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Tai Yin – Yang Ming 3:6 LI3,11 Lu9,5

Allergies, Digestive, Face Pain, Sweating Sp3,9 St43,36

Tai Yin – Tai Yang 1:4 SI1,4 Lu11,8
Back Pain/Spasm –whole or upper, more muscle, Asthma Sp1,4 UB67,64
Tai Yang – Shao Yin 3:6 SI3,8 Ht3,7
Back/Neck/Spine, Spine weakness, Low Adrenal, Xu Insomnia Ki3,10 UB65,40
Shao Yin – Shao Yang 3:6 SJ3,10 Ht7,3
Ht/Ki Disconnect, Uptight but NOT jittery, Shy, Nervous, Water metabolism
sx, Insomnia, Short temper (but holds it in) K3,10 GB41,34
Shao Yang – Jue Yin 3:6 SJ3,10 P7,3
Irritable, Jittery, Nervous, Hot/Cold alt, Mood Swings, Anxiety, Insomnia,
Side HA, Rib/hypochondriac pn, Bipolar (add YT/Shenmen), Restlessness Lv3,TLP GB41/34
Jue Yin – Yang Ming 1:4 Pc9,6 LI1,4
Neurotic/Anxious, Fast Speaking, IBS, Hyperthyroid, Bell’s Palsy Sequellae St45,42 Lv1,4
Basic 8 Point Balance LI4,SJ5 Pc6,Lu7
Digestive, Chemo, SP9,TLP St36, GB34
SP/SJ/PC/ST 1:4 SJ1,4 PC9,6
cardiology problems and chest oppression SP1,4 ST45,42
SP/SJ1:4 - GB/HT 3:6 SJ1,4 HT3,7
severe insomnia, emotional/mental disorders SP1,4 GB41,34
hormonal imbalances, water metabolism, or digestion issues
4 Magical Meridians (jue yin/yang ming 1:4 w/kid subbed for liv) LI1,4 Pc9,6
“Quick and dirty” way to treat any Zang-Fu problem
- anything wrong in Ren, ST, KI channels on the abdomen or chest Kid1,4 ST45,42
LiV-SI (3/6) HT 3, 7 SI 3,8
LiV is hot, SI is fire. Bitter taste in the morning. Herpes, blisters breakout;
abcess, hemoroids, canker sore - LV fire. High BP with a tight wiry pulse GB 41, 34 LV 3,8
Liver Invading Stomach Balance 1:4 Pc6,9 SJ1,4
Digestive, Nausea, Morning Sickness, Seasick, Chemo, Liver HA St45,42 Sp1,4
Extra Vessel 1 SJ5 Pc6
Weak bladder/weak chest syndrome, Neck/shoulder pn, Pain
w/tiredness,HA,Stomach discomfort,Nausea, Constipation, Gyn sx, Ki6 UB62
Meniere’s, usually Floating Pulse
Extra Vessel 2 Lu7 SI3
All Back Pain, Occipital HA, Asthma/Respiratory sx, If spasm entire back
add Lu 5-8 several points UB62 Ki6
Extra Vessel 3 SJ5 Pc6
Pain near nipple line, Spleen/Pancreas/Liver sx, Gyn w/emotional, Side HA,
Fatigue w/Digestive Sx, Add to Shingles Tx. Sp4 GB41
Extra Vessel 4 Lu7 SI3
Tai Yin Phlegm Sx, Allergy, HA, Whole Back, Menses Sx w/Shoulders/Back
Digestive Sx, If Side HA add Liv3, If Back add UB58 GB41 Sp4
Extra Vessel 5 Lu7, Pc6 SI3,SJ5
Lower Body Sx, HA on foot mai
Extra Vessel 6
Upper Body Sx, HA on hand mai UB62, GB41 Ki6, Sp4
UB/GB Sciatica SJ3-10, SI 3-8 LU8-11, HT3-7
Can add Ling Ku/Da Bai opposite Sx side
KI3-10,LV3-8 GB40, UB60

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