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Transitional Islamic Government of Afghanistan

Telecom and ICT Policy Documents

Sunbula 1382
October 2003

In the name of the Almighty Allah, and with sincere wishes that peace and prosper-
ity bless the home of each Afghan, and across our globe, humanity rule the world with
wisdom, I am extremely pleased to announce the completion of a comprehensive
telecom and ICT policy for Afghanistan that will lead the sector for the coming years.
This is the fruitful result of many months of very hard work of my highly professional
colleagues and friends inside and outside the government.

The past two and half decades are marked in the history of our country as the most
difficult and destructive years. Afghanistan lost hundreds of thousands of men,
women and children, and has been left with a huge number of orphans, widows,
disabled people and millions of refugees spread through out the world. A collapsed
economy, social disorder, the non-existence of any functional government system,
totally destroyed basic infrastructure, and severe poverty, were the heritage of this

After the events of 11th of September 2001 in the United States, Afghanistan was
thrust back into the international limelight. The fall of Taliban and successful conclu-
sion of the Bonn agreement led to the establishment of the Interim Authority followed
by the establishment the Transitional Islamic Government of Afghanistan by an
emergency Loya Jirgah. This was the beginning of new life in Afghanistan and created
sparks of hope in the heart and eyes of every Afghan. However, the enormous
challenges of reconstruction, nation building and recovery that must be undertaken in
order to achieve development and prosperity of this nation are a heavy responsibility
that lies on the shoulders of this government and our people.

In the telecommunications sector, Afghanistan and our people have suffered from
long years of isolation and the “digital divide” (Afghanistan has missed all the techno-
logical developments of the telecommunications/ICT sector over the last 20 years).
Today, this is a major and obvious obstacle to the process of reconstruction and the
restoration of public and private sector institutions and services.

During the past one and half years, the new government of Afghanistan, under the
dynamic, wise leadership of President Hamid Karzai, and with the support of the
international community, fundamental steps have been undertaken to build a new
Afghanistan. These steps include progress in the Communications and Information
Technology sector, which is new in our society after so many years of isolation.

The Government of Afghanistan recognizes that knowledge, information and

communication are at the core of human progress, endeavor and well being, and
therefore have a vital role in the reconstruction and development of our devastated
country. The dramatic increase in the volume, speed and ubiquity of information
flows, which has been made possible through new information and communication
technologies, has already brought about profound changes in peoples’ lives and is
creating enormous new opportunities around the world. Afghans have to grasp this
opportunity and leapfrog to the new age of information.

ICT offers an enormous range of practical benefits that will support the reconstruc-
tion of Afghanistan in all sectors. A strong telecommunications sector, for example,
will allow families who have been separated to reconnect. Telecommunications facili-
ties will provide vital support to the reconstruction efforts, particularly outside of
Kabul, both in the emergency phase when this policy is being released, and in the
longer term when the private sector begins to expand and develop. The ICT sector is
also critical to the development and enhancement of national security, by creating
capacity for greater linkages among the Afghan people and with the outside world.
The new telecom and ICT policy has been prepared to support the development of
the ICT sector to encourage it to grow and develop to meet these needs in the short
and long terms.

The progress that has been made in the country during the past year is extremely
encouraging and shows the enthusiasm of the young generation of both men and
women to build their knowledge and work to eradicate poverty, using ICT as means
to access information to support these efforts.

The Government is keen to provide an enabling environment for both the private
and public sectors through progressive policies based on best practices which are suited
to the specific situation of our country. The ICT and Telecom policy documents are
part of this endeavor of the government. They have been prepared and finalized after
consultation with key stakeholders including international organizations, UN
agencies, civil society organizations, the private sector, the general public, and
government officials. It is a living document and will continue to be enriched and
further expanded.

We believe that this policy is and should be people-centered, with citizens and
communities at its core. It should be at the service of humankind, where information,
communication and knowledge are used and disseminated by all sectors of the popula-
tion for their economic, social, cultural and political development.

I believe that this document will provide a strong foundation for the development
of the sector, which will allow Afghan people, whoever they are and wherever they live,
to benefit from the range of opportunities that are offered by information and
communications technology. I pray for the success of all those who are working hard
and helping us to achieve the goals set out in this strategic document.


M.Masoom Stanekzai
Minister of Communication
Transitional Islamic Government of Afghanistan.
Minister of Communication Stanekzai receiving “.af ” country domain name from UNDP
country director Ercan Murat, 2003.

This document is a product of the combined efforts of many people. We sincerely

thank all those who kindly provided information and guidance; we have benefited
from their knowledge, experience and ideas.

The document could not have been written without the help and support of many
international organizations, in particular: The office of the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP), the International Telecommunication Union,
USTDA, USAID and others. Their contribution is very valuable and our deep appre-
ciation and thanks go to them.

We would like to single out several persons for special thanks. These include
Muhammad Aimal Marjan, National IT Advisor to the Ministry of Communications
(MoC), Gabriel Accasdcine from UNDP, Marc Lapage, ICT Development Project
Manger, UNDP, Kemal Shafiq, consultant, Ken Zita, consultant, and Amirzai
Sangain, Senior Advisor, MoC. The last two people were at the core of bringing
synergy to this document.

We are especially indebted to the valuable support, contribution and encouragement

of Dr. Ashraf Ghani, Minister of Finance, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, and Dr. Amin Farhang, Minister of Reconstruction.

We also acknowledge the practical assistance of MoC staff, both at the Center and
Provincial levels, and UNDP and ITU project officers, in particular Mr. E. Behdad
from the ITU Jakarta office.

Finally the MoC wishes to thank the staff of the MoC and other Ministries, civil
society, the private sector, and other organizations such as ITU and World Bank who
took the time to read the draft, review the document, and offer comments. Their
comments were immensely helpful and we sincerely thank all of them.
Executive Summary

Telecommunications is central to our overall reconstruction efforts. An effective

communications sector will stimulate economic growth, facilitate social and business
interaction, and help restore the traditional sense of community and common purpose
that unites the Afghan people.

Telecom requires substantial investment. To bring Afghanistan up to the developing

world average of 2 telephones per 100 people – from the 0.18 telephones per 100
today -- the investment required would easily exceed $100 million. Other large-scale
priority projects such as the satellite and fiber optic networks require additional funds.
We need to take aggressive action to attract capital investment. Our efforts are thus
focused on creating a market environment that encourages private investment and
which speeds commitment of funds for projects under consideration by donors.

The MoC’s new Telecommunications and Internet Policy outlines an overall frame-
work that is intended to get investment flowing. It encourages private investment
through the introduction of measured competition; establishes Afghan Telecom as a
state-owned corporation with the right to accept private investment; and supports
rapid expansion of telecommunications and Internet services at the local level. We
prepared the Policy with four broad goals in mind:

1) Facilitate social and political integration nationwide. A vibrant communica-

tions sector will rapidly improve communications between Kabul and regional
government officials around the country. Reliable communications will help
ensure the success of the upcoming election process and enable improvements
in the efficiency and transparency of the public sector. As important, modern
communications will play a vital role in narrowing “the tyranny of distance”
that separates our villages and towns, and help to engage all of our people in
the process of national reconciliation.

2) Enhance national and civil security. DDR, disaster emergency response, civil
preparedness, road construction, border patrol and national security and
NGO programs will all be strengthened when reliable and robust communi-
cations are enabled.
3) Provide a macro economic stimulus. Telecommunications is necessary for the
resumption of productive capacity, stimulating activity in all economic sectors,
and attracting private investment. Research data shows that positive economic
effects flow to all parts of a community once basic telephone access is achieved.
An efficient telecommunications sector also has the potential to quickly
become the largest contributor of tax revenues to the national treasury.

4) Adopt international best practices. Afghanistan has much to learn from the
global experience in telecommunications and the Internet as we missed several
generations of technological innovation during the war. We have carefully
studied the world trends in telecommunications sector reform and crafted our
own “Afghan solution” that is best suited to local market conditions.

We have set 1385 (2006) as a working target for comprehensive liberalization of the
sector. In the near term, we want to ensure market stability, establish our new regula-
tory framework and fully prepare for the technological and legal complexity associated
with market competition in the sector. Specific elements of the Policy include the

• Separate Afghan Telecom as a state-owned corporation and eliminate the govern-

ment’s role as an operator of commercial telecommunications services.

• Enable Afghan Telecom to attract private investment in order to rapidly expand

services and compete effectively with existing providers. Two providers of GSM
mobile services have already entered the market.

• Establish a Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Afghanistan (TRAA) to

manage competition between private operators, issue licenses, set sector rules,
manage radio frequency spectrum, and so on. The TRAA will initially be a part of
the MoC but is envisioned to become an independent agency when conditions

• Ensure that award of all licenses and radio spectrum allocations are made accord-
ing to competitive international tenders based on global best practices.

Afghan Telecom will manage international services in the near term for calls to and
from the national public network. Competition will be introduced after the basic
national network is established, rules for government competitive activity are in place,
and the economic impact of opening the market can be assessed. The two existing
GSM providers, AWCC and TDCA, will continue to be allowed to provide interna-
tional services for their own customers.

Two new nationwide Fixed Services Providers will be awarded licenses via interna-
tional competitive tender. The tender will be announced within 6 months of publica-
tion of the Policy. Small cities and towns will be allowed to attract investment for local
networks that can be attached to satellite facilities provided by Afghan Telecom.

Local Internet services will be open to competition. International Internet services,

however, will be more narrowly limited to enable the Government to manage network
security and content issues. The number of potential international ISPs may depend
on the capacity for network integration.

In the area of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), the MoC,

recognizing its critical importance, has formulated an ICT policy that paves the way
for rapid development of ICT in Afghanistan which in turn will act as a key driving
element for socio-economic development of the nation.
The ICT Policy, containing objectives, policies and action plans, aims at building a
society fully benefiting from ICT. In view of this, a nation-wide ICT infrastructure
will be developed to ensure that information can be used by citizens to facilitate their
endeavors and enhance democratic values for sustainable human development.

The following three objectives are central to the vision of the national ICT policy:

Network Access

Universal access at reasonable cost to ICT networks will be an important factor in

promoting employment, economic growth and social well-being. In the
Telecommunications and Internet Policy Paper, the government has declared that it is
a fundamental right of all citizens to have access to diverse means of communication.
Although it has to be acknowledged that this is a very long-term objective, the govern-
ment will support all immediate steps to meet its ultimate goal. The regulatory
commission shall develop specific indicators of ICT access, and shall identify targets
for moving toward universal access nationwide within an achievable time frame.

Information and Knowledge Access

Just as there should be universal access to the network, so should there be universal
access to information and knowledge. In the knowledge economy, success will depend
on learning new and more efficient ways to gain access to a variety of information and
knowledge-based resources. In the same vein, lifelong learning will become imperative
in a society where individuals must cope with ever-present change. ICT will become
the medium that will provide Afghans in all parts of the country the opportunity to
acquire knowledge and skills.

Government Use of ICT

The role of government as a model user of ICT is significant to the successful broad-
ening of ICT applications. The government has already begun to use ICT to modern-
ize and improve the way it operates by the implementation of the Afghanistan
Information Management System for information management and donor tracking.
Significant savings and improved quality of service may be possible for the govern-
ment through the use of ICT. The government must find best practice solutions in
delivering e-government programs and services to spur the growth of ICT and
national development. The strategic use of public ICT procurement can stimulate
development and innovation.
Telecommunications and Internet Policy

Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) Policy
Telecommunications and Internet Policy




AQRAB 1382
Telecommunications and Internet Policy

Table of Contents
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. National Telecommunications Policy Principles and Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Role of the Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4. Creation of a Regulatory Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5. Creation of Afghan Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6. Competition Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7. Licensed Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8. Unlicensed Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
9. Telecommunications Services Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
9.1 Ownership of Licensed Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
9.2 Mobile Services Provider Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
9.3 Fixed Services Provider Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9.4 Exceptions to FSP Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9.5 International Gateway Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9.6 VSAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
9.7 Digital Trunk Radio Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
9.8 Radio Paging Service Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
9.9 Value-Added Network Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
9.10 Global Mobile Satellite Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
9.11 Cable Television Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
9.12 Private Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
9.13 Resale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.14 Interconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.15 National Technology Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
9.16 Customer Premises Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.17 Telecommunications Development Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
10. Internet Services Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
10.1 International Transit ISP Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10.2 National ISP Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10.3 License Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10.4 ISP Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
11. Taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1. Introduction

The Islamic Transitional Government of Afghanistan firmly recognizes the impor-

tance of embracing telecommunications and Internet technologies to achieve the
nation’s development and reconstruction goals. An effective telecommunications
infrastructure will help stimulate economic growth, raise living standards and restore
the traditional sense of community and common purpose that unites the Afghan
people. A modern communications network can play a vital role in narrowing the
physical distances that separate our villages and towns and dramatically improve access
to government services, educational opportunities and humanitarian relief efforts.
They will lay the foundation for an Afghanistan that is vibrant, productive and strong.

Today Afghanistan has one of the weakest telecommunications systems in the world.
Only one out of every 550 Afghan citizens has access to telephone service.
Communications between provinces is extremely limited and effectively non-existent
in smaller towns. Whole communities of our people face the “tyranny of distance” and
the alienation associated with remote geography. Internet and data services have only
recently begun. Government operations and the management of civil affairs are
hampered by the absence of reliable communications services. Economic activity is
difficult, costly and at times impossible. After 23 years of conflict and stalled invest-
ment, the entire sector needs to be completely rebuilt.

The Government’s Telecommunications Policy is to enable the rapid

growth of affordable communications to all of our people so they may
experience the Digital Age, wherever they are and whoever they may be.

Afghanistan is committed to following international best practices in telecommuni-

cations sector reform. We will embrace a market regime based on aggressive market
liberalization, transparent and non-discriminatory regulation, fair competition and
private sector participation. The Government will move as quickly as possible to priva-
tize the telecommunications sector to ensure that adequate financing is available to
meet our development goals. Private investment has already led expansion of mobile
communications. Private participation will be harnessed further to fund Afghanistan’s
substantial communications infrastructure needs. Taken together, competition and
private investment will lower prices to consumers for network services and equipment,
improve quality of service and accelerate a faster rate of market innovation.

Telecommunications is a basic enabler of informal social and economic discourse

necessary in the strengthening of civil society. Reliable communications will enable
the government to successfully execute the broad reconstruction effort. A modern
network will enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of the public
sector, improve delivery of social services, and build our future as a peaceful and
unified society.

Telecommunications is also necessary for the resumption of productive capacity and
stimulating activity in all sectors of the Afghan economy. It will play a critical role in
reestablishing the financial system and relieving communication bottlenecks in
commercial, governmental and cultural information flows. It is essential for boosting
productivity and creating a climate for job creation, investment and sustainable

Finally, a robust telecommunications environment will provide Afghanistan with

greater assurances for achieving and sustaining national and civil security. Domestic
preparedness, education, NGO and community outreach, peace-building and
national security efforts are all strengthened when reliable and robust network
resources are distributed widely throughout society.

2. National Telecommunications
Policy Principles and Goals

To rapidly transform telecommunications into a leading engine in Afghanistan’s

renewal, the Ministry of Communications (MoC) has defined the following general
principles to guide the national Telecommunications and Internet Policy:

Create a legal and regulatory environment that nurtures and accelerates industry growth.

The Government intends to introduce rapidly a Telecommunications Law of 1382

N.b. (the Islamic calendar year of 1382 began on March 21, 2003) that will define the
rights and responsibilities of market participants in the telecommunications sector. It
will also create an independent telecommunications regulator, the Telecommunications
Regulatory Authority of Afghanistan (TRAA), to implement the Government’s
commitment to international best practices for sector modernization and reform.

Engage private investment to the greatest extent possible.

Afghanistan’s capital requirements for telecommunications infrastructure are

tremendous. Neither the state nor the international donor community can provide the
vast financial resources necessary to provide quickly for the communications needs of
the nation. The participation of private investors is essential and encouraged.

Establish a level playing field for competition.

The role of the state in providing telecommunications services will be steadfastly

reduced in favor of fair, transparent and market-based competition among commer-
cial enterprises.

Introduce market liberalization.

Afghan consumers will benefit from healthy competition in all aspects of telecom-
munications networks and services. Market opening will lead to a wider range of
suppliers and products, lower costs, and establish a service industry that is responsive
to customer demands. New entrants will bid competitively for market opportunities
based on open and transparent international tenders. In the near term, the
Government will introduce a framework of limited, managed competition to ensure
stable market conditions for strategic infrastructure projects. Aggressive liberalization
of the sector is anticipated after three years, or commencing in 2006.

Encourage the usage of Internet and information and communications technologies (ICTs).

Widespread adoption of modern information technology tools will create new

educational opportunities for the young, improve the efficiency of government
departments and private companies, and help Afghanistan to “leap frog” into the
Digital Age. Recent technological advances have unleashed a range of new alternatives
for bringing powerful and affordable voice and data services to consumers. The
Government is committed to pursuing an open, flexible, and technology-friendly
regulatory strategy to encourage the deployment of the latest technologies throughout

Specific targets for the sector in the near term include:

• Quickly restore the productive capacity of the existing public network with
expanded and upgraded systems in the primary and secondary cities;

• Establish a national long distance network to provide basic voice, data and
Internet communications to even the remotest regions in the nation;

• Establish a National Backbone Network around the country that connects major
domestic population centers and our international neighbors;

• Issue additional nationwide licenses for Fixed Telecommun-ications Services;

• Issue multiple ISP licenses;

• Increase teledensity from the present 0.18 percent to 0.43 percent in 2003/2004,
with the intention of many-fold expansion in the years to come;

• Increase mobile teledensity from the present 0.92 users per thousand population
to 2.52 mobile users in 2003/2004;

• Maximize the use and value of radio frequency spectrum through competitive
international tenders; and,

• Establish tele-centers in small communities to bring the benefits of modern

communications to all of our people as quickly as possible. It is essential that all
423 administrative districts be integrated with Kabul, with each other, and with
the rest of the world.

Due to the ever-changing nature of the telecommunications sector and its impor-
tance to the nation’s development and reconstruction goals, the MoC will periodically
review this policy and publish updates to its official website.

3. Role of the Government

The Government’s chief objective as articulated and led by the MoC is to set the
overall vision for the telecommunications sector, to promote access to ICT as a facilita-
tor for sustainable development and to create an enabling environment for private
investment, competition and rapid industry growth. Through the creation, “corporati-
zation” and rapid privatization of Afghan Telecom, the Government will relinquish its
role as an operator of public telecommunications services. The MoC’s specific responsi-
bilities include:

i. Provide overall direction for telecommunications sector development and

formulate broad policies for the benefit of all of Afghanistan;

ii. Ensure that this Policy is consistent with other national development plans
and laws;

iii. Rapidly separate the Ministry’s Telecommunications Department into a state-

owned enterprise to be known as “Afghan Telecom”;

iv. Encourage private investment in the sector from the earliest stage of develop-
ment and immediately open Afghan Telecom to private equity participation;

v. Establish an independent Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of

Afghanistan (TRAA) to ensure regulatory transparency and fair treatment for
all market participants;

vi. Promote domestic and international investment in the telecommunications


vii. Encourage competition in infrastructure, services and investment;

viii.Stimulate introduction of telecommunications network services in under-

served and rural communities to the best of its ability with available resources
and with support from donors; and,

ix. Represent the Government of Afghanistan in telecommunications and

Internet matters pertaining to regional and international organizations.

4. Creation of a Regulatory Authority

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Afghanistan (TRAA) will be estab-

lished in 1382.1 It is anticipated that, for the foreseeable future, the TRAA will be
authorized as an independent agency reporting to the Ministry of Communications.
It will be funded by the monies collected through the transparent application of its
regulatory duties. The TRAA will propose a budget to the Minister of
Communications for review and approval by the Council of Ministers on an annual

The scope of the Regulatory Authority’s duties will include, but shall not be limited
to, the following:

i. Implementation of the national policy of competition and market liberaliza-


ii. Issuance of licenses for the provision of mobile, fixed and other network

iii. Issuance of licenses for Internet Service Providers;

iv. Setting rules regarding interconnection between Licensed Operators to ensure

that interconnection is available on a fair and non-discriminatory basis;

v. Publishing a framework Interconnection Agreement to be used by all holders

of Operator Licenses;

vi. Regulating tariffs;

vii. Dispute resolution between service providers;

viii.Consumer protection;

ix. Setting technical standards for type approval of telecommunications network

and customer premises equipment;

x. Monitoring service quality and adherence to rules and regulations by service


xi. Preparing a national numbering scheme and ensuring non-discrimination in

the allocation of numbers; and,

xii. Any other functions that ensure a fair, transparent and competitive market

environment according to international best practices that may be considered
to be necessary by the Government.

The TRAA will publicly publish all policies, regulations, license conditions, inter-
connection agreements, tender qualification and scoring criteria, quality of service
reports and other documentation required for full transparency and to ensure a ‘level
playing field’ for all market participants. In addition, the TRAA shall prepare and,
through the Ministry of Communications, deliver to the Council of Ministers an
annual report containing financial details pertaining to the activities of the TRAA for
the preceding year. An electronic version of such report shall be published on the
TRAA’s official website.

1 N.b., the Islamic calendar year

of 1382 ends on March 20, 2004.

5. Creation of Afghan Telecom

The Government intends to separate the Telecommunications Department of the

Ministry of Communications, including authorizing the transfer of related assets, to a
newly established state-owned enterprise, “Afghan Telecom”. The legal rights of
Afghan Telecom will be further articulated in the forthcoming Telecommunications
Law of 1382.

At the time of establishment, Afghan Telecom shall be a public corporation owned

by the Government and administered by the MoC. However, the Government seeks
rapid privatization of the communications sector and Afghan Telecom is encouraged
to engage operating and investment partners to become a market-oriented and
commercial enterprise.

Afghan Telecom’s charter to provide domestic and international telecommunications

services in Afghanistan will be normalized with forthcoming licensing requirements to
be published by TRAA.

6. Competition Policy

The Government supports the full liberalization of the communications sector as

market forces allow – to promote innovation, extend network coverage and lower
consumer service charges. For a period of three years from the issuance of this Policy,
the MoC will adopt a period of limited competition for facilities-based network
services. The Government’s objective is to create a stable market for initial infrastruc-
ture projects and protect consumer interest through aggressive management of opera-
tor service quality.

Currently, there are two private operators of Mobile Services Providers (MSP) that
have been awarded National GSM Mobile Licenses: Afghan Wireless
Communications Company (AWCC) and Telecom Development Company
Afghanistan (TDCA), commonly known as Roshan. No other providers of GSM
mobile telephony services will be authorized before January 10, 2006.

Local network services are subject to the issuance of a Fixed Service Provider (FSP)
license. The TRAA will issue two additional nationwide FSP licenses via international
competitive tender, in addition to the nationwide FSP license that is already held by
Afghan Telecom. The tender for the National FSP licenses will be announced within
six months of the publication of this Policy.

In addition, private investment in local communications networks is encouraged.

Local Fixed Service Provider (LFSP) licenses will be issued to community-based opera-
tors in small cities, towns and villages seeking to expand communications services
rapidly through private investment.

After a period of 3 years, full competition will be allowed between national FSPs and
MSPs. At that time, FSPs and MSPs shall be entitled to provide any facilities-based
network service subject to obtaining the appropriate service licenses. The TRAA may
also consider issuing licenses to additional new entrants.

7. Licensed Spectrum

Radio frequency spectrum is an essential aspect of modern telecommunications

systems and a limited natural resource that must be monitored and managed for the
benefit of all. Afghanistan’s spectrum policy is intended to maximize public benefits
for spectrum use by fostering competition, controlling harmful interference, and
stimulating the deployment of innovative services and technologies.

No entity is permitted to utilize licensed radio spectrum without first obtaining a

Spectrum License from the Spectrum Management Office. The only exception is for
the use of Unlicensed Radio Spectrum as specifically defined in this Policy and by
regulations that may be adopted and published from time to time by the TRAA.

The MoC’s Spectrum Management Office will work closely with other government
agencies and the TRAA to specify frequency allocation and monitor spectrum usage
and compliance with license requirements. It has published a Spectrum Allocation
Table according to standards promulgated by the International Telecommunications
Union (ITU). The table specifies the radio spectrum band plan for acceptable use of
frequencies within Afghanistan. Additional radio frequencies may be made available
for market participants as technology and market conditions warrant. The spectrum
plan shall be reviewed from time to time with a view toward optimal utilization of
spectrum, the emergence of new technologies, market forces, the public interest,
national security and other factors.

An annual frequency usage fee will be charged for licensed spectrum. Award of radio
frequencies will be subject to an open, transparent and competitive tendering process.
The terms for the competitive tenders and spectrum license fees will be published.

Providers and end-users of radio systems must ensure that they do not create radio
interference with licensed spectrum operators. Financial or legal penalties may be
levied for violating published spectrum usage performance guidelines.

8. Unlicensed Spectrum

Afghanistan will follow international best practices and make available unlicensed
spectrum to encourage rapid adoption of innovative wireless services. Services based
on unlicensed spectrum will stimulate build-out of low-cost data access at the local
level, extend local services networks for data applications and stimulate broader
dissemination of the Internet in Afghanistan.

Licensed network operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) utilizing

unlicensed spectrum for outdoor, retail or commercial use are required to register with
the MoC. Registration will not be required for individual users and customers of
services utilizing unlicensed spectrum. Devices deployed in unlicensed bands will be
expected to protect licensed spectrum operators by meeting technical rules to prevent

The unlicensed spectrum approved for usage in Afghanistan is the so-called ISM
band in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ranges. All users of these bands are required to
operate at moderate power consistent with ITU usage recommendations. Additional
frequencies for unlicensed spectrum applications may be considered by TRAA from
time to time.

9. Telecommunications Services

Providers of facilities-based network services are required to obtain a license. When

the TRAA assumes regulatory responsibilities, licenses will be issued by the TRAA.
Until that time, the MoC will issue licenses.

9.1 Ownership of Licensed Operators

In accordance with the Law on Investments and the forthcoming Telecommunications

Law of 1382, full private ownership of telecommunications services providers is
allowed. Foreign private sector investors may own network services providers in their
entirety. Afghan equity participation in service operators will be encouraged and
welcome. While no specific minimum domestic ownership regulations will be
imposed, the government seeks to engage the participation of Afghan entrepreneurs
and the repatriation of Afghan investors from abroad.

9.2 Mobile Services Provider Licenses

Two Mobile Services Provider (MSP) licenses utilizing the GSM standard have been
awarded to provide full mobility network services in Afghanistan. The MoC has
agreed to a duopoly for GSM Mobile Services for a period of three years, or until
January 10, 2006. No other providers of GSM mobile telephony services will be
allowed before this time. It is envisioned that when the duopoly period expires, MSPs
will be entitled to expand their businesses to include the provision of any network
service. At the same time, Fixed Services Providers will also be allowed to provide
mobile services. Additional licenses also may be awarded, based on the TRAA’s assess-
ment of evolving market conditions, before January 10, 2006, in order for service to
begin on that date.

The MSPs are permitted to provide mobile telephony services and have permission
to carry long distance and international traffic originating on their own networks,
based on the terms and conditions of their licenses. A single, 15-year MSP license
applies nationwide and does not require separate licenses from local or regional

MSPs are required to pay an annual spectrum usage fee as specified in their license
agreement. They will also pay license fees in the form of a revenue share equivalent to
10 percent of gross revenues as defined in the license agreements and will contribute
2.5 percent of gross revenues to the Telecommunications Development Fund as
defined in this Policy.

9.3 Fixed Services Provider Licenses

Fixed Services Providers (FSP) shall be licensed to build local and domestic long
distance service networks. In the current planning year, 1382, the MoC will issue a
tender for two additional national FSP licenses with the rights and opportunity to
build networks nationwide. The licenses will be for 15 years with an option for
renewal; specific terms will be outlined in the appropriate tender documentation. The
new FSP licenses will be issued via international competitive tender that will be
announced within six months of the publication of this Policy. The tender may
include provisions that stipulate specific build obligations. Afghan Telecom already
has a national FSP license. No additional requests for nationwide FSP licenses will be
considered for the next three years.

The MoC is embracing a technology-neutral approach to network development.

FSPs will be freely permitted to utilize technology solutions of their choosing within
the broad type approval and spectrum licensing parameters outlined in this Policy.
FSPs will be required to file binding network rollout development plans with the
TRAA as a condition of their license.

FSPs are not required but are encouraged to consider wireless local loop (WLL)
technology that can be deployed quickly to establish “last mile” connectivity to end
subscribers. If WLL technology is deployed, FSPs must configure the systems for
Limited Mobility Services until 2006. FSPs are prohibited from offering full mobility
services at this time. In the event they deploy WLL, FSPs are required to pay annual
spectrum usage fees as specified in their license agreement.

The FSPs will also pay license fees in the form of a revenue share. The TRAA will
determine a minimum revenue share participation level that will be determined by
competitive market forces. Additionally, the FSPs will contribute 2.5 percent of gross
revenues to the Telecommunications Development Fund as defined in this Policy.

9.4 Exceptions to FSP Licenses

The Government seeks to support wide dissemination of telecommunications

services throughout the country but recognizes that licensed operators cannot practi-
cally serve all local communities in the near term. Small cities, towns and rural
communities thus will be encouraged to develop and invest in cooperative communi-
cations services infrastructure as determined by local market conditions. Local
investors will be granted exemptions to the national service operator licensing rules on
a case-by-case basis. Local operators shall be issued Local Fixed Service Provider
(LFSP) licenses for local operations that comply with national technology, spectrum
and competition standards.

9.5 International Gateway Services

The Government recognizes that introducing competition in international network

services will lower calling charges for customers, stimulate trade activity, and help

Afghanistan reclaim its place in the world community. Establishing robust competi-
tion in international services is thus an important policy goal to serve development
objectives and consumer needs. However, the new regulatory framework needs to be
firmly established before the international services sector can be further liberalized.
The Government believes that the TRAA must be operating effectively to transpar-
ently manage competition and interconnection issues and to ensure orderly market
reform. Similarly, the initial phases of the domestic network reconstruction efforts
need to be completed before opening the international market segment to competi-
tion. The government will undertake an annual internal review of its approach to
international services with a target of opening the international services sector to
competition in 2006.

An International Gateway Services (IGS) license is required to provide commercial,

wholesale or retail international connectivity services. In addition to Afghan Telecom,
the two existing MSPs are allowed to provide international connectivity services.
Additional International Gateway Services licenses may be considered as part of the
upcoming tender for FSPs and for International Transit ISPs as licenses are issued. All
licenses for International Gateway Services will be made according to clearly stated
policies to be published by the MoC or TRAA.

Owners of private VSAT systems are not permitted to transit or interconnect inter-
national traffic to licensed operators’ networks.

9.6 VSAT

The use of very small aperture terminal (VSAT) satellite equipment to access domes-
tic or international satellite systems is allowed for private use, following registration of
the equipment. All existing VSAT owners must register with the Spectrum
Management Office, and new users must register and obtain type approval and certi-
fication for the equipment. This registration requirement applies equally to govern-
ments, multi-lateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private enter-
prises. Failure to register could lead to the revocation of usage rights. A license for
spectrum use is also required.

VSAT users are not allowed to utilize equipment or software that directly or
indirectly enables access or egress to operators of licensed telecommunications or
Internet services. Additionally, the resale of capacity accessed via VSAT is not allowed.

9.7 Digital Trunk Radio Services

Digital Trunk Radio Services (DTRS) and analog trunk mobile radio systems are
allowed for private use. A spectrum license is required and the assignment of radio
frequency shall be made via competitive tender. There will be no limitation to the
number of trunk radio operators allowed. Trunk mobile radio systems will not be
permitted to establish interconnection to other licensed operators or international
gateway services. DTRSs are required to pay annual spectrum usage fee as specified in
their license agreement.

9.8 Radio Paging Service Providers

Radio Paging Services (RPSP) licenses will be issued without limitation. Direct
interconnectivity between licensed RPSPs and other service providers (for instance, for
text messaging) will be permitted. Licenses will be awarded for an initial period of 15
years and will be extended by additional periods of 10 years thereafter. Radio paging
licensees shall pay a spectrum fee plus a revenue share. The basis for determining fee
structure will be recommended by the TRAA.

9.9 Value-Added Network Services

Applications-oriented value-added services (VAS) that utilize leased facilities from

licensed operators are allowed and are subject to open competition. Value-added
services providers shall be required to obtain a generalized class license from the

9.10 Global Mobile Satellite Services

Global Mobile Satellite Service Providers (GMSSPs) are required to obtain a license
to provide services over the territory of Afghanistan. The GMSSPs are required to pay
a license fee in the form of revenue share and/or a fixed fee per registered user per

Satellite phones shall be distributed only through authorized distributors. Each

authorized distributor shall have signed an agreement with the TRAA for selling and
distributing satellite phones.

For each phone sold, the authorized distributor shall pay a fixed one-time fee to be
determined by the TRAA. End users shall be issued a Satellite Phone User License
permitting personal use or resale as a Public Call Office.

9.11 Cable Television Services

To provide cable television services, a license is required from the Ministry of

Information and Culture. Any cable services operator that seeks to provide two-way
or interactive telecommunications or Internet services must apply for the appropriate
licenses from the TRAA.

9.12 Private Networks

Commercial enterprises, government departments and other organizations shall be

allowed to establish private wide area networks for internal use, subject to compliance
with TRAA licensing and operational requirements and in accordance with appropri-
ate laws. Owners and operators of private networks are not allowed to offer telecom-
munications services commercially nor to resale services to third parties.

9.13 Resale

FSPs, MSPs and ISPs are allowed to provide network services on a wholesale basis
to third parties for resale to retail customers.

9.14 Interconnection

The Government endorses a policy of full and fair network access. All licensed
service providers shall have the right to negotiate interconnection arrangements
among themselves. However, the MoC has published a standard Interconnection
Agreement that is to be used as a baseline framework for interconnection between
licensed operators. This agreement may be amended from time to time by TRAA, and
companies may introduce appendixes that articulate specific additional commercial

When requested by another licensed operator, a licensed operator offering public

services shall be obliged to negotiate interconnection arrangements. The TRAA may
also prescribe fair terms and conditions that are to be applied universally to all market
participants for different types of services. TRAA may intervene in commercial
disputes if the concerned operators are unable to agree on the scope and financial
terms for interconnection.

9.15 National Technology Standards

The TRAA will seek to promote a wide range of technologies as it sets standards for
acceptable use of telecommunications equipment and services in Afghanistan. The
Government’s policy is not to impose restrictions that unduly limit market forces that
can benefit consumers. The TRAA will thus seek to develop an enlightened technol-
ogy policy that encourages innovation while preserving the integrity of existing infra-
structure. All licensed operators will be required to adopt standards and capabilities
that allow law enforcement and other relevant security agencies to perform their duties
within the context of the law.

9.16 Customer Premises Equipment

Private ownership and procurement of Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) is

allowed. CPE authorized for use in Afghanistan requires type approval from the
TRAA. The TRAA will issue type approval guidelines that are based on international
standards set by organizations such as the ITU and IEEE. Equipment that does not
meet TRAA type approval can be confiscated. Existing CPE attached to MSP and the
Afghan Telecom networks may continue to be used, if they meet the TRAA’s

9.17 Telecommunications Development Fund

A Telecommunications Development Fund administered by the MoC has been

established to which all licensed network service providers must contribute. This Fund
will be used only for re-investment in telecommunications infrastructure projects of

strategic importance, including for public safety, or to provide basic access services in
communities not adequately addressed by licensed operators. The MoC shall develop
criteria for such investment.

The amount of operators’ contributions will be determined according to a published

and transparent rate that applies equally to all service providers without favor or preju-
dice. Payments must be made according to terms to be established by TRAA. Failure
to comply with scheduled payments in a timely manner could lead to fines or the
revoking of an operating license. For MSPs and FSPs, the amount of the contribution
to the TDF shall be equal to 2.5 percent of the gross revenues of the licensee for each
year of its license. Funds will be collected on a quarterly basis in arrears from the

Any Licensed Operator may apply to the MoC to receive funds to support specific
infrastructure expansion projects.

10. Internet Services Licenses

Providers of Internet services are required to obtain a license. When the TRAA
assumes regulatory responsibilities, licenses will be issued by the TRAA. Until that
time, the MoC will issue licenses.

Afghanistan will implement a two-class system of licenses for Internet Service Providers
(ISPs) that distinguishes between providers of international Internet Protocol connectiv-
ity (International Transit ISPs) and domestic Internet service providers (National ISPs). In
defining clear and distinct roles for the two types of ISPs, the licensing plan allows
Afghanistan to channel international traffic through licensed gateways while promoting
robust competition at all levels of the market. Similarly, by providing a simple, stream-
lined and inexpensive licensing mechanism for National ISPs, the MoC encourages the
proliferation of private nationwide, regional, and local ISPs. Modest limits on the number
of international Internet traffic gateways will promote both a competitive market and a
stable investment climate for international Internet Protocol connectivity.

10.1 International Transit ISP Licenses

An International Transit ISP license will be required for any commercial provider of
Internet services that relays Internet traffic from any point inside Afghanistan to any
point outside Afghanistan, whether through its own network facilities or via transit or
peering relationships with non-Afghan ISPs.

The TRAA will issue International Transit ISP licenses, taking into account an
assessment of national security requirements and an assessment of market conditions.
Each of the International Transit ISP licenses will apply nationwide.

International Transit ISP license holders will compete for the business of domestic
ISPs on the basis of price and quality of service. In order to assure that domestic ISPs
can compete on a level playing field, International Transit ISPs will be required to offer
their international IP connectivity services to any National ISP on a non-discrimina-
tory basis. International Transit ISPs are permitted to sell international transit services
only to National ISP license holders. That is, an International Transit ISP must also
have a National ISP license to provide retail services to end customers.

To encourage rapid deployment of Internet networks in Afghanistan, International

Transit ISP license holders will be allowed to obtain National ISP licenses, but only
through a distinct and separately incorporated subsidiary or affiliate. Even where
commonly owned, the International Transit ISP entity will be required to provide its
international IP connectivity services to its retail ISP entity at the same prices it offers
other National ISPs. The TRAA is authorized to conduct periodic audits to ensure
that International Transit ISPs do not undercut competition by offering favorable

pricing to a National ISP subsidiary or commonly owned affiliate.
When establishing separately incorporated National ISP units, the International
Transit ISPs are not required but are encouraged to consider creating joint ventures
with experienced Internet service providers that have built and run Internet Protocol
networks in analogous developing country environments.

10.2 National ISP Licenses

National ISP licenses are required for any provider of Internet Protocol connectiv-
ity and services, except those providing international transit. National ISPs may only
obtain international transit from licensed International Transit ISPs.

Afghan Internet users – businesses, individuals, and organizations – will obtain

Internet services from National ISPs, which, as a practical matter, must obtain transit
from International Transit ISPs and/or interconnect with other National ISPs.
National ISP license holders are authorized to offer any permitted Internet service,
including but not limited to dial-up connectivity, leased lines, Internet cafes, transit
connectivity, domestic backhaul and wireless local area networks. National ISPs are
prohibited only from providing international IP connectivity, which can be offered
only by, and must be obtained from, an International Transit ISP.

National ISP licenses will be issued according to a simple, standardized form,

without burdensome requirements or lengthy commercial negotiation. The applica-
tion process will be transparent: applications that meet the stated criteria will be
granted in a non-discriminatory fashion, and reasons will be given for any denial.
There will be no limit to the number of National ISP licenses that can be issued.
National ISP licenses will be presumptively renewed, provided that the holder has not
violated the terms and conditions of the license or other applicable laws. National ISP
license holders are required to notify TRAA of the regions in which they are offering
or intend to offer services and update the TRAA of their expansion plans annually.

10.3 License Fee

The TRAA will determine licensing fees for ISPs. The Government believes that
license fees should be uniform, transparent, and modest in order to encourage invest-
ment in network infrastructure.

10.4 ISP Liability

Consistent with emerging international best practices, licensed ISPs will be afforded
the standard protections from liability: (a) for the activities of their customers, when
acting as a mere conduit or intermediary, (b) for temporary caching of information
requested by customers, (c) for hosting content provided by customers, and (d) when
blocking or intercepting traffic according to the lawful instructions of the Government.

11. Taxation

Telecommunications operators will be subject to taxation as set out in the relevant

taxation statutes of Afghanistan, including but not limited to employee taxes,
company taxes, sales taxes and import duties.

Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) Policy




AQRAB 1382
Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) Policy

Table of Contents
1. Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. ICTs Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5. Action Plan and Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5.1 ICTs and Government Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5.2 ICTs in Infrastructure and Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5.3 Recognition of ICTs as a Priority Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.4 ICTs Investment Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.5 ICTs and Government Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.6 ICTs and Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.7 ICTs in Commerce and Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6. Budget Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
7. Annex 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8. Annex 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1. Vision

To enable Afghanistan to benefit further from Information and Communication

Technologies (ICTs) by becoming part of the global information society while
preserving Afghanistan’s cultural heritage. To promote national goals as well as in
order to achieve a tolerant and vibrant Afghanistan, Afghanistan will use ICTs to
improve Government and social services expeditiously and foster the rebuilding
process, increase employment, create a vibrant private sector, reduce poverty and
support underprivileged groups.

2. Background

ICTs describes various technologies that make information and communication

services available to a wide range of users. The term is used broadly to address a range
of established and relatively new technologies, among which are the telephone infra-
structure and broadcast media. An emerging and now critical use of some of these
technologies is the Internet. Additionally, ICTs deal with the application layer, the
systems that enable information to be collected and distributed, analysed and
processed in a number of formats including text, images, sound and video.

Over the last few years, in order to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by
ICTs within a policy framework, many nations have developed objectives and
proceeded with the formulation of an ICTs strategy as a part of the overall national
development plan. A step-by-step process, including a coordinated and multi-pronged
strategy, is essential to achieve development of the sector. In this, education, invest-
ment opportunities and infrastructure availability play a major role. A dependable
information and communications system is also essential for efficient management
and operation in the public and private sectors. This includes areas such as internal
government information, citizen’s services, trade, banking, and international relations.

Recognising its critical importance, this document presents the objectives, policies
and action plans for the development of the ICTs sector in Afghanistan. Afghanistan
intends to use ICTs as a key, driving element for socio-economic development.

This Policy aims at building a society fully benefiting from ICTs. In view of this, a
nation-wide ICTs infrastructure will be developed to ensure that information can be
used by citizens to facilitate their endeavours and enhance democratic values for
sustainable human development. In addition to this document, the Ministry of
Communications (MoC) has published the Telecommunications and Internet Policy,
which communicates policies more specific to the telecommunications sector.

3. Objectives

In order to build an Afghan society fully benefiting from ICTs, the MoC has defined
the following objectives:

• Wide adoption of ICTs in order to improve all aspects of Afghan life, including
education, health, employment and access to information;

• Growth of the local ICTs industry, in order to foster investment and employment
generation in this area; and,

• Use of ICTs to increase Government efficiency and to deliver improved social

services effectively.

4. ICTs Policies

In order to accomplish the objectives defined above, the following ICTs Policies will
be implemented in a fair and competitive environment.

Government Services

Recognising the importance of ICTs as a vital tool for improving Government

services, the Government of Afghanistan (GoA) will actively use ICTs to provide
healthcare, social services, and citizen’s services. The GoA will give particular attention
to services to benefit underprivileged groups and the poor.

Infrastructure & Convergence

The importance of infrastructure development to Afghanistan can not be overstated.

Recognising the convergence among telephony, data transmission and broadcast
technologies and networks, the GoA while undertaking rehabilitation of existing
infrastructure and the building of new infrastructure will promote systems that
accommodate convergence of various technologies and networks and will promote the
integration of technologies in order to maximise the use of infrastructure.


Recognising that information and communication are vital to the development of

all other sectors, the GoA declares the ICTs sector a priority sector. This prioritisation
includes designating the MoC as the leading Government entity responsible for ICTs
and developing a National Information and Communication Technology Council of
Afghanistan (NICTCA) described in Annex 1.


Keeping in view the important role that the private sector will play in the develop-
ment of ICTs and to create an environment conducive to investment from the private
sector, including foreign direct investment (FDI), the GoA will provide a favourable
investment and taxation environment including but not limited to reduced import
duties and taxes levied on profits.

Recognising the importance of government efficiency, the GoA will undertake

computerisation of all central governmental entities by the year 1384 (2005). The
GoA will enhance its effectiveness by using e-government technology and by estab-
lishing a national data centre.

Education & Training

Recognising the importance of building a skilled workforce capable of understand-

ing, entering and benefiting from the digital age, the GoA through the MoC, the
Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education and associated institutions
will promote effective ICTs training courses at secondary and tertiary level, and will
build partnerships with the private sector to implement corporate training facilities.


To foster the capacity to trade goods and services by electronic means, the GoA will
draft appropriate legislation and establish the necessary mechanisms to create the
sector, including protecting the rights of consumers and the interests of providers.

5. Action Plan and Strategy

The following action plan expands the seven key ICTs Policies of the GoA and
describes the steps necessary to implement the policies. The action plan will be further
elaborated and updated by a yearly work plan and status report.

5.1 ICTs and Government Services

The tools that technology offer in the areas of healthcare, social services, citizen’s
rights and overall development will directly or indirectly be made available to under-
privileged groups in order to build up a strong and democratic society. In addition,
the role of women within families and communities makes their active participation
in the development and use of ICTs essential. Women’s particular role in these areas
makes their knowledge of and participation in ICTs critical.

The GoA will ensure that initiatives will be established to make ICTs accessible to
underprivileged groups, with special consideration given to women. Through the
appropriate Ministries and Government departments, ICTs will be implemented in
order to provide Government services in the following areas more effectively:

i. Health services. This includes the provision of health services face-to-face in

local health centres and hospitals and health services provided “virtually” by
specialists at a distance using e-medicine techniques. This also includes ICTs
to make the provision of health services less bureaucratic, simpler to obtain
and more widely available.

ii. Agriculture. Access to and information regarding commodity markets, includ-

ing market prices of locally grown crops, weather data and other information
are critical for farmers to raise their standard of living in today’s increasingly
global marketplace. The GoA will develop an agriculture information system
(AIS), using ICTs to provide farmers in rural areas with access to the infor-
mation they need.

iii. Administrative and social services. Access to Government administrative and

social services is often time-consuming, or simply beyond the reach of people
in rural areas. To achieve equal access to all Afghans wherever they live, the
GoA will initiate actions to make all public government documents available
through the Internet.

5.2 ICTs in Infrastructure and Convergence

The development of a modern, technically efficient and cost-effective infrastructure,

both terrestrial and aerial, domestic and international, is of critical importance to

establish communication services in Afghanistan. ICTs have a critical role in the
rebuilding process of the country’s other infrastructure, as communication is an
enabling factor and a pre-condition to the development and maintenance of roads,
utilities, Government administration and social services.

As previously stated, the MoC has published the Telecommunications and Internet
Policy, which communicates policies more specific to the telecommunications sector.
This portion of the ICTs Policy focuses on infrastructure issues related to new,
converging ICTs.

Information-based societies benefit today from ICTs that support the exchange of
information across a large range of users and applications. The term convergence refers
to the merging of differing technologies and networks allowing for the provision of
advanced services. In addition to the provision of advanced services not possible
before, the advantages of such systems are enhanced efficiency and cost-effectiveness
over traditional mechanisms.

It is important to monitor communication trends within Afghanistan and promote

the building of new infrastructure either directly compatible with or capable of future
upgrades to accommodate convergence of various technologies and networks.

Hence, while fostering improvement of existing and implementation of new infra-

structure, the MoC will ensure that appropriate policies be put in place that promote
the adaptation of modern, converging technologies and networks. With this in mind,
the GoA and MoC will undertake the following steps:

i. The MoC will promote these converging technologies and networks in order
to maximise the use of infrastructure and advanced services;

ii. In order to make data services equally accessible to urban and rural commu-
nities, the MoC will equip 50 percent of Post Offices with Internet terminals
and enhanced communication capabilities by the end of 1382 (20, March
2004). These upgraded post-offices will function as tele-centres offering
services including e-mail, high-speed Internet access, bill paying and e-

iii. Through academic as well as private initiatives, the GoA will promote basic
and advanced research and development efforts regarding ICTs, with an
emphasis on efforts focusing on issues relevant to the local ICTs sector. The
GoA will ensure that the highest level of academic and technical research and
development can be undertaken in Afghan universities in collaboration with
universities abroad.

iv. The GoA will encourage adoption of ICTs in the media and broadcasting
sectors. The national radio and television stations will be equipped to enable
them to make maximum use of converging technologies, offering both tradi-
tional and new media, including the Internet, to reach their viewers/listeners.

v. The MoC will encourage service providers to offer value-added services allow-
ing use of the same medium of communication for varied needs such as news,
information and emergency support.

5.3 Recognition of ICTs as a Priority Sector

The following steps will be implemented to ensure that the ICTs sector will become
a driving force in the development of the country and that ICTs advance appropri-
ately throughout Afghanistan in the years following.

i. The MoC will be designated as the leading Government entity for ICTs. To
reflect this, the designation of the Ministry will be changed to Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) effective the end of
1382 (20 March 2004).

ii. The MoC is charged with the promotion of ICTs and related services in the
country. The MoC will pursue an effective and rapid development of ICTs in
Afghanistan, including development of policies and legislation in order to
attract foreign investment and private participation in the sector, develop
human resources, and the ICTs infrastructure and applications.

iii. Recognising the importance of a transparent and open process to the devel-
opment of ICTs, the MoC will develop a National Information and
Communications Technology Council of Afghanistan (NICTCA). The
Council’s mandate will be to provide advisory services to the Government in
all matters related to ICTs and to act as a coordinating focal point. The
Council will initially be hosted and chaired by the Minister of
Communications. The council will be operational by the end of 1382 and the
MoC will publish guidelines for the efficient, transparent and open operation
of the Council before that date. The initial task of the Council will be the
formulation of a National Information and Communications Technology
Agenda (NICTA), which will chart a path for the development of the
country’s ICTs sector.

iv. In order to verify that progress has been made, and to identify potential
bottlenecks to the implementation of these policies, the NICTCA will
conduct, at least biennially, an e-readiness Assessment (ERA), which will
include a review of this Policy. The NICTCA will publish guidelines for the
ERA process. The reports of the ERA will be made publicly available and will
constitute the basis for future ICTs planning.

5.4 ICTs Investment Policies

The development of the country’s ICTs capacity will be greatly accelerated and
improved by the participation of the private sector and national and foreign investors.
In order to obtain the level of investment required, the MoC, in cooperation and
agreement with other appropriate Ministries and Government institutions, will

establish a coordinated approach to foster investment in ICTs in the country:

i. In cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance,

a favourable taxation regime for the ICTs sector will be developed. This
taxation regime will consider import duties and taxes levied on profits of ICTs
related equipment and services. Special tax incentives may be made available
in a specific area such as within the limits of special economic zones or export-
processing zones, including within the limits of an ICTs Technology Park
described in Annex 2.

ii. To encourage investment in ICTs-related activities that may be particularly

beneficial to the country. Companies that operate in certain fields such as
software development or ICTs education and training may be allowed
additional tax benefits related to their investment in research and develop-

iii. In order to spur investment in and growth of the sector, an ICTs Technology
Park will be established in Kabul. This will host ICTs operators and compa-
nies engaged in the sector. The MoC will develop a detailed plan for estab-
lishment and operation of the Technology Park. It is envisioned that the
Technology Park will, among other things, serve as a local business incubator
providing facilities, access to management and operational expertise, and act
as a conduit for venture capital funds. Furthermore, “virtual ICTs Technology
Parks” located in regions of Afghanistan with similar benefits and tax incen-
tives as described above will be promoted to give impetus to private invest-
ment in the ICTs sector on the local and regional level.

iv. Current investment laws will be considered when developing ICTs-related

policies and legislation, and ICTs policies and legislation will be considered
when developing future investment laws.

v. The NICTCA will present the state of ICTs in Afghanistan internationally at

trade shows and conferences with a well-articulated, focused and comprehen-
sive strategy, and publish investment information through a specialised web

5.5 ICTs and Government Efficiency

As ICTs become more and more entrenched in all public functions, it is imperative
that the GoA quickly employs e-government strategies to develop an efficient, cost-
effective and transparent public sector while granting, in the very near future, access
to information and services to citizens and the international community.

Through the MoC the GoA will establish:

i. A National Data Centre by middle of next year (1383), charged with the task
to provide Ministries, administrative units and other Government

departments critical services such as:

a. Networking and Internet Access;

b. Electronic Data Processing (EDP);
c. File storage;
d. Intranet hosting, web site hosting, common Government
email; and,
e. Data and Network Security;
f. Afghanistan Computer Centre, which is an entity used for the EDP of
different government offices in the past will become part of the MoC, and will
function as the National Data Centre.

ii.. A Government Help Desk to respond quickly to maintenance needs related to

the Data Centre infrastructure and services.

iii. A Training Centre to improve the skills of public servants on ICTs applications
and ICTs processes management. This Training Centre could be implemented
using the Mobile Unit concept where one or more large buses are fitted as
training centres and circulate periodically to train employees in Kabul and
other major Government centres.

iv. An Information Systems Manager for each Ministry and Department. These
managers will be tasked with liasing between their units and the Data Centre,
Help Desk and Training Centre.

v. In cooperation with other agencies, a Network Security Plan to secure the

ongoing functioning of voice and data networks and protect them against
malicious internal and vi.
vi. Establishment of e-government services through analysis of needs and
requirements in terms of data infrastructure at the Government level.

vii. The MoC will oversee the management of the .AF top level domain and the
process of domain registration under it. In addition, through the data centre,
the MoC will establish a common Internet presence for the Government. This
will enable the Government of Afghanistan to be visible to the outside word
in a coordinated fashion and avoid the common pitfall many other countries
have experienced of a disjointed web presence. The MoC will directly manage
the registration services of the domain.

5.6 ICTs and Education

Education is universally recognised as key to spurring economic growth and allevi-

ating poverty. For individuals, education enhances opportunities and improves socio-
economic conditions. At a minimum, ICTs have a significant role in improving adult
literacy rates. In an increasingly technology-oriented and globalising world, the use of
ICTs has become a critical factor in enabling more people to gain an education, which
in turn ensures that a country’s workforce is skilled and prepared to meet the
challenges of development.

Education is a cornerstone of the development process because it directly involves

individuals and communities and engages a range of actors from both public and
private sectors. By emphasising ICTs in educational efforts Afghanistan can “leapfrog”
some presumed stages of development, and be better prepared to enter the global
economy of the 21st century.

The establishment of an ICTs infrastructure in Afghanistan is therefore essential to

promoting education and its subsequent benefits. Together with the purchase and
installation of computers and related equipment, ICTs can facilitate education and
training. In turn, both distance learning, which has proven to be a highly cost-benefi-
cial investment for developing countries worldwide, and in-service training to improve
the skills and knowledge of the existing labour force, will be facilitated.

ICTs are particularly critical in countries where large segments of the population
(including women) are educationally disadvantaged and live in rural areas, as is the
case in Afghanistan. For this reason, the GoA through the MoC, the Ministry of
Education, Ministry of Higher Education and associated institutions will take steps to:

i. Develop ICTs curricula at both the secondary and tertiary levels, promote
participation in related courses (such as computer science, multimedia,
communications, and engineering) and develop teacher training and training-
of-trainers courses in ICTs-related subjects.

ii. Invite prestigious foreign universities to collaborate with Afghan universities

in establishing ICTs research and development programs. This will include
initiating the highest level of academic education, including but not limited to
Ph.D. programs, in ICTs in Afghanistan.

iii. Create opportunities through which students, in particular those in remote

locations, can be exposed to technology. These would include Mobile Internet
Units, i.e. buses equipped with computers and Internet access that visit
schools; Networking Academies that give students and teachers the skills to
design, build, and maintain computer networks; and tele-centres that would
be operational in schools during and after class hours.

iv. Support opportunities for distance education, including the establishment of

centres that provide access to international online courses. Distance education

expands resources available to both students and employees and can compen-
sate for a lack of trained faculty and supervisors.

v. Establish partnerships with the private sector to develop and provide ICTs
training for business personnel.

vi. Coordinate public agencies in the training of civil servants in ICTs skills and

vii. Enhance public access to information regarding ICTs and opportunities in the
sector through educational radio programs, distribution of written materials
where appropriate and establishment of kiosks at public locations (such as
airports, Government offices, etc.).

5.7 ICTs in Commerce and Trade

The application of ICTs to commerce and trade (e-commerce) has transformed the
global market environment and allowed operations not possible before. For a country
such as Afghanistan, it is important to initiate building the future framework for e-
commerce while at the same time protecting local commercial initiatives and
consumers rights.

Without an umbrella legislation and specific policies dealing with the flow of
commerce-based information and transactions, Afghanistan risks either becoming
marginalised or remaining only a buyer of other countries’ services. The goal is to
enable national enterprises and consumers to benefit from the same tools as enterprises
and consumers in other, already developed countries. In order to achieve this, the
GoA, in cooperation with the MoC and the Ministry of Finance, will:

i. Support the creation of a secure network for an electronic inter-banking

payment system. This will be done in conjunction with Central Bank initia-
tives and will also include preparatory elements to ensure that customer-
oriented features and services (such as automatic teller machines and e-
banking) can be rolled out in the near future.

ii. Adopt e-commerce legislation. Examples and model laws, adopted by several
countries exist. Foremost is the United Nations Commission on International
Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996-8). The
introduction of this model law, which has already been adopted by several
countries, states that it “will assist all States significantly in enhancing their
legislation governing the use of alternatives to paper-based methods of
communication and storage of information and in formulating such legisla-
tion where none currently exists.”

iii. Adopt basic digital signature legislation such as the UNCITRAL Model Law
on Electronic Signatures (2001). This Law applies to the use of electronic
[digital] signatures in the context of commercial activities.

iv. Draft the necessary legislation to provide a legal framework for the protection
of consumers, customers and investors with regard to ICTs.

v. Promote localised software development and adoption of a national standard

for computerised character representation applicable to the languages of
Afghanistan. In addition, the GoA will promote the use of open source
software and applications where appropriate.

6. Budget Considerations

Funds necessary to implement the policies proposed by this Policy will be obtained
through three major avenues:

• Allocation of Government budget;

• Grants and loans provided by the international community; and,

• Private sector participation and partnership.

From a budgeting perspective, the following considerations apply:

• To the extent that the MoC provides ICTs-related services directly to other
Government Ministries, the GoA must rebalance internal budgets taking into
account services rendered;

• New budget lines should be created for all Ministries and Departments to accom-
modate ICTs-related expenditures; and,

• ICTs projects and services should be designed with long-term sustainability in


7. Annex 1

National Information and Communications Technology Council of Afghanistan


Operation of the Council

The Council will be self-regulated and its membership selected through expression
of interest. It will consist of representatives from:

a) The user community drawn from civil society organisations and Internet user

b) Government representatives from the office of the Prime Minister and the
Ministries of Information, Domestic and Foreign affairs, Security, Education,
Finance and Public Health and Social Welfare and others as applicable;

c) Private sector and the business community: representatives from the banking
and financial sector including investors, IT industry, manufacturing and retail
sectors (with strong interest in e-commerce), private Internet service providers,
service industry (transport, etc.);

d) Representatives of accredited NGOs and civil society organisations; and,

e) Representatives from academia and other associations and educational institu-


8. Annex 2

Establishment of a Techno-park


To create an environment in which established and emerging members of

Afghanistan’s business sector can operate, expand, collaborate, and thrive. To this end,
the Techno-park will provide businesses with facilities based on relevant, needed infor-
mation and communication technology (ICT), as well as consulting services. With
firms conveniently located in close proximity to each other, the Techno-park will serve
as a cohesive centre for business development and exchange.

Services and Opportunities

The future of high technology industries depends largely on producing innovative

products and services at competitive prices. Even the best ideas will remain only on
paper if the necessary conditions and a conducive environment do not exist. The time
it takes to move a product to market is very short, and the window of opportunity
does not remain open for long in today’s competitive, global business environment.

Ensuring that Afghanistan has a strong cadre of qualified entrepreneurs requires that
conditions for converting innovative ideas into commercial successes be developed
and implemented. As many developing countries have recognized, this process can be
facilitated through the establishment of a Techno-park.

The primary mandate of such a facility is the promotion of entrepreneurship,

employment, and a skilled labor force.

Serving Entrepreneurs

Afghanistan’s emerging entrepreneurs are generally recent graduates from science

and technology institutions who have innovative ideas for developing businesses.
Technical experts from a range of public and private sectors and faculty from premier
educational institutions also fall into this category.

Business Support Services

Resident companies will have onsite access to services provided by the Techno-park,
all of which aim to foster and enhance the technological potential of businesses. The
Park’s Support Centre will assist firms in accessing and using video-conferencing links,
advanced multi-media facilities, the Internet, and the World Wide Web (WWW).

The Centre will also provide advice on information technology and telecommuni-
cations products, access to experts and consultants, current information from colleges
and universities, training, on-site technology audits, and information databases. In
addition to the office services noted above, the Techno-park’s facilities will include the

• Direct access to the Internet and the World Wide Web

• iSDX switchboard
• ISDN direct dial telephone lines
• Voice mail and call attend
• 24 hour access, 365 days a year
• Help desk
• Refreshment area
• Security services
• Off-street parking
• Raised floors


ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪΑ ˬ ΪϨϫΪΑ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ Ϊηέ ΍έ ΕέΎΠΗ ̶̰ϳ̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶΋Ύϧ΍ϮΗ ΎΗ ΪϨϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ Ϫ̯ Ϫ̰ϴϧΎϧ΁ ˬϢϴѧϘϣ ̵Ύѧϫ ̶ѧϨ̢Ϥ̯ ϪѧΑ
.Ζη΍Ω ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ ̶γήΘγΩ ζϳϮΧ ϞΤϣέΩ.ΩΩή̴ϴϣ Ϫοήϋ ϥΎθϳ΍ήΑ ̭έΎ̡ϮϨ̰Η ϖϳήσί΍ Ϫ̯
Ε΍ήθϧ ΕϼϴϬδΗ ˬ βϧ΍ήϔϨ̯ϮϳΪϳϭ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϭ ̶γήΘγΩ ΩέϮϣέΩ ΍έ Ύϫ Ζ̯ήη ̭έΎ̡ϮϨ̰Η ̶ΘϳΎϤΣ ΰ̯ήϣ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̮Ϥ̯ (www) ̶ϧΎϬΟ ΕΎϋϼσ΍ Ϫ̰Βηϭ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ˬ (multi media ) ϪΒϧΎΟ ΪϨ̩
ϪѧѧѧΑ ̶ѧѧѧγήΘγΩ ˬ̶ѧѧѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕϻϮѧѧѧμΤϣ ϭ ΕΎϣϮѧѧѧϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨѧѧѧ̰Η ΩέϮѧѧѧϣ έΩ ΍έ ̶ΗέϮѧѧѧθϣ ΕΎϣΪѧѧѧΧ έϮѧѧѧ̯άϣ ΰѧѧѧ̯ήϣ
̵̫ϮϟΎϨѧѧ̰Η ̵Ύѧѧϫ ̶ѧѧγέίΎΑ ˬ ̲ϨϨϳήѧѧΗ ˬ ΎϬϧϮΘѧѧϨϫϮ̡ ˬ ϥ΍έΎѧѧ̰Ϥϫ ί΍ ΕΎϣϮѧѧϠόϣ ϥΎϳήѧѧΟ ˬ ϦϳέϭΎѧѧθϣϭ ϦϴѧѧμμΨΘϣ
̭έΎ̡ϮϨ̰Η ΕϼϴϬδΗ ϩΪη ή̯Ϋ ̵ήΘϓΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ ί΍ ϩϭϼϋ .ΩϮѧϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ Ϫѧοήϋ ΰѧϴϧ ΍έ ΕΎϣϮѧϠόϣ ϪϴѧϬΗ ϭ ϞѧΤϣέΩ
: ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϞϳΫ Ωέ΍Ϯϣ ϞϣΎη

(www) ̶ϧΎϬΟ ΕΎϋϼσ΍ Ϫ̰Βηϭ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϪΑ ϢϴϘΘδϣ ̶γήΘγΩ ƒ

̭ήΘθϣ ϩήΑΎΨϣϭ ̶ΗϮλ Ζδ̡ ƒ
ϝΎγ έΩ ίϭέ 365 ˬ ϪΘϋΎγ 24 ̶γήΘγΩ ƒ
̮Ϥ̯ ΰϴϣ ƒ
ϩΎ̴ΤϳήϔΗ ϪΣΎγ ƒ
̶ΘϴϨϣ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ƒ
ϪϣΎΧ ̭ήγ ̭έΎ̡ ƒ
ί΍Ϊϧ΍ ϩ΍έ


( NICTCA) ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶Ϡϣ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ϭ ̶Η ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̵΍έϮη

ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ΏΎΨΘϧ΍ Ϫϗϼϋ έΎϬχ΍ ϖϳήσί΍ ϥ΁ ΖϳϮπϋ ϭ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϩΪη ϢϴψϨΗ ΩϮΧ ϥΎ̳έ΍ ̮ϳ΍έϮη :΍έϮѧη Ωήѧ̰ϠϤϋ
.ΪηΎΑ ̶ϣ ϞϳΫ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϳΎϤϧ ί΍ Ζγ΍ Ϟ̰Θθϣ ΍έϮηϭ

. ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̟ϭή̳ ϭ ̶ϧΪϣ ϪόϣΎΟ ̵ΎϬϧΎϣίΎγ ί΍ Ϟ̰θΘϣ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΖϴόϤΟ :ϒϟ΍
ϢϴϠόΗ ˬ ΖϴϨϣ΍ ˬ ϪΟέΎΧέϮϣ΍ ϭˬ ϪϠΧ΍Ω ˬέϮΘϠ̯ϭ ΕΎϋϼσ΍ ̵ΎϬΗέ΍ίϭϭ Ϣψϋ΍έΪλ ήΘϓΩ ί΍ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϳΎϤϧ :Ώ
. ϦϳήϳΎγϭ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ έϮϣ΍ϭέΎ̯ϭ ϪϣΎϋ ΖΤλ ˬ ϪϴϟΎϣ ˬ ϪϴΑήΗϭ
ˬ ϥ΍έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϝϮϤη ϪΑ ̶ϟΎϣ ϭ ̵έ΍Ω ̲ϧΎΑ έϮΘ̰γί΍ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϳΎϤϧ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ΖϴόϤΟ ϭ ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰ѧγ :Ν
ΕέΎѧѧѧΠΗ έΩ ̵Ϯѧѧѧϗ ̶̢ѧѧѧδ̪ϟΩ ΎѧѧѧΑ ) ϥΎѧѧѧ̳ ϩΪϨѧѧѧϨ̯ ΪϴѧѧѧϟϮΗ ϭ ϥϮ̩ήѧѧѧ̡ ̵Ύѧѧѧϫ έϮΘ̰ѧѧѧγ ˬ ΕΎϣϮѧѧѧϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨѧѧѧ̰Η ΖόϨѧѧѧλ
. ( ϩήϴϏϭ ΕέϮ̢δϧ΍ήΗ) ̶ΘόϨλ ΕΎϣΪΧ ˬ ̶λϮμΧ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΖϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ˬ(̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍
ϭ ̶ϧΪϣ ϪόϣΎΟ ̵Ύϫ ϥΎϣίΎγ ϭ ϩΪη ϪΘΧΎϨη ̶ΘϣϮ̰Σ ήϴϏ ΕΎδγϮϣ ϥΎ̳ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ :Ω
. ̶ϤϴϠόΗ ΕΎδγϮϣϭ Ύϫ ϦϤΠϧ΍ ήϳΎγ ˬ ϡϮϠϋ ̶ϣΩΎ̯΍ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϳΎϤϧ :Ϋ


: ̭έΎ̡ϮϨ̰Η βϴγΎΗ

ΪϴѧѧΣϮΗ ˬ ϪόѧѧγϮΗ ˬ ΖϴѧѧϟΎόϓ ̵ΎѧѧϘΗέ΍ ΖѧѧϬΟ ϥΎΘѧѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶ѧѧΗέΎΠΗ έϮΘ̰ѧѧγ ̵Ύѧѧπϋ΍ ΖϴѧѧϟΎόϓ έϮψϨѧѧϣ ϪѧѧΑ ̭έΎѧѧ̡ Ϧѧѧϳ΍
̵̫ϮϟΎϨѧѧ̰Η ρϮΑήѧѧϣ ΕϼϴϬѧѧδΗ ΎѧѧΑ ΍έ ΕέΎѧѧΠΗ ˬ ̭έΎ̡ϮϨѧѧ̰Η ˬήѧѧΧ΍ϭ΍ Ϧѧѧϳ έΩ .Ζѧѧγ΍ ϩΪϳΩήѧѧ̳ βϴѧѧγΎΗ ΎѧѧϬϧ΁ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ϭ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̶ΗέϮθϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ Εέϭήο ΩέϮϣ ( ICT) ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ
̵΍ήΑ ϊѧϤΠΗ ΰѧ̯ήϣ ̮ѧϳ ϪΑΎΜѧϣ ϪѧΑ ̭έΎ̡ϮϨѧ̰Η ˬ Ϊѧϧ΍ ϪΘϓήѧ̳ έ΍ήѧϗ Ϣϫέ΍ϮѧΟέ Ω ΖΤϠѧμϣ ήѧΑΎϨΑ Ϫѧ̯ ̵Ύѧϫ Ζ̯ήѧη ΎѧΑ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΖϣΪΧ ϪϟΩΎΒΗϭ ΕέΎΠΗ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍
: Ύϫ Ζλήϓϭ ΕΎϣΪΧ
̵Ύϫ Υήϧ αΎγ΍ήΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ΕϻϮμΤϣ ̵ίΎγ ϝϮϤόϣ ΪϴϟϮΗ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ "ϼϣΎ̯ ϪΘϓήѧθϴ̡ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨѧ̰Η ϊϳΎѧο ϩΪϴѧϧ΁
ϭ Ϫѧѧϣίϻ ςϳ΍ήѧѧη Ϫ̰ϴΗέϮѧѧλ έΩ ΪѧѧϧΎϣ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧѧΧ ̶ѧѧϗΎΑ άѧѧϏΎ̯ ̵ϭέ έΩ φѧѧΤϣ ΕΎϳήѧѧψϧ ϦϳήѧѧΘϬΑ ̶ѧѧΘΣ .ΪѧѧηΎΒϴϣ ̶ѧѧΘΑΎϗέ
ϭ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϩΎΗϮ̯ έΎϴδΑ Ωή̴ϴϣ ήΑέΩ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ϪΑ ϝϮμΤϣ ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ Ϫѧ̯ ΍έ ̶ѧϧΎϣί .ΪѧηΎΑ ϪΘѧη΍Ω ΩϮѧΟϭ ΐѧγΎϨϣ ςϴѧΤϣ
.ΪϧΎϣ ̶Ϥϧ ̶ϗΎΑ ίΎΑ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ΕέΎΠΗ ςϴΤϣ ̶ϧϮϨ̯ ̶ϧϻϮσ ΖΑΎϗέ ̵΍ήΑ Ζλήϓ Ϫϧίϭέ
ΖγΩ ϦϴΑ ΕΎϳήψϧ ϪϟΩΎΒΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ςϳ΍ήη ΎΗ Ϊϧ΍έΩΎϗ Ϫ̯ ϩΩϮΑ ϩΪϳίέϭ έΪ̯ ̵΍έ΍Ω ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧέΩ ΎΑ
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ϖϴΒτΗ ϭ ϩΩ΍Ω ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ̵Ύϫ Ωέϭ΁
̮ϳ βϴγΎΗ ϖϳήσί΍ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ βγϭή̡ Ϧϳ΍ ˬ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧ΍ ϩΩϮѧϤϧ κϴΨѧθΗ Ϊѧηέ ϝΎѧΣ έΩ ̵Ύѧϫ έϮѧθ̯ ΖϳήѧΜ̯΍ Ϫ̰ϳέϮѧσ
.ΪηΎΑ ̶ϣ ήϫΎϣ ̵έΎ̯ ̵ϭήϴϧ ϭ ˬ̶Ϩϳΰ̳έΎ̯ ˬ̶ϧϭΎόΗ ΕέΎΠΗ ̵ΎϘΗέ΍ί΍ ΕέΎΒϋ ΕϼϴϬδΗ Ϯ̪Ϥϫ ̶ϟϭ΍ ϦϴϤπΗ
: ̶ϧϭΎόΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ
̶ϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ βϨϳΎγ ̶ϠϴμΤΗ ΕΎδγϮϣ ί΍ ΪϳΪΟ ϦϴϏέΎϓ ̶ѧϣϮϤϋ ΕέϮѧμΑ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϩΪѧη ϪΘΧΎϨѧη ϥ΍ήѧΟΎΗ
ϪϣΎϋ ̵Ύϫ έϮΘ̰γ ̵έϮ̴Θ̯ ί΍ ̶̰ϨϴΨΗ ϦϴμμΨΘϣ .Ϊϧέ΍Ω ΕϭΎϔΘϣ ΕΎϳήψϧ ΕέΎΠΗ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ΩέϮϣέΩ Ϫѧ̯ .ΪѧηΎΑ
.Ωέ΍Ω ΖϘΑΎτϣ ̵έϮ̴Θ̯ Ϧϳ΍ ϪΑ ΰϴϧ ̶ϤϴϠόΗ ̶γΎγ΍ ΕΎδγϮϣ ί΍ ϪΘϟϮ̯Ύϓϭ ̶λϮμΧϭ

̵ϮΟΩϮΑ ΕΎψΣϼϣ -6
Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ˯΍ήΟ΍ ϞϳΫ ϩΪϤϋ ϊΒϨϣ Ϫγ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ϪόϳέΫ ϩΪη ΩΎϬϨθϴ̡ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϖϴΒτΗ ̵΍ήΑ ϡίϻ ̵Ύϫ ϪΟΩϮΑ


ϭ ˬ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϪόϣΎΟ ̵Ύϫ Ϫοήϗϭ Ύϫ ̮Ϥ̯ 2.
Ζ̯έΎθϣ ϭ ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰γ ̭΍ήΘη΍ 3.

:ΩϮθϴϣ ϪΘϓή̳ ήψϧΪϣ ϞϳΫ ΕΎχϮΤϠϣ ̵ϮΟΩϮΑ υΎΤϟ ί΍

Ϫοήϋ ΖϟϭΩ ή̴ϳΩ ̵Ύϫ ϪϧΎΧ Εέ΍ίϭ ϪΑ "ΎϤϴϘΘδϣ ΍έ ICT ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ Ϫ̰ϳΪΣΎΗ 1.
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ΍ήΟ΍ ΍έ Ύϫ ϪΟΩϮΑ ϩέΎΑ ϭΩ ϝΩΎόΗ ϪϴϠϤϋ ϩΪη Ϫοήϋ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϞΑΎϘϣ έΩ ΪϳΎΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬΪϨ̰ϴϣ

ϥ΁ ί΍ ICT ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ϑέΎμϣ ΎΗ ΩϮη ΩΎΠϳ΍ ΎϬΘγΎϳέ ϭ Ύϫ ϪϧΎΧ Εέ΍ίϭ ϡΎϤΗ ϪΑ ΪϳΎΑ ̵ϮΟΩϮΑ ΪϳΪΟ ϊΑΎϨϣ 2.
.ΩΩή̳ ϞϳϮϤΗ ̭έΪϣ

.ΪϨϧΎϤΑ ϝΎόϓ ΩΎϳί ΕΪϣ ̵΍ήΑ Ϫ̯ ΩϮη Ρήσ ̵έϮσ ΪϳΎΑ ICT ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ Ύϫ ϩ̫ϭή̡ 3.


΍έ ̵ΎϬΘϴϟΎόϓ ϭ ϩΩ΍Ω Ϟ̰ηήϴϐΗ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ςϴΤϣ (̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΕέΎΠΗ)ΕέΎΠΗ ζΨΑ έΩ ICT ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍
̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶ΑϮ̩έΎϬ̩ ̮ϳ Ζγ΍ ϡίϻ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΪϨϧΎϣ ̵έϮθ̯ ̵΍ήΑ .Ζϓήϴϣ ήψϧ ϪΑ Ϟ̰θϣ "ϼΒϗ Ϫ̯ ΩίΎδϴϣ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ
.ΪϳΎϤϧ φϔΣ ΍έ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϕϮϘΣ ϭ ̶ϠΤϣ ˬ̶ΗέΎΠΗ Ε΍έΎ̰ΘΑ΍ ΪϳΎΑ ϝΎΣ ϦϴϋέΩ ϭ ΪϳΎϤϧ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΕέΎΠΗ

ΎΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ˬζϳ΍ΰϓ΍ ϪΑ ϭέ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣϭ ΕϼϣΎόϣ ΎΑ ϪτΑ΍έ έΩ κΨθϣ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϭ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϦΘη΍Ω ϥϭΪΑ
ϑΪϫ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϪΟ΍Ϯϣ ή̴ϳΩ ̵Ύϫ έϮθ̯ ΐϧΎΟ ί΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ϪΑ Ύϳϭ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϪόϣΎΟ ί΍ ϥΪη ϩέΎϨ̯ ήτΧ
̵Ύϫ έϮθ̯ έΩ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϭ Ύϫ ̵ΪμΗ Ϫ̯ ΍έ ̶ϠϳΎγϭ Ϧϴϋ ΎΗ ΪϧϮη ϖϳϮθΗ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ̵ΪμΗ Ϫ̯ ΖδϨϳ΍
Εέ΍ίϭ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ΎΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ Ϧϳ΍ ˯΍ήΟ΍ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ .ΪϨϨ̯ ϝΎϤόΘγ΍ ˬΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϥ΁ ί΍ ϪΘϓήθϴ̡
:ΖΧ΍Ϊϧ΍ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩ΍ήΑ ΍έ ϞϳΫ ΕΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ ϪϴϟΎϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ

ϪΑ ρΎΒΗέ΍ έΩ Ϫ̰Βη Ϧϳ΍ .̶̰ϧΎΒϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΖΧ΍Ωή̡ ϢΘδϴγ ̵΍ήΑ ϥΆμϣ Ϫ̰Βη ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ί΍ ΖϳΎϤΣ 1.
ΕΎϴλϮμΧ ϭ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪόγϮΗ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϳ΍ΪΘΑ΍ ΕΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϝΎόϓ ̵ΰ̯ήϣ ̮ϧΎΑ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ
ϩΪϨϳ΁έΩ (̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̵έ΍Ϊ̰ϧΎΑ ϭ ΕΎϣϮΗϭ΍ ϩΪϨϳϮ̳ ϩΎ̴ΘγΩ ΪϨϧΎϣ ) Ωέ΍Ω ϖϠόΗ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϪΑ Ϫ̯ ̶̰ϳ̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϪΘϓή̳ ήψϧ έΩ ̮ϳΩΰϧ

ϥ΁ ϦϳήΘϤϬϣ Ϫ̯ Ωέ΍Ω ΩϮΟϭ ή̴ϳΩ ̵ΎϫέϮθ̯ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ̵Ύϫ ϝΪϣ ϭ Ύϫ ϝΎΜϣ .̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϴϟ΍ ΕέΎΠΗ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϦΘϓήϳά̡ 2.
8 ϝΎγ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΕέΎΠΗ ̵΍ήΑ ϝΪϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ" .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϪΑ ϪτΑ΍έ έΩ ΪΤΘϣ ϞϠϣ ϥΎϣήϓ
" :ΪϫΪϴϣ ΢ϴοϮΗ ϦϴϨ̩ ˬϩΪη ϪΘϓήϳά̡ ΎϫέϮθ̯ ί΍ ̵ΩΎϳί Ω΍ΪόΗ ςγϮΗ "ϼΒϗ Ϫ̯ ϝΪϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ Ϧϳ΍ ϪϣΪϘϣ ."996-
ϩήϴΧΫ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ˯΍ήΟ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ϝΩΎΒΘϣ ̵ΎϫΩϮΘϴϣ ί΍ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ΩϮΒϬΑ έΩ "ΎΗΪϤϋ ΎϫέϮθ̯ ϡΎϤΗ ΎΑ ϥϮϧΎϗ Ϧϳ΍
Ϊϧέ΍Ϊϧ ̶ϧϮϧΎϗ ϦϴϨ̩ ϼόϓ Ϫ̰ϳΎϫέϮθ̯ ΎΑ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ άϏΎ̯ ί΍ ϥ΁ έΩ Ϫ̯ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̮Ϥ̯ ϥ΁ ϊοϭ έΩ

ϝΎγ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̵ΎϫΎπϣ΍ ϝΪϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ " Ύϳ UNCTIRAL ΪϨϧΎϣ (ϞΘϴΠϳΩ) ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̵Ύπϣ΍ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϦΘϓήϳά̡ 3.
ϩΩήΑ έΎ̰Α ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ̵ΎϬΘϴϟΎόϓ ϪϨϴϣί έΩ (ϞΘϴΠϳΩ) ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̵ΎϫΎπϣ΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΩέϮϣ έΩ ϥϮϧΎϗ Ϧϳ΍ ."200

ϖϳΪμΗ Ϧϳ΍ .ΪΘγϭ Ω΍Ω ΕϼϣΎόϣ ̵ίΎγ ϞϬγ ΖϬΟ ̶ΟέΎΧ ̵Ύϫ ϪϣΎϧ ϖϳΪμΗ ̶ϟϮΒϗ Ύϳ ϖϳΪλ ̶Ϡϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍ βϴγΎΗ 4.
΍έ ϪψΣΎϣ ϞΑΎϗ ϭ ϥ˯Ϯμϣ ̶ϳΎϧ΍ϮΗ έϮ̯άϣ ϪϣΎϧ ϖϳΪμΗ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ Ϫοήϗ ΏϮΘ̰ϣ ̮ϳ ϝΩΎόϣ ϪϣΎϧ
Ϧ̰Ϥϣ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ϞϳΎγϭ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ Ύϫ ΖΧ΍Ωή̡ ϭ Ωέϭ΁ ̶ϣ ΩϮΟϮΑ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΕϼϣΎόϣ ϥΩ΍ΩέΎΒΘϋ΍ ̵΍ήΑ

ϪϳΎϣήγ ϭ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ˬϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϑήμϣ ΖϳΎϤΣ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϧϮϧΎϗ ΏϮ̩έΎϬ̩ ̮ϳ ϪϴϬΗ ΖϬΟ ϡίϻ ϥϮϧΎϗ Ρήσ 5.
.ICT ϪΑ ρΎΒΗέ΍ έΩ ϥ΍έ΍ά̳

.ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̵ΎϬϧΎδϟ ̵΍ήΑ ̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ϡΎϗέ΍ ϭ ϑϭήΣ ζϳΎϤϧ ̵΍ήΑ ̶Ϡϣ έΎϴόϣ ΏΎΨΘϧ΍ ϭ ̶ϠΤϣ ί΍ΰϓ΍ ϡήϧ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ 6.
ΪηΎΑ ΐγΎϨϣ Ϫ̰ϳΎϫΎΟ έΩ ΍έ Ω΍ί΁ ̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ̵ΎϬϣ΍ή̳ϭή̡ ϭ Ύϫέ΍ΰϓ΍ ϡήϧ ϝΎϤόΘγ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬϩϭϼϋήΑ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΞϳϭήΗ


.Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ϪΘΧΎϨη ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΢τγ έΩ ήϘϓ ζϫΎ̯ ϭ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ Ϊηέ ΖϬΟ Ϫ̯ήΤϣ ̵ϭήϴϧ ̮ϳ ϪΑΎΜϣ ϪΑ ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ
ϥΎϬΟ έΩ .ΪθΨΒϴϣ ΩϮΒϬΑ ϪόϣΎΟ Ω΍ήϓ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ςϳ΍ήη ϭ ϩΩ΍Ω ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ΍έ Ύϫ Ζλήϓ ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ
ϪϴΑήΗϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϩΪϤϋ έϮΘ̰ϓ ̮ϳ ICT ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϪΘϓΎϳ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϩΪϳϭή̳ ήΘθϴΑ Ϫ̯ ̶ϧϮϨ̯
.ΩίΎδϴϣ ϩΩΎϣ΁ ̶ϗήΗ ϭ Ζϓήθϴ̡ ̵Ύϫ ΞϨϴϠ̩ ήΑ΍ήΑ έΩ ΍έ έϮθ̯ ̮ϳ ̵έΎ̯ ̵ϭήϴϧ ϪΑϮϨϟΎΑ ΖϘϴϘΣ Ϧϳ΍ Ϫ̯ ϩΩϮΑ

ϪϨϴϣί ϭ ϪΘϓή̳ ήΑ έΩ ΍έ ϊϣ΍ϮΟ ϭ Ω΍ήϓ΍ "ΎϤϴϘΘδϣ ΍ήϳί ΪϫΪϴϣ Ϟϴ̰θΗ ΍έ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ Ϫγϭή̡ ϪϳΎ̡ ̲Ϩγ ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ
ΩέϮϣ έΩ Ϊϴ̯΄Η ϪϠϴγϮΑ .ΩίΎδϴϣ ΪϋΎδϣ ΍έ ̶λϮμΧ ϭ ϪϣΎϋ ̵ΎϫέϮΘ̰γ ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ί΍ ̵ΩΎϳί Ω΍ΪόΗ ϪΑ ϡ΍ΪΨΘγ΍
ϩΩΎϣ΁ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ̶σ ΍έ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϩΪη ̶ϨϴΒθϴ̡ ϞΣ΍ήϣ ί΍ ̶πόΑ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ˬ̶ϤϴϠόΗ ̵Ύϫ εϼΗ έΩ ICT ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍
έΩ ICT ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ̮ϳ βϴγΎΗ ˬ΍άϬϟ .ΪηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω 2 ϥήϗ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ΩΎμΘϗ΍ έΩ ϥΪη ϞΧ΍Ω ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̵ήΘϬΑ ̶̳
ϭ ΎϫήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ΐμϧ ϭ ̵έ΍ΪϳήΧ ̵ϮϠϬ̡ έΩ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̵έϭήο ϥ΁ ̵ΪόΑ Ϊϳ΍Ϯϓ ϭ ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ Ϊηέ ̵΍ήΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍
Ύϳ έϭΩ Ϟλ΍Ϯϓ ί΍ είϮϣ΁ ̵ίΎγ ϪϨϴϣί ΐϴΗήΘϟΎΑ ϭ ΩίΎδΑ ϞϬγ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ΍έ ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ICT ϥ΁ ϪσϮΑήϣ ϞϳΎγϭ
ˬϩΪη ΖΑΎΛ ΐγΎϨϣ έΎϴδΑ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̮ϳ ̶ϗήΘϣ ̵Ύϫ έϮθ̯ ϪΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΢τγ έΩ Ϫ̯ Distance Learning
ϪΑ ICT ιϮμΨϟΎΑ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΎϴϬϣ ˬΪϫΪϴϣ ΩϮΒϬΑ ΍έ ϝΎΣήΑ ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ζϧ΍Ω ϭ ΕέΎϬϣ Ϫ̯ έΎ̯ ϥΎϳήΟ έΩ ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ
ϖσΎϨϣ έΩ ϭ Ϊϧ΍ ϡϭήΤϣ ϪϴΑήΗϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ξϴϓ ί΍ (ϥΎϧί ϝϮϤθΑ ) ϥ΁ αϮϔϧ ήΜ̯΍ Ω΍ΪόΗ Ϫ̯ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΪϨϧΎϣ ̵ΎϫέϮθ̯
ϞϳΫ έϮϣ΍ ϖϘΤΗ νήϏ ΍έ ̶ΗΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬέϮψϨϣ Ϧϳ΍ ϪΑ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̵έϭήο έΎϴδΑ ΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ̶̳Ϊϧί ̶ϳΎΘγϭέ
:Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΐϴϘόΗ ή̴ϳΩ ϪσϮΑήϣ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ϭ ̶ϟΎϋ ΕϼϴμΤΗ ˬϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ˬΕ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵ΎϬΗέ΍ίϭ ϖϳήσ ί΍

ΪϨϧΎϣ ) ϪσϮΑήϣ ̵Ύϫ αέϮ̯ έΩ ̭΍ήΘη΍ ϖϳϮθΗ ˬ̶ϟΎϋ ϭ ϪτγϮΘϣ ΢τγ ϪΑ ICT ̶ϤϴϠόΗ ΏΎμϧ ΩΎΠϳ΍ 1.
ϭ ϥ΍ΩΎΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ ̵Ύϫ αέϮ̯ βϴγΎΗ ϭ (̵ήϨϴΠϧ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ˬΎϳΪϴϣ ̶ΘϟϮϣ ˬ ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ βϨϳΎγ
.ICT ϦϴϣΎπϣ έΩ ΎϫήϨϳήΗ

ϖϴΒτΗ ϭ βϴγΎΗ έΩ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̵ΎϬϧϮΘϨϫϮ̡ ΎΑ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ΖϬΟ ̶ΟέΎΧ ϩΪϳίέϭ ̵Ύϫ ϥϮΘϨϫϮ̡ ΕϮϋΩ 2.
.ICT ζΨΑ έΩ ΍έϮΘ̯Ω ϝϮϤθΑ ̶ϟΎϋ ΕϼϴμΤΗ ίΎϏ΁ϭ ˬ ICT ζΨΑ έΩ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ ̶ϘϴϘΤΗ ̵ΎϬϣ΍ή̳ϭή̡

ϪΑ ˬΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ̶̳Ϊϧί ΖγΩ έϭΩ ϖσΎϨϣ έΩ Ϫ̰ϴϧΎϧ΁ ιϮμΨΑ ϭ ϥ΍Ωή̳Ύη ϥ΁ ̶σ Ϫ̯ ̵ΎϬΘλήϓ ΩΎΠϳ΍ 3.
̵Ύϫ ήΗϮϣ ϭ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϢΘδϴγ ϭ Ύϫ ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ έΎϴγ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵ΎϫΪΣ΍ϭ ΎΘγ΍έ ϦϳέΩ .ΪϨϨ̯ ΍Ϊϴ̡ ̶γήΘγΩ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η
̵ίΎγ Ϫ̰Βη ̵Ύϫ ̶ϣΩΎ̯΍ .Ϊη ϩΩ΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ ΐΗΎ̰ϣ ϪΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶γήΘγΩ ϭ ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ Ύϳ ϩΪη ΰϴϬΠΗ
Ϫ̯ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ΰ̯΍ήϣ ϭ ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ̵έ΍ΪϬ̴ϧ ϭέΎΘΧΎγ ̵Ύϫ ΕέΎϬϣ Ρήσ έΩ ΍έ ϥ΍ΩΎΘγ΍ ϭ ϥ΍Ωή̳Ύη
.ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̮Ϥ̯ ΪϨηΎΑ ϝΎόϓ ΐΗΎ̰ϣ έΩ ϥ΁ ί΍ ΪόΑ ϭ ̶γέΩ ΕΎϋΎγ ϥΎϳήΟ έΩ

ϖϳήσ ί΍ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵ΎϬγέϮ̯ ΰ̯΍ήϣ βϴγΎΗ ϝϮϤθΑέϭΩ Ϟλ΍Ϯϓ ί΍ ΕϼϴμΤΗ ̵ίΎγ ϪϨϴϣί ί΍ ΖϳΎϤΣ 4.
ϭ ΩίΎδϴϣ ΎϴϬϣ ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ϭ ϥ΍Ωή̳Ύη ϪΑ ΍έ ̶γέΩ ϊΑΎϨϣ έϭΩ Ϟλ΍Ϯϓ ί΍ ϞϴμΤΗ .ΪϨ̰ϴϣ Ϫοήϋ ΍έ ΖϧήΘϧ΍
.ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ̮Ϥ̯ ϥ΍έΰϳ΍ϭή̡Ϯγ ϭ ϪΘϟϮ̯Ύϓ ˬϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ϡΪϋ ϞϴϤ̰Η έΩ

ϞϧϮγή̡ ̵΍ήΑ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ ̵ΎϬϣ΍ή̳ϭή̡ Ϫοήϋ ϭ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ έϮψϨϤΑ ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰γ Ύϳ Ζ̯έΎθϣ ΩΎΠϳ΍ 5.

ϭ Ύϫ ΕέΎϬϣ ΖϤδϗ έΩ ̶̰Ϡϣ ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ Ζϴϓήχ ̵ΎϘΗέ΍ ϭ ϪϴΑήΗ έΩ ϪϣΎϋ ̵Ύϫ ̶̳ ϩΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϥΩή̯ ̲ϨϫΎϤϫ 6.

ϖϳήσί΍ έϮΘ̰γ ϦϳέΩ ΎϬΘλήϓ ΩΎΠϳ΍ϭ ICT ϪΑ ϪτΑ΍έ έΩ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪΑ ̶ϣϮϤϋ ̶γήΘγΩ ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍ 7.
̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵Ύϫ ϕΎσ΍ βϴγΎΗ ϭ ˯ΎπΘϗ΍ ΕέϮλ έΩ ̵ήϳήΤΗ Ω΍Ϯϣ ϊϳίϮΗ ˬ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̶ϤϴϠόΗ ̵ΎϬϣ΍ή̳ϭή̡
(ϩήϴϏ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ΕΎΒόη ˬ̶ϳ΍Ϯϫ ̵Ύϫ ϥ΍Ϊϴϣ ΪϨϧΎϣ ) ϪϣΎϋ ΕϼΤϣ έΩ ̶̴Ϩϫήϓ

ΖϟϭΩ ̶ϳ΁ έΎ̯ ϭ ICT

ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϪϴϬΗ ϦϴΣ ΪϳΎΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬΪηΎΒϴϣ Ϊϴϔϣ ήΘθϴΑ ϪϣΎϋ Ε΍έϮϣ΍ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ICT Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ ΎΑ
"̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ -ΖϟϭΩ " ̵Ύϫ ̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ήΗΩϭί Ϫ̩ήϫ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ΢τγ ϪΑ ̮ϳΩΰϧ ϩΪϨϳ΁ έΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ
ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ϞϳΫ έϮϣ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ϖϴΒτΗ ϑΎϔη ϭ ΐγΎϨϣ ˬήΛϮϣ ϪϣΎϋ έϮΘ̰γ ̮ϳ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ΖϬΟ ΍έ
:Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶ϠϤϋ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ

ϪϧΎΨΗέ΍ίϭ ϪΑ ΍έ ϞϳΫ ϞΟΎϋ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ Ϫϔϴχϭ Ϫ̯ ϩΪϨϳ΁ ϝΎγ ϪϤϴϧ ΎΗ ̶Ϡϣ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΰ̯ήϣ ̮ϳ βϴγΎΗ 1.
:Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΪϬόΑ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ή̴ϳΩ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ϭ ̵έ΍Ω΍ ̵Ύϫ ΪΣ΍ϭ ˬΎϫ
ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϭ ̵ίΎγ Ϫ̰Βη a)
̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ ϭ ΍ήΟ΍ b)
Ύϫ ϞϳΎϓ ̵ίΎγ ϩήϴΧΫ c)
̶ΘϟϭΩ ̶ϣϮϤϋ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ Ζδ̡ ˬΖϳΎγ ΐϳϭ ̶ϧΎΑΰϴϣ ˬΖϴϧ΍ήΘϧ΍ ̶ϧΎΑΰϴϣ d)
ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΖϴϧϮμϣ ̵έ΍ΪϬ̴ϧϭ ˬΖϴϨϣ΍ e)

Electronic Data Processing (EDP) ̵΍ήΑ ϪΘηά̳ έΩ ΩΎϬϧ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ Ϫ̯ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ΰ̯ήϣ
ΰ̯ήϣ ΚϴΣ ϪΑ ϥ΁ ί΍ ϭ ΪϳΩή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ί΍ ζΨΑ ̮ϳ ˬΪϳΩή̴ϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϒϠΘΨϣ ήΗΎϓΩ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̶Ϡϣ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ

ΖΒϗ΍ήϣ ϭ φϔΣ ρϮΑήϣ ̵Ύϫ Εέϭήο ΖϬΟ ϞΟΎϋ Ώ΍ϮΟ Ϫϳ΍έ΍ ήσΎΨΑ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̶̰Ϥ̯ ϪΒόη ̮ϳ βϴγΎΗ 2.
ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΰ̯ήϣ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ̵΍ήΑ

ϥΎϳήΟ ϭ ICT έΎ̯ ΩήΑ ζϴ̡ ζΨΑ έΩ ϪϣΎϋ ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ̵ΎϬΗέΎϬϣ Ϊηέ έϮψϨϤΑ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ ΰ̯ήϣ ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ 3.
ΰ̯ήϣ έϮτΑ βϳϭήγ ήΗϮϣ ϦϳΪϨ̩ Ύϳ ̮ϳ Ϫ̰ϳέϮσ ΪηΎΑ έΎϴγ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ ΰ̯ήϣ Ϧϳ΍ .ICT ΖϨϤΠϴϨϣ
.ΪϨ̯ ϪϴΑήΗ ή̴ϳΩ ΰ̯΍ήϣ ϭ ϞΑΎ̯ έΩ ΍έ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϦϳέϮϣΎϣ ˯ϩέϭΩ Ϟ̰η ϪΑ ϭ ϩΪη έΎϴϋ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ

ΩΎΠϳ΍ Ϫϔϴχϭ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ Ϧϳ΍ ΖγΎϳέ ϭ Εέ΍ίϭ ήϫ έΩ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϢϴψϨΗ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ 4.
.Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΪϬόΑ ΍έ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ ΰ̯΍ήϣ ϭ ̮Ϥ̯ ϪΒόη ˬΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΰ̯ήϣ ρϮΑήϣ ̵ΎϫΪΣ΍ϭ ϥΎϴϣ ρΎΒΗέ΍

Ϧϴϣ΄Η έϮψϨϤΑ ή̴ϳΩ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ΎΑ ̵έΎ̰ϤϫέΩ (Network Security Plan) Ϫ̰Βη ΖϴϨϣ΍ ϥϼ̡ ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ 5.
.̶ΟέΎΧ ϭ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ̶ΒϳήΨΗ ΕϼϤΣ ϞΑΎϘϣ έΩ ΎϬϧ΁ ΖχΎϔΣ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϭ ΕϮλ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη έ΍Ϊϣ΍ϭΩ ΖϴϟΎόϓ

.ΖϟϭΩ ΢τγ ϪΑ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί υΎΤϟ ί΍ ΎϬϳΪϨϣίΎϴϧ ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΩΎΠϳ΍ 6.

.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΕέΎψϧ Ύϳ ϭ ̶Θγή̡ήγ ΍έ ϥ΁ ΖΒΛ Ϫγϭή̡ ϭ (.af) domain ΖϨϤΠϨϣ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ 7.
ΖϟϭΩ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶ϣϮϤϋ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΰ̯ήϣ ˬΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΰ̯ήϣ ϖϳήσ ί΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬϩϭϼϋήΑ
̶ϓήόϣ ϢψϨϣ Ϟ̰η ϪΑ ΝέΎΧ ϥΎϬΟ ϪΑ ΎΗ ΩίΎδϴϣ έΩΎϗ ΍έ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ήϣ΍ Ϧϳ΍ .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ βϴγΎΗ
ϞϤϋ ϪΑ ̵ήϴ̳ϮϠΟ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶Ϥγέ ρΎΒΗέ΍ ϪΤϔλ ̮ϳ ΖϳΩϮΟϮϣ ϡΪϋ ΖΒδϧ ϩΪϣ΁ ϞϤόΑ ΕΎόϳΎη ί΍ ϭ ϩΪϳΩή̳
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ΍έ ( ΪϧϮδ̡ ΖΒΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ "ΎϤϴϘΘδϣ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ .Ϊϣ΁ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ

̮ϳ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̵΍έϮη ˬΎϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ˯ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ίΎΑ Ϟϣ΍Ϯϋ κϴΨθΗ ϭ Ζϓήθϴ̡ ΖϴΒΜΗ έϮψϨϤΑ 4.
ΪϳΪΠΗ ϞϣΎη Ϫ̯ Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̵ήΒϫέ έΎΑ ϭΩ ϝΎγ έΩ Ϟϗ΍ ΪΣ ΍έ "̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̶̳ ϩΩΎϣ΁ " ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ ϪϣΎϧήΑ
ϪϴϠϤϋ ̵΍ήΟ΍ ΩέϮϣ έΩ ΍έ ̵ΎϫΩϮϤϨϫέ ̶Ϡϣ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̵΍έϮη .ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ήψϧ
̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̶̳ΩΎϣ΁ " ̵Ύϫ έϮ̡΍έ .ΪϧΎγέ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ϪΑ "ERA ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̶̳ΩΎϣ΁ " ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍
̵Ύϫ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϥϼ̡ αΎγ΍ ϭ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϩΩΎϣ΁ ϪϣΎϋ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΖϬΟ "E- Readiness Assessment-ERA
.Ω΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ϟϴ̰θΗ ICT ΩέϮϣ έΩ ΍έ ϩΪϨϳ΁

̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϭ ICT

έΩ ICT έϮΘ̰γ Ϊηέ ϭ Ζϴϓήχ ΩϮΒϬΑϭ ϊϳήδΗ έΩ ̶ΟέΎΧ ϭ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ϥ΍έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϭ ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰γ Ζ̯έΎθϣ
έΩ ϥ΁ ήΘθϴΑ ϖϳϮθΗ ϭ ίΎϴϧ ΩέϮϣ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΢τγ ϪΑ ϥΪϴγέ ΖϬΟ .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ύϔϳ΍ ΍έ ̵ίέΎΑ ζϘϧ έϮθ̯
ϞϤόϟ΍ίήσ ̮ϳ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϪσϮΑήϣ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ϭ Ύϫ ϪϧΎΧ Εέ΍ίϭ ϖϓ΍ϮΗ ϭ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ΎΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬICT έϮΘ̰γ
.ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΐϴΗήΗ έϮΘ̰γ ϦϳέΩ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϖϳϮθΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶̯ήΘθϣ

ICT έϮΘ̰γ ̵΍ήΑ ΪϋΎδϣ ̶ΗΎϴϟΎϣ Ϣϳ̫έ ̮ϳ ˬϪϴϟΎϣ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ϪϧΎΧ Εέ΍ίϭ ϥΎϴϣ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ϖϳήσί΍ 1.
ρϮΑήϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ˬΕ΍ΪϳΎϋ ήΑ ΕΎϴϟΎϣ ϭ ̶̯ήϤ̳ ϕϮϘΣ ̶ΗΎϴϟΎϣ Ϣϳ̫έ Ϧϳ΍ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍
̵Ύϫ ϥϭί ΩϭΪΣ έΩ "ϼΜϣ κΨθϣ ΕΎΣΎγ έΩ ̶ϘϳϮθΗ ιΎΧ ϪϴϟΎϣ .Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήΑ έΩ ΍έ ICT ϪΑ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϪΘϓή̳ ήψϧ Ϊϣ ICT ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̭έΎ̡ ΩϭΪΣέΩ ϪϠϤΠϨϣ ̶Η΍έΩΎλ ̵Ύϫ ϥϭί Ύϳ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ιΎΧ

έΎΒΑ έϮθ̯ ΍έ ̶λΎΧ ΖόϔϨϣ ̮ϳ Ϫ̯ ˬICT ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ̵ΎϬΘϴϟΎόϓ έΩ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϖϳϮθΗ έϮψϨϤΑ 2.
ˬΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ICT ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ Ύϳ ϭ έ΍ΰϓ΍ ϡήϧ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϥϮ̩ Ϧϴόϣ ̵Ύϫ ζΨΑ έΩ Ϫ̰ϳΎϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ˬΩέϭ΂ϴϣ
.ΩϮΑ ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ έ΍ΩέϮΧήΑ ̶ΗΎϴϟΎϣ ̶ϓΎο΍ ̵ΎϬΘϴϓΎόϣ ί΍

Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ βϴγ΄Η ϞΑΎ̯ έΩ ICT ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̭έΎ̡ ̮ϳ ˬICT έϮΘ̰γ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΐϠΟ νήϏ 3.
Εέ΍ίϭ .ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ΖϴϟΎόϓ έϮΘ̰γ ϦϳέΩ Ϫ̯ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϭ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϥΎΑΰϴϣ ̭έΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ .Ϊη
Ϫ̯ Ωϭήϴϣ ϊϗϮΗ .Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϊοϭ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̭έΎ̡ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ϭ βϴγ΄Η ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶Ϡμϔϣ ϥϼ̡ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ
̶γήΘγΩ ˬ̶ϠΤϣ ΕέΎΠΗ ̵Ύϫ ΖϟϮϬγ ϦϴϣΎΗ ϪϠϴγϭ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ ή̴ϳΩ Ε΍έϮϣ΍ ̵ϮϠϬ̡ έΩ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̭έΎ̡
ˬ"ΎΗϭϼϋ .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΖϴϟΎόϓ Ύϫ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϩϮΟϭ ϪϠϣΎόϣήΒόϣ ΚϴΤϨϣ ϭ ̶μμΨΗ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ϭ ΖϨϤΠϨϣ ϪΑ
ϒϴϔΨΗ ϭ Ϊϳ΍Ϯϓ ί΍ Ζη΍Ω ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ ΖϴόϗϮϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϑ΍ήσ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ ICT ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶ϋήϓ ̵Ύϫ ̭έΎ̡
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΪϴϔΘδϣ ICT ζΨΑ έΩ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϪϳϮϘΗ ΖϬΟ ϩΪη ή̯Ϋ ̶ΗΎϴϟΎϣ ̵Ύϫ

ήψϧ Ϊϣ ϩΩϮΟϮϣ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ˬICT ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϊοϭ ϭ Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϊϗϮϣ έΩ 4.
ϪΘϓή̳ ήψϧ Ϊϣ ICT Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϭ Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ˬϩΪϨϳ΁ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϦϴΣ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϪΘϓή̳
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ

̵Ύϫ ϩΎ̴θϳΎϤϧ έΩ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΢τγ ϪΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ΍έ ICT Ζϴόοϭ ̶Ϡϣ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̵΍έϮη 5.
ΩέϮϣ έΩ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϭ Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϥΎϴΑ ϪΒϧΎΟ ϪϤϫ ϭ ϥί΍ϮΘϣ ̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ̮ϳ ςγϮΗ Ύϫ βϧ΍ήϔϨ̯ ϭ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ
.ΪϴϧΎγέ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ϪΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ί΍ ιϮμΨϣ ρΎΒΗέ΍ ϪΤϔλ ̮ϳ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ

΍έ ΪϳΪΟ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ϖϴΒτΗ ϭ ϩΩϮΟϮϣ ϢΘδϴγ ̵ίΎγίΎΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬ̶ϣϮϤϋ ̶γήΘγΩ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΖϬΟ 1.
.ΩΩή̳ ήΘθϴΑ ΎϨΑήϳί ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϪϨϴϣί ϭ ϩΪη ̮ϳΩΰϧ Ϣϫ ΎΑ ΎϬϳ̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η Ϧϳ΍ ΎΗ Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϖϳϮθΗ

ΎΗ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬ̵ήϬη ϭ ̶ϳΎΘγϭέ ϊϣ΍ϮΟ ̵΍ήΑ ϪϧΎϳϭΎδϣ ̶γήΘγΩ ϞΑΎϗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΩΎΠϳ΍ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ 2.
̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϠΑΎϗ ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍ ϭ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ϞϨϴϣήΗ ΎΑ ΍έ Ύϫ ϪϧΎΧ ϪΘγϮ̡ Ϊμϴϓ ϩΎΠϨ̡ 384 ϝΎγ ήϴΧ΍
ϝϮϤη ϪΑ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ΰ̯΍ήϣ ΚϴΤϨϣ ϩΪη ΰϴϬΠΗ ̵Ύϫ ϪϧΎΧ ϪΘδ̡ Ϧϳ΍ .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΰϴϬΠΗ
Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ϞΑ ΖΧ΍Ωή̡ ϭ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ̵έ΍Ω ̮ϧΎΑ ϭ ϊϳήγ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ˬ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ Ζδ̡

΍έ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ εϼΗ ϭ ̶ϟΎϋ ϭ ̶ϳ΍ΪΘΑ΍ ΕΎϘϴϘΤΗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬ̶λϮμΧ ϭ ̶ϤϠϋ Ε΍έΎ̰ΘΑ΍ ϖϳήσ ί΍ 3.
ΎϘΗέ΍ ̶ϠΤϣ ICT έϮΘ̰γ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ΕΎϋϮοϮϣ ̵ϭέ Ύϫ εϼΗ ΰ̯ήϤΗ ΩέϮϣ έΩ Ϊϴ̯ΎΗ ΎΑ ICT ϪτΑ΍έ έΩ
̵Ύϫ ϥϮΘϨϫϮ̡ έΩ ΍έ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ ̶ϤϠϋ ϭ ̶̰ϴϨΨΗ ϖϴϘΤΗ ΢τγ ϦϳήΘϴϟΎϋ ϪϨϴϣί ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ .Ω΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ
.ΖΧΎγ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ̶ΟέΎΧ ̵ΎϬϧϮΘϨϫϮ̡ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ΎΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍

ϦθϴΘγ΍ .Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϖϳϮθΗ ̶Η΍ήθϧ ϭ ̶ΗΎϋϮΒτϣ ̵Ύϫ έϮΘ̰γ έΩ ΍έ ICT ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ 4.
Ε΍ήθϧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ˬΏέΎϘΘϣ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ˯ΎϘΗέ΍ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ϥϮϳΰϳϮϠΗ ϭ ϮϳΩ΍έ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΰϴϬΠΗ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϧϮϨη ϪΑ Ε΍ήθϧ ϝΎγέ΍ ϭ ζΨ̡ ΖϬΟ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϝϮϤη ϪΑ ΪϳΪΟ ϭ ̵ϮϨόϨϋ

Ϧϴϋ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ Ϫ̯ είέ΍ ϪϓΎο΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΍έ ΖϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ 5.
ΪϫΪϴϣ ϩίΎΟ΍ ϞΟΎϋ ̵Ύϫ ̮Ϥ̯ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ˬέΎΒΧ΍ ΪϨϧΎϣ ϒϠΘΨϣ ΕΎϳέϭήο ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϞϳΎγϭ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϖϳϮθΗ

ϡΪϘθϴ̡ έϮΘ̰γ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ ICT κϴΨθΗ

ήγ΍ήγ έΩ ΐγΎϨϣ Ϟ̰θΑ ϭ ΪηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω έϮθ̯ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍έΩ ΍έ ̶γΎγ΍ ϭήϴϧ ̮ϳ ζϘϧ ICT έϮΘ̰γ Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ
:Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶ϠϤϋ ϞϳΫ ΕΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ ˬΪΑΎϳ ϪόγϮΗ ϩΪϨϳ΁ ̵Ύϫ ϝΎγ έΩ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍

ϪΑ .Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έϮθ̯ έΩ ΍έ ICT ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵ήΒϫέ ΖϴϟϮδϣ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ 1.
ϝΎγ ήϴΧ΍ έΩ ).Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϞϳΪΒΗ "̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ " ϪΑ Εέ΍ίϭ ϡΎϧ έϮψϨϣ Ϧϳ΍

Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ έϮθ̯ έΩ ϥ΁ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ICT ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϝϮδϣ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ 2.
ΐϠΟ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϊοϭ ϭ Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϝϮϤη ϪΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ΍έ ICT ήΛϮϣ ϭ ϊϳήγ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍
ϭ ICT ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ϭ ̵ήθΑ ϊΑΎϨϣ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ έϮΘ̰γ έΩ ̶λϮμΧ Ζ̯έΎθϣ ϭ ̶ΟέΎΧ ̵Ύϫ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ
.ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΐϴϘόΗ ϭ ϪΘη΍Ω ϩΪϬϋ ϪΑ έϮθ̯ έΩ ΍έ ΎϬϧ΁ ̶ϠϤϋ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍

̶Ϡϣ ̵΍έϮη ̮ϳ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬICT ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ϑΎϔη ϭ Ω΍ί΁ Ϫγϭή̡ ̮ϳ ΖϴϤϫ΍ ̭έΩ ΎΑ 3.
ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ΖϟϭΩ ϪΑ ̶ΗέϮθϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪϴϬΗ ˯΍έϮη Ϧϳ΍ Ϫϔϴχϭ .Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ βϴγ΄Η ΍έ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η
ϞϤϋ ΎϬΘϴϟΎόϓ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ̲ϨϫΎϤϫ ̵ΰ̯ήϣ ϊΟήϣ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ έϮ̯άϣ ̵΍έϮη ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ ϭ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ICT Ε΍έϮϣ΍
ϪΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ήϳίϭ κΨη ΍ήϧ΁ ΖγΎϳέ ϭ ϩΪη ΕϮϋΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ήϳίϭ ϪϠϴγϮΑ ˯΍ΪΘΑ΍ έΩ ˯΍έϮη .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ
̵Ύϫ ΩϮϨϤϫέ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ίΎϏ΁ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ϪΑ 382 ϝΎγ ήϴΧ΍ ΎΗ ˯΍έϮη .Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΪϬϋ
˯΍έϮη ̶ϟϭ΍ Ϫϔϴχϭ .ΪϴϧΎγέ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ϪΑ ΦϳέΎΗ ϥ΁ ί΍ ϞΒϗ ˯΍έϮη ϑΎϔη ϭ ίΎΑ ˬήΛϮϣ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ήσΎΨΑ ΍έ
ICT έϮΘ̰γ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϪϨϴϣί ϥ΁ αΎγ΍ ήΑ Ϫ̯ ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶Ϡϣ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ΍ΪϨΟ΁ ̮ϳ ϥΩϮϤϧ ΐϴΗήΗ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΪϋΎδϣ έϮθ̯ έΩ

ΩέϮϣ ϦϳέΩ ϪΘΒϟ΍ ˬΖϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΖγΩ ̵ϭέ ICT ϪΑ ϡϭήΤϣ Ω΍ήϓ΍ ̶γήΘγΩ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΍έ ̶ΗΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ
ϖϳήσ ί΍ ICT ̵ΎϬϣ΍ή̳ϭή̡ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΛϮϣ ϦϴϣΎΗ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ .ΩϮΑ ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ Ω΍έΩϮΧήΑ ̶λΎΧ Ε΍ίΎϴΘϣ΍ ί΍ ϥΎϧί
:Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϖϴΒτΗ ϞϳΫ ΕΎΣΎγ έΩ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϪσϮΑήϣ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ϭ Ύϫ ϪϧΎΧ Εέ΍ίϭ

ϭ ˬΎϫ ϪϧΎΧΎϔη ϭ ̶ϠΤϣ ̶Τλ ΰ̯΍ήϣ έΩ ϞΑΎϘΘϣ ̶Τλ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϞϣΎη ζΨΑ Ϧϳ΍ :̶Τλ ΕΎϣΪΧ 1.
̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΐσ ̵Ύϫ ̮ϴϨ̰Η ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ΎΑ κμΨΘϣ ϥΎΒϴΒσ ςγϮΗ έϭΩ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶Τλ ΕΎϣΪΧ
ϭ ήΗ ϡΎϋ ˬήΗ ϩΩΎγ ̶Τλ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ICT ϞϣΎη ζΨΑ Ϧϳ΍ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ.ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ϦϴϣΎΗ
ϥ΁ ί΍ ΰϴϧ ̵ϮϳΎϗϭ ΐσ ϪΣΎγ έΩ ϡΎϗέ΍ ϪϳΰΠΗ ϭ ϞϴϠΤΗ ϞϳΎδϣ ̵΍ήΑ ήΘθϴΑ ϭ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶γήΘγΩ ϞΑΎϗ
.ΩϮθϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍

ˬ̶ϠΤϣ ΕϼλΎΣ ̵ΎϬΧήϧ ϝϮϤθΑ ˬΖϴ̯έΎϣ έΩ Ω΍Ϯϣ ̵ΎϬΧήϧ ΩέϮϣέΩ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ :Ζϋ΍έί 2.
΢τγ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘΑ ΎΗ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϢϬϣ έΎϴδΑ έϮθ̯ ϥΎϧΎϘϫΩ ̵΍ήΑ ή̴ϳΩ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϭ ΍Ϯϫϭ Ώ΁ ϩέΎΑ έΩ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ
̶Θϋ΍έί ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ϢΘδϴγ ̮ϳ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ .ΪϧήΒΑ ϻΎΑ ̶ϧϮϨ̯ ̶ϧΎϬΟ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ έΩ ΍έ ζϳϮΧ ̶̳Ϊϧί
ϥΎϧΎϘϫΩ ϪΑ ΍έ ίΎϴϧ ΩέϮϣ ̶Θϋ΍έί ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ICT ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϖϳήσ ΎΑ Ϫ̯ Ωέϭ΁ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΩϮΟϮΑ ΍έ
.ΩίΎδΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϞΑΎϗ ̶ϳΎΘγϭέ ϖσΎϨϣ έΩ ϥΎϐϓ΍

ήΑέΩ ΍έ ̵ΩΎϳί Ζϗϭ ϻϮϤόϣ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̵έ΍Ω΍ ϭ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ :̵έ΍Ω΍ ϭ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ 3.
ϪϧΎϳϭΎδϣ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΖϬΟ .ΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ΍Ϊϴ̡ ̶γήΘγΩ ϥ΁ ϪΑ Ϟ̰θϣ ϪΑ ϑ΍ήσ΍ ϡΩήϣ ˬήΗ ΢ο ΍ϭέϮτΑ Ύϳ .Ωήϴ̴ϴϣ
Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΫΎΨΗ΍ ΍έ ̶ΗΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬΪϧέ΍Ω ̶̳ ϩΪϧί Ϫ̰ϴ΋ΎΟ ήϫ έΩ ΎϬϧΎϐϓ΍ ϪϤϫ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ
ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ ϭ ΩϮη ϪΘη΍ά̳ ΎϬϧ΁ έΎϴΘΧ΍ έΩ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϪϣΎϋ ΩΎϨγ΍ ϡΎϤΗ ΎΗ ΩϮϤϧ
.Ωήϴ̳ ΕέϮλ ϥ΁ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΎΑ ̵ήΘϬΑ ̶ϟΎϣ

:̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶ϧϮ̴Ϥϫ ϭ ̶̰ϳΰϧ ϭ ΎϨΑήϳί έΩ ICT ζϘϧ

ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΪηΎΑ ̶ϓΎ̯ ϭ ήΛϮϣ ̶̰ϴϨΨΗ υΎΤϟ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ̶ΟέΎΧ ϭ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ˬϢϴγ ̶Α ϭ έ΍ΪϤϴγ ΪϳΪΟ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ̮ϳ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍
̶ϤϬϣ ζϘϧ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ή̴ϳΩ ̵ΎϫΎϨΑήϳί ̵ίΎγίΎΑ Ϫγϭή̡ έΩ ICT .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϢϬϣ έΎϴδΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ
ή̴ϳΩ ΕϼϴϬδΗ ϭ ΎϬ̯ήγ ΖΒϗ΍ήϣ ϭ φϔΣ ϭ ϪόγϮΗέΩ ̶γΎγ΍ ρήη ϭ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϳϮϘΗ έϮΘ̰ϓ ̮ϳ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Ϫ̯ ΍ήϳί Ωέ΍Ω
.Ζγ΍ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̵έ΍Ω΍ έϮϣ΍

̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ί΍ ήΘθϴΑ Ϫ̯ ϩΪϴϧΎγέ ήθϧ ϪΑ ΍έ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ Ϊη ή̯Ϋ "ϼΒϗ Ϫ̰ϳέϮσ
ϭ ̶̰ϳΩΰϧ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ̶ϳΎϨΑήϳί ϞϳΎδϣ ΩέϮϣ έΩ ήΘθϴΑ ICT ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ΖϤδϗ Ϧϳ΍ Ύϣ΍ .ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ΚΤΑ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ιΎΧ
.ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ΚΤΑ ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶ϧϮ̴Ϥϫ

ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϭ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ζγ΍ϮΧέΩ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ έΩ ICT ί΍ ίϭήϣ΍ ˬΪϧ΍ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ήΑ ̶̰Θϣ Ϫ̯ ϊϣ΍ϮΟ
Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ϒϠΘΨϣ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϭ Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶ϧ΍ϮΧ Ϣϫ ̵ΎϨόϣ ϪΑ ΎΠϨϳέΩ ̶ϧϮ̴Ϥϫ ϭ ̶̰ϳΩΰϧ Ρϼτλ΍ .ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ ̮Ϥ̯
Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ Ϧϳ΍ ΩϮΒϧ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ ϼΒϗ Ϫ̯ ϪΘϓήθϴ̡ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ί΍ ϩϭϼϋ .ΩίΎδϴϣ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ ΍έ ϪΘϓήθϴ̡ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ
ϪϘΑΎγ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ϪΑ ήψϧ ΰϴϧ ΐγΎϨϣ ΖϤϴϗ ˬ̶ϟΎϋ ΖϳήΛϮϣ ΪϨϧΎϣ ϩΩϮΑ ήΘθϴΑ Ϊϳ΍Ϯϓ ϭ ̶̳ ϩϭϼϋ είέ΍ ̵΍έ΍Ω
.Ωέ΍Ω ̵ήΗήΑ

Ε΍ήϴϐΗ ΎΑ ΎϤϴϘΘδϣ Ϫ̯ ̵ΪϳΪΟ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ̮ϳ ϭ ϩΪη ΕέΎψϧ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϞΧ΍Ω έΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕϼϳΎϤΗ ΎΗ Ζγ΍ ϢϬϣ Ϧϳ΍
Ϧϳ΍ ϪΑ .ΩϮη ϩΩ΍Ω ϖϓϭ ϒϠΘΨϣ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϭ Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϥΎϴϣ ΏέΎϘΗ ΎΗ ΩϮη ΩΎΠϳ΍ ΪηΎΑήϴϐΗ ϞΑΎϗ Ύϳϭ έΎ̳ίΎγ ϩΪϨϳ΁
ˬΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϖϴΒτΗ ϭ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ΍έ ΪϳΪΟ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ϭ Ρϼλ΍ ΍έ ϩΩϮΟϮϣ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί Ϫ̰ϴϧΎϣί Ϧϴϋ έΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬέϮψϨϣ
ΎΑ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ΞϳϭήΗ ΍έ ΏέΎϘΘϣϭ ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϭ Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϝΎϤόΘγ΍ ΎΗ ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϊοϭ ΍έ ̶ΒγΎϨϣ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡
:Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΖγΩ ̵ϭέ ΍έ ϞϳΫ ΕΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϭ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ήϣ΍ Ϧϳ΍ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ

̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ 4.

ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϢϴψϨΗ ςϴΤϣ ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϭ ICT ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϪϨϴϣί έΩ ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰γ ϢϬϣ ζϘϧ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ ΎΑ
̶ΗΎϴϟΎϣ ϭ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΏϮϠτϣ ςϴΤϣ ̮ϳ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰γ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ήσΎΨΑ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΩΎΠϳ΍ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ ήΑ ΕΎϴϟΎϣ ϭ ̶̯ήϤ̳ ϕϮϘΣ ϞϴϠϘΗ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΍έ

E-Government ̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ̵έ΍ΪΘϟϭΩ 5.

ˬ̵έΎ̯ ΖϳήΛϮϣ ϭ Ζϴϓήχ ̵ΎϘΗέ΍ νήϏ E-Government ̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ̵έ΍Ω ΖϟϭΩ ϝϮλ΍ ϪΑ έ΍ά̳
ΰϴϬΠΗ ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ϢΘδϴγ ΎΑ ΍έ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ̵ΰ̯ήϣ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ϡΎϤΗ 384 ϝΎγ ̶ϟ΍ Ζγ΍ ϢϤμϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ
̶Ϡϣ ΰ̯ήϣ ΩΎΠϳ΍ϭ ̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϝΎϤόΘγ΍ ϖϳήσί΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ̵έΎ̯ ΖϳήΛϮϣ ϪϠϴγϮϨϳΪΑ .ΪϳΎϤϧ
.ΖϓΎϳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΎϘΗέ΍ National Data Center Ύϳ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ

ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ 6.
ˬΪηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω ΍έ ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ήμϋ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ϭ ϢϬϓ ΖϴϠΑΎϗ Ϫ̯ ΏήΠϣ ̵έΎ̯ ̵ϭήϴϧ ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ΖϴϤϫ΍ ̭έΩΎΑ
ˬή̴ϳΩ ϪσϮΑήϣ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ϭ ˬ̶ϟΎϋ ΕϼϴμΤΗ ˬϑέΎόϣ ˬΕ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵Ύϫ Εέ΍ίϭ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ
έϮΘ̰γ ̭ήΘθϣ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ϪΑ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ήϳ΍Ω ICT ζΨΑ έΩ ̶ϟΎϋϭ ̵ϮϧΎΛ ΢τγ ϪΑ ΍έ ̵ήΛϮϣ ̵Ύϫ αέϮ̯
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ΍έ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ ΕϼϴϬδΗ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϪόϣΎΟ ϭ ̶λϮμΧ

̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ΕέΎΠΗ 7.

ΐγΎϨϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬ̵ήΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ϞϳΎγϭ ϖϳήσί΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ϻΎ̯ ΕέΎΠΗ Ζϴϓήχ ϥΩήΑ ϻΎΑ ΖϬΟ
ϭ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϑήμϣ ϕϮϘΣ ϥ΁ ̶σ Ϫ̯ ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϊοϭ έϮΘ̰γ Ϧϳ΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶ϣίϻ ϡΰϴϧΎ̰ϴϣ ϭ
Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ϭ ΪΘγ ϭ Ω΍Ω ̵΍ήΑ ̶ΑϮΧ ϪϨϴϣί ϭ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̵έ΍ΪϬ̴ϧ ϭ φϔΣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ̵ΎοΎϘΗ
.ΪϳΩή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΪϋΎδϣ Ύϫ ϻΎ̯ ̶ΑΎϳ

̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ϭ ϞϤϋ ϥϼ̡ -5

ϡίϻ ΕΎϣ΍Ϊϗ΍ ΎΑ ΍έ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ICT ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϩΪϤϋ ϪΘ̰ϧ Ζϔϫ ϞϳΫ ϞϤϋ ϥϼ̡
Ζϓήθϴ̡ ˬκΨθϣ ̵έΎ̯ ̵Ύϫ ϥϼ̡ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ϞϤϋ ϥϼ̡ Ϧϳ΍ .ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ ΢ϳήθΗ Ζγ΍ ϡίϻ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϖϴΒτΗ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ Ϫ̯
̵ΪόΑ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ΖϤδϗ έΩ ϭ ΖϴΒΜΗ ΍ήϧ΁ ΖϴϘϓϮϣ ϪΟέΩ ΎΗ Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έ΍ήϗ ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ ΩέϮϣ ϢψϨϣ ̶ϫΩ εέ΍ά̳ ϭ έΎ̯
ϪϘϳήσ ί΍ ΎΗ Ωήϴ̳ έ΍ήϗ ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ ΖΤΗ ϡϭ΍Ϊϣ έϮτΑ ΪϳΎΑ Ϫ̯ ϩΪϧί ΪϨγ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ ΪϨγ ̵΍ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϡ΍Ϊϗ΍ ϥ΁ ϞϴϤ̰Η ϭ
.ΩϮθϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΪϣΎΟ ϭ ̮θΧ ̵Ύϫ


ϪΑ ̶ϣϮϤϋ Ζϓήθϴ̡ ϭ ϥ΍ΪϧϭήϬη ϕϮϘΣ ˬ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ˬϪΤμϟ΍ φϔΣ ̵Ύϫ Ϫλήϋ έΩ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϒϠΘΨϣ ϞϳΎγϭ
ϩΩ΍Ω έ΍ήϗ ϡϭήΤϣ ιΎΨη΍ αήΘγΩ έΩ ̮ϴΗ΍ή̯ϮϤϳΩ ϭ ΪϨϣϭήϴϧ ϪόϣΎΟ έΎϤϋ΍ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ϢϴϘΘδϣ ήϴϏ Ύϳ ϢϴϘΘδϣ Ϟ̰η
ICT ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϭ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ έΩ ΎϬϧ΁ ϝΎόϓ Ζ̯έΎθϣ ϭ Ύϫ ϦϤΠϧ΍ ϭ ΎϬϠϴϣΎϓ έΩ ΍έ ϥΎϧί ζϘϧ ˬϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ . .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ
είϮϣ΁ ϭ ̭΍ήΘη΍ ϪϨϴϣί ΪϳΎΑ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘΑ ϩΩϮϤϧ Ύϔϳ΍ ΍έ ̶λΎΧ ζϘϧ ΕΎΣΎγ ϦϳέΩ ϥΎϧί Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ .ΩίΎδϴϣ ̵έϭήο
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϊϴγϭ ̭΍ήΘη΍ ϥ΁ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ έΩ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘΑ ϭ ΪϋΎδϣ ICT ζΨΑ έΩ ΎϬϧ΁

ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϭ έΎ̯ ˬϪϴΑήΗϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ϝϮϤθΑ ˬϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΩήϣ ̶̳Ϊϧί ϪΒϧΎΟ ϪϤϫ ˯ΎϘΗέ΍ νήϏ ICT έϮΘ̰γ ϪόγϮΗ 1.
ˬΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ
ϦϳέΩ έΎ̯ ̵Ύϫ ϪϨϴϣί ̵έϭ΁ Ϣϫ΍ήϓϭ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϪϳϮϘΗ ΖϬΟ (ICT) έϮΘ̰γ Ϧϳ΍ έΩ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ΖόϨλ Ϊηέ 2.
ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΘϬΑ Ϫοήϋ ΖϬΟ ̶λϮμΧ ζΨΑ ϭ ΖϟϭΩ ̶ϳΎϧ΍ϮΗ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ICT ί΍ ϡίϻ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ 3.
̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ϭ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍
̵έϭ΁ ϊϤΟ ΰ̯΍ήϣ ΩΎΠϳ΍ νήϏ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ˬϡίϻ ̵Ύϫ ϪϨϴϣί ϦΘΧΎγ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ 4.
̵ίΎγίΎΑ Ϫγϭή̡ ϊϳήδΗ ϭ ϝΎϐΘη΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ˬΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪϳΰΠΗ ϭ ϞϴϠΤΗ

ICT Ύϳ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶δϴϟΎ̡ -4

ϪΘΧΎγ ΎϴϬϣ ΍έ ̶ΘΑΎϗέ ϭ ΪϋΎδϣ ςϴΤϣ ̮ϳ ΎΗ Ζγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ Ρήσ ̵έϮσ ICT ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ή̯άϟ΍ ϕϮϓ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϖϘΤΗ ΖϬΟ
:ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϞϳΫ ̵Ύϫ ζΨΑ ϞϣΎη Ϫ̯ ΪηΎΑ έϮθ̯ έΩ έϮΘ̰γ Ϧϳ΍ ϊϳήγ Ϊηέ ίΎγ ϪϨϴϣί ϭ

̶ΘϟϭΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ 1.
Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έΎ̰Α ήΛ΍Ϯϣ έϮτΑ ϪϣΎϋ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ˬ̶Τλ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΍έ ICT
ήϴϘϓ ϭ ΪϨϣίΎϴϧ ̵Ύϫ ̟ϭή̳ ϪΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̶θΨΑ ήΛ΍ ΖϬΟ ΍έ ζϳϮΧ ̶λΎΧ ϪΟϮΗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ .ΩήΑ
ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΩήϣ ϡΎϤΗ ΎΗ Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΕέϮλ εϼΗ ϪΘΧΎγ ΩϭΪΤϣ Ύϫ ήϬη ϪΑ ΍ήϧ΁ ϭ .Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϝϭάΒϣ

(Convergence) ϒϠΘΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶ϧϮ̴Ϥϫ ϭ ̶̰ϳΩΰϧ ˬ ΎϨΑήϳί 2.

ΎΑ .ΪηΎΒϴϤϧ ΰϴϣ΁ ϪϐϟΎΒϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϠΤϣ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶ϳΎϨΑήϳί ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ΖϴϤϫ΍
ϭ ̶Η΍ήθϧ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϭ ̶Η΍ήθϧ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ ˬϥϮϔϴϠϴΗ ϦϴΑ ΏέΎϘΗ ΖϴϤϫ΍ ̭έΩ
΍έ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ˬΪϳΪΟ ̵ΎϫΎϨΑήϳί ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϭ ϩΩϮΟϮϣ ̵ΎϫΎϨΑήϳί ̵ίΎγίΎΑ ΎΑ ϥΎϣΰϤϫ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬ̶ΗΎϋϼσ΍
ϭ ΪϨηΎΑ ΎΠ̰ϳ ϥ΁ έΩ ϒϠΘΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ζΨΑ Ϫ̯ ΪϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϥΎϨ̩ ί΍ ΎΗ ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϝΎΒϧΩ
ϩΪη ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ί΍ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ή̡ ϩΎΗϮ̯ ϥΎϣί ΕΪϣ έΩ ΍έ ̶ϧΎϣ β̡ ΩϮΟϮϣ ̵ϼΧ ΎΗ ΪηΎΑ ϩΩΎϔΘγϻ΍ήϴΜ̯
.Ϊϧ΍ϮΘΑ ϩΩϮϤϧ ̶Ϥψϋ΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍

ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ 3.

ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬΩέ΍Ω ̶ΗΎϴΣ ΖϴϤϫ΍ ή̴ϳΩ ̵ΎϫέϮΘ̰γ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ έΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ ̭έΩ ΎΑ
ΚϴΤϨϣ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϪϨϴϣί Ϧϳ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ Ω΍ΪϤϠϗ ̶ΤϴΟήΗ έϮΘ̰γ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ ΍έ ICT έϮΘ̰γ
ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶Ϡϣ ̵΍έϮη ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ̵ήΒϫέ ϝϭέ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̶γΎγ΍ ΩΎϬϧ ̮ϳ
ϭ ̶λϮμΧ ζΨΑ ˬ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϒϠΘΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ϥΎ̳έ΍ ϥ΁ έΩ Ϫ̯ Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΪϬϋ ϪΑ (NICTCA) ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ
ϩΩΎϣ Ϣ̰Σ ϖΑΎτϣ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ έΩ ϥ΁ ΕϼϴμϔΗ Ϫ̯ Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶̳ ϩΪϨϳΎϤϧ ̶ϧΪϣ ϪόϣΎΟ ̵Ύϫ ϥΎϣίΎγ
.ΖϓΎϳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ αΎ̰όϧ΍ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϥϮϧΎϗ

ΎϤϧέϭΩ -1
ϪΑ ΍έ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϦΘγϮϴ̡ ϪϨϴϣί ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ί΍ ήΛϮϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΪμϘϣ ϪΑ έϮθ̯ ̵ΪϨϤϧ΍ϮΗ ̵ΎϘΗέ΍
ϊϳήδΗ νήϏ ̵έϭήο ϪϠϴγϭ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϴϣ ϥ΁ ί΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΩήϣ ϭ ΖϟϭΩ ϭ ϪΘΧΎγ ΪϋΎδϣ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ϪόϣΎΟ
ήϘϓ ζϫΎ̯ ˬ̶λϮμΧ ΚΒθΗ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϭ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΘϬΑ Ϫοήϋ ˬ̶Ϡϣ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϥΩέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ˬ̵ίΎγίΎΑ Ϫγϭή̡
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϝΎϐΘη΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϖϳήσ ί΍

ήψϨϣ β̡ -2
ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΎΑ Ϫ̯ Ωήϴ̴ϴϣ ήΑ έΩ ΍έ ϒϠΘΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ί΍ ̶όϴγϭ ϒϴσ (ICT) ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η
έΩ ΕΎϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήϴϐΗ .ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ΎϴϬϣ Ϧϴ̯ήΘθϣ ϭ ϡΩήϣ ί΍ ̵ήϴΜ̯ Ω΍ΪόΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϥ΁
Ρϼτλ΍ .Ζγ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ Ύ̡ήΑ ̶ϣΎψϧ ϭ ̶γΎϴγ ˬ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ˬ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ̶̳Ϊϧί έΩ ̱έΰΑ ΏϼϘϧ΍ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η Ϫλήϋ
νήϏ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ ̶ϧϮϔϠϴΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪϠϤΠϨϣ Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ί΍ ϒϠΘΨϣ ω΍Ϯϧ΍ ϩΪϧήϴ̳ήΑ έΩ (ICT)
.Ωήϴ̴ϴϣ ήΑ έΩ ΍έ ϩήϴϏ ϭ ̶όϤΟ Ε΍ήθϧ ήϳΎγ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ

ϪΑ έΩΎϗ ϢΘδϴγ Ϫ̯ ΐϴΗήΗ ϪΑ ˬΩέ΍Ω ρΎΒΗέ΍ ̵Ϯϳ΍ήΟ΍ ϭ ̶ϘϴΒτΗ ϒϠΘΨϣ ΡϮτγ ϪΑ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η
ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ ήϳϮμΗ ˬϡΎϗέ΍ ˬ΍Ϊλ ϥϮ̩ ϒϠΘΨϣ ϝΎ̰η΍ ϪΑ ΍ήϧ΁ ϭ ϩΩϮΑ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϞΣ΍ήϣ ̶σ ϭ ϪϳΰΠΗ ˬϊϳίϮΗ ˬ̵έϭ΁ ϊϤΟ
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ̶ϣ

ΎΗ ΪϧΩϮϤϧ ϊοϭ ϥΎη ̶Ϡϣ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϥϼ̡ ϦϤο ΍έ ̵Ύϫ ̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ϭ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ΎϫέϮθ̯ ί΍ ̵έΎϴδΑ ˬήϴΧ΍ ϝΎγ ΪϨ̩ ̶σ
Ϧϳ΍ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ήσΎΨΑ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ̵έ΍ΩήΑ ϩήϬΑ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϖΒσ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ΎϴϬϣ ICT ΕΎϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϪΠϴΘϧ έΩ Ϫ̰ϴ΋ΎϬΘλήϓ ί΍
ˬϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ΎΘγ΍έ ϦϳέΩ Ϫ̯ .ΩϮθϴϣ ϩΪϳΩ Εέϭήο ϊϴγϭ ϭ ϢψϨϣ ̵̬ϴΗ ΍ήΘγϭ ̶ΠϳέΪΗ Ϫγϭή̡ ̮ϳ ϪΑ έϮΘ̰γ
Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΪϤΘόϣ ϢΘδϴγ ̮ϳ .ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ Ύϔϳ΍ ΍έ ̶̳έΰΑ ζϘϧ ΎϨΑήϳί ϥΩϮΑ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ϭ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̵ΎϬΘλήϓ
̶ϠΧ΍Ω ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΪϨϧΎϣ ̵Ύϫ Ϫλήϋ ϞϣΎη Ϫ̯ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϡίϻ ΰϴϧ ϪϣΎϋ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̵ΎϫέϮΘ̰γ ήΛϮϣ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ϭ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ̵΍ήΑ
ϩήϴϏ ϭ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ˬΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϭ ΕΎϋϼσ΍ ˬϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ˬ̵έ΍Ω ̮ϧΎΑ ˬΕέΎΠΗ ˬϡΩήϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ˬΖϣϮ̰Σ

έϮΘ̰γ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϞϤϋ ̵Ύϫ ϥϼ̡ ϭ Ύϫ ̶δϴϟ Ύ̡ ˬϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍ ˬ ICT ̱έΰΑ ΖϴϤϫ΍ Ζη΍Ωήψϧ έΩ ΎΑ
.ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ Ϫϳ΍έ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ICT

.ΪϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ϢϬϣ ϭ ̭ήΤϣ ήμϨϋ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤΑ ICT ί΍ ΎΗ Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍
̶Ϡϣ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ̮ϳ ˬϦϳ΍ήΑΎϨΑ .Ϊϧ΍ϮΘΑ ϩΩή̯ ̶Ϥψϋ΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ICT ί΍ Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ˯ϪόϣΎΟ ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍
̵ήθΑ ̵ϭήϴϧ Ϊηέ ̵΍ήΑ ̮ϴΗ΍ή̯ϮϤϳΩ ̵ΎϬηίέ΍ ϭ Ύϫ εϼΗ ̵ίΎγ ϞϬγ έϮψϨϤΑ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΖϬΟ ICT
ϪϨϴϣί ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ή̴ϳΪ̰ϳ ΎΑ ̶̴ϨϫΎϤϫ έΩ Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ΪΣ΍ϭ ΪϨγ ̮ϳ ί΍ ϡϭΩ ζΨΑ Ϫ̯ ΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍ ϭ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍
̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍ ί΍ ϩϭϼϋ .ΩίΎδϴϣ ΪϋΎδϣ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪΑ ΍έ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΩήϣ ̶γήΘγΩ
.ΩίΎδϴϣ κΨθϣ ήΘθϴΑ ΍έ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϫ̯ ϩΪϴϧΎγέ ήθϧ ϪΑ ΍έ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ

ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ -3
ϩΩϮϤϧ κΨθϣ ΍έ ϞϳΫ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ΪηΎΑ ICT ί΍ ήΘθϴΑ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϪΑ έΩΎϗ Ϫ̯ ϪόϣΎΟ ̮ϳέΎϤϋ΍ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ

1 ................................................................................................................................ ΎϤϧέϭΩ -
1 ............................................................................................................................ ήψϨϣ β̡ -2
1 ................................................................................................................................ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ -3
2 .............................................................................. ICTΎϳ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶δϴϟΎ̡ -4
3 ............................................................................................................ ̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ϭ ϞϤϋ ϥϼ̡ -5
3 ............................................................................................................. ̶ΘϟϭΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ICT
4 ..................................................................... :̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̶ϧϮ̴Ϥϫ ϭ ̶̰ϳΰϧ ϭ ΎϨΑήϳί έΩ ICT ζϘϧ
5 .....................................................................................ϡΪϘθϴ̡ έϮΘ̰γ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ ICT κϴΨθΗ
6 ............................................................................................... ICT ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡
7 ............................................................................................................. ΖϟϭΩ ̶ϳ΁ έΎ̯ ϭ ICT
8 ...............................................................................................................ϪϴΑήΗ ϭ ϢϴϠόΗ ϭ ICT
9 .................................................................................................................... ΕέΎΠΗ έΩ ICT
10 .................................................................................................................̵ϮΟΩϮΑ ΕΎψΣϼϣ -6
ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ -10.3
κΨθϣ ϭ ϑΎϔη ˬϥΎδ̰ϳ ΪϳΎΑ ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ϩΪϴϘϋ Ϧϳ΍ ϪΑ ΖϟϭΩ .Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϦϴόΗ ISP ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ TRAA
.ΩϮη ϖϳϮθΗ Ϫ̰Βη ̶ϳΎϨΑήϳί ΩέϮϣ έΩ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΎΗ ΪηΎΑ

( ISP) ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ 10.4

̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΆδϣ ϞΑΎϘϣ έΩ ̶λΎΧ ̵Ύϫ έΎϴόϣ ϪόϳέΫ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ί΍ϮΟ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ˬ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ϩϮϴη ϦϳήΘϬΑ ϪΑ ϖΑΎτϣ
ˬΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ̶ΠϧΎϴϣ ΚϴΤϨϣ ζϳϮΧ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ̵΍ήΑ Ϫ̰ϴΘϗϭ (ϒϟ΍
ˬϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϪϠϴγϮΑ ϩΪη ΎοΎϘΗ ̶ΘϗϮϣ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϦΘϓή̳ ̵΍ήΑ (Ώ
ˬΩΩή̴ϴϣ ϪϴϬΗ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ςγϮΗ Ϫ̯ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵έ΍ΪϬ̴ϧ ̵΍ήΑ (Ν
ΖϟϭΩ ̶ϧϮϧΎϗ ̵Ύϫ ̶ϳΎϤϨϫ΍έ ϖΑΎτϣ ̮ϴϓ΍ήΗ ϥΩϮϤϧ ϊτϗ ϊϗϮϣ (Ω
ρϮΑήϣ ̵Ύϫ ̶̳ ϩΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϭ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϖϴΒτΗ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ϪΑ Ϫѧ̯ ΍έ ̵ΎϬΘϴΣϼѧλ ϭ ΎϫέΎϴѧόϣ ΪѧϳΎΑ ΖϧήѧΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪѧΧ ί΍ϮѧΟ ϥΎѧ̳ ϩΪѧϧέ΍Ω ϡΎѧϤΗ
.Ϊϧήϳά̢Α ˬΪϨϫΪΑ ϡΎΠϧ΍ ϥϮϧΎϗ ΕΎ̯Ϯ̩ έΩ ΍έ ζϳϮΧ ϒϳΎχϭ ΎΗ ΪϨϫΪϴϣ ϩίΎΟ΍ ΖϴϨϣ΍

ΕΎϴϟΎϣ 11
ˬϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ΕΎϴϟΎϣ ϝϮϤη ϪΑ ˬΩή̯ ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ ̵ϭήϴ̡ Ζγ΍ άϓΎϧ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ ̶ΗΎϴϟΎϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ ί΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϧ΍Ωή̳
έΩ Ϧηϭέ ΕέϮμΑ ϭ ΪηΎΒϴϤϧ ΩϭΪΤϣ ϩή̯άΘϣ ΕΎϋϮοϮϣ ϪΑ ΕΎϴϟΎϣ Ϧϳ΍ .̶Η΍Ωέ΍ϭ ϝ΍Ϯϣ΍ ΕΎηϭήϓ ΕΎϴϟΎϣ ˬ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ΕΎϴϟΎϣ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω αΎ̰όϧ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϭ Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ

̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ίΎϴΘϣ΍ ϭ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ - 10.1
ί΍ϮΟ ̮ϳ ΪϳΎΑ ΪϫΪϴϣ ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ έϮθ̯ ί΍ ΝέΎΧ ϪΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϪηϮ̳ ̮ϳ ί΍ ΍έ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫ̯ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ ήϫ
Ύϳ ϭ εΩϮΧ ̶μΨη Ϫ̰Βη ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϧϳ΍ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ .ΪηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω ΖγΪΑ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍
.ΪϫΩ ϡΎΠϧ΍ ̶ϧΎϐϓ΍ήϴϏ ̵ΎϫISP ή̴ϳΩ ΎΑ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ Ύϳ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ϖϳήσ ί΍

ί΍ ̶̰ϳ ήϫ Ϫ̯ ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ έΩΎλ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ TRAA ˬέ΍ίΎΑ ςϳ΍ήη ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϴϨϣ΍ ΕΎϣΰϠΘδϣ ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ ί΍ ΪόΑ
.ΪηΎΒϴϣ έΎΒΘϋ΍ έ΍Ϊϣ Ζ̰ϠϤϣ ΢τγ έΩ Ύϫί΍ϮΟ Ϧϳ΍

ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ ΖΑΎϗέ ϥΎη έΎ̯ Ζϴϔϴ̯ ϭ ΖϤϴϗ έΩ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΎΑ ˬΪϧέ΍Ω ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ βϨδϳϻ Ϫ̰ϴϳΎϬϧ΁
Ϊϧ΍ ϒϠ̰ϣ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ˬΪϨϨ̯ ΖΑΎϗέ ϥΎη ̵έΎ̯ ΢τγ ϪΑ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘΑ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ .Ωή̯
Ϫ̯ Ϊϧέ΍Ω ϩίΎΟ΍ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ .ΪϧίΎδΑ ΎϴϬϣ ΎϬϧ΁ ϪΑ ΍έ ϥΎη ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ξϴόΒΗ ϥϭΪΑ Ϫ̯
ΕΎϣΪΧ ϖϳήτϧ΁ ί΍ ΎϬϧ΁ ΎΗ ΪϨϧΎγήΑ εϭήϔΑ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ί΍ϮΟ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ̵ϻΎΑ ϑήλ ΍έ ϥΎη ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶Θϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ
.Ϊϧέ΍Ω Ϫοήϋ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϥϮ̩ή̡

̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ βϨδϳϻ ̵Ύϫ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ̵΍ήΑ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ ˬϢϴηΎΑ ϩΩή̯ ϖϳϮθΗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ήΘθϴΑ ΍έ ̶ΘϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ
ϪΑ ή̳΍ ̶ΘΣ .ΪϨϨ̯ άΧ΍ ΍έ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ βϨδϳϻ ϪϧΎ̳΍ΪΟ ϭ κΨθϣ ϪϳΩΎΤΗ΍ Ύϳ ̵ΪμΗ ̮ϳ ϖϳήσ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ΩϮη ϩΩ΍Ω ϩίΎΟ΍
̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϪΑ Ϫ̯ ̶ΘϤϴϗ ϪΑ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ρΎΒΗέ΍ ΪϳΎΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ Ϣϫ ίΎΑ ΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ έΎ̯ Ϣϫ ̶̰ϳήη Ϟ̰η
ΎΘϗϮϓ ΎΘϗϭ ΍έ ΎϫέΎ̯ Ωέ΍Ω ΖϴΣϼλ TRAA .ΪϳΎϤϧ Ϫοήϋ ΖϤϴϗ Ϧϴϋ ϪΑ Ϣϫ ΩϮΧ ϥϮ̩ή̡ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϪΑ Ζγ΍ ϩΩή̯ Ϫοήϋ ή̴ϳΩ
ΖϧήΘϧ΍ Ϧϴ̯ήΘθϣ ϪϳΩΎΤΗ΍ Ύϳ ϭ ̶ϋήϓ ζΨΑ ϡ΍Ϊ̯ ϪΑ ϝϮ̡ ϦΘΧ΍Ωή̡ ΎΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ Ϫ̯ ΩϮη ϦϴϤτϣ ΎΗ ΪϨ̯ ̶γέίΎΑ
.ΩίΎδϧ ̶τΑ ΍έ ΖΑΎϗέ ̶Ϡϣ

Ϟϴ̰θΗ έΩ Ϫ̯ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ζηϮ̯ ΪϳΎΑ Ϧ̰ϴϟ ˬΖδϴϧ ̶ϤΘΣ Ϫ̩ή̳ ˬ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵ΪμΗ ϥΩϮϤϧ Ϟϴ̰θΗ έΩ
.ΩϮη ϩΩ΍Ω ϢϤϬγ ˬΪϧέ΍Ω ϪΑήΠΗ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪϴϬΗ έΩ Ϫ̯ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϪΑ ̵ΪμΗ ϦϴϨ̩

ISP ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -10.2
̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ .ΪϨηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ί΍ϮΟ ̮ϳ ΪϳΎΑ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ Ϫοήϋ ΍έ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΪϨϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ Ϫ̯ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϪϤϫ
.ΪϨϳΎϤϨϴϣ ˯΍ήΟ΍ Ϊϧέ΍Ω ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ βϨδϳϻ Ϫ̯ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ζϳϮΧ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍

ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ί΍ ΍έ ̶ΘϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ί΍ ΪϨϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ Ϫ̯ ήΗΎϓΩ ϭ ϦϴϗήϔΘϣ ˬΎϫ ϪϧΎΨΗέΎΠΗ ˬ Ω΍ήϓ΍
ΰϴϧ ̶Ϡϣ ή̴ϳΩ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϪΑ Ύϳ ϭ Ϊϧ΍ ϩΩέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ΎϬϧ΁ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧήϴ̴Α ̶Ϡϣ
ˬΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ϦϴϣΎΗ ϞϴΒϗ ί΍ ̶ΘϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ωϮϧ ήϫ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧέ΍Ω ΖϴΣϼλ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ .Ϊϧέ΍Ω ϝΎμΗ΍
ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ .ΪϨϫΩ ϡΎΠϧ΍ ̵ϮϘτϨϣ ϢϴδϴΑ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϭ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ϭ ̶Θϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ˬΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̠Ϡ̯ ˬΎϬϨϴϟ ϥΩ΍Ω ϩέΎΟ΍
ΪϳΎΑ ϭ Ωέ΍Ω ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ΎϬϨΗ ΍έ ϥ΁ ΖϴΣϼλ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧ΍ ϩΪη ϊϨϣ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ϦϴϣΎΗ ί΍ ςϘϓ ̶Ϡϣ
.ΩϮη ϩΩέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ISP ί΍

̵Ύϫ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ Ύϳ ϭ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ϞϳϮσ ΕΎΤϳήθΗ ϪΑ Εέϭήο Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ ϥϭΪΑ ϭ ϩΩΎγ ϪϣέϮϓ ̮ϳ αΎγ΍ ϪΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ
ςϳ΍ήη ΎΑ ϖϓ΍Ϯϣ Ϫ̯ ̵ΎϬΘγ΍ϮΧέΩ .ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΢ο΍ϭ έΎϴδΑ ̶Θγ΍ϮΧέΩ Ϫγϭή̡ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έΩΎλ ΪηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω ΍έ ή̴ϳΩ
ΖϧήΘϧ΍ βϨδϳϻ Ω΍ΪόΗ .ΩϮθϴϣ ϪϴϬΗ ϥΎη ̶ϟϮΒϗ ϡΪϋ ϞϳϻΩ Ύϫ ϩΪϧϮη Ωέ ̵΍ήΑ ϭ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϝϮΒϗ ξϴόΒΗ ϡ΍Ϊ̯ ϥϭΪΑ ΪηΎΑ ϪΟέΪϨϣ
βϨδϳϻ Ϧϳ΍ ̵Ύϫ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω Ϫ̰ϴΗέϮλ έΩ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΪϳΪΠΗ ϻΎϤΘΣ΍ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̵ΎϬδϨγϻ . Ζδϴϧ ΩϭΪΤϣ ΩϮθϴϣ έΩΎλ Ϫ̯ ̶Ϡϣ
ϭ ϥΎη ΖϴϟΎόϓ ΕΎΣΎγ ΩέϮϣ έΩ ΎΗ ΪϨηΎΒϴϣ ϒϠ̰ϣ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ βϨδϳϻ ̵Ύϫ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω .ΪϨϨ̰ϧ ξϘϧ ΍έ ϥ΁ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ή̴ϳΩ Ύϳ ϭ ςϳ΍ήη
κΨθϣ ήϴΑ΍ΪΗ ΎΗ Ϊϧ΍ ϒϠ̰ϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ί΍ϮΟ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω .ΪϨϫΪΑ ωϼσ΍ TRAA ήΘϓΩ ϪΑ ϥΎη ϪϧϻΎγ ̵ΎϬϧϼ̡ ϪόγϮΗ ί΍ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ
ΕήϳΎϐϣ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ϪόϣΎΟ ̶ϧ΍ϭέ ϭ ̶ϗϼΧ΍ ̵Ύϫ είέ΍ ϭ ΎϫέΎϴόϣ ΎΑ Ϫ̯ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ωϭήθϣΎϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ί΍ ̵ήϴ̳ϮϠΟ νήϏ ΍έ ̶̰ϴϨΨΗ
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ϪϨϴϣί Ϧϳ΍ έΩ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ϭ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΎΑ ϭ Ωήϴ̳ ΖγΩ ̵ϭέ Ωέ΍Ω

(National Technology Standards) ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̵΍ήΑ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ έΎϴόϣ -9.15
Ϧϴόϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ ή̴ϳΩ ϭ ̶ϧϮϔϠϴΗ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϞϳΎγϭ ϝϮΒϗ ϞΑΎϗ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΖϬΟ έΩ ΍έ ̵ΎϫέΎϴόϣ TRAA Ϫ̰ϳέϮτϧΎϤϫ
Ϧϴ̰ϠϬΘδϣ ΩΎϔϣ Ϫ̯ ΪϨ̯ ϞϴϤΤΗ ΍έ ̶Η΍ΩϮϴϗ Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϴϤϧ ΖϟϭΩ .ΪθΨΑ Ζόγϭ ΰϴϧ ΍έ ̵ίϮϟΎϨ̰Η ΕΎΣΎγ ΎΗ ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ εϼΗ ˬΪϨ̰ϴϣ
Ϧηϭέ ΍έ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϑΪϫ ϥ΁ ϪϠϴγϭ ϪΑ Ϫ̯ Ωέϭ΁ ΩϮΟϮΑ ΍έ ̶ϳ΍ ϪϘϳήσ Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ TRAA .ΪϳΎϤϧ ΩϭΪΤϣ ΩέϮϣ ̶Α έ΍ίΎΑ έΩ ΍έ
βϨδϳϻ Ϫ̯ ̶ϳΎϫήΘϳή̡΁ ϡΎϤΗ ί΍ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϥ΁ ϞϣΎη ϩΩϮΟϮϣ ̵ΎϫΎϨΑήϳί φϔΣ ϪΘΒϟ΍ ˬΪϨ̯ ϖϳϮθΗ ϪϨϴϣί ϥ΁έΩ ΍έ έΎ̰ΘΑ΍ ϭ ΩίΎδΑ
ˬΪϧ΍Ϊϴϣ ίΎΠϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ ΕΎ̯Ϯ̩ έΩ ΍έ ̶ΘϴϨϣ΍ ϞϳΎδϣ ή̴ϳΩ Ύϳ ϭ ϥϮϧΎϗ ̵΍ήΟ΍ Ϫ̯ ΍έ ̵ΎϬΘϴΣϼλ ϭ ΎϫέΎϴόϣ ΎΗ ΩϮθϴϣ ΎοΎϘΗ Ϊϧέ΍Ω

Customer Premises Equipment ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ϭ ϥΎϣΎγ-9.16

ΪϳΎΑ ˬΪηΎΒϴϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ Ϫ̯ CPE .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ίΎΠϣ (CPE) ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ̶ΗΎϣΪϘϣ ϞϳΎγϭ ϪϴϬΗ ϭ ̶μΨη Ζϴ̰ϟΎϣ
Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̟Ύ̩ ΍έ Type Approval ̵ΎϤϨϫέ TRAA .ΪηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω ΍έ TRAA ήΘϓΩ (Type Approval) ̵έϮψϨϣ ωϮϧ
ϖϓ΍Ϯϣ Ϫ̯ ̶ϠϳΎγϭ .Ζγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϢϴψϨΗ IEEE ϭ ITU ϥϮ̩ ̵Ύϫ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ςγϮΗ ϭ ϩΩϮΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵ΎϫΩέΪϨΘγ΍ ΎΑ ϖϓ΍Ϯϣ Ϫ̯ Ωή̯
ϪϤϴϤο ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ Ϫ̰Βη ϭ MSP ̵΍ήϤϫ Ϫ̯ ϩΩϮΟϮϣ CPE .ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ςΒχ ˬΪηΎΒϧ TRAA ήΘϓΩ (Type Approval) ΎΑ
.ΩϮη ϩΩ΍Ω Ϫϣ΍Ω΍ ϢϫίΎΑ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ϥ΁ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΪηΎΑ TRAA ̵ΎϫέΎϴόϣ ΎΑ ϖϓ΍Ϯϣ Ϫ̰ϴΗέϮλ έΩ ˬΖγ΍

(Telecom Development Fund) Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϪΟΩϮΑ -9.17

̶ϳ΍ΪΘΑ΍ ̶ΑΎϴΘγΩ ˬϪϣΎϋ ΖϴϨϣ΍ ϝϮϤη ϪΑ ̶̰ϳ̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ΍ ΖϴϤϫ΍ ̵΍έ΍Ω Ϫ̯ ̵Ύϫ ϩ̫ϭή̡ ϞϳϮϤΗ ήσΎΧ ϪΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϕϭΪϨλ
.Ζγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ βϴγΎΗ ̶ϳΎΘγϭέ ϭ ϩΩΎΘϓ΍ έϭΩ ϖσΎϨϣ έΩ ̶ϧϮϔϠϴΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪΑ

Εέ΍ίϭ ϑήσ ί΍ ϪΟΩϮΑ Ϧϳ΍ ϭ ΪϨϳΎϤϨϴϣ ϪϳΩΎΗ ϪΟΩϮΑ Ϧϳ΍ ϪΑ ΍έ ΩϮΧ Ϊϳ΍Ϯϋ ϪμΣ ̮ϳ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ϪϴϠ̯
.ΩϮθϴϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ

.ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ϖϴΒτΗ ϥΎδ̰ϳ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϪϤϫ ̵ϻΎΑ ϭ Ωήϴ̴ϴϣ ΕέϮλ ΖΑΎΛ Υήϧ ̮ϳ αΎγ΍ ϪΑ ΩϮη ϪΘΧ΍Ωή̡ ΪϳΎΑ Ϫ̯ ̵ΪϳΎϋ ̵Ϊμϴϓ
ϪΑ ΎϬΘΧ΍Ωή̡ ή̳΍ .Ωήϳά̡ ΕέϮλ ˬΪγήϴϣ ̟Ύ̩ ϪΑ TRAA ήΘϓΩ ϑήσ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ϲτϳ΍ήη ϪΑ ϖΑΎτϣ ΪϳΎΑ ΪϳΎϋ ̵Ϊμϴϓ ̵ΎϬΘΧ΍Ωή̡
ώϠΒϣ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ̵΍ήΑ .ΩϮη ϪϤϳήΟ Ύϳ ϭ ί΍ϮΟ Ϯϐϟ ϪΑ ήΠϨϣ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ ˬΩήϴ̴ϧ ΕέϮλ ϪϨϴϴόϣ Ζϗϭ
.ΩϮθϴϣ ΖΧ΍Ωή̡ ϭ ϪΒγΎΤϣ ϝΎγ ϊΑέ ήϫ έΩ ϭ Ζγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϦϴϴόΗ κϟΎΧήϴϏ Ϊϳ΍Ϯϋ %2.5 ϪΑ ήΑ΍ήΑ ϕϭΪϨλ έΩ ϪϴϤϬγ

ϪΑ ϩ̫ϭή̡ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ϪόγϮΗ κΨθϣ ΖϳΎϤΣ ΪμϘϣ ϪΑ ϪΟΩϮΑ Ϧϳ΍ ί΍ ϝϮ̡ ϥΩϮϤϧ ϞλΎΣ ̵΍ήΑ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ήΘϳή̡΁ ήϫ
.ΪϫΪΑ Ζγ΍ϮΧέΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ

(Internet Services) ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -10

΍έ ϞϳΎδϣ Ϧϳ΍ ϢϴψϨΗ ΖϴϟΆδϣ TRAA ήΘϓΩ Ϫ̰ϴΘϗϭ .ΪϨηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω ΖγΪΑ ί΍ϮΟ ΎΗ Ϊϧ΍ ϒϠ̰ϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϊϳίϮΗ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ βϨδϳϻ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬϥΎϣΰϧ΁ ΎΗ .ΩϮθϴϣ έΩΎλ TRAA ϑήσί΍ Ϣϫ βϨδϳϻ ˬΩήϴ̴ϴϣ ϩΪϬόΑ

βϨδϳϻ ̵ή̴ϳΩ ϭ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ βϨδϳϻ ̶̰ϳ Ϫ̯ ΪϫΪϴϣ βϨδϳϻ ωϮϧ ϭΩ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍
ϩίΎΟ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϪΑ ̶ϫΩ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϼ̡ ˬΩϮη κΨθϣ ISP ωϮϧ ϭΩ Ϧϳ΍ ί΍ ̮ϳ ήϫ ϝϭέ Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍
Ϊηέ έ΍ίΎΑ ̵Ύϫ ϪϳϮγ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ΍έ ΖΑΎϗέ Ϫ̰ϴΗέϮλ έΩ ΪϫΩ ϡΎΠϧ΍ ίΎΠϣ ήΒόϣ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ έϭήϣ ϭ έϮΒϋ ΎΗ ΪϫΪϴϣ
Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬϩΩΎγ ϭ ϥ΍ίέ΍ ̵Ύϫ βϨδϳϻ ϡΰϴϧΎ̰ϴϣ ϥΩϮϤϧ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ΎΑ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ISP ΖϤδϗ έΩ ϖϳήσ ϦϴϤϫ ϪΑ .ΪϫΪϴϣ
ϦϴΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̮ϴϓ΍ήΗ ̵Ύϫ ήΒόϣ Ω΍ΪόΗ ΩέϮϣ έΩ ̵ΰϴ̩Ύϧ ̵Ύϫ ΖϳΩϭΪΤϣ ˬΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϖϳϮθΗ ΍έ ̶Ϡϣ ϭ ̵ϮϘτϨϣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ
.Ω΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϪόγϮΗ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ IP ϝΎμΗ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΖΑΎΛ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϭ ΖΑΎϗέ έ΍ίΎΑ ˬ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍

Global Mobile Personal- ΖϳϼΘγ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ̶μΨη ϩήΑΎΨϣ -9.10
Communication by Satellite (GMPCS)
ΎϬϧ΁ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϞλΎΣ ί΍ϮΟ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ϥΎη ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵έϭ΁ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ήσΎΨΑ ΪϳΎΑ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ΖϳϼΘγ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϪϳΩΎΗ ϪϧΎϫΎϣ ̵ήΘδΟ΍έ ΖΑΎΛ βϴϓ Ύϳ ϭ ϥΎη Ϊϳ΍Ϯϋ ί΍ ϪϴϤϬγ έϮσ ϪΑ ΍έ ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ

̵Ω΍Ωέ΍ήϗ ΪϳΎΑ ˬΖϴΣϼλ ΎΑ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϊϳίϮΗ ήϫ .ΪϳΩή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϊϳίϮΗ ΖϴΣϼλ ΎΑ ιΎΨη΍ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ϑήλ ΖϳϼΘγ ̵ΎϬϧϮϔϠϴΗ
.ΪηΎΑ ϩΩϮϤϧ Ύπϣ΍ TRAA ήΘϓΩ ΎΑ έϮψϨϣ Ϧϳ΍ ϪΑ ΍έ

έϮσ ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ϦϴϴόΗ TRAA ήΘϓΩ ϑήσ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ΍έ ΖΑΎΛ βϴϓ ΪϳΎΑ ΖϴΣϼλ ΎΑ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϊϳίϮΗ ˬϩΪη ϪΘΧϭήϓ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ήϫ ϞΑΎϘϣ έΩ
ήΘϓΩ ΚϴΤΑ ϥ΁ εϭήϓ ϩέΎΑϭΩ Ύϳ ϭ ̶μΨη ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΪμϘϣ ϪΑ ΖϳϼΘγ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ί΍ϮΟ ˬϦϴ̰ϠϬΘδϣ ̵΍ήΑ .Ωί΍Ωή̢Α ̶̳έΎΒ̰ϳ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω ̵ϭ ϪΑ ϪϣΎϋ ̵ΎϬϧϮϔϠϴΗ

Cable Television Services ̶ϠΒϴ̯ ϥϮϳΰϳϮϠΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ - 9.11

Ϫ̯ ̶ϠΒϴ̯ ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΘϳή̡΁ήϫ .ΩϮη ϩΩέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ί΍ϮΟ ̲Ϩϫήϓ ϭ ΕΎϋϼσ΍ Εέ΍ίϭ ί΍ ΪϳΎΑ ̶ϠΒϴ̯ ϥϮϳΰϳϮϠΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪϴϬΗ ΖϬΟ
ϞλΎΣ TRAA ήΘϓΩ ί΍ ΍έ ϪσϮΑήϣ βϨδϳϻ ΪϳΎΑ ˬΪϳΎϤϧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΍έ ̶ΘϴϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ύϳ ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ Ϫϓήσ ϭΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ

Private Networks ̶λϮμΧ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη -9.12

TRAA ήΘϓΩ ί΍ϮΟ ςϳ΍ήη ϭ ϪσϮΑήϣ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϪΑ ϖϓ΍ϮΗ ΎΑ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧέ΍Ω ϩίΎΟ΍ ΕΎδγϮϣ ή̴ϳΩ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ήΗΎϓΩ ˬ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ̵Ύϫ ̵ΪμΗ
̶λϮμΧ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη Ϧϳ΍ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϭ Ϧϴ̰ϟΎϣ .ΪϨϫΩ Ϟϴ̰θΗ ΍έ ̶λϮμΧ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϥΎη ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ̵Ύϫ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ήσΎΨΑ
.ΪϨηϭήϔΑ ϥ΍ή̴ϳΩ ϪΑ ϩέΎΑϭΩ ΍έ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϧϳ΍ Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ Ύϳ ϭ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ΪλΎϘϣ ̵΍ήΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϧϳ΍ ί΍ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧέ΍Ϊϧ ϩίΎΟ΍

Resale ΩΪΠϣ εϭήϓ -9.13

έ΍ήϗ ̶ϣϮγ ϑήσ αήΘγΩ ϪΑ ϩΪϤϋ Ϟ̰η ϪΑ ΍έ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧέ΍Ω ϩίΎΟ΍ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ˬΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ
.ΪγήΑ εϭήϔΑ ϥϮ̩ή̡ Ϟ̰η ϪΑ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϪΑ ϖϳήσ ϥ΁ ί΍ ΎΗ ΪϨϫΪΑ

Interconnection Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ϝΎμΗ΍ 9.14

ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω Ϫ̯ ΖϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ϪϴϠ̯ .ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ ΫΎΨΗ΍ Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϪϧΎϔμϨϣ ϭ ϞϣΎ̯ ̶ΑΎϴΘγΩ ήσΎΨΑ ΍έ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ̮ϳ ΖϟϭΩ
̮ϳ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ρΎΒΗέ΍ Ϧϳ΍ ϪΑ Ϫ̩ή̳ .Ζη΍Ω ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ ΩϮΧ ϦϴΑ ϝΎμΗ΍ ϞϳΎδϣ ϪΑ ϪτΑ΍έ έΩ ΍έ ϩή̯΍άϣ ϖΣ ΪϳΎΑ ΪϨηΎΒϴϣ
˯ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ̵ΎϫήΘϳή̡΁ ϥΎϴϣ άΧΎϣ Ζϔλ ϪΑ ϥ΁ ί΍ Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ϩΪϴϧΎγέ ̟Ύ̩ ϪΑ ΕϻΎμΗ΍ ΩέϮϣ έΩ ΍έ (ΩέΪϨΘγ΍) ̵έΎϴόϣ ϪϣΎϨϘϓ΍ϮΗ
΍έ ΪϳΪΟ ϢϳΎϤο Ϣϫ Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ ϭ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϞϳΪόΗ TRAA ήΘϓΩ ϑήσ ί΍ ΎΘϗϮϓ ΎΘϗϭ ϪϣΎϨϘϓ΍ϮΗ Ϧϳ΍ .ΩϮθϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ί΍ϮΟ
.ΪϨηΎΑ ΖϴϤϫ΍ ΰϳΎΣ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ήψϧ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ̶ϓήόϣ ϥ΁ έΩ

ΪϳΎΑ ΪϨ̰ϴϣ Ϫοήϋ ΍έ ϪϣΎϋ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫ̯ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍ΩήΘϳή̡΁ ˬΪϳΎϴϣ ϞϤόΑ ΎοΎϘΗ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ή̴ϳΩ ήΘϳή̡΁ ̮ϳ ϑήσ ί΍ ϩΎ̳ήϫ
ˬΪηΎΑ ϖϴΒτΗ ϞΑΎϗ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ̵Ύϫέ΍ίΎΑ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϒϠΘΨϣ ω΍Ϯϧ΍ Ϫ̰Ϩϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ΖΒΤλ ̵ϭ ΎΑ ΕϻΎμΗ΍ ϞϳΎδϣ ΩέϮϣ έΩ
(Ϧθ̰Ϩ̯ήΘϧ΍) ΕϻΎμΗ΍ ̵ΩΎϣ ϞϳΎδϣ ̵ϻΎΑ ΎϫήΘϳή̡΁ Ϫ̰ϴΗέϮλ έΩ .Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΰϳϮΠΗ ϪϨϴϣί έΩ ΍έ ̵ήΘϬΑ ςϳ΍ήη TRAA
ϪΑ έΩΎϗ ρϮΑήϣ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ Ϫ̯ ̶ΗέϮλ έΩ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ΕΎϓϼΘΧ΍ ϞΣ ̵΍ήΑ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ TRAA ΕέϮμϧ΁ έΩ ˬΪϨγήϧ ϖϓ΍ϮΗ ϪΑ Ϣϫ ΎΑ
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ϪϠΧ΍Ϊϣ ΪηΎΒϧ ϥ΁ ΩϭΪΣ ϭ ̶ϟΎϣ ςϳ΍ήη ΩέϮϣ έΩ ϪϘϓ΍Ϯϣ

̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϭΩ ϭ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ϩϭϼϋήΑ .Ζγ΍ έϭήο ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ρΎΒΗέ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ήΒόϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ί΍ϮΟ
̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω έ Ω ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϩήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̶ϓΎο΍ ί΍ϮΟ .Ϊϧέ΍Ω ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶ϟΎμΗ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪϴϬΗ ϩίΎΟ΍ ΰϴϧ ϩΩϮΟϮϣ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ
ϡΎϤΗ .Ζγ΍ έϭήο ΖϧήΘϧ΍ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ ̵΍ήΑ ϭ ΖΑΎΛ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ
.Ϊϴγέ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ϪΑ TRAA Ύϳ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ Ε΍έήϘϣ ϭ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ αΎγ΍ ϪΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϩήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ

.Ϊϧέ΍Ϊϧ Ϫ̰Βη ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϪΑ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̮ϴϓ΍ήΗ ϝΎμΗ΍ ϭ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ϩίΎΟ΍ ̶μΨη VSAT ̵ΎϬϤΘδϴγ Ϧϴ̰ϟΎϣ

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) ΖϳϼΘγ ̮̩Ϯ̯ ̵Ύϫ ϞϨϴϣήΗ – 9.6
ΖΒΛ ί΍ ΪόΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ΖϳϼΘγ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ̵΍ήΑ (VSAT) ̮̩Ϯ̯ ΖϳϼΘγ ̵Ύϫ ϞϨϣήΗ ϝΎϤόΘγ΍
.ΪηΎΒϴϣ ίΎΠϣ ̶μΨη ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ έϮ̯άϣ ϞϳΎγϭ

΍έ ζϳϮΧ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ϪόΟ΍ήϣ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΕέΎψϧ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ήΘϓΩ ϪΑ ΪϳΎΑ VSAT ΖϳϼΘγ ̮̩Ϯ̯ ̵Ύϫ ϝΎϨϴϣήΗ ϥΎ̰ϟΎϣ ϪϤϫ
έϮ̯άϣ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶Ϥγέ ΪϨγ ϭ ϪϣΎϨΘϘϓ΍Ϯϣ ϭ ϩΩή̯ ϡΎϧ ΖΒΛ ΪϳΎΑ ΪϳΪΟ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ήΘδΟ΍έ ϭ ΖΒΛ
ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϊοϭ ϥΎδ̰ϳ ήΗΎϓΩ ή̴ϳΩ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ήϴϏ ΕΎδγϮϣ ˬ̶ΘϟϭΩ ήϳ΍ϭΩ ϡΎϤΗ ̵΍ήΑ ϡΎϧ ΖΒΛ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϭ Ε΍έήϘϣ .Ϊϧέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ
ϒϴσ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ί΍ϮΟ ̮ϳ ϦΘη΍Ω .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Φδϓ ΎϬϧ΁ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϖΣ ˬΪϧ΍ ϩΩή̰ϧ ήΘδΟ΍έ ΍έ ζϳϮΧ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ Ϫ̰ϴϧΎδ̯ .Ζγ΍
.ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶ϣίϻ ΰϴϧ

ϪϨϴϣί ϢϴϘΘδϣ ήϴϏ ϭ ϢϴϘΘδϣ έϮτΑ Ϫ̯ ΍έ Software έ΍ΰϓ΍ ϡήϧ Ύϳ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϩίΎΟ΍ VSAT ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍
Ζϴϓήχ ϩέΎΑϭΩ εϭήϓ ˬϩϭϼϋήΑ .Ϊϧέ΍Ϊϧ ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ ΪϋΎδϣ ΍έ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ̵Ύϫ ήΘϳή̡΁ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ
.Ζδϴϧ ίΎΠϣ VSAT ϖϳήσ ί΍ ϩΪη ΏΎϴΘγΩ

Digital Trunk Radio Services ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΕΎϣΪΧ -9.7

̵έϭήο ϒϴσ ί΍ϮΟ άΧ΍ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ίΎΠϣ ̶μΨη ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ̱ϮϟΎϧ΍ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ϭ ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΕΎϣΪѧΧ
Ω΍ΪόΗ ϪΑ ρΎΒΗέ΍ έΩ Ε΍ΩϮϴϗ ωϮϧ ̨ϴϫ .ΩϮѧη ϩΩήѧΑ ζϴѧ̡ ΪѧϳΎΑ ̶ѧΘΑΎϗέ ̶ѧΒϠσϭ΍Ω ϖϳήѧσ ί΍ ̶ѧϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̶ѧδϧϮ̰ϳήϓ κϴѧμΨΗ ϭ ϩΩϮѧΑ
ΕΎϣΪΧ ΎΑ ϭ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ή̴ϳΩ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ΎΑ ϝΎμΗ΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϩίΎΟ΍ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘѧδϴγ .Ζѧη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΨϧ ΩϮѧΟϭ ̶ѧϳϮϳΩ΍έ ϥ΍ήѧΘϳή̡΁
ί΍ϮΟ έΩ Ϫ̯ ̶Ϥδϗ ϒϴσ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ βϴϓ ϪϧϻΎγ ΪϳΎΑ ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ̶ѧϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΕΎϣΪѧΧ ήѧσΎΨΑ .Ζѧη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΨϧ ΍έ ̶ѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧΑ ήѧΒόϣ
.ΩϮη ϪΘΧ΍Ωή̡ Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ή̯Ϋ

Radio Paging Service Providers ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ϡΎϐϴ̡ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ – 9.8
ΕΎϣΪΧ ί΍ϮΟ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ϦϴΑ ϢϴϘΘδϣ ρΎΒΗέ΍ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω Ε΍ΩϮϴϗ ϭ ΖϳΩϭΪΤϣ ϡ΍Ϊ̯ ϥϭΪΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ωϮϧ ϦϴϨ̩ ̵΍ήΑ ί΍ϮΟ
ί΍ ΪόΑ Ϫ̯ ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϝΎγ 5 ΕΪϣ ̵΍ήΑ ΃ΪΘΑ΍ Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ ϡΎϤΗ .ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧίΎΠϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ ή̴ϳΩ ϭ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ϡΎϐϴ̡
̵Ϊμϴϓ .Ϊϧί΍Ωή̢Α ΍έ ΩϮΧ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ ϢϬγ ϭ ϒϴσ βϴϓ ΪϳΎΑ ί΍ϮΟ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω .Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ϩΪη ΪϳΪϤΗ ΰϴϧ ή̴ϳΩ ϝΎγ 0 ̶ϟ΍ ϥ΁
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϦϴόΗ TRAA ήΘϓΩ ςγϮΗ Ϊϧί΍Ωή̢Α ΪϳΎΑ Ϫ̯ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ

Value-added Network Services είέ΍ ϪϓΎο΍ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ –9.9

ΖΤΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϨ̩ Ϫοήϋϭ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ίΎΠϣ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ί΍ ϩΪη ϩέΎΟ΍ ΕϼϴϬδΗ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΎΑ ̶ϟΎϋ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ άΧ΍ TRAA ί΍ ΍έ ̶ϣϮϤϋ ί΍ϮΟ ̮ϳ ΪϳΎΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϨ̩ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ .Ωήϴ̴ϴϣ ΕέϮλ Ω΍ί΁ ΖΑΎϗέ ςϳ΍ήη

Ϧϳ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ ήΛϮϣ ρΎΒΗέ΍ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΪμϘϣ ϪΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϪΟΩϮΑ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΩϮΧ κϟΎΧΎϧ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ ί΍ Ϊμϴϓ 2.5 ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ ϭ
.Ϊϧί΍Ωή̢Α ˬΖγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ή̯Ϋ ̶δϴϟΎ̡

ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ – 9.3

βϴγΎΗ ̶Ϡϣ ϭ ̶ϠΤϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ήσΎΨΑ ΍έ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ί΍ϮΟ άΧ΍ ί΍ ΪόΑ FSPs Ύϳ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ
Ε΍ίΎϴΘϣ΍ ΎΑ ΍έ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ί΍ϮΟ ϭΩ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ϖϳήσ ί΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ 382 ̵έΎΟ ϝΎγ ϥϼ̡ έΩ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ
ϞΑΎϗ ϭ ϩΩϮΑ ϝΎγ 5 ΕΪϣ ̵΍ήΑ Ύϫί΍ϮΟ Ϧϳ΍ .Ζγ΍ ϪΘϓή̳ ήψϧ έΩ έϮθ̯ ήγ ΎΗ ήγ έΩ Ϫ̰Βη ϢΘδϴγ ̵ΎϨΑ ήϳί ̵΍ήΑ ιΎΧ
̶ΘΑΎϗέ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ρήσ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ΩΎϨγ΍ έΩ ϥ΁ ιΎΧ ςϳ΍ήη ϭ ΪϨηΎΒϴϣ ΪϳΪϤΗ
΢ϳήμΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΕΎ̯έ΍ΪΗ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω Ϧϳ΍ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϥϼϋ΍ ϩΎϣ ζη ϥΎϳήΟ έΩ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ήθϧ ϭ ϊΒσ ί΍ ΪόΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ
̶ϓΎο΍ ̵Ύϫ Ζγ΍ϮΧέΩ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̶Ϡϣ ί΍ϮΟ ̵΍έ΍Ω ϞΒϗ ί΍ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ .Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήΑ έΩ ϥΎϤΘΧΎγ ΕΎϣ΍ΰΘϟ΍
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϧ ϝϮΒϗ ϩΪϨϳ΁ ϝΎγ Ϫγ ΎΗ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ ̵΍ήΑ

ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ϞϘΘδϣ ΕέϮμΑ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϑήτϴΑ Ϫ̰Βη ϢΘδϴγ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η έΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ
ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ Ζγ΍ ϩΪη Ρήσ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ ϒϴσ ί΍ϮΟ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ ΎΑ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϞΣ ̵Ύϫ ϩ΍έ ί΍ ΎΗ
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϢϴϠδΗ ί΍ϮΟ ςϳ΍ήη ί΍ ̶̰ϳ ΚϴΣ ϪΑ TRAA ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΩϮΧ ˯Ϫ̰Βη ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϥϼ̡ ϩΩήθϓ ΪϳΎΑ ΖΑΎΛ

Wireless ϢϴδϴΑ ̶ϠΤϣ ϪϘϠΣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϪΑ ϝΎμΗ΍ ϊϳήγ εήΘδ̳ νήϏ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ
ΕΎϣΪΧ ϢϴψϨΗ ΪϳΎΑ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ˬΪΑΎϳ εήΘδ̳ WLL ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ή̳΍ .Ϊϧήϴ̴Α ήψϧ Ϊϣ ΍έ Local Loop (WLL)
.Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ϊϨϣ ΕΪϣ Ϧϳ΍ έΩ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ϞϣΎ̯ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ί΍ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ΩϭΪΤϣ 2006 ϝΎγ ΎΗ ΍έ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ
Ϫ̯ ̶Ϥδϗ ϒϴσ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϪϧϻΎγ βϴϓ ΪϳΎΑ ΎϬϧ΁ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΍έ WLL ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ή̳΍ ̶ΘΣ
.Ϊϧί΍Ωή̢Α Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ή̯Ϋ ϥΎη ί΍ϮΟ έΩ

ϢϬγ ΢τγ ϦϳήΘϤ̯ TRAA .Ϊϧί΍Ωή̢Α ΰϴϧ ΩϮΧ ϩΪϤϋ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ ί΍ ϢϬγ Ϟ̰η ϪΑ ΍έ ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ ΪϳΎΑ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁
Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ ί΍ Ϊμϴϓ 2.5 ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ .Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϦϴόΗ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ̵ϮδϳΎϘϣ Ϟϣ΍Ϯϋ ϪΑ ήψϧ ΍έ ϩΪϤϋ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ
.Ωί΍Ωή̢Α ΪϳΎΑ ˬΖγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ή̯Ϋ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϕϭΪϨλ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΩϮΧ ϩΪϤϋ

ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ ̵΍ήΑ Ε΄ϨΜΘγ΍ – 9.4

ΖϤδϗ έΩ ΪϨΘδϫ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω Ϫ̯ ΍έ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ̶ϳΎϧ΍ϮΗ Ύϣ΍ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ έϮθ̯ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ έΎΘγ΍ϮΧ ΖϟϭΩ
ΖϤδϗ έΩ ΰϴϧ ̶ϳΎΘγϭέ ϖσΎϨϣ ϭ ̮̩Ϯ̯ ̵Ύϫ ήϬη .Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϤϧ ϩΩή̯ ΖϴΒΜΗ ϩΎΗϮ̯ ΕΪϣ έΩ ΕϼΤϣ ϪΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϧϳ΍ Ϫοήϋ
ϥ΍έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̵΍ήΑ .Ϊϧ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϖϳϮθΗ ̶ϠΤϣ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ςϳ΍ήη ϪΑ ήψϧ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ζΨΑ έΩ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϭ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍
ί΍ϮΟ ̶ϠΤϣ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ̵΍ήΑ .ΪϳΩή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ˯Ύτϋ΍ Ε΍˯ΎϨΜΘγ΍ ˯ϪϠΣήϣ Ϣδϗ ϪΑ ̶Ϡϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΘϳή̡΁ ̶ϫΩ ί΍ϮΟ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ έΩ ̶ϠΤϣ
̶ΘΑΎϗέ ̵Ύϫ έΎϴόϣ ϭ ϒϴσ ˬ̶Ϡϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ΖϳΎϋέ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ ΎΑ ̶ϠΤϣ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϠΤϣ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵Ύϫ
.ΪϳΩή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έΩΎλ

International Gateway Services Ύϳ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ήΒόϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ 9.5

ϖϳϮθΗ ϭ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ̵΍ήΑ ϩήΑΎΨϣ ΖϤϴϗ ϞϳΰϨΗ ΐΟϮϣ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ Ϫ̰Βη ̶ΘΑΎϗέ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̶ϓήόϣ Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ ΖϓΎϳέΩ ΖϟϭΩ
ϥΩϮϤϧ Ύ̡ήΑ .ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ ̮Ϥ̯ ΎϴϧΩ ΢τγ έΩ ϥ΁ ̶ϠΒϗ ΖϴόϗϮϣ ϪΒϟΎτϣ ΖϤδϗ έΩ ΍έ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϭ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ
̵Ϯ̴Α΍ϮΟ ϭ ϩΩϮΑ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϥΩέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ̵΍ήΑ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ϢϬϣ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ί΍ ̶̰ϳ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ έΩ ̵Ϯϗ ̵Ύϫ ΖΑΎϗέ
.ΩΩή̳ βϴγΎΗ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶ΗΎϣΪΧ έϮΘ̰γ ϥΪη ϞϘΘδϣ ί΍ ϞΒϗΪϳΎΑ ΪϳΪΟ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ΏϮ̩έΎ̩ Ύϣ΍ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ̵Ύϫ ίΎϴϧ
Ρϼλ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ϝΎμΗ΍ ΕΎϋϮοϮϣ ϭ Ύϫ ΖΑΎϗέ ϥΩϮϤϧ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ΖϤδϗ έΩ ΍έ ΩϮΧ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ TRAA Ϫ̯ Ωέ΍Ω ϦϴϘϳ ΖϟϭΩ
̮ϳ ίΎϏ΁ ί΍ ϞΒϗ ΪϳΎΑ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω Ϫ̰Βη ̵ίΎγϮϧ ̵Ύϫ εϼΗ ϪϠΣήϣ ϦϴΘδΨϧ ˬέϮτϨϴϤϫ .Ω΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϡΎΠϧ΍ ϪϧΎϘϓϮϣ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ϢψϨϣ
έϮΘ̰γ ϥΩϮϤϧ ίΎΑ ϭ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϪϧϻΎγ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ ̮ϳ ΖϟϭΩ .ΩΩή̳ ϞϴϤ̰Η ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶ΘΑΎϗέ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ
.Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΪϬϋ ϪΑ 2006 ϝΎγ έΩ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ

(Unlicensed Spectrum) ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ϒϴσ -8
΍έ ϢϴδϴΑ ΪϳΪΟ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘΑ ΎΗ ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϪϴϬΗ ΍έ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ϒϴσ ϭ ΐϴϘόΗ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ϩϮϴη ϦϳήΘϬΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍
Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΩΎϳί ̵Ύϫ ΖϟϮϬγ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ϒϴσ αΎγ΍ ϪΑ Ϫ̯ ΕΎϣΪΧ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ϖϳϮθΗ ήΘθϴΑ
ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϭ ΪθΨΒϴϣ ϪόγϮΗ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶Ϡϣ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ϩΩέϭ΁ ϦϴϳΎ̡ Ζ̰ϠϤϣ ΢τγ έΩ ΍έ Ύϫ ΖϤϴϗ ϭ ϪΘΧΎγ
.ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϖϳϮθΗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ΍έ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϊϴγϭ

ϭ ΪϳήΧ ˬ̶ΟέΎΧ ΕΎϋϮοϮϣ ̵΍ήΑ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ϒϴσ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗϭ Ϫ̰Βη ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁
ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ήΘδΟ΍έ ϭ ΖΒΛ Ϧϳ΍ .ΪϧϮη ΖΒΛ ϭ ήΘδΟ΍έ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ̵΍ήϤϫ ΪϳΎΑ ΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΕέΎΠΗ ϭ εϭήϓ
ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ί΍ϮΟ ϥ ϭΪΑ ̵Ύϫ ΪϧΎΑ ΖϴϟΎόϓ έΩ Ϫ̯ ̶ϠϳΎγϭ .ΪηΎΒϴϤϧ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ϒϴσ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϭ ̵Ω΍ήϔϧ΍ ϥΎ̳
.ΪϧϮθϧ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ί΍ϮΟ ̵΍έ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϝϼΧ΍ ΚϋΎΑ Ϫ̯ ΪηΎΑ ̶̰ϴϨΨΗ ι΍ϮΧ ϦϴϨ̩ ̵΍έ΍Ω ΪϳΎΑ ΩϮθϴϣ

ϡΎϤΗ .Ϊϧ΍ ϊϗ΍ϭ 5 GHz ϭ 2.4 GHz ΩϭΪΣ έΩ Ϫ̯ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ISM ΪϧΎΑ έΩ ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ϒϴσ
̵Ύϫ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ΖϘϓ΍Ϯϣ ITU Ε΍έήϘϣ ΎΑ Ϫ̯ ΐγΎϨϣ ΖϗΎσ ̮ϳ ̵ϭέ ΪϳΎΑ ΪϧΎΑ Ϧϳ΍ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍
.Ωήϴ̳ έ΍ήϗ ̶̳Ϊϴγέ έΩϮϣ "ΎΘϗϮϓ "ΎΘϗϭ TRAA ϪϠϴγϮΑ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ϒϴσ ̵Ύϫ Ζγ΍ϮΧέΩ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϓΎο΍

̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -9

Ύϫί΍ϮΟ ˬΩήϴ̴ϴϣ εϭΪΑ ΍έ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΆδϣ TRAA Ϫ̰ϴϧΎϣί .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ άΧ΍ ί΍ϮΟ ΪϳΎΑ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ
.ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έΩΎλ ΍έ Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ Ϧϳ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬϥΎϣί ϥ΁ ΎΗ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϊϳίϮΗ ϩέ΍Ω΍ Ϧϳ΍ ςγϮΗ

ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ Ζϴ̰Ϡϣ – 9.1

Ζϴ̰Ϡϣ ϖΣ ̵΍έ΍Ω ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ˬ 382 ϝΎγ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϩΪϨϳ΁ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϭ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϥϮϧΎϗ ϖΒσ
ζϳϮΧ ϞϤ̰ϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ Ϫ̰Βη ̮ϟΎϣ ΪϨϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ̶ΟέΎΧ ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰γ ϥ΍έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ .ΪϨηΎΒϴϣ ϞϣΎ̯ ̶μΨη
ήΑ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ Ϫ̰ϴϟΎΣ έΩ .ΪϧϮθϴϣ ϖϳϮθΗ ϭ ϩΪη ϝΎΒϘΘγ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ έΩ ΰϴϧ ̶ϧΎϐϓ΍ ϥ΍έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̭΍ήΘη΍ .ΪϨηΎΑ
Ζ̰ϠϤϣ ί΍ ΝέΎΧ ί΍ ΍έ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ϥ΍έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΕΩϮϋ ϭ Ύϫ Ζ̯ήη ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ βϴγΎΗ ̭΍ήΘη΍ ΖϟϭΩ ˬΪη Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϧ ϞϴϤΤΗ Ζϴ̰ϟΎϣ
.ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϖϳϮθΗ ΰϴϧ

ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -9.2

Εέ΍ίϭ .Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ϩΩ΍Ω ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ί΍ϮΟ ΪϨϨ̰ϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ GSM ̵ΎϫΩέΪϨΘγ ί΍ Ϫ̯ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϭΩ ̵΍ήΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ
ή̴ϳΩ ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ̵΍ήΑ (2006 ϝΎγ ̵έϮϨΟ 0̶ϟ΍) ϝΎγ Ϫγ ΕΪϣ ̵΍ήΑ Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ ϪϘϓ΍Ϯϣ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯ ϭΩ Ϧϳ΍ ΎΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ
ΎΗ Ϊϧέ΍Ω ϖΣ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ˬΖϓΎϳ ϥΎϳΎ̡ έΎμΤϧ΍ ϪϠΣήϣ Ϫ̰ϴϧΎϣί .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϧ ϩΩ΍Ω GSM ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ί΍ϮΟ
ϩΩ΍Ω ϩίΎΟ΍ ΰϴϧ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ Ζϗϭ ϥ΁ έΩ .ΪϨϫΪΑ ϪόγϮΗ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΘθϴΑ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΎΑ ΍έ ΩϮΧ ΕέΎΠΗ
ωϭήη ̵΍ήΑ ΰϴϧ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ςϳ΍ήη ̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ αΎγ΍ ήΑ ̶ϓΎο΍ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ ϩϭϼϋήΑ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΍έ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΎΗ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ
ϩΩΎϣ΁ 2006 ̵έϮϨΟ 0 ΦϳέΎΗ ̶ϟ΍ ΎΗ ΪϳΩή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ύτϋ΍ TRAA ϑήσ ί΍ 2006 ϝΎγ ̵έϮϨΟ0 ί΍ ζϴ̡ ήΘθϴΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ

έϮΒϋ ϩίΎΟ΍ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΍έ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ̶ϧϮϔϠϴΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΎΗ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω ϩίΎΟ΍ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ
MSP ̶Ϡϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ί΍ϮΟ ̮ϳ .Ϊϧέ΍Ω ˬΪϨ̰ϴϣ ΖΌθϧ ϥΎη ΩϮΧ ˯Ϫ̰Βη ί΍ Ϫ̯ ΍έ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ̮ϴϓ΍ήΗ
.Ζδϴϧ Εέϭήο ̶ϠΤϣ ϭ ̵ϮϘτϨϣ Ε΍έ΍Ω΍ ί΍ ϪϧΎ̳΍ΪΟ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ ϭ ϩΩϮΑ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϞΑΎϗ έϮθ̯ ήγ ΎΗ ήγ έΩ ϪϟΎγ 5

.Ϊϧί΍Ωή̢Α ϪϧϻΎγ Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ή̯Ϋ ϥΎη ί΍ϮΟ έΩ Ϫ̯ ̶τϳ΍ήη ϖΑΎτϣ ΍έ ϒϴσ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ βϴϓ ΪϳΎΑ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ
Ζγ΍ ή̯Ϋ ί΍ϮΟ έΩ ϭ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ΎϬϧ΁ κϟΎΧΎϧ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ Ϊμϴϓ 0 ϪΑ ϝΩΎόϣ Ϫ̯ ΩϮΧ Ε΍ΪϳΎϋ ϢϬγ Ϣδϗ ϪΑ ΰϴϧ ΍έ ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ ΪϳΎΑ ΎϬϧ΁

ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̶ϳΎϨΑήϳί ̶ϳ΍ΪΘΑ΍ ̵Ύϫ ϩ̫ϭή̡ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΖΑΎΛ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ̮ϳ ΎΗ ΖδϨϳ΍ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ϑΪϫ .ΩήΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έΎ̰Α Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ΖϳΎϤΣ ήΘϳή̡΁ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ζϴϔϴ̯ ΪϨϣϭήϴϧ ΖϨϤΠϨϣ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϊϓΎϨϣ ϭ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ
Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ϩΩ΍Ω ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΩϮϤϧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ήσΎΨΑ GSM Mobile̶Ϡϣ ί΍ϮΟ ̶λϮμΧ ήΘϳή̡΁ ϭΩ ̵΍ήΑ ήοΎΣ ϝΎΣ έΩ
(ROSHAN) Ϧηϭέ Ύϳ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ Ζ̯ήη ϭ (AWCC) ϢϴδϴΑ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ Ζ̯ήη :ί΍ Ϊϧ΍ ΕέΎΒϋ
.ΩϮθϴϤϧ ϩΩ΍Ω GSM Mobile ̶ϧϮϔϠϴΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ ̵ή̴ϳΩ ί΍ϮΟ ˬ2006 ϝΎγ ̵έϮϨΟ 0 ΎΗ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ

̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ϖϳήσ ί΍ έϮθ̯ ήγ ΎΗ ήγ έΩ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ (FSP) ί΍ϮΟ ϩϭϼϋήΑ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ
̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ήθϧ ϭ ϊΒσ ί΍ ΪόΑ ϩΎϣ ζη ϑήχ έΩ (ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ) ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ί΍ϮΟ ήσΎΨΑ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έΩΎλ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϥϼϋ΍

ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ ̵΍ήΑ ί΍ϮΟ .ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ϖϳϮθΗ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ΖϤδϗ έΩ ̶λϮμΧ ̵Ύϫ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ˬϦϳ΍ ί΍ ϪΘηά̳
ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΗΩϭί Ϫ̩ ήϫ ΎΗ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω ΕΎΟ Ϫϳήϗ ϭ ̮̩Ϯ̯ ̵Ύϫ ήϬη έΩ ̶ϠΤϣ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ αΎγ΍ ϪΑ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳
.ΪϨϫΪΑ ϪόγϮΗ έϮθ̯ ϩΩΎΘϓ΍ έϭΩ ϖσΎϨϣ ϭ ΕΎϫΩ ϪΑ ̶λϮμΧ ̵Ύϫ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ

̵ΎϬϧϮϔϠϴΗ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϭ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ΖϗϮϧ΁ έΩ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω ϩίΎΟ΍ έϮθ̯ ήγΎΗήγ έΩ ϞϣΎ̯ ΖΑΎϗέ ˬϝΎγ Ϫγ ΕΪϣ ί΍ ΪόΑ
̵Ύτϋ΍ TRAA .Ζη΍Ω ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ ΍έ ̶ϳ Ϫ̰Βη ̵ΎϬΘϟϮϬγ ϭ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪϴϬΗ ήσΎΨΑ ΐγΎϨϣ ί΍ϮΟ ̮ϳ ϥΩέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ϖΣ ϞΘϴΠϳΩ
.Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήψϧ έΩ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ έΩ ΪϳΪΟ ϥΎΒϠσϭ΍Ω ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ήΘθϴΑ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ

(Licensed Spectrum) ϒϴσ ί΍ϮΟ -7

ΪϳΎΑ Ϫ̯ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ΩϭΪΤϣ έΎϴδΑ ̶όϴΒσ ϊΒϨϣ ̮ϳ ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϥέΪϣ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ̶γΎγ΍ ωϮοϮϣ ̮ϳ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̶δϧΎ̰ϳήϓ ϒϴσ
έΩ ΍έ ϪϣΎϋ ΖόϔϨϣ Ϫ̯ ΖδϨϳ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ί΍ ϑΪϫ .Ωήϴ̳ ΕέϮλ ΖΒϗ΍ήϣ ϭ ΖΒχ΍Ϯϣ ϥ΁ ί΍ ̶̳ ϪϤϫ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΖϬΟ
ΪϳΪΟ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Ηϭ ΕΎϣΪΧ εήΘδ̳ ϭ ήπϣ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̵Ύϫ ΖϟΎΧΩ ϝϭήΘϨ̯ ˬΎϫ ΖΑΎϗέ Ϊηέ ϪϠϴγϭ ϪΑ ̶δϧΎ̰ϳήϓ ϒϴσ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍
.ΪθΨΑ Ζόγϭ

ˬΪηΎΑ ϩΩέϭΎϴϧ ΖγΪΑ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΕέΎψϧ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ήΘϓΩ ί΍ ΍έ ϒϴσ ί΍ϮΟ Ϫ̰ϴϧΎϣί ΎΗ ϒϴσ ί΍ ΎΗ Ζη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΨϧ ϩίΎΟ΍ ̶όΟήϣ ̨ϴϫ
Ε΍έήϘϣ ϭ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ έΩ Ϫ̯ Ωέ΍Ω ϥΎ̰ϣ΍ ̶ΗέϮλ έΩ ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ϒϴσ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ˯ΎϨΜΘγ΍ ϪϧΎ̴ϳ . ΪϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍

ϒϴσϭ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ ϊϳίϮΗ ϭ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϪϨϴϣί έΩ TRAA ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̵Ύϫ ̶̳ ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ΎΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΕέΎψϧ ϩέ΍Ω΍
̶ϠϴΗ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϪϳΩΎΤΗ΍ ϱΎϫ ΩέΪϨΘγ αΎγ΍ ϪΑ ΍έ ϒϴσ ϊϳίϮΗ ϝϭΪΟ ήΘϓΩ Ϧϳ΍ .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έΎ̯ ί΍ϮΟ Ε΍έήϘϣ ϖΑΎτϣ
έΩ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ ϝϮΒϗ ϞΑΎϗ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ (spectrum) ϒϴσ ΪϧΎΑ ϥϼ̡ ϝϭΪΟ Ϧϳ΍ .Ζγ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ ΐϴΗήΗ Ϧθϴ̰ϧϮϴϤ̯
έ΍ήϗ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ςϳ΍ήη ϪΑ ήψϧ Ϧϴ̯ήΘθϣ αήΘγΩ ϪΑ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ήΘθϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ .ΩίΎδϴϣ κΨθϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍
ˬϪϣΎϋ ΖόϔϨϣ ˬΖϴ̯έΎϣ ςϳ΍ήη ˬΪϳΪΟ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ζϳ΍Ϊϴ̡ ˬ ϒϴσ ήΘϬΑ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ήσΎΨΑ ΎΘϗϮϓ ΎΘϗϭ ϒϴσ ϥϼ̡ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω
.Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ έ΍ήϗ ήψϧ ΪϳΪΠΗ ΩέϮϣ ή̴ϳΩ Ϟϣ΍Ϯϋ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϴϨϣ΍

̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ϭ ̶ϨϠϋ ˬϑΎϔη Ϟ̰η ϪΑ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ ϊϳίϮΗ ϭ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϦϴόΗ ϒϴσ ί΍ϮΟ ̵΍ήΑ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϪϧϻΎγ βϴϓ
.Ϊϴγέ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ϪΑ ϒϴσ ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ ϭ ̶ΘΑΎϗέ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ̵΍ήΑ ςϳ΍ήη .Ζϓή̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΕέϮλ ̶ΘΑΎϗέ

Ϫ̯ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ έΎ̯ έΩ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΖϤΣ΍ΰϣ ΎϬϧ΁ Ϫѧ̯ ΪϨѧηΎΑ ϦϴѧϤτϣ ΪѧϳΎΑ ̶ѧϳϮϳΩ΍έ ϢΘѧδϴγ ̶ѧϳΎϬϧ ϥΎѧ̳ ϩΪϨѧϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘѧγ΍ ϭ ϥΎѧ̳ ϩΪϨѧϨ̯ ϪϴѧϬΗ
ϦϴόΗ ̶ϟΎϣ ϭ ̶ϧϮϧΎϗ Ε΍ίΎΠϣ ϩΪη ϊοϭ Ε΍έήϘϣ ϭ Ϧϴѧϧ΍Ϯϗ ί΍ ̶ѧθ̯ήγ ̵΍ήѧΑ .Ωήѧ̯ ΪϨѧϫ΍ϮΨϧ ΩΎѧΠϳ΍ ΪϨΘѧδϫ ϒϴѧσ ί΍ϮѧΟ ϩΪѧϧέ΍Ω
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ

:ΪηΎΒϴϤϧ ϥ΁ ϪΑ ΩϭΪΤϣ ̶ϟϭ ϩΩϮΑ ϞϳΫ έ΍ήϗ TRAA ϒϳΎχϭ
ˬΩ΍ί΁ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϭ ΖΑΎϗέ ˬ̶Ϡϣ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϖϴΒτΗ i.
ˬ ή̴ϳΩ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϭ ΖΑΎΛ ˬϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ ί΍ϮΟ έϭΪλ ii.
ˬΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ ί΍ϮΟ έϭΪλ iii.
ˬξϴόΒΗ ί΍ ̶ϟΎΧ ϭ ΐγΎϨϣ ϝΎμΗ΍ ϦϴϤπΗ ΖϬΟ ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϥΎϴϣ ϝΎμΗ΍ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϊοϭ iv.
ˬί΍ϮΟ ̵΍έ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ ϡΎϤΗ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ϝΎμΗ΍ Ω΍Ωέ΍ήϗ ΏϮ̩έΎ̩ ̮ϳ ήθϧ ϭ ϊΒσ v.
ˬΖϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ϦϴΑ ΕΎϋίΎϨϣ ϞΣ vii.
ˬϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϑήμϣ ϊϓΎϨϣ ί΍ ΖϳΎϤΣ viii.
ˬϥΎϳήΘθϣ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Ϫ̰Βη ̵έϮψϨϣ ̵΍ήΑ ̶̰ϴϨΨΗ ̵Ύϫ ΩέΪϨΘγ ϥΩϮϤϧ ϊοϭ ix.
ˬΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ςγϮΗ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϥΩϮϤϧ ΕΎϋ΍ήϣ ϭ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ζϴϔϴ̯ ̶γέήΑ ϭ ζϴΘϔΗ x.
Ύϳ Ε΍ήϤϧ ϊϳίϮΗ ϥΎϳήΟ έΩ ̵ίΎϴΘϣ΍ ̭ϮϠγ ϭ Ε΍ϭΎδϣ Ζη΍Ω ήѧψϧ έΩ ΎѧΑ Ζѧ̰ϠϤϣ ΢τѧγ έΩ ̵έ΍άѧ̳ ϩήѧϤϧ ϥϼѧ̡ ϪϴѧϬΗ xi.
̶ϨϴϘϳ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ϩϮϴη ϦϳήΘϬΑ ϖΒσ ΍έ ̶ΘΑΎϗέ ϭ ϑΎϔη ˬΐγΎϨϣ ̶Θϴ̯έΎϣ ςϴΤϣ ̮ϳ ΩΎΠϳ΍ Ϫ̯ ̵ή̴ϳΩ Ϫϔϴѧχϭ ήѧϫ xii.
.Ϊϧ΍Ϊϴϣ ϱέϭήο ΍ήϧ΁ ΖϟϭΩ ϭ ΩίΎδϴϣ

̵ΎϫέΎϴόϣ ϭ ̵έ΍ΪϳήΧ ϪμϗΎϨϣ ΩΎϬϨθϴ̡ ςϳ΍ήη ˬϝΎμΗ΍ ̵Ύϫ Ω΍Ωέ΍ήϗ ˬί΍ϮΟ ςϳ΍ήη ˬΕ΍έήϘϣ ˬΎϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϡΎϤΗ TRAA ϩέ΍Ω΍
ΎΗ Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ̶ϣϮϤϋ έϮτΑ Ζγ΍ έϭήο ϞϣΎ̯ ΖϴϓΎϔη ̵΍ήΑ Ϫ̯ ΩΎϨγ΍ ή̴ϳΩ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ έϮ̡΍έ Ζϴϔϴ̯ ˬϦΘϓή̳ ϩήϤϧ
ήΘϓΩ ̶ϟΎϣ έϮ̡΍έ ϪϧϻΎγ TRAAήΘϓΩ "ΎΗϭϼϋ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ϦϴϤπΗ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ έΩ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ζ̯ήη ϡΎϤΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϥΎδ̰ϳ ςϳ΍ήη
ϪΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϖϳήσ ί΍ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ϪϴϬΗ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ΰϴϧ ϩΪϨϳ΁ ϝΎγ ̵΍ήΑ TRAA ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ϡΎϤΗ ϩΪϧήϴ̳ήΑέΩ Ϫ̯ ΍έ ϩή̯άΘϣ
.ΪϴϧΎγέ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ϪΑ TRAA ϩέ΍Ω΍ ̶Ϥγέ Website έΩ ΍έ έϮ̡΍έ Ϧϳ΍ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍ ϪΨδϧ ̮ϳ ϭ .ΪΘγήϔϴϣ ϥ΍ήϳίϭ ̵΍έϮη

(ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Ϡϣ Ζ̯ήη) Afghan Telecom ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ -5
Ϯϧ Ζ̯ήη ̮ϳ ϪΑ ΍ήϧ΁ ϪσϮΑήϣ ̵Ύϫ ̶ϳ΍έ΍Ω ϩΩϮϤϧ ΍ΪΟ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ί΍ ΍έ Ϧθϴ̰ϴϧϮϴϤ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ΖϨϤΗέΎ̢ϳΩ ΎΗ Ωέ΍Ω Ϊμϗ ΖϟϭΩ
έϮτΑ 382ϝΎγ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ έΩ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ̶ϧϮϧΎϗ Ε΍ίΎϴΘϣ΍ ϡΎϤΗ .ΪϫΩ ϝΎϘΘϧ΍ "ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍" ϡΎϨΑ ̶ΘϟϭΩ βϴγΎΗ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΚΤΑ Ϟμϔϣ

Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̵ήΒϫέ ϭ ϩέ΍Ω΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ Ϫτγ΍ϭ ϪΑ Ϫ̯ ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ϪϣΎϋ Ζ̯ήη ̮ϳ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ˬβϴγΎΗ Ζϗϭ έΩ
ϪϳΎϣήγ ϥΩϮϤϧ ϞϴΧΩ έΩ ΰϴϧ ΍έ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ϭ Ζγ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵Ύϫ έϮΘ̰γ ϦΘΧΎγ ̶λϮμΧ έΎΘγ΍ϮΧ ΖϟϭΩ .ΪϳΩή̳
.Ϊϧ΍ϮΘΑ ϩΪη ϩΩ΍Ω ϢϬγ ϥ΁ έΩ ̶λϮμΧ ζΨΑ ϭ Ϊϳ΁ ΩϮΟϮΑ ϥ΁ ί΍ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ωϮϧ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ̮ϳ ΎΗ ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϖϳϮθΗ Ζ̯ήη έΩ ϥ΍έ΍ά̳

έΩ Ϫ̯ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϭ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ Εέϭήο ΩέϮϣ ί΍ϮΟ έϭΪλ ΎΑ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ΖϴϟΎόϓ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩέϭ΁ έΩ ̵ΩΎϋ ΖϟΎΣ ϪΑ ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ήθϧ TRAA ϩέ΍Ω΍ ςγϮΗ ϩΪϨϳ΁

ΖΑΎϗέ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ -6
ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΖϤϴϗ ϞϳΰϨΗ ϭ Ϫ̰Βη ϪόγϮΗ ˬ̵έϭ΁Ϯϧ ̶ϗήΗ ϭ ΞϳϭήΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ ϞϤ̰ϣ ̵ίΎγ Ω΍ί΁ ΖϟϭΩ
ΖϟϮϬγ έΩ ΍έ ΩϭΪΤϣ ΖΑΎϗέ εϭέ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϝΎγ Ϫγ ΕΪϣ ̵΍ήΑ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ήθϧ ΦϳέΎΗ ί΍ .ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ ΖϳΎϤΣ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯

ϖϴϗΩ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϥϼ̡ ϭ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ϖϳήσ ί΍ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ̶δϨϳϮ̰ϳήϓ ϒϴσ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϭ είέ΍ ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍ ƒ
ϭ ˬϡΩήϣ ϡΎϤΗ ̵΍ήΑ ϪΘϓήθϴ̡ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϢΘδϴγ ϪϴϬΗ ΖϬΟ ̮ϳΩΰϧ ϩΪϨϳ΁ έΩ ̮̩Ϯ̯ ΕϼΤϣ έΩ ̶σΎΒΗέ΍ ΰ̯΍ήϣ βϴγΎΗ ƒ
.Ωϭήϴϣ έΎϤη ϪΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϦϳήΘϤϬϣ ϪϠϤΟ ί΍ ϥΎϬΟ ΎΑ ϭ ή̴ϳΪ̰ϳ ϦϴΑ ˬϞΑΎ̯ ΎΑ έϮθ̯ ̶ϟ΍Ϯδϟϭ 423 ϥΩ΍Ω ρΎΒΗέ΍

Ϧϳ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ΩΪΠϣ έΎϤϋ΍ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ έΩ ϥ΁ ΖϴϤϫ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ ̶όΒσ Ϊηέ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ ΎΑ
έΩ ΍έ ϥ΁ ˯ϪΨδϧ ϦϳήΧ΁ ϭ.ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϞϴϤ̰Η ϭ ΪϳΪΠΗ ϦϳϮϧ ΕΎΑΎΠϳ΍ ϭ Ύϫ Ζϓήθϴ̡ Ζη΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ ΎΑ ϪθϴϤϫ ΍έ ̶δϴϟΎ̡
.ΪϴϧΎγέ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ήθϧ ϪΑ ζϳϮΧ ̶Ϥγέ Website

ΖϟϭΩ ζϘϧ -3
έϮΘ̰γ ϡΎϋ έϮμΗ Ϫ̯ ΖδϨϳ΍ ΩϮθϴϣ ̵ήΒϫέ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ςγϮΗ Ϫ̯ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΖϤδϗ έΩ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ̶γΎγ΍ ϑΪϫ
̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϖϳϮθΗ ςϴΤϣ ̮ϳ ϭ ˬΪϳΎϤϧ ϊοϭ ICT ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϭ Ζϓήθϴ̡ ΖϬΟ ΍έ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ
ϭ “Corporatization” ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϖϳήσ ί΍ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̶ΘόϨλ ΰ̯΍ήϣ ϊϳήγ Ζϓήθϴ̡ ϭ ϢϟΎγ ̵Ύϫ ΖΑΎϗέ ˬ̶λϮμΧ
.ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̭ήΗ ϩΪϨϳ΁ έΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ήΘϳή̡΁ ΚϴΣ ϪΑ ΍έ ΩϮΧ ϝϭέ ΖϟϭΩ ˬ ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ϦΘΧΎγ ̶λϮμΧ
:ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϞϳΫ Ω΍Ϯϣ ϞϣΎη Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ κΨθϣ ̵ΎϬΘϴϟϮδϣ
ˬϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΎϤΗ ϊϔϧ ϪΑ ϊϴγϭ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϊοϭ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϣϮϤϋ ̶ϳΎϤϨϫ΍έ ϭ Ζϳ΍Ϊϫ ƒ
̶Ϡϣ ή̴ϳΩ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ϭ Ύϫ ϥϼ̡ ΎΑ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ϥΩϮΑ έΎ̳ίΎγ ϦΘΧΎγ ̶ϨϴϘϳ ƒ
̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ Ζ̯ήη ϡΎϨΑ ̶Ϡϣ Ζ̯ήη ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ ϥ΁ βϴγΎΗ ϭ Εέ΍ίϭ ί΍ Ϧθϴ̰ϴϧϮϴϤ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ΖϨϤΗέΎ̢ϳΩ ϊϳήγ ϥΩϮϤϧ ΍ΪΟ ƒ
ˬAfghan Telecom .ϡΎ̯
̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ϡΎϨΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Ϡϣ Ζ̯ήη ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϭ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ΖδΨϧ ϞΣ΍ήϣ ί΍ έϮΘ̰γ ϦϳέΩ ̶λϮμΧ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϖϳϮθΗ ƒ
ˬϥ΁ έΩ ̵ήϴ̳ ϢϬγ ϭ ̭΍ήΘη΍ ̵΍ήΑ ϡΎ̯
ίήσ ϭ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ΖϴϓΎϔη ϦϴϣΎΗ έϮψϨϤΑ (TRAA) ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ϡΎϨΑ ϞϘΘδϣ ζΨΑ ̮ϳ βϴγΎΗ ƒ
ˬΖϴ̯έΎϣ ̵Ύϫ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ̭΍ήΘη΍ ϡΎϤΗ ̵΍ήΑ ϪϧΎϔμϨϣ ϭ ΐγΎϨϣ ϞϤόϟ΍
ˬΕ΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ έΩ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϭ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ̵Ύϫ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϖϳϮθΗ ƒ
ˬΎϫΎϨΑήϳί βϴγΎΗ ϭ ΕΎϣΪΧ ˬ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ έΩ Ύϫ ΖΑΎϗέ ϖϳϮθΗ ƒ
ˬϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϞϳϮϤΗ ΖϳΎϤΣ ϭ ϪΘη΍Ω ΖγΩ ϊΑΎϨϣ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΎΑ ̶ϳΎΘγϭέ ϖσΎϨϣ έΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ ̶ϓήόϣ ƒ
.̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϭ ̵ϮϘτϨϣ ̵ΎϬϧΎϣίΎγ έΩ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮϣ΍ έΩ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ί΍ ̶̳ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ƒ

ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ˯ϩέ΍Ω΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ -4

Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Afghanistan
ϪΑ ̮ϳΩΰϧ ϩΪϨϳ΁ έΩ ϩέ΍Ω΍ Ϧϳ΍ Ϫ̯ Ωϭήϴϣ έΎψΘϧ΍ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ βϴγΎΗ 382 ϝΎγ έΩ ( TRAA) ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϢϴψϨΗ ϩέ΍Ω΍
ϖϳήσ ί΍ Ϫ̰ϴϟϮ̡ ί΍ ϩέ΍Ω΍ Ϧϳ΍ ϑέΎμϣ .ΩϮΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩέϮ̡΍έ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϪΑ ϭ ΪϳΎϤϧ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ϞϘΘδϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ̮ϳ ΚϴΣ
ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ήϳίϭ ϪΑ ήψϧ ΪϳΪΠΗ νήϏ ΍έ ΩϮΧ ϪΟΩϮΑ TRAA ϩέ΍Ω΍ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϞϳϮϤΗ ˬΩϮθϴϣ ̵έϭ΁ ϊϤΟ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ
.ΪϳΎϤϨϴϣ ζ̰θϴ̡ ϪϧϻΎγ Ϣδϗ ϪΑ ϥ΍ήϳίϭ ̵΍έϮη ϪΑ ̵έϮψϨϣ ΖϬΟ

ήΗΩϭί Ϫ̩ ήϫ ΎΗ Ωέ΍Ω Ϊμϗ ΖϟϭΩ :ϊϳΎϨλ ϊϳήγ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ Ϊηέ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϧϮϧΎϗ ϭ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ςϴΤϣ ̮ϳ ϥΩέϭ΁ ΩϮΟϮΑ ƒ
ϭ ϦϴϴόΗ ΍έ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ έΩ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ Ϧϴ̯ήΘθϣ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΆδϣ ϭ ϕϮϘΣ Ϫ̯ ΍έ 382 ϝΎγ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϥϮϧΎϗ Ρήσ
ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍" ϡΎϧ ΖΤΗ ΍έ ̶ϠϘΘδϣ ˯ϩέ΍Ω΍ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ΐϳϮμΗ ˬΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϒϳήόΗ
Ε΍ΪϬόΗ ϡΎϤΗ ΎΗ Ωέϭ΁ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΩϮΟϮΑ "Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Afghanistan
̶ϠϤϋ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϢΘδϴγ ΕΎΣϼλ΍ ϭ ̵ίΎγ ϥέΪϣ ΖϬΟ έΩ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ εϭέ ϦϳήΘϬΑ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΎΑ ΍έ ΖϟϭΩ
ΩΎϳί έΎϴδΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵ΎϫΎϨΑ ήϳί ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶γΎγ΍ ΕΎϳέϭήο :̶λϮμΧ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΐϠΟ ƒ
Ϧϳ΍ ̵ϮϓΎ̰Η ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶ϟΎϣ ΩΎϳί ϊΑΎϨϣ ϪϴϬΗ ϥ΍ϮΗ ΰϴϧ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϞϳϮϤΗ Ϫ̰ϠΑ Ζ̰ϠϤϣ ΩϮΧ ΎϬϨΗ Ϫϧ Ϫ̯ ˬΪηΎΒϴϣ
.ΪϧΩή̴ϴϣ ϖϳϮθΗ ήΘθϴΑ έΎ̯ Ϧϳ΍ έΩ ̶λϮμΧ ϥ΍έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ "ΎϨΑ .Ϊϧέ΍Ϊϧ ΕΎϳέϭήο
ΖΑΎϗέ ί΍ ΖϳΎϤΣ ΎΑ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ΖϤδϗ έΩ ΖϟϭΩ ζϘϧ :ϢϟΎγ ̵Ύϫ ΖѧΑΎϗέ ̵΍ήѧΑ ΪϋΎѧδϣ ϪϨѧϴϣί ΩΎѧΠϳ΍ ƒ
ϩΪϨϨ̯ ̵ήΒϫέ ϝϭέ ϥ΁ νϮϋ έΩ ϭ .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ϣ̯ Ζϋήγ ϪΑ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕέΎΠΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ ΩΎѧϬϧ ϦϴѧΑ ϑΎϔѧη ϭ ϢϟΎѧγ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩήΑ ΪϨϠΑ Ζϋήγ ϪΑ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϢϴψϨΗ ϭ
Ϧϳ΍ ί΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ̵ΎϬθΨΑ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϑήμϣ :Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ̵ίΎγ Ω΍ί΁ ̶ϓήόϣ ƒ
ϝϭΰϧ ˬΕ΍ΪϴϟϮΗ ϭ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϪϴϬΗ ΩΎϳΩί΍ ΐΒγ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ̵Ύϫ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ϥΩϮϤϧ ίΎΑ .ΩήΑ ΪϨϫ΍ϮΧ ϊϔϧ ϢϟΎγ ̵ΎϬΘΑΎϗέ
ΪϳΪΟ ϥΎΒϠσϭ΍Ω .Ζγ΍ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ̵ΎοΎϘΗ ϭ Ζγ΍ϮΧ ϪΑ ϩΪΑ΍ϮΟ ΎϬϨϳ΍ ˯ϪϤϫ Ϫ̯ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ̶ΘόϨλ ΕΎϣΪΧ βϴγΎΗ ϭ ΎϬΘϤϴϗ
ΖϟϭΩ ˬΕΪϣ ϩΎΗϮ̯ έΩ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϪμϗΎϨϣ ΩΎϬϨθϴ̡ αΎγ΍ ϪΑ Ϫ̯ ΪϨϫΪϴϣ ΖϤϴϗ ̵ϮδϳΎϘϣ Ϟ̰η ϪΑ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ έΩ
ήϳί ̵Ύϫ ϩ̫ϭή̡ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΖΑΎΛ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ςϳ΍ήη ΎΗ ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶ϓήόϣ ϢψϨϣ ϭ ΩϭΪΤϣ ΖΑΎϗέ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ΏϮ̩έΎ̩ ̮ϳ
ίΎϏ΁ 2006 ϝΎγ έΩ ̶Ϩόϳ ϩΪη ̶ϨϴΒθϴ̡ ϝΎγ Ϫγ ί΍ ΪόΑ έϮΘ̰γ ϪΒϧΎΟ ϪϤϫ ̵Ω΍ί΁ .ΪϨ̯ ϦϴϤπΗ ̮ϳ̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ̶ϳΎϨΑ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ
̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ εήϳά̡ :(ICTs) Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵Ύϫ ̵˶̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ Ζϧ ήΘϧ΍ ί΍ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϖϳϮθΗ ƒ
ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ήΗΎϓΩ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ΖϳήΛϮϣ ϭ ϩΩέϭ΁ ΩϮΟϮΑ ϥΎϧ΍ϮΟ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶ϠϴμΤΗ ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫ Ζλήϓ ˬϥέΪϣ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ
̵Ύϫ Ζϓήθϴ̡ .ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ̵έΎϳ ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ήμϋ ϪΑ ϥΪη ϞΧ΍Ω έΩ ΍έ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϭ ΪθΨΒϴϣ ΎϘΗέ΍ ΍έ ̶μΨη ̵Ύϫ ̶Ϩ̢Ϥ̯
ΖΧ΍Ωή̡ ϞΑΎϗ ϭ ̵Ϯϗ ̶ΗΎϋϼσ΍ ϭ ̶ΗϮλ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪϴϬΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ή̴ϳΩ ϝΩΎΒΘϣ ̵Ύϫ ϩ΍έ ϪϠδϠγ ̮ϳ ήϴΧ΍ ̶̰ϳ̫ϮϟΎϨ̰ϴΗ
΍έ ϢψϨϣϭ ςϴδΑ ˬήϳά̡ ήϴϴϐΗ ˬίΎΑ ̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ̮ϳ ΎΗ Ωέ΍Ω ήψϧ έΩ ΖϟϭΩ .Ζγ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ ίΎΑ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̵΍ήΑ
Ϫ̯ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϞϴϤ̰Η ̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ Ϧϳ΍.ΪϳΎϤϧ ΐϴϘόΗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ήγ΍ήγ έΩ ΪϳΪΟ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϝΎϤόΘγ΍ ϥΩή̯ ϖϳϮθΗ ̵΍ήΑ
.Ζγ΍ ϢϳΪϘΗ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ ϪϤϴϤο ΚϴΤϨϣ

:ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϞϳΫ Ω΍Ϯϣ ϞϣΎη ̮ϳΩΰϧ ϩΪϨϳ΁ έΩ έϮΘ̰γ κΨθϣ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍

ˬ̮̩Ϯ̯ ϭ ϩΪϤϋ ̵Ύϫ ήϬη έΩ Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ ϪόγϮΗ ΎΑ ϪϣΎϋ ϩΩϮΟϮϣ Ϫ̰Βη ̵ΪϴϟϮΗ Ζϴϓήχ ΩΪΠϣ ̵ΎϴΣ΍ ƒ
ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ˬ̶ΗϮλ ̶γΎγ΍ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϦΘΧΎγ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ̵΍ήΑ ϪϓΎδϤϟ΍ ϞϳϮσ ̶Ϡϣ Ϫ̰Βη ̮ϳ βϴγΎΗ ƒ
ˬΖ̰ϠϤϣ ρΎϘϧ ϦϳήΗέϭΩ ϪΑ ̶ΘΣ ΖϧήΘϧ΍
ˬΪϫΪϴϣ ρΎΒΗέ΍ Ϣϫ ΎΑ ΍έ ϪϳΎδϤϫ ̮ϟΎϤϣ ϭ έϮθ̯ ϩΪϤϋ ρΎϘϧ Ϫ̯ έϮθ̯ ΢τγ ϪΑ ̵Ϯϗ Ϫ̰Βη ̮ϳ βϴγΎΗ ƒ
ˬέϮθ̯ ήγΎΗήγ έΩ ΖΑΎΛ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵΍ήΑ ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ έϭΪλ ƒ
ˬΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΩΪόΘϣ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟέϭΪλ ƒ
2004/2003 ϝΎγ έΩ Ϊμϴϓ 0.43 ϪΑ Ϊμϴϓ 0.8 ί΍ (ήϔϧ Ϊλ έΩ ̶ϧϮϔϠϴΗ ̵Ύϫ Ϧϴϟ ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍) teledensity ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍ ƒ
ˬϩΪϨϳ΁ ̵Ύϫ ϝΎγ έΩ ήΘθϴΑ ˯ϪόγϮΗ έϮψϨϤΑ
ϪΑ ήϔϧ έ΍ΰϫ έΩ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ 0.92 ί΍ (ήϔϧ Ϊλ έΩ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ̵ΎϬϧϮϔϠϴΗ ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍) Mobile Teledensity ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍ ƒ
ˬ2003/2004 ̵Ύϫ ϝΎγ έΩ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ 2ˬ52

ϪϣΪϘϣ -1
̵ίΎγίΎΑ ϭ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϥΩέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ΖϴϤϫ΍ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶ϣϼγ΍ ̶ϟΎϘΘϧ΍ ΖϟϭΩ
̵ΎϴΣ΍ ϭ ̶̳Ϊϧί ̵ΎϫέΎϴόϣ ϥΩήΑ ΪϨϠΑ ˬ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ Ζϓήθϴ̡ ΚϋΎΑ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ήΛϮϣ ̵ΎϨΑήϳί ̮ϳ .ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ̭έΩ ̶ΑϮΧ ϪΑ ̶Ϡϣ
ζϘϧ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϥέΪϣ Ϫ̰Βη ̮ϳ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ΎϬϧΎϐϓ΍ ϦΘΧΎγ ΪΤΘϣ ί΍ ΕέΎΒϋ ϥ΁ ϡΎϋ ϑΪϫ ϭ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ̶̴ΘδΒϤϫ
̵Ύϫ εϼΗ ϭ ˬ̶ϠϴμΤΗ ˬ̶ΘϟϭΩ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪΑ ΍έ ̶γήΘγΩ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ̵ίΎΑ Ύϫ Ϫϳήϗ ϭ Ύϫ ήϬη ϦϴΑ Ϟλ΍Ϯϓ ̵ίΎγ ϩΎΗϮ̯ έΩ ΍έ ̶ΗΎϴΣ
.ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̵έ΍ά̳ έΎ̯ ΍έ ̵Ϯϗ ϭ ήϤΜϣ ˬϥΎθΧέΩ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̮ϳ αΎγ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ.ΪϳΎϤϧ Ϣϫ΍ήϓ ϪϘΑΎγ ̶Α ΕέϮμΑ ̵ήθΑ ϩΎϓέ

ήϔϧ ̮ϳ ςϘϓ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ωΎΒΗ΍ ί΍ ήϔϧ 550 ϪϠϤΟ ί΍ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ ϥΎϬΟ έΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ϦϳήΗ ϒϴόο ̵΍έ΍Ω ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ίϭήϣ΍
ΩϮΟϭ ̶Ϡ̰Α ΩέϮΧ ̵ΎϫήϬη ήΜ̯΍ έΩϭ Ζγ΍ ΩϭΪΤϣ ΖϳΎϬϨϴΑ Ε Ύϳϻϭ ϦϴΑ ̶Η΍ήΑ ΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ .Ωέ΍Ω ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ
ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ .ΪϨΘδϫ ϪΟ΍Ϯϣ ρΎΒΗέ΍ Ϟ̰θϣ ϪΑ ̶ϳΎϴϓ΍ήϐΟ έϭΩ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴόϗϮϣ ήΑΎϨΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΩήϣ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴόϤΟ ϡΎϤΗ .Ωέ΍Ϊϧ
΍έ ̶̰Ϡϣ έϮϣ΍ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̵ΎϬΘϴϟΎόϓ ϥΎϨϴϤσ΍ ϞΑΎϗ ̶Η΍ήΑ ΎΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ϢΘδϴγ ΖϳΩϮΟϮϣ ϡΪϋ .Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ίΎϏ΁ ΍ΪϳΪΟ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ
ϪϳΎϣήγ ϡΪϋ ϭ ̲ϨΟ ϝΎγ 23 ί΍ ΪόΑ .ΪηΎΒϴϣ Ϧ̰ϤϣΎϧ "ΎπόΑ ϭ ΖϤϴϗ ˬϞ̰θϣ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ̵Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ .Ζγ΍ ϪΘΧΎγ ϊϧ΍Ϯϣ έΎ̩Ω
.Ωέ΍Ω Εέϭήο ̵ίΎγΎΑ ϭ ϢϴϣήΗ ϪΑ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣέϮΘ̰γ ϡΎϤΗ έϮθ̯ έΩ ̵έ΍ά̳

Ύϣ ϡΩήϣ ϡΎϤΗ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϥ΍ίέ΍ ϢΘδϴγ ϊϳήγ Ϊηέ ˯ϪϨϴϣί ΎΗ ΖδϨϳ΍ ΖϟϭΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϑΪϫ
ΪϴϔΘδϣ ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ήμϋ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ί΍ ΪϨΘδϫ Ϫ̯ ̶δ̯ ήϫ ϭ ΪϨΘδϫ Ϫ̯ ̶ϳΎΟ ήϫ έΩ ΎϬϧ΁ ΎΗ ΩίΎδΑ ΎϴϬϣ

έΩ ΍έ ̶Ϥϳ̫έ Ύϣ .ΪϳΎϤϧ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ϩϮϴη ϦϳήΘϬΑ ί΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ Ρϼλ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΎΗ Ωέ΍Ω εϼΗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍
έϮΘ̰γ ̭΍ήΘη΍ ϭ ϢϟΎγ ΖΑΎϗέ ˬ̶πϴόΒΗήϴϏ ϭ ϑΎϔη Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ ˬ ϞϘΘδϣ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ̵ΎϨΒϣ ήΑ Ϫ̯ Ζϓήϳά̡ Ϣϴϫ΍ϮΧ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ
ϩήΧϼΑ ϭ ̵ΪμΗ Ϟ̰θΑ ϒϠΘΨϣ ϞΣ΍ήϣ ̶σ ΍έ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣέϮΘ̰γ ϞΟΎϋ Ϫ̩ ήϫ ΎΗ Ωέ΍Ω εϼΗ ΖϟϭΩ .ΪηΎΑ ̶λϮμΧ
ϥϮϨ̯΍ ϦϴϤϫ ̶λϮμΧ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ .Ωέϭ΁ ΖγΪΑ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϓ Ύ̯ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϪϴΣΎϧ Ϧϳ΍ί΍ ϭ ΩίΎγ ̶λϮμΧ
̶γΎγ΍ ̵ΎϫΎϨΑήϳί βϴγΎΗ ϪϨϴϣί ̶λϮμΧέϮΘ̰γ ̭΍ήΘη΍ .Ζγ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ ̵ί΍Ϊϧ΍ ϩ΍έ ΍έ ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪόγϮΗ
ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϑήμϣ ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ Ύϫ ΖϤϴϗ ̶λϮμΧ ̵Ύϫ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϭ ΖΑΎϗέ .ΖΧΎγ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΪϋΎδϣ ΍έ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ
.ΪθΨΒϴϣ Ζϋήγ ΍έ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ έΩ ̵έϭ΁ Ϯϧ ϭ ϩΩήΑ ϻΎΑ ΍έ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ζϴϔϴ̯ ˬϩΩέϭ΁ ϦϴϳΎ̡ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ϭ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ ήσΎΨΑ

ΩΎϤΘϋ΍ ϞΑΎϗ ϢΘδϴγ .ΪθΨΒϴϣ ΎϘΗέ΍ ήΗϻΎΑ ΢τγ ϪΑ ΍έ ̶ϧΪϣ ϪόϣΎΟ Ϫ̯ ϩΩϮΑ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ϭ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ̭ήΤΗ αΎγ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ
ΐΟϮϣ ϥέΪϣ Ϫ̰Βη .ΪϧΎγήΑ ϡΎΠϧ΍ ϪΑ ϪϧΎϘϓϮϣ ΩΪΠϣ ˯ΎϴΣ΍ ΖϤδϗ έΩ ΍έ ζϳϮΧ ̵Ύϫ ϥϼ̡ ΎΗ ΩίΎδϴϣ έΩΎϗ ΍έ ΖϟϭΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ
ϭ Ϫϓήϣ ϪόϣΎΟ ΰϴϣ΁ ΢Ϡλ ϩΪϨϳ΁ ϭ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΩϮΒϬΑ ΚϋΎΑ ϭ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϪϣΎϋ έϮΘ̰γ ΖϴϓΎϔη ϭ ΖϴϠΑΎϗ ˬΖϳήΛϮϣ ϥΩήΑ ϻΎΑ
.ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ΪΤΘϣ

.Ζδϳέϭήο ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ̵ΎϫέϮΘ̰γ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ΎϬΘϴϟΎόϓ ϖϳϮθΗ ϭ ̵ΪϴϟϮΗ Ζϴϓήχ ΩΪΠϣ ωϭήη ̵΍ήΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ
̵ίΎΑ ̶̴Ϩϫήϓ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪϟΩΎΒΗ ϭ ΕέΎΠΗ έΩ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕϼϴϬδΗ ϭ ̶ϟΎϣ ϢΘδϴγ βϴγΎΗ έΩ ΍έ ̶ϤϬϣ ϝϭέ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ
Ζϓήθϴ̡ ϭ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ˬ̵έΎ̯ ϪϨϴϣί ϥΩϮϤϧ ΪϋΎδϣ ˬ̵ΪϴϟϮΗ ̵ϭήϴϧ ζϳ΍ΰϓ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ΩΎϳί ΖϴϤϫ΍ ϱ΍έ΍Ω Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ .ΪϨ̰ϴϣ
.ΪηΎΒϴϣ έϮθ̯ έΩ ϊϳήγ

ˬ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ̶̳ ϩΩΎϣ΁ .ΩϮθϴϣ ̶ϧΪϣ ϪόϣΎΟ Ω΍ήϓ΍ ήσΎΧ ϥΎϨϴϤσ΍ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϴϨϣ΍ ϦϴϣΎΗ ΐΟϮϣ ̵Ϯϗ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ςϴΤϣ ̮ϳ ϩήΧϼΑ
ϊΑΎϨϣ Ϫ̯ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ϩΩϮΑ ήΛϮϣ ϭ ̵Ϯϗ ̶ΗέϮλ έΩ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϴϨϣ΍ ϭ ΢Ϡλ ˯ϩΩΎϋ΍ ϭ ϪόϣΎΟ Ζϓήθϴ̡ ˬ̶ΘϟϭΩ ήϴϏ ΕΎδγϮϣ ˬΕϼϴμΤΗ
.ΪΑΎϳ εήΘδ̳ ϪόϣΎΟ ήγ΍ήγ έΩ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ Ϫ̰Βη ήΒΘόϣ ϭ ̵Ϯϗ

Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Ϡϣ ̶δϴϟ Ύ̡ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϭ ϝϮλ΍ -2

΍έ ϞϳΫ ΕΎγΎγ΍ ϭ Ϧϴϧ΍Ϯϗ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̵ίΎγϮϧ έΩ ϩΪϤϋ ̭ήΤΘϣ ϪϠϴγϭ ̮ϳ ϪΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϊϳήγ ˯ΎϴΣ΍ ήσΎΨΑ
:ΪϫΪϴϣ έ΍ήϗ ΩϮΧ έΎ̯ ςΧ ήγ έΩ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Ϡϣ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϭ ΎϤϨϫ΍έ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤΑ

1 .............................................................................................................................................. ϪϣΪϘϣ -
1 .................................................................................................... Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Ϡϣ ̶δϴϟ Ύ̡ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϭ ϝϮλ΍ -2
3 ........................................................................................................................................ ΖϟϭΩ ζϘϧ -3
3 ................................................................................................. ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ˯ϩέ΍Ω΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ -4
4 ................................................ (ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Ϡϣ Ζ̯ήη) AFGHAN TELECOM ϡΎ̯ ̶ϠϴΗ ϥΎϐϓ΍ ΩΎΠϳ΍ -5
4 .................................................................................................................................... ΖΑΎϗέ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ -6
5 ................................................................................................ (LICENSED SPECTRUM) ϒϴσ ί΍ϮΟ -7
6 ................................................................................... (UNLICENSED SPECTRUM) ί΍ϮΟ ϥϭΪΑ ϒϴσ -8
6 .................................................................................................................. ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -9
6 ......................................................................................................... ί΍ϮΟ ϩΪϧέ΍Ω ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΁ Ζϴ̰Ϡϣ – 9.
6 ..................................................................................................... ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -9.2
7 ...................................................................................................... ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ – 9.3
7 ......................................................................... ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ ̵΍ήΑ Ε΄ϨΜΘγ΍ – 9.4
7 ............................................................ INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY SERVICESΎϳ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ήΒόϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ 9.5
8 ............................................. VERY SMALL APERTURE TERMINAL (VSAT) ΖϳϼΘγ ̮̩Ϯ̯ ̵Ύϫ ϞϨϴϣήΗ – 9.6
8 ................................................................... DIGITAL TRUNK RADIO SERVICES ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ΕΎϣΪΧ -9.7
8 ............................................. RADIO PAGING SERVICE PROVIDERS ̶ϳϮϳΩ΍έ ϡΎϐϴ̡ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ – 9.8
8 ........................................................... VALUE-ADDED NETWORK SERVICES είέ΍ ϪϓΎο΍ Ϫ̰Βη ΕΎϣΪΧ –9.9
9 ......................................................................................................................... SATELLITE (GMPCS)
9 ........................................................................ CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES ̶ϠΒϴ̯ ϥϮϳΰϳϮϠΗ ΕΎϣΪΧ - 9.11
9 ....................................................................................... PRIVATE NETWORKS ̶λϮμΧ ̵Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη -9.12
9 .................................................................................................................... RESALE ΩΪΠϣ εϭήϓ-9.13
9 ....................................................................................... INTERCONNECTION Ύϫ Ϫ̰Βη ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ϝΎμΗ΍ 9.4
10 ............................................. (NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS) ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̵΍ήΑ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ έΎϴόϣ -9.5
10 .............................................. CUSTOMER PREMISES EQUIPMENTϥΎϳήΘθϣ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ Ε΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ϭ ϥΎϣΎγ-9.6
10 ........................................................... (TELECOM DEVELOPMENT FUND) Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϪΟΩϮΑ -9.7
10 ........................................................................ (INTERNET SERVICES) ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -0
11 .................................... ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ Ζϳΰϧ΍ήΗ ίΎϴΘϣ΍ ϭ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ̵Ύϫί΍ϮΟ -0.
11 ......................................................................... ISP ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̵΍ήΑ ̶Ϡϣ ̵Ύϫ ί΍ϮΟ -0.2
12 ..............................................................................................................................ί΍ϮΟ βϴϓ -0.3
12 ........................................................................................... ( ISP) ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϦϴϣΎΗ 0.4
12 .......................................................................................................................................... ΕΎϴϟΎϣ 
Ϯ̰δϴγϭ ITU ˬ ΪΤΘϣ ϞϠϣ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϡ΍ή̳ϭή̡ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ΖϳΎϤΣ ΎѧΑ ΍έ Ε΍έΎ̰ΘѧΑ΍ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ .Ϊϧ΍ϮΘѧϴϤϧ ϩΪѧη
έΩ ̵ϮϴΑήΗ ΰ̯ήϣ 3 βϴѧγΎΗ ϖϳήѧσ ί΍ ICT ζѧΨΑ έΩ ΎѧϬϧΎϐϓ΍ ̵Ύѧϫ ΕέΎѧϬϣ ϑΎѧθ̰ϧ΍ έϮψϨѧϣ ϪѧΑ
"ϼΒϗ έϮθ̯ ΕΎϳϻϭ ήΜ̯΍ ΰ̯΍ήϣ έΩ ̶λϮμΧ ̲ϨϨϳήѧΗ ΰѧ̯ήϣ Ϊѧμ̰ϳ ϥΎϨѧ̩ Ϣѧϫ ϭ ΕΎѧϳϻϭϭ ΰѧ̯ήϣ
.Ζγ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ ίΎϏ΍
̵΍ήΑ ̶ϟΎϋ ϪΒϟΎτϣ ˬΖϣϮ̰Σ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵Ύϫ ϡ΍ή̳ϭή̡ ϭ ̶ΗέΎΠΗ ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫ Ζλήϓ Ζη΍Ω ήѧψϧέΩ ΎѧΑ
Ύѧϣ ˬ Ωέ΍Ω ΩϮѧΟϭ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ ̮ϳ̬ϴΗ΍ήΘѧγ ̶ѧγήΘγΩ ̵ΎϨΒϣήѧΑ ICT έΩ Ύѧϫ ΕέΎѧϬϣ ΩέϮѧϣ έΩ ϡΩήѧϣ
ΎѧѧΑ ΍έ ϡ΍ΪΨΘΘѧѧγ΍ ̵Ύѧѧϫ Ζѧѧλήϓϭ ΕέΎѧѧϬϣ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ ϢϴѧѧϫΪΑ Ϫѧѧϣ΍Ω΍ ΍έ Ύѧѧϫ εϼѧѧΗ Ϧѧѧϳ΍ ΎѧѧΗ ϢϴΘѧѧδϫ ϞѧѧϳΎϣ
.ϢϳΎϤϧ ϦϴϣΎΗ ̶λϮμΧϭ ϪϣΎϋ έϮΘ̰γ ̭΍ήΘη΍

: ̵̫ϮϟϭΩϮΘϴϣ
ϊϳήγ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ̶Ϩηϭέ ϩ΍έ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϢϴγήΗ Ϫ̯ ϪϨϴϣίέΩ ΍έ ̶ѧδϴϟΎ̡ ΎѧΗ Ζѧγ΍ ϢϤѧμϣ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ
ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΩήϣ ̶΋Ύϧ΍ϮΗ ϭ ρΎΒΗέ΍ ϞѧΟΎϋ ϦϴѧϣΎΗ ϑΪѧϫ ϪѧΑ έϮΘ̰ѧγ
.ΪϫΪΑ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ
ΏϮ̩έΎ̩ ̶̰ϳ̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγϭ ΩΎϨγ΍ έΩ Ϫ̯ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ̶δϟΎ̡ αΎѧγ΍ήΑ ΪϨѧγ ϦѧϳέΩ ϩΪѧη Ϫѧϳ΍έ΍ ̶ѧδϴϟΎ̡ ϕ΍έϭ΍
.Ζγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ϪϴϬΗ ϩΪη ϪλϼΧ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ̵ΎϤϨϫέ αΎγ΍ήΑ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍
ϦϳήѧѧΘϬΑ ί΍ είϮѧѧϣ΁ ̵ϭέ ΰѧѧ̯ήϤΗ ˬ αΎѧѧγ΍ήΑ ̶ѧѧδϴϟΎ̡ Ρήѧѧσ ΩέϮѧѧϣ έΩ ϝΎѧѧδ̰ϳ ϝϮѧѧσ έΩ Ύѧѧϫ εϭέ
.ΩϮΑ έ΍ϮΘγ΍ ϞϘΘδϣ ϦϳέϭΎθϣ ϭ ̶ϟΎϣ ΕΎδγϮϣ ˬ ITU ̶ΘόϨλ Ύπϋ΍ ΏέΎΠΗ ϭ ζϧ΍Ω ˬ ΏέΎΠΗ
ϡΩήϣ ϩΪϧΎϣ ̶ϗΎΑ ΰ̯΍ήϣ ΩέϮϣ έΩ ϪΟϮΗ ϭέϮθ̯ ̵Ύϫ Εέϭήο ˬ ̶Ϡϣ ϑΎѧθ̰ϧ΍ ΏϮѧ̩έΎ̩ αΎѧγ΍ήΑ
.Ζγ΍ ϩΪη ΏΎΨΘϧ΍ ̶γήΘγΩ ̵΍ήΑ
ΪϨϧΎϣ ΕΎΒϟΎτϣ ˬ Ζϴѧ̯έΎϣ ϊѧοϭ ˬ έϮѧθ̯ ̵Ύѧϫ Εέϭήѧο ˬ ̶ѧϠΤϣ ϊѧοϭ ϞϴѧϠΤΗϭ ϪϳΰѧΠΗ ί΍ ΖϴѧϟΎόϓ
έϮθ̯ έΩ ΩϮΟϮϣ έϮΘ̰γ ̵Ύϫ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ˬ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ̵Ύϫ ̵̬ϴΗ΍ήΘѧγ ί΍ ϪΒΗήѧϣ ΩΎϨѧγ΍ ήѧΜ̯΍ ΪѧΣ ϪѧόϟΎτϣ
̵Ύѧѧϫ ΕΎѧѧϗϼϣ ϒѧѧθ̯ ˬ ̵ΎϬѧѧδϧ΍ήϔϨ̯ˬ Ύѧѧϫ ̟Ύѧѧθ̯έϭ ˬ ̶ѧѧδϴϟΎ̡ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ βѧѧγϭή̡ ϪѧѧϣΪϘϣ ˬ ήѧѧ̴ϳΩ ̵Ύѧѧϫ
.ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ̶ϓήόϣ Ύϫ Ρήσ ήψϧ ΪϳΪΠΗέϮψϨϣ ϪΑ Ϫѧ̯ ϖѧϓϮϣ ̵Ύѧϫ ϝΩϮѧϣ ϪѧΑ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ ̵ΪϴѧϠ̯ ϥ΍ΪϨѧϣέΎ̯
( ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ϝϮϤθΑ Ύϫ Εέ΍ίϭ ̵ΪϴϠ̯ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϳΎϤϧ ̶Ϥγέ ̵Ύϫ ΕΎϗϼϣ ϭ ̵ήѧΗϮϴ̢Ϥ̯ ̵Ύѧϫ ϩέϮѧθϣϭ
.Ζγ΍ ϪΘϓΎϳ ίΎϏ΁ έϮθ̯ Ζϳϻϭ 32)
ˬ ̶ѧѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧѧΑϭ ̶ѧѧϠϣ ̵ΎϬϧΎϣίΎѧѧγ ϝϮϤѧѧθΑ ΪϨѧѧϤϗϼϋ ̵Ύѧѧϫ ̟ϭήѧѧ̳ ϡΎѧѧϤΗ ϪѧѧΑ ΍έ Ύѧѧϫ Ζѧѧλήϓ βѧѧγϭή̡
έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ̵Ω΍ήѧϔϧ΍ ιΎΨѧη΍ ϭ ̶ѧλϮμΧ έϮΘ̰ѧγ ˬ ̶ѧϧΪϣ ϪѧόϣΎΟ ̵Ύѧϫ ϥΎϣίΎѧγ ˬ ̶ѧϟΎϣ ΕΎѧδγϮϣ
ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ΎϬϧ΁ ζϧ΍Ω ΕϭήΛϭ ΏέΎΠΗί΍ ΎΗ ΪϫΩ ̶ϣ ϩίΎΟ΍ ΎϤΑ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ϦϴϣΎΗ βѧγϭή̡έΩ ϝΎѧόϓ ̭΍ήΘѧη΍
.Ϣϳέϭ΁ ϞϤϋ ϪΑ
ΖϣϮ̰Σ Ζϴϫ ϝΎΜϣέϮτΑ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΐϴΗήΗ ϥ΁ ί΍ ̶ϠϳϮσ Ζδϟ ϢϴϨ̯ ΢ϳήѧθΗ ΍έ ΕΎϴ΋ΰѧΟ ϡΎѧϤΗ ϩΎ̳ήѧϫ
ϝΩΎΒΗϭ ΪϳΩϮϤϧ ΕΎϗϼϣ ϩήϴϏϭ ITU ˬ Ύ̰ϳήϣ΍ ϩΪΤΘϣ ωϼο΍ FCC ˬ Ϫδϧ΍ήϓ ˬ ΎϳΰϴϟΎϣ ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ΎѧΑ
ήϫ ί΍ ΪόΑϭ ΩϮΑ ΪϨϣΩϮγϭ Ϊϴϔϣ ΏέΎΠΗ ΎϬϨϳ΍ .ϢϴϨ̯ ̶Ϥϧ ΚΤΑ ΕΎϴ΋ΰΟ ϡΎϤΗ ̵ϭέ Ύϣ ΍άѧϟ .ΪϧΩϮѧϤϧ ήѧψϧ
ϪϠϴѧѧγϭ ϪѧѧΑ ΂Ϥѧѧγέ ϭ Ζϓήѧѧ̳ ΩϮѧѧΧ ϪѧѧΑ ΍έ ΩϮѧѧΟϮϣ Ϟ̰ѧѧη ϩήѧѧΧϼΑϭ ˬΖѧѧϓΎϳ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ Ρήѧѧσ ϩέϮѧѧθϣ ϩέϭΩ
ΪΘϓΎϴΑ Εέϭήο Ϫ̰ϴΗέϮλέΩ ϭ ΪηΎΑ ̶ϣ ϊο΍ϭϭ Ϧηϭέ ΪϨγ ̮ϳ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ϧϳ΍ .Ϊη ΏΎΨΘѧϧ΍ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ
.Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ϩΪη ΢ϴΤμΗ ϭ ϞϳΪόΗ έϮΘ̰γ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̭ήΤΗ ϭ Ε΍ήϴϐΗ αΎγ΍ήΑ
ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ϩϮϘϟΎΑ Ω΍ΪόΗ .ΩίΎѧδΑ ΕΎϋϮѧοϮϣ ̵΍ϮΘѧΤϣ ϭ ̶ѧΘϴϨϣ΍ Ϫ̰Βѧη ϢϴѧψϨΗ ϪѧΑ έΩΎѧϗ ΍έ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ
.ΩΩή̳ ϥ΁ Ϫ̰Βη ϝΎμΗ΍ Ζϴϓήχ ϪΑ ρϮΑήϣ ΪϳΎη ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ (ISP) ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϥΎ̳
ΖϳϮϟϭ΍ ̶΋ΎγΎϨη ϝΎΣέΩ ˬ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ˬ (ICT) ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ϭ ̶ѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨѧ̰Η ζѧΨΑ έΩ
̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ϩ΍έ Ϫ̯ ΩϮϤϧ Ϣϴϫ΍ϮΧ ̵ΪϨΑ ϝϮϣέϮϓ ̵έϮσ ΍έ ICT ̶ѧδϴϟΎ̡ ̮ѧϳ ˬΪѧηΎΑ ̶ѧϣ ζϳϮѧΧ ̵Ύѧϫ
̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̵ΪϴϠ̯ ήμϨϋ ̮ϳ ΚϴΤϨϣ Ϫ̯ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍έΩ ICT ϞѧΟΎϋ ϑΎѧθ̰ϧ΍
.ΩίΎγ έ΍ϮϤϫ ΪϳΎϤϧ ̵ίΎΑ ζϘϧ ΖϠϣ
ΩϮγ "ϼϣΎ̯ ϪόϣΎΟ ̮ϳ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭίέ΁ ˬ ϞϤϋ ̵ΎѧϬϧϼ̡ϭ Ύѧϫ ̶ѧδϴϟΎ̡ ˬ ϑ΍Ϊѧϫ΍ ϞϣΎѧη ˬ ICT ̶ѧδϟΎ̡
έϮψϨѧϣ ϪѧΑ ̶ѧϠϣ ICT ̮ѧϳ ̵ΎϨΑήѧϳί ωϮѧοϮϣ Ϧѧϳ΍ Ζѧη΍Ω ήѧψϧέΩ ΎѧΑ .ΪѧϳΎϤϧ ̶ѧϣ ΍έ ICT ί΍ ϩΪϧήѧΑ
̵ΎϬηίέ΍ ϪϳϮϘΗ ϭ Ύϫ εϼΗ ̵ίΎγ ϞϬγ έϮψϨϣ ϪѧΑ έϮѧθ̯ ωΎΒѧΗ΍ ϪѧΑ ΕΎϣϮѧϠόϣ ϩΩΎϔΘѧγ΍ ̵ίΎѧγ ϪϨѧϴϣί
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϩΩ΍Ω Ϊηέ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍έΩ ̵ήθΑ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ Ϫϣ΍Ω΍ ̵΍ήΑ ̮ϴΗ΍ή̯ϮϤϳΩ

:Ωέ΍Ω έ΍ήϗ ̶Ϡϣ ICT ̶δϟΎ̡ ϪΟϮΗ ΰ̯ήϣ έΩ ϞϳΫ ϑΪϫ Ϫγ

: Ϫ̰Βη ̶γήΘγΩ
ˬ ̶ѧѧϨϳΰ̳έΎ̯ ̵ΎѧѧϘΗέ΍ έΩ ϢѧѧϬϣ έϮΘѧѧ̰ϓ ̮ѧѧϳ ICT ̵Ύѧѧϫ Ϫ̰Βѧѧη ϪѧѧΑ ΐѧѧγΎϨϣ ΖϤϴѧѧϗ ϪѧѧΑ Ϫ̰Βѧѧη ̶ѧѧγήΘγΩ
έΎϬχ΍ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ϕ΍έϭ΍ έΩ . ΪηΎΒϴϣ ̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ϩΎϓέϭ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ϑΎѧθ̰ϧ΍
Ϫ̩ή̳ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ΍Ϊϴ̡ ̶γήΘγΩ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ω΍Ϯϧ΍ ϡΎϤΗ ϪΑ ΎΗ ΪηΎΒϴϣ ωΎΘΑ΍ ϡΎϤΗ ̶ѧγΎγ΍ ϖѧΣ Ϧѧϳ΍ Ϫѧ̯ ϩΪϳΩήѧ̳
έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΍έ ϞΟΎϋ ϞΣ΍ήѧϣ ϡΎѧϤΗ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ .ΪѧηΎΒϴϣ ΕΪѧϣ ̶ѧϧϻϮσ ϑΪѧϫ Ϧѧϳ΍ Ϫѧ̯ Ωήѧ̯ ϑ΍ήѧΘϋ΍ ΪѧϳΎΑ
.Ωή̯Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ΖϳΎϤΣ ζϳϮΧ ̶΋ΎϏ ϑ΍Ϊϫ΍ ϡΎΠϧ΍
΍έ ϑ΍Ϊѧѧϫ΍ ϭ ˬΩ΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮѧѧΧ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ ΍έ ICT ̶ѧѧγήΘγΩ κΨѧѧθϣ ̵Ύѧѧϫ κΧΎѧѧη ̶ѧѧΗ΍έήϘϣ ϥϮѧѧδϴϤ̯
̶ϓήόϣ ΍ήΟ΍ ϞѧΑΎϗ ̶ѧϧΎϣί ΩΎόϴѧϣ ̮ѧϳ ϑήѧχ έΩ ̵ήѧγΎΗήγ ̶ѧϣϮϤϋ ̶ѧγήΘγΩ ̵ϮѧδΑ ̭ήѧΤΗ ̵΍ήѧΑ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ

: ̶γήΘγΩ ζϧ΍Ω ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ

ΪѧѧϳΎΑ ϦϳήѧѧΑΎϨΑ ˬ ΪѧѧηΎΑ ΩϮѧѧΟϮϣ ΪѧѧϳΎΑ Ϫ̰Βѧѧη ϪѧѧΑ ̶ѧѧϣϮϤϋ ̶ѧѧγήΘγΩ ΎѧѧΗ ΪѧѧϳΎϤϧ ̶ѧѧϣ ΏΎѧѧΠϳ΍ ΩέϮѧѧϣ Ϧѧѧϳ΍ έΩ
ϪѧѧΑ ρϮΑήѧѧϣ Ύѧѧϫ ΖϴѧѧϘϓϮϣ ˬ ̵ΩΎѧѧμΘϗ΍ ζѧѧϧ΍Ω έΩ .ΪѧѧηΎΑ Ζѧѧη΍Ω ΩϮѧѧΟϭ ζѧѧϧ΍Ω ϭ ΕΎϣϮѧѧϠόϣ ϪѧѧΑ ̶ѧѧγήΘγΩ
̶̰Θϣ ˬϊΑΎϨϣϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ωϮϨΗ ϪΑ ̶ѧγήΘγΩ ϝϮѧμΣ έϮψϨѧϣ ϪѧΑ ΪѧϳΪΟ ϭ ήѧΛϮϣ έΎϴѧδΑ ϕήѧσ είϮѧϣ΁
ˬ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ϣ̯ΎΣ ϥΎϣί ϪόϣΎΟ ̮ϳ έΩ ΕΪϣ ̶ϧϻϮσ είϮϣ΍ ˬ ΖϟΎΣ ϦϴѧϋέΩ .ΩϮѧΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ ζϧ΍ΩήѧΑ
̵΍ήΑ ΎΗ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϪϠϴγϭ ICT ˬ ΪηΎΑ ϪΘη΍Ω ΖϴϘϓϮϣ ΪѧϳΎΑ ̶ѧϠόϓ ήѧϴϐΗ ήѧϫ ΎѧΑ ̵Ω΍ήѧϔϧ΍ ιΎΨѧη΍ Ϫѧ̯
.ΩίΎδΑΪϋΎδϣ Ύϫ ΕέΎϬϣ ϭ ζϧ΍Ω ϝϮμΣ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΍έ Ύϫ Ζλήϓ έϮθ̯ ̵Ύϫ ζΨΑ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ ΎϬϨϐϓ΍

: ICT ί΍ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍

ΕΎΒϟΎτϣ ϪϧΎϘϓϮϣ ϪόγϮΗ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ICT ί΍ ̵ϭ ϪϧϮϤϧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̮ϳ ϪΑΎΜϣ ϪѧΑ ΖϣϮѧ̰Σ ζѧϘϧ
ϢΘѧѧδϴγ ϖϴѧѧΒτΗ ϪϠϴѧѧγϮΑ Ύѧѧϫ ΖϴѧѧϟΎόϓ ϕήѧѧσ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ϭ Ϊѧѧηέ έϮψϨѧѧϣ ϪѧѧΑ ΍έ ICT ϝΎϤόΘѧѧγ΍ ΖϣϮѧѧ̰Σ
ϩΩϮϤϧ ίΎϏ΁ "ϼΒϗ ϥΎ̳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ϞϳϮϤΗ ̶ΑΎϳΩέ ϭ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ΖϨϤΠϨϣ ̵΍ήѧΑ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΕΎϣϮѧϠόϣ ΖϨѧϤΠϨϣ
ϝΎϤόΘγ΍ ϖϳήσί΍ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ̵΍ήΑ Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϪΘϓΎϳ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ Ζϴϔϴ̯ϭ ήΛϮϣ ̵Ύѧϫ ϪΘѧΧϭΪϧ΍ .Ζѧγ΍
ΖϣϮѧѧ̰Σ ̵Ύѧѧϫ ϡ΍ήѧѧ̳ϭή̡ Ϫѧѧοήϋ ΩέϮѧѧϣ έΩ ΍έΎѧѧϫ εϭέ ϦϳήѧѧΘϬΑ ΪѧѧϳΎΑ ΖϣϮѧѧ̰Σ. ΪѧѧηΎΑ Ϧѧѧ̰Ϥϣ ICT
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ϮΠΘδΟ ̶Ϡϣ ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ ICT ΞϳϭήΗ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ ̶̰ϴϧϭήΘ̰ϟ΍
. Ϊϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ ϩΪη ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϭ ϥϭΎόΗ ̮ϳήΤΗ ΐΒγ ϪϣΎϋ ICT ̭έ΍ΪΗ ̮ϳ̬ϴΗ΍ήΘγ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍

.̶΋΍Ωί ήϘϓϭ Ϟϐη ΩΎΠϳ΍ ̵΍ήΑ ϪϠϴγϭ ̮ϳ ϪΑΎΜϣ ϪΑ ICT .4

̲ϨѧѧΟ ΕΎѧѧϋϼσ΍ ΩέϮѧѧϣ έΩ έΎѧѧ̯ ϭ ΏϮѧѧΧ ̵έ΍Ω ΖϣϮѧѧ̰Σ ˬ ΕΎΣϼѧѧλ΍ ˬ ΩΪѧѧΠϣ έΎѧѧϤϋ΍ ̵Ύѧѧϫ εϼѧѧΗ
ϭ ϥΎϧί ̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̵ΪϳΪΟ ̵Ύϫ Ζλήϓ Εέϭήѧο Ϧѧϳ΍ Ϫ̰ϳΩέ΍Ϯѧϣ έΩ ICT ϝΎϤόΘѧγ΍ ϥϭΪѧΑ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍
ϊϳήδΗ ΩίΎγ ̶ϣ ΪϋΎδϣ ϪΘηά̳ ̶ϧϻϮσ ήϘϓ ϪϴϠϋ ϩίέΎΒѧϣ ϭ Ϟϐѧη ΖѧϓΎϳέΩ έϮψϨѧϣ ϪѧΑ ϥ΍ϮѧΟ ϥ΍Ωήѧϣ
ϊѧѧϓέ ˬ (DDR) ̵ίΎѧѧγ ̶ѧѧ̰Ϡϣ ϭ Ρϼѧѧλ ̵έϭ΁ ϊѧѧϤΟ ϡ΍ήѧѧ̳ϭή̡ : ̶ѧѧ̰Ϡϣ ϭ ̶ѧѧϠϣ ΖϴѧѧϨϣ΍ ζϳ΍ΰѧѧϓ΍ .2
̵ΎϬϣ΍ή̳ϭή̡ ϭ ̶Ϡϣ ΖϴѧϨϣ΍ ϭ ˬ έΩΎϨѧΑ ̵έ΍ΪѧγΎ̡ ˬ Ύѧϫ ϩ΍έ έΎѧϤϋ΍ ˬ ̶ѧ̰Ϡϣ ̵Ύѧϫ ̶ѧ̳ΩΎϣ΁ ήѧτΧ ϞѧΟΎϋ
ϞѧΑΎϗ ϭ ΪϨѧϤϧ΍ϮΗ Ε΍ήѧΑΎΨϣ Ϫѧ̯ Ϊѧη Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ ΖϳϮѧϘΗ ϥΎѧϣί ϪѧϤϫ (NGO) ̶ѧΘϣϮ̰Σ ήѧϴϏ ̵ΎϬϧΎϣίΎѧγ

̮ϳήѧѧΤΗ ˬ ̵ΪϴѧѧϟϮΗ Ζϴϓήѧѧχ ϩέΎѧѧΑϭΩ ̵ΎϴѧѧΣ΍ ̵΍ήѧѧΑ Ε΍ήѧѧΑΎΨϣ : ̵ΩΎѧѧμΘϗ΍ Ϫ̯ήѧѧΤϣ ̵ϭήѧѧϴϧ ϦϴѧѧϣΎΗ .3
.Ζγ΍ Εέϭήο ΖϳΎϬϧ ̶λϮμΧ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΐϠΟ ϭ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ έϮΘ̰γ ϡΎϤΗ έΩ Ύϫ ΖϴϟΎόϓ
ΎΑ ϪѧόϣΎΟ ̵Ύѧϫ ζѧΨΑ ϡΎѧϤΗ ϪѧΑ ̵ΩΎѧμΘϗ΍ ΖΒѧΜϣ Ε΍ήѧϴΛΎΗ ϥΎϳήѧΟ Ϫѧ̯ ΪϫΪϴѧϣ ϥΎѧθϧ ϰѧΗΎϘϴϘΤΗ ΕΎϣϮѧϠόϣ
.ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ΍ήΟ΍ ̶γΎγ΍ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ̶γήΘγΩ
.ΪηΎΑ ̶ϣ ϝΎϤϟ΍ ΖϴΑ ϪΑ ̶ΗΎϴϟΎϣ Ϊϳ΍Ϯϋ ϪϳϮϘΗ έΩ ϩϮϘϟΎΑ ϞϣΎϋ ήΛϮϣ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ ̮ϳ

: ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ΕέΎΠΗ ϦϳήΘϴϟΎϋ εήϳά̡ .4

ΪϳΎΑ ΩΪόΘϣ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ϪΑ ̶γήΘγΩ ϡΪϋ ήΑΎϨΑ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΏέΎΠΗ ί΍ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍
.Ϣϳ΍ ϩΩ΍Ω ΖγΩί΍ ΍έ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ωϮϧ ϦϳΪϨ̩ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ̲ϨΟ ϞϴϤΤΗ ήΑΎϨΑ Ύϣ ΍ήϳί
ςϳ΍ήη ϪΑ ϞΣ ϩ΍έ ϦϳήΘϬΑ ΏΎΨΘϧ΍ ϭ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ Ρϼλ΍ ϪΑ ϪτΑ΍έέΩ ΍έ ̶ϧΎϬΟ ̵Ύϫ εϭέ Ύϣ
ϪόϟΎτϣ ϖϴϗΩ ΕέϮλ ϪΑ ̶ѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϞϳΎѧγϭ ϝΎϤόΘѧγ΍ϭ ΩήѧΑέΎ̯ ϪѧΑ ̶ѧϨΒϣ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶ѧϠΤϣ Ζϴѧ̯έΎϣ
ϪΒѧѧϧΎΟ ϪѧѧϤϫ ̵ίΎѧѧγ Ω΍ί΁ ̵΍ήѧѧΑ ̵έΎѧѧ̯ ϑΪѧѧϫ ̮ѧѧϳ ϪΑΎΜѧѧϣ ϪѧѧΑ ΍έ ( 2006) 385 ϝΎѧѧγ Ύѧѧϣ .Ϣѧѧϳ΍ ϩΩήѧѧ̯
ΏϮ̩έΎ̩ ˬΩΩή̳ ϦϴϣΎΗ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ΕΎΒΛ ΎΗ Ϣϴϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ Ύϣ ̮ϳΩΰϧ ϩΪϨѧϳ΁ έΩ .Ϣѧϳ΍ ϩΩήѧ̯ ̶ѧϨϴΑ ζϴѧ̡ έϮΘ̰ѧγ
̶ѧѧΘΑΎϗέ Ζϴѧѧ̯έΎϣ ΎѧѧΑ Ϫѧѧ̯ ΍έ ̶ѧѧϧϮϧΎϗϭ ̶ѧѧ̰ϳ̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η ̵Ύѧѧϫ ΪϧϮϴѧѧ̡ ϭ βϴѧѧγΎΗ ΍έ ζϳϮѧѧΧ ΪѧѧϳΪΟ ̶ѧѧΗ΍έήϘϣ
.ϢϳΎϤϧ ̭έ΍ΪΗ έϮΘ̰γ έΩ "ϼϣΎ̯ ΪηΎΑ ̶ϣ ϡΎ̴Ϥϫ

:ΪηΎΑ ̶ϣ ϞϳΫ Ωέ΍Ϯϣ ϞϣΎη ̶δϟΎ̡ έΩ Ϧϴόϣ ήλΎϨϋ

ΚϴΤϨϣ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ζϘϧ ϥΩή̯ ϑήσήΑ ϭ ̶ΘϟϭΩ ̶ѧΗΎϴϠϤϋ ̵ΪѧμΗ ̮ѧϳ ΚϴѧΤϨϣ Ϣ̰ϴѧϠϴΗ ϥΎѧϐϓ΍ ϩΩήѧ̯΍ΪΟ
̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΐϠΟ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ Ϣ̰ϠϴΗ ϥΎѧϐϓ΍ ϦΘΧΎѧγ έΩΎѧϗ ˬ ̶ѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ѧΗέΎΠΗ ΕΎϣΪѧΧ ήѧΘϳή̡΍ ̮ѧϳ
GSM ϞϳΎΑϮϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϩΪϨϨ̯ Ϫοήϋ ϭΩ ˬΩϮΟϮϣ ϥ΍ήΘϳή̡΍ ΎѧΑ ΖѧΑΎϗέ ϭ ΕΎϣΪѧΧ ϊϳήѧγ Ϊѧηέ ΖѧϬΟ
έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ̮ѧϳ βϴѧγΎΗ ˬ Ϊѧϧ΍ ϩΪѧη ϞѧΧ΍Ω Ζϴѧ̯έΎϣ έΩ ϥϮϨѧ̯΍ Ϣѧϫ
ϒϴѧѧσ ϢϴѧѧψϨΗ ˬ έϮΘ̰ѧѧγ Ϧϴѧѧϧ΍Ϯϗ ΐϴΗήѧѧΗ ˬ Ύϫί΍ϮѧѧΟ έϭΪѧѧλ ˬ ̶ѧѧλϮμΧ ϥ΍ήѧѧΘϳή̡΍ ϦϴѧѧΑ ΖѧѧΑΎϗέ ϢϴѧѧψϨΗ
. ϩήϴϏ ϭ ̶΋ϮϳΩ΍έ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ
ΩϮѧѧΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧѧΧ Ε΍ήѧѧΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ί΍ ζѧѧΨΑ ΍ΪΘѧѧΑ΍ έΩ (TRAA) ϥΎΘѧѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶ѧѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶ѧѧΗ΍έήϘϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍
νήϋ ϞϘΘδϣ ̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ ̶Η΍έήϘϣ ϥΎ̳έ΍ ΚϴΤϨϣ ϩέ΍Ω΍ Ϧϳ΍ ΪϳΎϤϧ ΏΎѧΠϳ΍ ςϳ΍ήѧη Ϫ̰ϴΗέϮѧλέΩ ̶ѧϟϭˬ
έΩ ̶΋ϮϳΩ΍έ ̶δϧϮ̰ϳήϓ ΕΎμϴμΨΗ ϭ Ύϫί΍ϮΟ ϡΎϤΗ ̵Ύτϋ΍ Ϫ̯ ΩϮθϴϣ ϩΩήΑ ϊϗϮΗ .ΩϮϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϡ΍Ϊѧϧ΍
.ΩΩή̳ ΍ήΟ΍ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϖϓϮϣ ΏέΎΠΗ αΎγ΍ήΑ ϭ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̵Ύϫ ϪμϗΎϨϣ ΎΑ ΖϘΑΎτϣ
̵Ωϭέϭ ̵Ύѧѧϫ ϩήѧѧΑΎΨϣ ΖϤѧѧδϗ έΩ ΍έ ̶ѧѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧѧΑ ̶ѧѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪѧѧΧ ̮ϳΩΰѧѧϧ ϩΪϨѧѧϳ΁έΩ Ϣ̰ϠϴѧѧΗ ϥΎѧѧϐϓ΍
̶Ϡϣ ̶γΎγ΍ Ϫ̰Βη βϴγΎΗ ί΍ ΪόΑ ΖΑΎϗέ .ΩϮѧϤϧ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ ϢϴѧψϨΗ ̶ѧϠϣ ϪѧϣΎϋ Ϫ̰Βѧη ϖϳήѧσί΍ ̵έϭΪѧλϭ
.Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̶ϓήόϣ
̶ΑΎϳίέ΍ϭ κϴΨθΗ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ϥΩϮϤϧ ίΎΑ ̵ΩΎμΘϗ΍ ΩέϮΧήΑϭ ˬΖγ΍ έΎ̯ ΖѧΤΗ ̶ѧΘΑΎϗέ ΖϴѧϟΎόϓ Ϧϴѧϧ΍Ϯϗ
ϦϴΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ΎѧΗ Ζѧη΍Ω ΪϨѧϫ΍ϮΧ ϩίΎѧΟ΍ TDCA ϭ GSM ΩϮѧΟϮϣ ϩΪϨѧϨ̯ ϪѧοήϋϭΩ .ΪϳΩήѧ̳ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ
.ΪϨϳΎϤϧ Ϫοήϋ ζϳϮΧ ρϮΑήϣ ϥΎϳήΘθϣ ̵΍ήΑ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍
. Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ Ύτϋ΍ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ̶ΘΑΎϗέ ̶ΒϠσϭ΍Ω ϖϳήσ ί΍ ̶Ϡϣ ΖΑΎΛ ΕΎϣΪΧ Ϫοήϋ ΪϳΪΟί΍ϮΟ ϭΩ
ϩίΎΟ΍ ̱έΰΑϭ ̮̩Ϯ̯ ̵ΎϫήϬη .Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ϥϼϋ΍ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ ήθϧί΍ ΪѧόΑ ϩΎѧϣ ζѧη ϑήѧχ έΩ ϪѧμϗΎϨϣ
ϪѧѧΑ ΪϨѧѧϧ΍ϮΘϴϣ Ϫѧѧ̯ ΪϨѧѧϳΎϤϧ ϑϮѧѧτόϣ ̶ѧѧϠϣ ̵Ύѧѧϫ Ϫ̰Βѧѧη ̵΍ήѧѧΑ ΍έ ̵έ΍άѧѧ̳ ϪϳΎϣήѧѧγ ϪΟϮѧѧΗ ΎѧѧΗ Ζѧѧη΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮѧѧΧ
ΖΑΎϗέ ̵΍ήΑ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ̶ϠΤϣ ΕΎϣΪΧ .ΪϨϳΎϤϧ ΍Ϊϴѧ̡ ϝΎѧμΗ΍ Ϣ̰ϴѧϠϴΗ ϥΎѧϐϓ΍ ϪϠϴѧγϭ ϪѧΑ ϩΪѧη ϦϴѧϣΎΗ ΕϼϴϬѧδΗ
ΎΗ Ϊη Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ ϪΘΧΎѧγ ΩϭΪѧΤϣ Ϟ̰ѧθϣ ϪѧΑ έΎϴѧδΑ Ϫ̩ήѧ̳ ˬ ΖϧήѧΘϧ΍ ̶ѧϠϠϣ΍ ϦϴѧΑ ΕΎϣΪѧΧ .ΩϮѧΑ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ ίΎѧΑ
:ϪϣΪϘϣ 1.

ί΍ Ϫ̯ ΩϮΑ ϩΪϴγέ Ύϫ ̶ϟ΍Ϯѧδϟϭ ΢τѧγ ΎѧΗ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ έΩ ̶ѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΕΎϣΪѧΧ ΩΎΘѧϔϫ ̵Ύѧϫ ϝΎѧγ ςѧγϭ΍ έΩ
.ΪϧΩέϭΎϴϣ ϞϤόΑ ϩΩΎϔΘγ΍ ϥΎϣί ϥΎϤϫ ̵Ύϫ ΕέΎϬϣ ϭ ̵ήμϋ ̵Ύϫ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰Η
Ϫ̰Βη ΎϬϨΗ Ϫϧ ΍ϭΰϧ΍ ϭ ̶̰Ϡϣ ̲ϨΟ ˬ ΩϮΑ ϢΟΎΤΗ ϪΑ ϪΟ΍Ϯϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ Ϫ̯ Ϫ̰ϴѧόϗϮϣ ϪѧϫΩ ϭΩ ϥΎϳήѧΟ έΩ
̶πόΑ ϪϴϬΗ ̵ΎϨΜΘγ΍ ϪΑ ϪϨϴϣίέΩ ή̴ϳΩ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ωϮϧ ̨ϴϫ Ϫ̰ϠΑ ˬ Ωή̯ ΐϳήΨΗ ΍έ ΩϮΟϮϣ ̵Ύϫ
.Ζϓή̴ϧ ΕέϮλ ̶ϣΎψϧ ωϮϧ ̶΋ϮϳΩ΍έ ϩήΑΎΨϣ ϞΟΎϋ ϞϳΎγϭ
ϩϮ̯ ϪϠϴγϭ ϪΑ έϮθ̯ ϒϠΘΨϣ ̵Ύϫ ζΨΑ ϥΪη΍ΪΟϭ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϩΪϴ̪ϴ̡ ϭ ϖϠϐϣ ̶ο΍έ΍ Ζη΍ΩήψϧέΩ ΎѧΑ
ϥΎΘѧѧγϭΩ ϭ ϥ΍ΪϧϭΎѧѧθϳϮΧ ˬ Ύѧѧϫ ϞϴѧѧϣΎϓ ρΎΒѧѧΗέ΍ ϡΪѧѧϋϭ ϦϳήѧѧΟΎϬϣ ̵ΩΎѧѧϳί Ω΍ΪѧѧόΗ "ΎѧѧΗϭϼϋ Ύѧѧϫ ϩέΩϭ Ύѧѧϫ
̵΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶̳έΰΑ Εέϭήο ϩΩί ̲ϨΟ ϭ ϪΘδ̰η ϢϫέΩ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΩΪѧΠϣ έΎѧϤϋ΍ ϩήѧΧϼΑ ϭ ήѧ̴ϳΪ̰ϳί΍
ϪΟϮΗ ϞΑΎϗ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ̮ϳ ΏΎΠϳ΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ ϭήϨϳί΍ ϩΩή̯ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ϞΟΎϋ ΕΎσΎΒѧΗέ΍ ϦϴѧϣΎΗ
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ̶ϣ ΍έ
Ϊλ έΩ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ϭΩ ̶ϟ΍ ϪΘϓήθϴ̡ ̵Ύϫ έϮθ̯ ΪϨϧΎϣ ϥϮϔϠϴΗ ϪΑ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶γήΘγΩ ϦΘΧΎγ ΩΎѧϳΩί΍ ̵΍ήѧΑ
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ̶ϣ ήϟ΍Ω ϥϮϴϠϣ Ϊλ ί΍ ίϭΎΠΘϣ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΏΎΠϳ΍ ήϔϧ Ϊλ έΩ 0.8 ί΍ ήϔϧ
̵Ύϫ ϪΠϳΩϮΑ ϪΑ Εέϭήο ̵έϮѧϧ ϞΒѧϴ̯ ϭ ΖϳϼΘѧγ ̵Ύѧϫ Ϫ̰Βѧη ϩΪϨѧϧΎϣ ήѧ̴ϳΩ ϞѧΟΎϋ ϭ ̱έΰѧΑ ϩ̫ϭήѧ̡
.Ωέ΍Ω ̶ϓΎο΍
ϭήѧѧϨϳί΍ .Ϣѧѧϳέ΍Ω ΍έ ̵ήΘѧѧθϴΑ ̵Ύѧѧϫ ̵έ΍άѧѧ̳ ϪϳΎϣήѧѧγ ΐѧѧϠΟ ϪѧѧΑ ̶ϓΎѧѧο΍ ΕΎϣ΍Ϊѧѧϗ΍ ΫΎѧѧΨΗ΍ ϪѧѧΑ Εέϭήѧѧο Ύѧѧϣ
ΐΒγ Ϫϛ ̶λϮμΧ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ϖϳϮθΗ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ Ζϴ̯έΎϣ ςϴΤϣ ΩΎΠϳ΍ ΩέϮϣ έΩ Ύϣ ̵ΎϬѧθηϮ̯
ΩΩή̳ ̶ѧϣ ϥΎѧ̳ ϩΪϨѧϨ̯ ϞϳϮѧϤΗ ϖϳήѧσ ί΍ ̶̳Ϊϴѧγέ αΎѧγ΍ήΑ Ύѧϫ ϩ̫ϭήѧ̡ ̵΍ήѧΑ Ύѧϫ ϪΠϳΩϮѧΑ ΪѧϬόΗ ϊϳήѧδΗ
.Ζγ΍ ϩΪϳΩή̳ ΰ̯ήϤΘϣ
̶γήΘγΩ ̵΍ήΑ Εέϭήο ϭ ϞΘϴΠϳΩ ϞϳΎγϭ ϝΎμΗ΍ ̵΍ήѧΑ ΪΤΘѧϣ ϞѧϠϣ ϩέ΍ΰѧϫ ϑ΍Ϊѧϫ΍ ΎѧΑ ̶ѧγήΘγΩ Ϧѧϳ΍
.Ωέ΍Ω έ΍ήϗ ϞϣΎ̯ ΖϘΑΎτϣ έΩ έϮθ̯ ήγΎΗήγ έΩ ̶ϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴΑ
̶Η΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰γ ̮ϳ . Ωέ΍Ωέ΍ήϗ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ΩΪѧΠϣ έΎѧϤϋ΍ ̶ѧϣϮϤϋ ̵Ύѧϫ εϼѧΗ ΰѧ̯ήϣ έΩ Ε΍ήѧΑΎΨϣ
̶ϋΎϤΘΟ΍ έϮόη ΖϳϮϘΗ ϭ ΕέΎΠΗ ϞΑΎϘΘѧϣ ϞѧϤϋ ˬ ̶ѧϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ̵ίΎѧγ ϞϬѧγ ˬ ΩΎѧμΘϗ΍ Ϊѧηέ ΐΒѧγ ήѧΛϮϣ
̶ΘϟϭΩ ϞϣΎ̯ έΎμΤϧ΍ .ΩΩή̴ϴϣ ϥΎΘδϧΎϐϓ΍ ϡΩήϣ ϦϴѧΑ ΕΪѧΣϭ ϦϴѧϣΎΗ ΐΒѧγ ̶ѧϣϮϤϋ ΕέϮѧμΑ ϭ ϪѧόϣΎΟ
̶ѧѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧѧΑ ϩΪѧѧη ϪΘΧΎϨѧѧηϭ ΪѧѧϳΪΟ ΖϣϮѧѧ̰Σ Ϫ̰Ϩѧѧϳ΍ ΎѧѧΗ Ζѧѧη΍Ω Ϫѧѧϣ΍Ω΍ ήѧѧϴΧ΍ ̵Ύѧѧϫ ϝΎѧѧγ ΎѧѧΗ έϮΘ̰ѧѧγ Ϧѧѧϳ΍ έΩ
ΖϗϮѧѧϣ ΖϣϮѧѧ̰Σ ΩΎѧѧΠϳ΍ ί΍ ΪѧѧόΑ ςѧѧϘϓ ̶ѧѧ̰Ϡϣ ̲ϨѧѧΟ ϭ ϢΟΎѧѧϬΗ ϪѧѧϫΩϭΩ ί΍ ΪѧѧόΑ. ΪϳΩήѧѧ̳ ̶ѧѧϓήόϣ ϭ βϴѧѧγΎΗ
ΕΎϣΪѧѧΧ Ϫѧѧοήϋ ϪϨѧѧϴϣί ̶ѧѧλϮμΧ ̵έ΍άѧѧ̳ ϪϳΎϣήѧѧγ ϥϮѧѧϧΎϗϭ ΖϟϭΩΪѧѧϳΪΟ ̶ѧѧδϴϟΎ̡ αΎѧѧγ΍ήΑ ̶ѧѧϟΎϘΘϧ΍ϭ
.ΪϳΩή̳ ΪϋΎδϣ ΰϴϧ ̶λϮμΧ έϮΘ̰γ ϖϳήσί΍ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ
΍έ ϪϨϴϣί Ϫ̯ Ζγ΍ ̶ϣϮϤϋ ΏϮ̩έΎ̩ ̮ϳ ή̴ϧΎϴΑ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ΕήΘϧ΍ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ΪϳΪΟ ̶ѧδϴϟΎ̡
.ΩίΎγ ̶ϣ ΪϋΎδϣ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ ΖϴϟΎόϓ ̵΍ήΑ
Ϣ̰ϴѧѧϠϴΗ ϥΎѧѧϐϓ΍ βϴѧѧγΎΗ ˬ ϢψϨѧѧϣ ̶ѧѧΘΑΎϗέ εϭέ ϖϳήѧѧσ ί΍ ΍έ ̶ѧѧλϮμΧ ̵έ΍άѧѧ̳ ϪϳΎϣήѧѧγ ˬ ̶ѧѧδϟΎ̡ Ϧѧѧϳ΍
ϪόγϮΗ ̵Ύϫ ΖϳΎϤΣϭ ˬ ̶λϮμΧ ̵έ΍ά̳ ϪϳΎϣήγ εήϳά̡ ϖΣ ̵Ύτϋ΍ ΎΑ ̶ΘϟϭΩ Ζ̯ήη ̮ϳ ΚϴѧΤϨϣ
.ΪϳΎϤϧ ̶ϣ ϖϳϮθΗ ̶Ϡϣ ΢τγέΩ ΖϧήΘϧ΍ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϭ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ ϞΟΎϋ
:ϢϳΩϮϤϧ ϪϴϬΗ ϞϳΫ ϩΪϤϋ ϑΪϫ έΎϬ̩ αΎγ΍ήΑ ΍έ ̶δϴϟΎ̡ Ύϣ

ˬ ̭ήѧѧΤΘϣ ̶ѧѧΗ΍ήΑΎΨϣ έϮΘ̰ѧѧγ ̮ѧѧϳ . ̶ѧѧγΎϴγ ̵ήѧѧγΎΗήγ ήѧѧψϧ ΪѧѧϳΪΠΗϭ ̶ѧѧϋΎϤΘΟ΍ ̵ίΎѧѧγ ϞϬѧѧγ .
ϑΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϞΟΎϋ ΕέϮλ ϪΑ έϮθ̯ ήγΎΗήγ έΩ ΖϣϮ̰Σ ̵ϮϘτϨϣ ϥ΍ΪϨϣέΎ̯ ϭ ϞΑΎ̯ ϦϴΑ ΍έ ΕΎσΎΒΗέ΍
.Ω΍Ω Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ
ϑΎϔηϭ ήΛϮϣ ΕΎΣϼλ΍ ̵ΪϨϤϧ΍ϮΗ ϭ ϩΪϨϳ΁ ΕΎΑΎΨΘϧ΍ ϪϧΎϘϓϮϣ Ϫγϭή̡ ϦϴѧϣΎΗ ϪѧΑ ΩΎϤΘѧϋ΍ ϞѧΑΎϗ Ε΍ήѧΑΎΨϣ
̵ίΎγ ϩΎΗϮ̯ έΩ ̶ΗΎϴΣ ζϘϧ ϪΘϓήθϴ̡ϭ ϥέΪϣ Ε΍ήѧΑΎΨϣ Ϫ̰ϳέϮѧσ .Ωήѧ̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮѧΧ ̮ѧϤ̯ ϪѧϣΎϋ έϮΘ̰ѧγ
̶Θη΁ Ϫγϭή̡ έΩ ΍έ Ύϣ ϡΩήϣ ϡΎϤΗ ϭ ϩΩϮϤϧ ̵ίΎΑ ϩΪѧη΍ΪΟ Ϣѧϫί΍ Ϫѧ̯ Ύѧϣ ̵Ύѧϫ ήϬѧηϭ Ύѧϫ Ϫϳήѧϗ Ϟѧλ΍Ϯϓ
.Ωή̯ Ϊϫ΍ϮΧ ̮Ϥ̯ ̶Ϡϣ
.ΪηΎΒϴϣ ιΎΨη΍ Ω΍ΪόΘ̰ϳ ̭ήΘθϣ έΎ̯ ϞλΎΣ ί΍ ΕέΎΒϋ ΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍
ΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍ ϪϴϬΗ έΩ ϥΎηέ΍Ω ΖϤϴϗ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ Ϫ΋΍έ΍ ϭ Ύϫ ̶΋ΎϤϨϫέ ΎΑ ζϳϮΧ ΕΎϳήψϧ ϭ ϪΑήΠΗ ˬ ζϧ΍Ω ϖϳήσ ί΍ ΍έΎϣ Ϫ̰ϴϧΎδ̯ ϡΎϤΗ ί΍ Ύѧϣ
.Ϣϴ΋ΎϤϧ ̶ϣ ΕΩ΍έ΍ϭ αΎ̢γ έΎϬχ΍ ϩΩϮϤϧ ΕΪϋΎδϣϭ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ
ϞϠϣ ϥΎϣίΎγ ̶ϓΎθ̰ϧ΍ ϡ΍ή̳ϭή̡ ϩέ΍Ω΍ "ΎΘѧλΎΧ ̶ѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧΑ ̵Ύѧϫ ϥΎϣίΎѧγ ΖϳήѧΜ̯΍ ΖѧϳΎϤΣ ϭ ̵έΎѧ̰Ϥϫ ϥϭΪѧΑ ΪϨѧγ Ϧѧϳ΍ ΐϴΗήѧΗ ϭ ϪϴѧϬΗ
ˬ (USTDA) Ύ̰ϳήϣ΍ ϩΪΤΘϣ ωϼѧο΍ ΕέΎѧΠΗ ϑΎѧθ̰ϧ΍ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ˬ ( ITU) Ϧѧθ̰ϴϧϮϤ̯ ̶ѧϠϴΗ ̶ѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧΑ ϪѧϳΩΎΤΗ΍ ˬ ( UNDP) ΪΤΘѧϣ
ϪϨϴϣί Ϧϳ΍έΩ ΎϬϧ΁ έ΍Ω ΖϤϴϗ ̵Ύϫ ̵έΎ̰Ϥϫ ί΍ Ύϣ Ϫ̯ ϩΩϮΒϧ Ϧѧ̰Ϥϣ ϦϳήϳΎѧγ ϭ (USAID) Ύ̰ϳήѧϣ΍ έϮѧθ̯ ̶ѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧΑ ̶ϓΎѧθ̰ϧ΍ ϩέ΍Ω΍
.Ϣϴ΋ΎϤϧ ̶ϣ ή̰θΗ ϭ ̶ϧ΍ΩέΪϗ έΎϬχ΍ ΖϳΎϬϧ ̶Α

ϦϴγΪγΎδ̯΍ Ϟϴ΋΍ήΒ̳ ˬ Ε΍ήΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ ̵̫ϮϟΎϨ̰ΗέϭΎθϣ ϥΎΟήϣ ϞϤϳ΍ ΪϤΤϣ ΪϨϧΎϣ ιΎΨη΍ Ω΍ΪόΘ̰ϳ ί΍ Ϣϴϫ΍ϮΨϴϣ ϥΎϨ̪Ϥϫ
Ϧϴ̴Ϩѧγ ̵ ήѧϴϣ΍ ϭ ˬ ϦϳέϭΎѧθϣ ΎΘϳΰѧϨϴ̯ϭ ϖϴϔѧη ϝΎѧϤ̯ ˬ UNDP ϩέ΍Ω΍ ICT ϑΎѧθ̰ϧ΍ ϩ̫ϭήѧ̡ ήѧϣ΍ ̨ϴѧ̢ϴϟ ̭έΎѧϣ ˬ UNDP ί΍
ϭΩ . Ϣϴ΋ΎϤϧ ϥΎϨΘϣ΍ ϭ ή̰θΗ έΎϬχ΍ ̵Ω΍ήϔϧ΍ ΕέϮμΑ Ϊϧ΍ ϩΪϳέΎϤ̳ ΖϤϫ ΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍ ΐϴΗήΗϭ ϪϴѧϬΗ έΩ Ϫѧ̯ Ε΍ήѧΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ Ϊѧηέ΍ έϭΎѧθϣ
.Ϊϧ΍ ϩΩή̯ ̵ίΎΑ ΍έ ϪΘδΟήΑϭ ̶γΎγ΍ ζϘϧ ΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍ ΐϴΗήΗ ϭ ϪϴϬΗ έΩ ή̯άϟ΍ ήϴΧ΍ήϔϧ
̶ѧѧϟΎϘΘϧ΍ ΖѧѧϟϭΩ έϮѧѧϬϤΟ βϴѧѧ΋έ ϥϭΎѧѧόϣ Ρϼѧѧλέ΍ Ϧϴѧѧϣ΍ Ζϳ΍Ϊѧѧϫ ήѧѧΘ̯΍Ω ϡήѧѧΘΤϣ ΏΎϤΘѧѧϟϼΟ ϖϳϮѧѧθΗ ϭ ̵έΎѧѧ̰Ϥϫ ˬ είέ΍ ΎѧѧΑ ΖѧѧϳΎϤΣί΍ Ύѧѧϣ
ˬ ϪΟέΎΧ ήѧϳίϭ Ϳ΍ΪΒѧϋ Ϳ΍ΪΒѧϋ ϡήѧΘΤϣ ΏΎϤΘѧϟϼΟ ˬ ϪϴѧϟΎϣ ήѧϳίϭ ̵ίΪѧϤΣ΍ ̶ѧϨϏ ϑήѧη΍ήΘ̯΍Ω ϡήѧΘΤϣ ΏΎϤΘѧϟϼΟˬ ϥΎΘѧδϧΎϐϓ΍ ̶ϣϼѧγ΍
.Ϣϴ΋ΎϤϧ ̶ϣ ̵έ΍ά̳ ΖϨϣ ϭ αΎ̢γϭ έΎϬχ΍ ̵ίΎγίΎΑ ήϳίϭ ̲Ϩϫήϓ Ϧϴϣ΍ ϡήΘΤϣ ΏΎϤΘϟϼΟ

Ω΍ΪϬΑ ̵Ύϗ΍ ϞΜϣ ITU ϩ̫ϭήѧ̡ ϭ UNDP ϥ΍ΪϨѧϣέΎ̯ ϭ ΕΎѧϳϻϭϭ ΰѧ̯ήϣέΩ Ε΍ήѧΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϥ΍ΪϨѧϣέΎ̯ ̶ѧϠϤϋ ̵Ύѧϫ ̵έΎѧ̰Ϥϫ ί΍ Ύѧϣ
.Ϣϴ΋ΎϤϧ ̶ϣ ̵έ΍ά̴γΎ̢γ ΎΗέΎ̯έΎΟ έΩ ITU ϩΪϨϳΎϤϧ
̶ѧѧλϮμΧ έϮΘ̰ѧѧγ ˬ ̶ѧѧ̰Ϡϣ ζѧѧΨΑ ̵Ύѧѧϫ Εέ΍ίϭ ήϳΎѧѧγϭ Ε΍ήѧѧΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ϥ΍ΪϨѧѧϣέΎ̯ ί΍ ΎѧѧΗ Ωέ΍Ωϭίέ΁ Ε΍ήѧѧΑΎΨϣ Εέ΍ίϭ ήѧѧϴΧ΍ έΩ
Ϫѧѧ̯ Ύ̰ϳήѧѧϣ΍ ϩΪΤΘѧѧϣ ωϼѧѧο΍ ΕέΎѧѧΠΗ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ϭ ̶ѧѧϠϠϤϟ΍ ϦϴѧѧΑ ϑΎѧѧθ̰ϧ΍ ϩέ΍Ω΍ ˬ ̶ѧѧϧΎϬΟ ̮ѧѧϧΎΑ ϭ ITU ΪϨѧѧϧΎϣ ήѧѧ̴ϳΩ ̵ΎϬϧΎϣίΎѧѧγϭ
ΪϨγ Ϧϳ΍ ̵ΪϨϣΎϨϏ έϮψϨϣ ϪΑ ΍έ ϥΎη ̶ϧΎϣίΎγ ̵Ύϫ Ζϴϓήѧχ ϭ ̶ѧμΨη ΕΎϳήѧψϧϭ ϪѧόϟΎτϣ ΍έ ΩΎϨѧγ΍ ϥΎѧθϳΎϬΑ ΖϤϴѧϗ ΕΎѧϗϭ΍ ϑήѧλΎΑ
. ΪϳΎϤϧ ή̰θΗ ϭ αΎ̢γ έΎϬχ΍ Ϊϧ΍ ϪΘη΍Ω Ϫοήϋ
̶ϣ ή̰θΗ ΎϬϧ΁ ϡΎϤΗί΍ Ϫϧ΍ΪϨϣ ΕΩ΍έ΍ Ύϣ ϭ ϩΩϮΑ Ϊϴϔϣϭ ήѧΛϮϣ ΖѧϳΎϬϧ ̶ѧΑ ΪϨѧγ Ϧѧϳ΍ ϪϴѧϬΗ έΩ ιΎΨѧη΍ Ϧѧϳ΍ ϪϠϴѧγϭ ϪѧΑ ϩΪѧη Ϫѧϳ΍έ΍ ΕΎϳήѧψϧ
ĤÐŃ ŌŽģĿ ƃģ ôƁƄÝ Ŀ ôű ÖÃŽ ƀŵƄ¶ ƀÝ ĬƊŽĤŊŽģ ôå ƃģ ĤÐŃ ńźŵ ƀÝ ôŵƄʼn Ŀ ŃƄű ŻĤŦũģ ńƁĿ ƀå ſńʼn ƄŶƊƁ ƄÈ ƄŶÞĽ Ŀ
ƈĨĵ ƇĿĿ ŃƒÍĭ ×ĵƄŵĤžŲĭ ƈƉĤƊĭńĨĽ Ŀ ƃģ ƈĭģńħĤľŹ ƀĽģńÝ Ŀ ôå ŷƄű ŇĤŊĹģ ×ŵĤĺōƄĽ ƃģ ×ÈƄĽ Ŀ īĤƉŅ ńƉÀ 4ƈŊƊŽƃ
. ŷƄŽƒšģ ſŃĤÞŵ ŻĤĮŊŽ ĤŦũģ Ŀ ƅÃűƃ ƀŽƃƄÈŃƑ ƄŽƄŶű ƄŲŽƄŶĭģŃ Ŀ Ƅ¾ ńĭ ſŃĤÞŵ

ijŃĤĽ ƃģ ŴĽģĿ ƀÝ ôå ƄŽĤĮʼnƃĿ ƃģ ƄŽģŃ ĤŲźƁ ƀƁƄÝ ŃĤű ƃģ ƀĨĭŃ ÂƄŵ ƄŶÞĽ Ŀ 4ôå ſĿ ſƄƊŹ ƄĮōĤƊŹ ƀŽĤźƉńÝ ƀŦƁ Ŀ ƀŵƄ¶ ģ Ŀ
ƀÝ ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģ4óƃ ôŽƃÃħŃ ƃģ ôĮľʼn ôű ļƉŃĤĭ ƀÝ ĿģƄöƁĿ ÄƄŹŅ óņƊŊŵ óńƊĭ ôźƊŽ ſƃĿ.ôŶťģŃ ƀĭ ŇƑ ƇĿ ôű ĬŹƄŲĹĿ
ƀÝ 4ųƄō żƊħƄƊŢŹ ƃģ óÁŽƄű4ŻĤźƊĮƉ ƄŹ ĿģŀŢĭ īĤƉŅ 4ųÃűŃƃ ƀʼnƑ ƀŵ ŻĤŹƄōĤŹ ƃģ ƀžƊ»È4ƀžƉŃĤŽ ƄŽƃŃŅ ƀÝƃģ ƄŽƄÌ Ŵʼn
Ÿʼn ƄƉ Ŀƃģ ƆźŞŽ ôħ ſņƊžŵƄ¶ 4ĿĤŒĮŭģÂĤĶƉƃ Ŀ.ųƄōÂģ ſŃĤÞŵ īńĵĤƂŹĿ ƀĭ óŃƄŵ ńƁ ĤƊŽĿ Ŀ ƃģ ſŃƄű ôħ ƄŹ ų=Ƅžřƃ ƄŽƄŽƄƊŶŹ
Ƅĭ ƑĤƉģ ſŀĺĮŹ ƀÝ .ĿƄÉƉńÝ ôű įģńƊŹ ƀÝ ôƉ ŀŽƃç ůÀ Ĭħńť ƃģ ƄŽƄŪƊŶŲĭĿƃģ 4ſĤĨĭ ƀ¾ ńƁ ƆŵģƄĮŎŽ ĬÈÂƄĵ ĬŹƄŲĹ
ƃģ ųŀƊºńÝģŃ ŸƉçŃ Ŀ ƄŽĤĨŵĤřĿ .ŀƊºńÌƃ ŃƄű ôŽńŶŹĤÝ ôŵģƄƉÃŽ ĿĤƊħ ŴºƄƉ ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģ ƀĮʼnƃŃƃ ƀľ¾ ƄÉƊÝ Ŀ ńĨźĮÞʼn Ŀ ôű
ƈŵĤŮĮŽģĿ ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģĿ óŃƑ ƀŵ ôÌńĵ ôƉƄŵ ׎ÃƊħ óƄƉĿ ƀŦƁńĭ ƀĮʼnƃŃƃ ƃģ óŃģĿģ ôĮŭĜŹ óƄƉ Ŀ ĥƄĮŵĤƉńħ ƃÃŲƉńÝĿ żħĿ
ƃģ ſÂŅ ƀÝ ŻĤŦũģ ńƁĿ ƃģ ŴöÝ ƀŽģŀŽƃç ƇƄŽ ƄƉĿ ôű ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģ ƀÝ ƅĿ .ŀƊºńÌƃ ĦĨʼn ƄŶĭģŃ Ŀ ƀĭ ¹žŹĿ ĬŹƄŲĹ ƆŹƒʼnģ
óŀŽƑ ŇƑ Ŀ ŀƉĤħ ƄŽƄĶžŶƊå Ïï ôŽƄťŃ ĤƊħ ƃģ ƄŵƃÂƄĵ ĬŶŹĿ 4ƄŵƄŽģĿƃ ĤƊħĿ ŸƁĤƊħ .ſÃű ſńÞĽ ĤÐŃ ŀƊŹģĿ ôƉ ôű ƄÌńĮʼn
ƄŲŶĽĿ ÄƄŹŅ ƃģ ĬŹƄŲĹ óĿĿ ĬƊŵĜŊŹ Ɔ·ƊÝ ŀŽƃŃĿ óĿĿ ƃģ ƀĽńħ ƀÝ ĬŶŹ óĿĿ ƆŵĤűƄʼnƃģ ĤƊĮľŹ ńÝ Ƅ¾ńĭ 4ƈō ųƄƊŽƃ
ƃĿÄƃģĿ (ģƃņŽģ) ƃŀƊű ôĭĤÝ ƒĵ Ŀ ŰŶĽ ÄƄŹŅ ƃģ ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģ ôű ƀĽńħ ƀÝ żŎöŲƊŽ ƄƊźű ƈŶƊ¶Ŀ .Ɔō ĖģĿģ ƀÌƄĭ ƀÈ ƀÝ ƀľ¾
ƈƉĤƊĭńĨĽ\ƄĭģńħĤľŹ Ŀ ôű ƄŽƄŶű ƃńƊĭ ƀÝ ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģ ) ƇĿ ƅÃű żŹņƊťģ Ɔŵģƃƒĵ ƀľ¾ ×ĵƄŵĤžŲ¶ óƄŽ Ŀ ƃģ ƄŽƄŶű
ƆőƄŒĽ ƃģ ƀŹĤš Ŀ ƃģ ƄŵƄŽģĿƃĤƊħĿ ôű ų=ƂŹ Ňƃģ ƀÝ (óƄō ôĭĤÝ ŷƃńĺŹ ƀľ¾ ĤƊĮľŹńÝ ƈűçƄŵĤžŲ¶ óŃƄŽ ƃģ ÖçƄŵĤžŲ¶
.ƅÅƊű ŴÑÌ ÁžĽ ŀžÌńʼn ƃģ ńĮʼn ƄƉ ôű ŃƑ ƀÝ ôŽƄťŃĤƊħ Ŀ ƄĭĤŹŀĽ ƃģ ƄĭĤŊʼnƄŹĿ ƆĨĵ
ƃģ 4óŀŽƑ ƅńŎŹ ôžŹņƊťģ ƃģ ôŵĤŢũĿ ƅŅńű ŀŹĤĹ ńŎŹ ňŵƃ Ŀ ĬŹƄŲĹ ƅƄŽ ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģ Ŀ ôű ƄŽƄŶű ƄźƊŽ ƄƉ ƃńƊĭ ƀÝ
ƃģ ƄĭģńħĤľŹĿ ôű ƄŽƄŹĤÌ ƅŀÝ .ųÃű Ĭåƃģ ƀŽƄŹĤÌ ņƊ·Ŋžħ ſŃĤÞŵ ƄŵƃÂƄĵĿ ŻĤĮŊŽĤŦũģ ƅƄŽ ſƄƉĿ 4ƀĮʼnńŹ ƀÝ ôžŵƄ¶ ôŵģƄƉÃŽĿ
ôű ƀžŵƄ¶ ƀÝ ÄƄŹŅ ƀĮʼnƃŃƃ ƀľ¾ ƄŽƄŶű ƄÑÌ Ŀ מřƃ ƒĵĿ ôå 4ƅĿ ôŶŹĤō óƃĤƊĮľŹńÝ ôű ƀĽńħ ƀÝ ÖçƄŵĤžŲĭ ƆĭĤŹƄŶŢŹ
ŸĶƁ ģĿ ńƊƂħ Ŀ ƄĭĤŹƄŶŢŹĿ .ƅńŵ ſÁŽƃ ƈĭĤƊĹ ſƄƉ ôű ËĮľŹ ńÝ ƃģ ƄŵƄŽģĿƃĤƊħ ƀÝ ĿģƄöƁ ÂĤĶƉƃ ÄƄŹŅ ƀŶŹģ óĿ ƀŵ ƃģ 4ƅĿ
ôå 4ƆťģŃ ƀĭ ¹žŹ ƀŶŹģ ƀŵ ƃŀƉŀžÌń¾Ŀ ƄžƊåńʼn ƈĭĤŹƄŶŢŹ ƄƉƄŽĿ ƆŵģƄĭĤƉŅ Âƃ ŷĤÝĿ ôű ƀĽńħ ƀÝ ĥƄĭÃÍŽĤº ƃģ ĥƄĮƉŀŽÃÌĿ
Ńƃç ôű ƀŽģŀŽƃç מºŃƃ ƀÝ ƄŲŶĽĿ ÄƄŹŅ ƃģ ŀƊºńÌƃ ƆŽƄō óŃƑ ƀŵ ƄƉçƄŵĤžŲ¶ ƈĭģńħĤľŹ ƃģ ƈƊƉĤƊĭńĨĽ ƄƉƄŽ Ŀ ŃĤűģĿ
ƃģ ƆŶĽģƃ ƀ·Ì ƀľ¾ ƄŽƄĮőńũ óĿĿ ŀƉĤħ ŻĤŽĤŦũģ .ųÃűģŀƊÝģŃ ƀŽƄĮőńũ ńƉÀ ƈƉ ƀæű ƀÝ ÖÃŽ ôŵƄ¶Ŀ ƃģ ųÂƃģŃ ƀĭ ¹žŹ ƀŽƄŽƄŵŀħ
.ƇÅƊºƄĽƃ ƀĭģƄĽ ńŒš ƈƉĤƊĭńĨĽ ƅƄŽĿ
ńƉŅƃ ƄĭģńħĤľŹĿ

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