are discussed in Sec. IV. Finally we summarize
been raised as to whether this would modify the universality and discuss our results.
class. A field theoretical study of the annihilation/fission
model was presented long ago 关7兴. Unfortunately, it relies on II. THE MODEL
a perturbative renormalization group analysis which breaks
The sites of a square lattice of side L are either occupied
down in spatial dimensions d⭐2 so that the active phase and
by a particle 共1兲 or empty 共0兲. The following dynamic rules
the phase transition are inaccessible to this study. The upper
are then performed sequentially. A particle is selected at ran-
critical dimension d c is 2 for this bosonic theory, where mul-
dom, and 共i兲 with probability D is moved to a 共randomly
tiple site occupancy is allowed, contrary to the usual lattice
chosen兲 empty neighbor site; with the complementary prob-
models and Monte Carlo simulations. A fermionic field
ability, and provided the particle has at least one occupied
theory is not available but it is expected to lead to d c ⫽1
neighbor, then 共ii兲 the two particles annihilate with probabil-
关8兴—therefore mean-field predictions, with some logarithmic
ity p or 共iii兲 with probability 1⫺ p two particles are added at
corrections, would be seen in d⫽1 if the latter is the correct
vacant neighbors of the initial particle. The selection of
neighbors is always done with equal probabilities; the updat-
Monte Carlo, coherent anomaly 关9,10兴, and density matrix
ing is aborted and another particle is selected, if the chosen
renormalization group 共DMRG兲 studies 关6,11,12兴 of the 1 sites are not empty/occupied as required by the process. In
⫺d PCPD model proved to be rather hard due to very long reaction-diffusion language one has
relaxation times and important corrections to scaling. Several
hypotheses have been put forward in order to classify its D p 共 1⫺D 兲 共 1⫺p 兲共 1⫺D 兲
critical behavior: single type 关6,11兴 versus two regions of A⭋↔ ⭋A, 2A → ⭋, 2A → 4A. 共1兲

1063-651X/2002/65共5兲/056113共7兲/$20.00 65 056113-1 ©2002 The American Physical Society


It is clear that, in the absence of particle diffusion (D⫽0), TABLE I. Summary of N⫽2,3,4 approximation results.
only sites that belong to a pair of occupied neighbors are
active. In terms of pairs—taken as particle doublets—we N⫽2 N⫽3 N⫽4
have a unary process where doublets are destroyed at rate p D pc ␤ ␤2 pc ␤ ␤2 pc ␤ ␤2
or create new doublets at rate 1⫺p; the number of offspring
0.75 0.5 1 2 0.4597 1 2 0.4146 1 2
is greater than or equal to 2—because new pairs may also be
0.5 0.5 1 2 0.4 1 2 0.3456 1 2
formed with next nearest neighbor particles—and parity of
0.25 0.5 1 2 0.3333 1 2 0.2973 1 2
the number of doublets is not conserved. This is similar to
0.1 0.4074 1 1 0.2975 1 2 0.2771 1 2
the PCP 关22兴 and one expects to see a phase transition, in the
DP universality class, between an active phase with a finite 0.01 0.3401 1 1 0.2782 1 2 0.2759 1 2
density of pairs 共at low p) and an absorbing phase without 0.00 0.3333 1 1 0.1464 1 1 0.1711 1 1
pairs 共for p⬎p c ).
When particle diffusion is included, one has a qualita-
All these exponents coincide with those found for the PCPD
tively different situation, since configurations with only par-
model 关6兴 at the same level of approximation.
ticles without neighbors are no longer absorbing—the only
absorbing states are the empty lattice and the configurations In the pair (N⫽2) approximation, the density of ‘‘1’’ ( ␳ )
with a single particle. There is parity conservation in terms and the ‘‘11’’ pair density ( ␳ 2 ) are independent quantities.
of particles and the creation and annihilation mechanisms are One can easily check that the evolution of particles can be
binary. The nature of the phase transition, expected to occur expressed as
at some value p c (D), is investigated below.
⫽⫺2 p 共 1⫺D 兲 ␳ 2 ⫹2 共 1⫺D 兲共 1⫺ p 兲

We performed N-cluster mean-field calculations 关19,20兴 1⫺2 ␳ ⫹ ␳ 2

⫻ ␳ 2共 ␳ ⫺ ␳ 2 兲 共9兲
for this model. Since the details of the dynamics will not ␳ 共 1⫺ ␳ 兲
influence the values of the mean-field critical indices, we
have considered a simpler one-dimensional version of the while the evolution of pairs
model where the creation takes place at the nearest and next-
nearest sites to one side of the parent particle. ⳵␳ 2 2 ␳ 2⫹ ␳ ␳ 2⫺ ␳ 2
At the site (N⫽1) level, the evolution of the particle ⫽⫺p 共 1⫺D 兲 ␳ 2 ⫺2D 共 ␳ ⫺ ␳ 2 兲
⳵t ␳ ␳ 共 1⫺ ␳ 兲
density ␳ 共denoted by n in 关6兴兲 can be expressed as
⫹ 共 1⫺D 兲共 1⫺ p 兲 ␳ 2 共 ␳ ⫺ ␳ 2 兲
⫽⫺2p ␳ 2 ⫹2 共 1⫺ p 兲 ␳ 2 共 1⫺ ␳ 兲 2 共2兲 2⫺ ␳ ⫺ ␳ 2
⫻ 共 1⫺2 ␳ ⫹ ␳ 2 兲 . 共10兲
␳ 共 1⫺ ␳ 兲 2
which has the stationary solution

p⫺1⫹ 冑p⫺ p 2 Owing to the nonlinearities, we could not solve these equa-
␳共 ⬁ 兲⫽ 共3兲 tions analytically and had to look for numerical solutions.
p⫺1 The critical indices thus obtained at different diffusion rates
with p c ⫽1/2. The pair density ␳ 2 (c in the notation of 关6兴兲 is D are shown in Table I. As we can see, there are two distinct
just the square of ␳ at this level. For p⭐p c the densities regions. For D⬎⬃0.2 p c is constant and ␤ 2 ⫽2, while for
behave as D⬍⬃0.2 p c varies with D and ␤ 2 ⫽1. All these results are
in complete agreement with those of the PCPD model in the
␳ 共 ⬁ 兲 ⬀ 共 p c ⫺p 兲 ␤ , 共4兲 pair approximation.
In the N⫽3 level approximation the situation changes, as
␳ 2 共 ⬁ 兲 ⬀ 共 p c ⫺p 兲 ␤ 2 , 共5兲 we can see in Table I: the two distinct regions for D⬎0
disappear and ␤ 2 ⫽2 everywhere as found in the site ap-
with ␤ ⫽1 and ␤ 2 ⫽2 leading order singularities. At the criti- proximation. At D⫽0, however, the particle density does not
cal point vanish at the transition but goes to ␳ (p c )⫽0.2931. This
means that the N⫽3 level approximation is already capable
⳵␳ 共 p⫽1/2兲
⫽2 共 ␳ /2⫺1 兲 ␳ 3 , 共6兲 of describing the absorbing state that contains frozen, iso-
⳵t lated particles. For p⭐ p c , ␳ ⫺ ␳ (p c )⬀( p c ⫺ p) ␤ with ␤ ⫽1,
the same critical exponent as the order parameter 共the pair
which implies that the leading order scaling is density兲; therefore we redefine Eq. 共4兲 now. These results are
␳ 共 t 兲 ⬀t ⫺ ␣ , ␳ 2 共 t 兲 ⬀t ⫺ ␣ 2 , 共7兲 also in agreement with those of the PCP model 关24 –26兴.
This kind of singular mean-field behavior persists for
with ␣ ⫽1/2 and ␣ 2 ⫽1, while in the absorbing phase N⫽4 共Table I, Fig.1兲 and can be found in the N⫽3,4 level
approximations of the PCPD model as well 关23兴. These re-
␳ 共 t 兲 ⬀t ⫺1 , ␳ 2 共 t 兲 ⬀t ⫺2 . 共8兲 sults suggest that the N⫽2 approximation is an odd one.


FIG. 1. N⫽4 cluster mean-field results for ␳ 2 . The curves cor- FIG. 2. Local slopes of the particle density decay at D⫽0.5
respond to D⫽0, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75 共left to and L⫽2000. Different curves correspond to p⫽0.4392, 0.439 16,
right兲. The same kind of convex curvature corresponding to ␤ 2 0.439 13, 0.4391 共from bottom to top兲.
⫽2 can be observed for D⬎0, while it is different for D⫽0 cor-
responding to ␤ ⫽1. the corresponding ␣ ⫽0.50(2) decay exponent agrees with
the mean-field value 共see Fig. 2兲.
Recent investigations in similar PCP-like models 关24,25兴 We also measured the pair density ␳ 2 (t); applying a local
have also shown discrepancies in the singular behavior of the slope analysis similar to Eq. 共11兲 suggests 共Fig. 3兲 the lack of
low-level cluster mean-field approximations. One can con- a phase transition of this quantity at p⫽0.439 15. Instead the
clude that in these models at least N⬎2 cluster approxima- curves veer up, which may lead to different p c and ␣ 2 esti-
tions are necessary to find a correct mean-field behavior. It is mates. Such strange behavior has already been observed in
probably just a coincidence that the N⫽1 calculation pro- PCPD model simulations 关27,28兴.
duced the same results. We shall thereafter ignore the N⫽2 An explanation for this discrepancy was pointed out by
results and refer to the N⫽1,3 scenario as the mean-field Grassberger in the case of the PCPD model 关28兴. Random
prediction. walks in two dimensions are just barely recurrent and single
particles can diffuse for a very long time before they encoun-
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS ter other particles. Therefore, it is natural to expect that
␳ (t)/ ␳ 2 (t)⬃ln(t) and Fig. 4 shows that this really happens at
The simulations were started on small lattice sizes (L pc .
⫽100,200) to locate the phase transition point roughly at Therefore, at D⫽0.5 we can conclude that ␣ 2 ⯝ ␣ ⯝0.5
D⫽0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8. The particle density decay ␳ L (t) taking into account logarithmic corrections. This, however,
was measured up to t max ⫽60 000 Monte Carlo sweeps contradicts the mean-field approximation value ␣ 2 ⫽1.
共MCS兲 in systems started from fully occupied lattices and Similar local slope analyses for D⫽0.2 and D⫽0.8 seem
possessing periodic boundary conditions. Throughout the to imply ␣ ⫽0.46(2) and ␣ ⫽0.57(2), respectively. First this
whole paper t is measured in units of Monte Carlo sweeps. raises the idea that the exponents might change continuously
For D⫽0.05 we have not done such a detailed analysis as for with D as was observed in some one-dimensional PCPD
other diffusion rates but only checked that the results are in simulations 关9,18兴. Nevertheless, the deviations from 0.5 are
agreement with the conclusions derived from the D⫽0.2, small; hence we tried to fit our data including logarithmic
0.5, 0.8 data. corrections. Logarithmic corrections may really arise if d c
Then we continued our survey on larger lattices L⫽400, ⫽2 as predicted by bosonic field theory 关7兴. The precise
500, 1000, 2000, and determined p c at each size by analyz-
ing the local slopes of ␳ (t):
⫺ln关 ␳ 共 t 兲 / ␳ 共 t/m 兲兴
␣e f f 共 t 兲⫽ 共11兲
ln共 m 兲
共we used m⫽8). In the t→⬁ limit the critical curve goes to
the exponent ␣ by a straight line, while sub- 共super兲critical
curves veer down 共up兲, respectively. The p c (L) estimates
exhibit an increase with L; hence at the true critical-point the
critical like ␣ e f f curves of a given L are subcritical. This
excludes the possibility of a finite size scaling study at p c .

A. Dynamical scaling for DÌ0

For the largest system size (L⫽2000) at D⫽0.5 diffusion
rate the local slope analysis results in a p c ⫽0.439 15(1) and FIG. 3. The same as Fig. 2 for ␳ 2 (t).


FIG. 4. ␳ (t)/ ␳ 2 (t) and logarithmic fit for critical curves deter- FIG. 5. Logarithmic fit 共circles兲 for ␳ (t) 共upper curve兲 and with
mined by ␳ (t) analysis. The top curves correspond to D⫽0.8, the form Eq. 共13兲 共diamonds兲 for ␳ 2 (t) 共lower curve兲 at D⫽0.2 and
p⫽0.475, the middle ones to D⫽0.2, p⫽0.412 35, while the bot- p⫽0.412 35.
tom ones correspond to D⫽0,5, p⫽0.439 16. Note that the ratio is
smallest at D⫽0.5. tion of 1/L resulted in the values given in Table II. For de-
termining steady state exponents the densities ␳ L (t,p,D) and
form of these corrections is not known, however, for the ␳ L2 (t,p,D) were followed in the active phase until level-off
present case so we have tried several functional depen- values were found to be stable. Averaging was done in the
dences, and found that level-off region for 100–1000 surviving samples—those
with more than one particle 关12兴. Again at each p and D we
兵 关 a⫹b ln共 t 兲兴 /t 其 ␣ 共12兲 extrapolated as a function of 1/L to the limL→⬁ ␳ L (⬁,p,D)
values. The local slope analysis of exponent ␤ ,
is a good choice. As Fig. 5 shows for D⫽0.2 this really
works with exponent ␣ ⫽0.507. ln关 ␳ 共 ⬁, ⑀ i ,D 兲兴 ⫺ln关 ␳ 共 ⬁, ⑀ i⫺1 ,D 兲兴
Similarly, for D⫽0.8 the same logarithmic formula fitting ␤ e f f 共 ⑀ i ,D 兲 ⫽ 共14兲
ln共 ⑀ i 兲 ⫺ln共 ⑀ i⫺1 兲
resulted in ␣ ⫽0.497. The coefficient of the logarithmic cor-
rection term is negative (b⫽⫺0.2776), while it is positive 共where ⑀ ⫽ p c ⫺ p), shows that the order parameter ␳ exhibits
for D⫽0.2 (b⫽0.468). ␤ ⯝1 asymptotic scaling at D⫽0.2,0.5,0.8 共Fig. 6兲 although
These results suggest that logarithmic corrections to scal- a correction to scaling can be seen in all cases.
ing should work for all cases we investigated, but at D ␤ ⯝1 agrees with the mean-field prediction. Doing the
⫽0.5 they are very small and change sign. Indeed, applying same analysis for ␳ 2 the local slopes seem to extrapolate to
the same formula for the D⫽0.5, p⫽0.439 13 data we ob- ␤ ⯝1.2 for each D. This is very far from the mean-field value
tained ␣ ⫽0.496 with b⫽0.000 27 and a⫽1.552. As we ␤ 2M F ⫽2 and we do not see any change by varying the diffu-
found logarithmic corrections to the particle density decay sion rate down to D⫽0.05. We have investigated the possi-
and a logarithmic relation between ␳ 2 (t) and ␳ (t), we may bility of different logarithmic corrections and found that the
expect even stronger logarithmic corrections to the ␳ 2 (t) form
data. Trying different forms for D⫽0.2,0.5,0.8 we found that
taking into account ln2(t) correction terms is really necessary, ␳ ⫽ 兵 ⑀ / 关 a⫹b ln共 ⑀ 兲兴 其 ␤ 共15兲
and the best choice is
gives very good fitting with ␤ ⫽0.96(5) for D⫽0.5 while for
兵 关 a⫹b ln共 t 兲 ⫹c ln2 共 t 兲兴 t 其 ⫺ ␣ . 共13兲 D⫽0.2 and D⫽0.8 共as in the exponent ␣ 2 case兲 we need to
take into account ln2(⑀) correction terms to obtain a similarly
This resulted in ␣ 2 ⫽0.5007 for D⫽0.2 共see Fig. 5兲, ␣ good fitting 共see Table II and Fig. 7兲. Therefore we con-
⫽0.501 for D⫽0.5, and ␣ ⫽0.484 for D⫽0.8. All these re- cluded that, as in the ␣ case, the steady state exponents are
sults imply that ␣ ⫽ ␣ 2 ⫽0.5 independently of the diffusion
rate D. For ␳ (t) this agrees with the mean-field approxima- TABLE II. Summary of simulation results at criticality.
tions and we do not see a change of universality by varying
D as inferred from the N⫽2 approximation. The critical be- D⫽0.2 D⫽0.5 D⫽0.8
havior of ␳ 2 (t), however, differs from the ␣ 2M F ⫽1 predic-
tion. pc 0.4124共1兲 0.4394共1兲 0.4751共1兲
␣ 0.507共10兲 0.496共6兲 0.497共10兲
␣2 0.501共10兲 0.501共5兲 0.484共15兲
B. Static behavior for DÌ0
␤ 1.07共10兲 1.01共10兲 1.07共10兲
The p c estimates for different sizes were used to extrapo- ␤2 1.03共8兲 0.96共5兲 0.95共5兲
late to the true critical value. Simple linear fitting as a func-


FIG. 6. Effective order parameter exponent results. Circles cor- FIG. 8. Finite size data collapse according to scaling form Eq.
respond to D⫽0.2, diamonds to D⫽0.5, and squares to D⫽0.8 共16兲 for L⫽200, 400, 500, 1000, 2000. Different symbols denote
data. data for p⫽0.436, 0.437, 0.4375, 0.438, 0.4382, 0.4384, 0.4386.

equal: ␤ ⫽ ␤ 2 . Note that we have checked that logarithmic p c ⫽0.4394(1) 共see Fig. 9兲. This agrees well with previous
corrections to scaling can also be detected in the ␳ data with p c estimates within the margin of numerical accuracy.
exponent ␤ ⯝1.

C. Data collapse for DÌ0 D. The DÄ0 case

To test further the possibility of mean-field critical behav- As explained above, we expect this model to exhibit (2
ior we performed finite size scaling on our ␳ L (t, p,D) data ⫹1)-dimensional DP universality because for the pair den-
assuming the mean-field exponents 关7兴 ␤ ⫽1, ␯⬜ ⫽1 and the sity the conditions of the DP hypothesis 关2,3兴 are satisfied.
scaling form Indeed, at p c ⫽0.3709(1) we found that the decay exponent
of pairs is ␣ 2 ⫽0.45(1) and the steady state density ap-
␳ L 共 ⬁, ⑀ ,D 兲 ⬀L ⫺ ␤ / ␯⬜ f 共 ⑀ L 1/␯⬜ 兲 . 共16兲 proaches zero with the scaling exponent ␤ 2 ⫽0.582(1) in
agreement with the estimates for this class ␣ ⫽0.4505(10)
As Fig. 8 shows, a good data collapse was obtained for p c and ␤ ⫽0.583(14) 关21兴. At the critical point the density of
⫽0.4395(1) at D⫽0.5. isolated particles takes a nonzero value, usually called the
Similarly, the scaling form natural density ␳ (p c )⯝0.135. In 关26兴 we showed that in the
case of the PCP and another 1D model exhibiting infinitely
␳ L 共 t, ⑀ ,D 兲 ⬀t ⫺ ␤ / ␯ 兩兩 g 共 t ⑀ ␯ 兩兩 兲 共17兲 many absorbing states the nonorder field follows the scaling
of the order parameter field. Here we found that the total
( ␣ ⫽ ␤ / ␯ 兩兩 ) can be checked near p c , assuming the mean-field density shows a singular behavior,
values 关7兴 ␤ ⫽1 and ␯ 兩兩 ⫽2. For the largest size (L⫽2000) at
D⫽0.5 the best collapse of curves corresponding to p ␳共 p 兲⫺ ␳共 p c 兲⬀共 p c⫺ p 兲␤, 共18兲
⫽0.438, 0.4382, 0.4384, 0.4386, 0.4388 was obtained for

FIG. 9. Data collapse according to scaling form Eq. 共17兲 at

FIG. 7. Logarithmic fitting to ␳ 2 (⬁) at D⫽0.5 using the form D⫽0.5. Different curves correspond to data at p⫽0.438, 0.4382,
Eq. 共15兲. The coefficients are a⫽0.112, b⫽0.01, and ␤ ⫽0.96(5). 0.4384, 0.4386, 0.4388.


two universality classes were apparently observed in a study

of the one-dimensional PCPD 关9兴—and so N⬎2 cluster ap-
proximations are necessary to describe the mean-field singu-
larity correctly. This is not surprising and was already found
in similar models 关24,25兴. Note that in both the N⫽3 and
N⫽4 approximations, p c seems to have a discontinuity on
approaching D⫽0. This behavior may be the subject of fur-
ther studies.
We performed extensive and detailed simulations along
the phase transition line and found a single universality class
with the order parameter exponents ␤ ⫽1 and ␣ ⫽0.5 for all
D⬎0. Logarithmic corrections to scaling were detected that
are weakest at D⫽0.5. Lacking theoretical prediction, we
have selected the best logarithmic fitting forms taking into
FIG. 10. Density decay in the inactive phase. For large times account up to O(ln2) terms, but we cannot rule out the pos-
(t⬎8⫻10 4 MCS兲 we found ␳ (t)⫽ 关 4.46⫹0.078(2)ln t兴/t behavior sibility of other forms of logarithmic correction. Scaling
by fitting data. function analysis confirmed the ␯⬜ ⫽2 and ␯ 兩兩 ⫽1 mean-field
values. This seems to indicate that the critical dimension is
d c ⫽2 as predicted by the bosonic field theory. In the inactive
with the redefined exponent ␤ ⫽0.60(2), agreeing with that region, the decay of particle density at large times was found
of the DP class within the margin of numerical accuracy. to agree with an exact prediction 关29兴.
The pair density ␳ 2 for p⭐ p c 共where the bosonic field
E. Scaling in the inactive phase theory breaks down兲 was shown to exhibit the same singular
According to the bosonic field theory 关7兴 in the inactive behavior as the order parameter, apart from a logarithmic
phase the A⫹A→⭋ reaction governs the particle density ratio. Simulation results of the PCPD model 关28,10兴 found
decay. This process was solved exactly by Lee 关29兴, who indications of similar behavior. The reason why the mean-
predicted the following late time scaling behavior in d⫽2: field approximation fails to describe the singular behavior of
␳ 2 is not yet clear to us but in the two-component description
1 of the model it indicates strong coupling between pairs and
␳共 t 兲⫽ ln t/t⫹O 共 1/t 兲 . 共19兲 particles 共similarly to other models 关5,31,30兴兲. In the inactive
region, however, ␳ 2 and ␳ scale differently. At the D⫽0 end
We measured ␳ (t) at p⫽0.45 and D⫽0.5 in an L⫽2000 point of the transition line we found (2⫹1)-dimensional DP
system up to t max ⫽3⫻105 MCS. As Fig. 10 shows, for in- critical behavior of ␳ 2 with infinitely many frozen absorbing
termediate times the density decays faster than this power states, similar to the PCP model.
law in agreement with results for the PCPD 关28兴 but later We have found identical predictions for the present and
crosses over to the expected Eq. 共19兲 behavior with ampli- the PCPD model within the mean field, which seem to be
tude 0.078(2) and with a 4.46/t correction to scaling term. confirmed by our simulations—and also by preliminary
Unlike what we found at the critical point 共see Sec. IV B兲, simulations for the 2⫺d PCPD 关27,28兴. One thus concludes
␳ 2 (t) decays faster than ␳ (t) in the absorbing phase. The that it is very likely that parity conservation is irrelevant for
long time behavior seems to be ␳ 2 ⬀t ⫺2 , which agrees with this transition, as in the one-dimensional case 关15兴 and in
the mean-field prediction. certain models with exclusion 关32兴. Further renormalization
group studies of these systems are necessary for a proper
V. CONCLUSIONS justification of these results.

We have investigated the phase transition of a two-

dimensional binary spreading model exhibiting parity con- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
servation. In what concerns cluster mean-field approaches,
the results are similar to those of the PCPD model at the We thank P. Grassberger, H. Hinrichsen, and U. C. Täuber
corresponding level of approximation 关6,23兴. The N⫽2 re- for communicating their unpublished results and M. Henkel
sults suggest two different universality classes depending on for his comments. Support from Hungarian research funds
the diffusion strength. Higher (N⫽3,4) order cluster mean- OTKA 共Grant No. T-25286兲, Bolyai 共Grant No. BO/00142/
field calculations show a single universality class character- 99兲, and IKTA 共Project No. 00111/2000兲, and from project
ized by ␤ ⫽1 and ␣ ⫽1/2. Comparing these with other recent POCTI/1999/Fis/33141 共FCT Portugal兲 is acknowledged.
results for PCP-like models and with the simulations, we The simulations were performed on the parallel cluster of
believe that the N⫽2 case yields spurious results—although SZTAKI and on the supercomputer of NIIF Hungary.


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