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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People communicate
with each other less than in the past because of the popularity of television.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Nowadays watching TV is less common than a couple of years ago, when I was
a child I remember that it was my only source of entertainment at home and I
spent hours and hours playing PlayStation or seeing cartoons, time pass flying,
you get so hypnotize that you even eat in front of the screen, that happened
when I was 7, thanks God that I grew up on a typical Nicaraguan neighborhood
and my friends forced me out to play so then I enjoy a lot of things that I was

Spending too much on the TV is a major contributor to increasing attention

and communication problems, is about common sense, if you don't work your
interpersonal relationships so you probably are going to be shy and anti-social.

In addition to this, the vision gets hurt, you are susceptible to be overweight
because of that sedentary lifestyle, also it kills your neurons, I’m not sure of
this last one but I have heard and is a fact that all your body and faculties have

In conclusion, yes, I’m agree with the statement, effectively the TV is one of
the main causes for this communication problem so don’t exceed, for both
adult and children, the key is moderation in order to not having obstacles
socializing, expressing your ideas clearly or dealing with someone at your
work and I motivate you to have a better hobby like reading, that surely will
help you to enrich your speaking skills.
These days, people enjoy a lot of time away from their work and school
obligations. Many people use this time to visit new places and learn about
them. What do you think is the best way to learn about a place you are
visiting for the first time?

I’m not a frequent traveler, I hardly have gone to a couple of countries here in
C.A., instead of that I like traveling and knowing everything about different
places, although I don’t have an specific strategy to learn about the country
I’m visiting, is very spontaneous I just get prepared mentally, open minded
and willing to share.

With the internet you will hardly miss, you have google maps for looking
places, trivago and those apps for getting good hotel prices, other travellers
comments about their experiences and what they recommend. But in order to
fill the purpose we have, I think doing it the old school is better so you can live
the experience from your perspective, don’t plan too much and if you get lost
talk to locals, maybe someone offers to guide you.

Going to historical places, museums, for acquiring cultural information is

basic, the food also is a very important point, it tells a lot about the country,
tastes, lifestyle and is something you will not forget.

To conclude, you have to try everything, when you are traveling you might
delete the “no” from your vocabulary, the best way to get the most out of your
journey is to pursue every possibility that presents itself.

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