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SAVE is a national organisation aimed at a vision of developing genuine intellectual leaders

who can assertively guide the generations to come. It is my pleasure to write this letter of
recommendation for them. I have had the privilege to witness some of their intellectually
stimulating and morally uplifting sessions.
I am very grateful to the sincere efforts of the organisation and their vision.

The initiative is taken by many youths from various colleges and universities across the
country. ​This club is aimed at addressing the factors in the life of a youth which play a vital role in
terms of his carrier growth, personal growth and overall growth in his life.​Many youths are
inspired by the organisation and the sincere efforts of their members.

Nowadays, there is a significant lack of moral and social values among youths that is
necessary for the development of their character and leadership skills.As a result, drug
abuse, underage sex, depression, peer pressure, porn addiction are some of the common
problems faced by the youths today. In today's scenario,no one has any time to invest with
themselves. There is a considerable lack of guidance for the youths. To fill in the gap, this
organisation aims to save the youth from these problems so that they can lead a healthy and
regulated lifestyle. The sessions are conducted in various colleges across the country with
topics stressing on the importance of time management. Motivational sessions for
overcoming fear and reducing stress are also conducted. These programmes also aid in the
development of leadership skills and moral values among the students.

This helps to improve their focus and concentration which they can utilize in the
development of their bright future. I would be more happy to provide you more information if
you need it. Please feel free to call me at -------- or email me at ---------.

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