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Book Club Report

This Is Where It Ends

Steeley Baker

“You can't always keep your loved ones with you. You can't always settle your life in 

one place. The world was made to change. But as long as you cherish the memories 

and make new ones along on the way, no matter where you are, you'll always be at 


I really like to book, and the topic. It was not boring to me. The ending was 

suspensful, I sort of did not like the ending. It all of a sudden ended. I liked the book 

because of the suspense, topic, and the way she wrote it. I liked the suspense because 

it bade me want to read the whole book, I even went ahead and didnt realise it! I was 

very intrested in that topic. It always leaves suspense on what's going to happen. Tyler 

had tryed to flirt with this one girl, and she got mad, and she slaped him. Tylers dad is 

really abusive. He gets drunk all the time and is hit. Twards the end of the book, Tyler 

shoots Sylv in the leg, to stop her from dancing. It destroyed her knee. It ended her 


Tyler is one of the main charaters. He went from being a nice student, to a 

school shooter. He kept getting bullied, picked on, abused, and he even got his head 

smashed in a locker. Sylv and Autmn had a relationship, but it stayed the same the 

whole time. Tyler goes into the school, and shoots so many people, including teachers 

and students. He locks the doors, and starts to shoot people, that don’t fit opertunity 

high standerds. 

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