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Virgin, a major organisation for branded enterprise equity, is one of the most renowned and
acknowledged brand in the world. The Virgin Group has grown successfully in industries varying
from mobile telephony to transport,economic facilities, recreation, entertainment, holidays,
publication and retail.They created more than 200 branded organizations, employing approx
50,000 people.Virgin company value was “We believe in making a difference. In our
customers' eyes, Virgin stands for value for money, quality, innovation, fun and a sense of
competitive challenge. We deliver a quality service by empowering our employees and we
facilitate and monitor customer feedback to continually improve the customer's
experience through innovation.”
Their cellular operations in UK helped them to acquire almost 2.5 million customers in
the span of 3 years. To enter into the US market Virgin group collaborated with Sprint in
a 50-50 venture to launch wireless service in US along with that they came with
VirginXtras to attract the young population of US. According to CEO of Virgin Mobile
USA Dan Schulaman “By focusing exclusively on youth market from the ground up,
we’re putting ourselves in a position to serve these customers in a way that they’ve never
been served before”.

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