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Project Report

Intelligent Public Bus Transport System

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Sriram R


Section 2 | GROUP 14


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Title Page
Background 2

Objectives 3

Data Analysis 4

Existing Problems/ Challenges 8


Application of Technology 10

Stakeholder Analysis 12

Design/Solution 15
(DM21270 SIVA M )

Conclusion 19
(DM21270 SIVA M)
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India, being one of the fastest growing major economies of the world has been mired in
numerous transport and mobility related problems, partially due to an outburst in the
population growth over the years and inadequate investments in the mobility-based
infrastructure projects. City life and the fast pace of urbanization in India have introduced a
host of issues concerning transportation of both people and goods. Although some innovative
solutions like the emergence of metro systems in overcrowded cities like Delhi have worked
to an extent, still there remains a lot of work to be done.
Urban roads are extremely congested due to heavy traffic caused by private vehicles. The
heavy and persistent use of fossil fuel based vehicles has given rise to the deteriorating air
quality and increasing road accidents. Also, the poor traffic control methods and systems
currently used in the cities has led to a huge traffic congestion at various important choke
points of the cities, effectively increasing the overall time required for movement. Inadequate
transportation management system leads to higher transportation costs to be incurred by fuel
wasting due to traffic jam, productivity deterioration and environment degradation. Adding to
this, most of the Indian cities still have poor public bus transport system and a majority of
Indian citizens depend on their private vehicles for daily transport. Also, the share of Public
transport is just 18.1% of the work trips.
But according to the available statistics, public bus ridership in many cities have either
stagnated or actually have fallen. This indicates that there is lack of proper public
transportation facilities and citizens are largely dependent on private modes of transport, such
as bicycles and motorcycles in rural and urban India, which leads to a pressing need for an
effective public transportation system such as the Intelligent public bus transport system
which can cater to the growing population demands effectively by providing efficient, cost-
effective, accessible and easy to use means of transit while being made available within the
budget for at-least all the major cities of India.
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The main aim of the Intelligent public bus transport system is to reduce traffic congestion,
pollution levels, travel time delay and related uncertainties, apart from providing up-to-date
information about trips and network routes. This includes, facilitating a modal shift, i.e.,
influencing and motivating the people to make a shift from private vehicles to public
transport, further helping increase the ridership. Also, providing a safe, convenient and user-
friendly service to the commuters and thereby progressively increasing Commuter
Satisfaction Index is a major part of this plan. A major task for the system is to facilitate
timely management of incidents /accidents, as here, the lives of people themselves are at
stake and there should be left no stone unturned to ensure the total safety of the commuters to
help increase the goodwill and restore faith of the commuters in the bus public transportation.
Another important pillar of an Intelligent public bus transport system is the effective
monitoring of breakdowns and the related information, so the inconvenience caused to the
commuters is minimized as much as possible.
Moving ahead with the consumer-first logic, all these systems should be implemented
beforehand and at the earliest to ensure a greater turn-around ratio of the commuters and
lower per-mile cost incurred to them. A reliable transportation management system designed
with keeping in mind the specific needs of each city can be a big boon for the logistics and
fleet management department, helping in ensuring the adequate availability of buses at places
with large commuter numbers by using real-time data enabling control center management
and analysis.
This innovative system also enables regular information to the daily commuters about seat
availability per bus, bus type (AC/ non-AC), timings, current location of the bus, average
time required to reach a specific destination, the upcoming stop location of the bus and the
average density of passengers inside the bus. It can also enable ticket-less card-based or
mobile-enabled entry for higher convenience to the commuters, along with a better digital
experience for the commuters using the digital signage and on-the-go media entertainment
services in the bus.
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Technology applications are presently used to facilitate operations planning, monitoring and
communication for urban bus transport systems.
The data collection is useful to determine critical information on trip characteristics, travel
behaviours. Demographic characteristics and user options. Data pertaining to boarding-
alighting points and origin-destination trends can be effective in identifying major travel
patterns, high activity centres and operational plans.
This data can be analysed to monitor system performance and improve service planning. The
corporations’ bus operators in cities use data to determine the variation in demand and cycle
time at various times of day. As a result, service frequencies and cycle times can be altered to
match the new demand and improve operations`

The table below shows the share of bus transport as a percentage of total motorized transport
on the road in recent past.

The aim is to retain and increase the modal share for bus transport and boost mobility.
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Source: Central Institute of Road Transport

As we can see from the data provided by the central institute of road transport, the compound
annual growth rate for urban cities in India varies according to the geography, topology and
many other factors like planning and trends.
The analysis provides a clear reflection in growth for Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad where
Buses are preferred due to various reasons in which ease of use and time factor are the top
ones. Whereas the CAGR for Mumbai and Chennai are negative.
The urban sprawl in Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad were contained and planned in some or
the other way to manage it post-independence. The rapid population growth in each of these
cities provided enough resources for local corporations to intervene and take effective
Mumbai has been one of the fastest growing cities as the financial capital of India, planning
and management of public space became extremely difficult for many reasons. This resulted
in a delayed infrastructure renewal and overhaul of ‘Best’.
Chennai, being a close costal capital of Tamil Nadu, an efficient local rail transport system
which is now assisted by metro rail system recently developed. City bus transport system has
been a preference despite these developments due to ease of access, reach and fares.
Delhi has been leading in terms of passengers and no. of busses deployed which reflects in
the growth trends followed by Bangalore and Hyderabad.
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Source: W. Smith Association, Ministry of Urban Development, GOI

The population growth and sprawl are of critical importance when understanding trends in
public transport. It affects not just the populace on road and mobility but the revenues and
economy of the city as whole.
The data from ministry of urban development shows the percentage shares of different modes
of movement in the urban space according to the population size. The percentage share of
public transport in cities with population below 5 lakhs is 5% which is extremely low. This
might be due to various reasons such as availability, infrastructure in place, planning and fare
With increase in population, the percentage share of public transport also increases and is the
highest in cities with a population above 80 Lakhs being a 44%.
Way forward for ITS methods:
Schedule Adherence reports
This will allow the transit manager to closely monitor and take action against drivers that
deviate beyond a certain threshold.
Headway Analysis
Using GPS data from all the buses on a route, a simple graphical representation of the arrival
patterns of buses at a stop can be created to understand the reliability of the transit service.
Passenger Demand Analyses
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Most often, the only analysis that is undertaken with ETM data is the financial performance
of the route in terms of earnings per kilometre. However, the ticketing data can be used for
other analyses:

 to visualise the load patterns and the Origin-Destination relationships;

 to identify transit hubs where most passengers transfer from one bus to another; and
 to plan for transport projects in a city, like a Comprehensive Mobility Plan

There are presently six ITS features that are in use: Automated Vehicle location systems,
Passenger information systems, driver monitoring systems, planning and scheduling software
, Traffic signal priority and Automatic fare collection systems.
The real benefits of ITS are only apparent once the transit analytics are incorporated with an
ITS solution. This generates a large amount of useful data that require agencies to analyse the
data and utilise the findings to inform key decisions in operations planning.
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The transport sector in India is large as it caters needs of around 1.1 billion people but the
transportation system has not been able to cater the rising demand and the infrastructure
provided is also declining due to which the use of public transport has constantly been
decreasing and people are purchasing private vehicles due to which there is a congestion
crisis in the developing cities.
Few of the major challenges faced are:
1- The basic problem lies within the core, any public transport essentially will need
roads which are very congested and are of poor quality. The lane capacity is very low.
The maintenance of roads is not up to date due to which the quality is degrading day
by day which is leading to deterioration of roads. The poor maintenance is due to
under funding and which is leading to high costs for the users and hence the users are
reluctant to use the public transport system.
2- the developing cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon, Bangalore are severely congested
due to increase in ownership of private vehicles. This congestion causes a difference
in the scheduled trips for public transport which leads to fall in passenger volume. It
also affects the utilisation and overall performance of the transport.
3- Rural areas are about 70% of the India’s population and around 33% of villages do
not have access to even roads. Some of the roads are not all weather and they remain
cut either in case of monsoon like in mountains.
4- People face a lot of inconvenience in terms of location of bus stops or stations or
airports due to which they are reluctant to use the public transport and prefer
travelling by their own vehicle. The frequency of the services provided might be
uneven and also the timings may not be suitable to people. Service is slower and
public transport make frequent stops which in turn increases the time to reach a
certain destination.
5- There is a lack of seamless travel, one might have to take up 4-5 different buses or
trains to reach a certain destination, which is a lot of cost in terms of money, time or
efforts. Also people want to become independent and do not want to depend so they
prefer using their own private vehicles.
6- One thing which most of the people fear the most is the fear of crime. Everyday
newspapers and channels are flooded with news of crimes taking place in the buses or
at the railway stations due to which people avoid using the public transport as safety
has become a major concern these days.
7- There is also a lack of safety in terms of accidents, the drives drive recklessly and also
there is a doubt on roadworthiness of the vehicles used for public transport. There has
been a huge number of accidents due to the mistakes of the driver and rash driving of
the driver.
8- The vehicles are overloaded most of the times due to which the rides become very
uncomfortable. the people are not feeling the worth of their money as they are not
even comfortable while travelling.
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9- The quality of infrastructure of the public transport is very low whether it be case of
bus stations or railway stations or unclean buses or trains.
10- Most of the people have started using two wheelers instead of public transport as it is
cheaper to use a two-wheeler as compared to a public transport.
If we look at the data provided in the report, we can see that the share of public transport is
very low and there is a decline in public bus ridership. The data indicates that there is a lack
of proper public transportation facilities in India and the citizens are hugely dependent on the
private modes of transportation( ownership of private vehicles has been increasing), such as
bikes, cars in rural and urban India.
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Transportation which deals with the movement of people and goods has changed in a
revolutionary manner. It all started with the invention of a steamboat then trains and finally
aeroplanes. Technology not only limited at the invention of planes but it moved to new
technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cloud computing, which made
the transport more efficient, faster, more convenient, safer.
Uses of latest technologies in transportation:
Self-Driving Vehicles – These are also called as autonomous vehicles which mean the
vehicle which operates without any human interventions. These vehicles are equipped with
light sensors, radar sensors, ultrasonic sensors, machine learning system, and a sophisticated
software system. These technologies help the vehicle to identify the real surroundings and
help them to take decisions. There are lots of benefits of an autonomous vehicle like greater
road safety, mobility, productivity, and cost reduction. According to government data mostly
all road accidents happen due to human error, this means the autonomous vehicle will reduce
the road accidents radically. It will also empower the people with disabilities, for example,
Blind people could now easily access the vehicles. It will also reduce the cost of maintenance
and administration expenses.
Traffic Management – One of the key concerns about today’s traffic is congestion. Even
this is a major problem in Indian cities such as Mumbai, Delhi. It takes more than 65% of
normal time to reach the respective destination in Mumbai city. To solve these problems we
can use artificial intelligence. Sensors and cameras equipped on roads will collect the data
and then send it to the cloud, where analysis of these data will be done using big data
analytics and AI-powered systems. Using these technologies we can predict shortest routes,
less congested routes. Information can also be provided such that road blockages, accidents
which will eventually lead to hassle-free transportation.
Delay Predictions – In an uncertain world delay cannot be avoided but it can be predicted
through sophisticated technologies. Prediction can be done by using historical data, real-time
data, with different situations such as bad weather. This will help us to increase our
productivity, efficiency, journey experience. For example, if passenger beforehand knew that
their flight is going to delay then they can arrange their plan accordingly.
Drone Taxis – To solve the problem of transportation we first think about building
infrastructure but in the cities with no more capacity to build anything how we are going to
manage the traffic. Solution for this problem is Drone taxis. Drones taxis are the unmanned
aerial vehicle which can carry passengers which uses electric vertical takeoff and landing
technology. Passenger drones are already tested in China with seventeen passengers. This
will reduce carbon emissions, traffic congestions, and also reduce the cost of building
infrastructures. Drones also improve the journey experience with minimizing the commuting
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Hyperloop - This is a future transportation mode which will carry passengers and also
freights. Hyperloop is a route comprises of tubes, through these tubes a pod will run. The
speed of this pod will be much higher than the aeroplanes because this pod will be free of any
air resistance or friction. For example from Mumbai to Pune, if we go on a train it would take
1hr 15min whereas Hyperloop will take only 15minutes.
Automated detection of Vehicle Condition - Through using IoT(Internet of things, as the
name suggested it’s a network of things which communicates among each other. This
technology can be used in transportation to reduce the congestions, accidents, to improve
journey experiences), Vehicles can inform us about the current health of them. If there is a
problem in the engine, brakes, lights, etc. This kind of information can save us from any
uncertain incidents during the journey.
Fleet Management – Management lots of vehicles containing goods is not an easy task but
with the help of IoT, it can be easy to handle the fleets. The technology will help the fleet
managers to track the shipments in real-time which will improve the safety and security of
vehicles, drivers, and goods. Using Geo-fencing we can track the real-time location of fleets
and this information can be shared with the stakeholders which will give them confidence
about their consignments. IoT will help the business in cutting cost through reducing
operational inefficiencies which will eventually improve the bottom lines.
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One of the biggest problems is transportation for the country in some cases the population of
a state is equivalent to the population of few countries which have area which is thrice that of
the state. with the huge population there will be large area that will be spread will be used for
domestic uses and there will be a less area left for the future scope that will help in better
planning of the country or try to eradicate the transportation problems in most populated part
of the country.

This is the graph that shows the statics of the Indian transportation according to 2011 while
the population is around 124.72 crores and now with the increase in time the population
reached to 1.37 bllion. There are 1.6 million buses are registered in India. In which public bus
sector operates 170,000 buses carrying around 70 million people each day. However,
bus transportation has not been able to cater to the growing travel demand as the is increase
in the population of the country at the rate of 1.08% with a limited area to expand or develop
is one of the biggest issues.
One of the main means of transportation is by road and one that caters large part of
the need is the bus transportation .As per now in country there are more than 1.6 million
buses are registered in India, and the public bus sector operates 170,000 buses carrying
roughly a count of 70 million per day. However, bus transportation and growing travel
demand are not going hand in hand. There are only 30,000 buses serving the in and around of
city areas, out of which approximately 3,500 buses are operated under a public-private
partnership agreement. according to the census 15% Indians use public transport to work,
while one in five walks to work every day. As per given data, Around 30% people did not
travel for work.
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The main problems that are face by the Indian population is the congestion where the
is a low area to explore and increase in the number of the vehicles in the eco system is one
the problem the leads of the other problems for the ecosystem is due to
immense use of vehicles that leads to the air pollution as the is so many vehicles it hard to
maintain and educate people around the idea of maintenance of the vehicles only through law
we can regulate this with the amount of vehicles or we can use less number of vehicles that
will help in the control of the air pollution. Other important or most occurred problem is the
increase in number of the road accidents which are due to the large area of road sin the
country According to Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, as of March
2016, India had about 1,01,011 km of national highways and expressways, plus another
1,76,166 km of state highways this is a large number to maintain or regulate constantly.
The growth of vehicles has been much faster than that of the population of the
country. The number of registered vehicles increased from 55 million in 2001 to 142 million
by 2011, with a currently-estimated 195.6 million in 20162. Seventy-five per cent of these
registered vehicles (147 million) are motorcycles and the numbers are the highest than any
other transportation. Furthermore, the physical infrastructure hasn’t been able to keep pace
with the growth in demand as the area of the country is limited though it is the second largest
in area. The urban road length has increased from 252,001km in 2001 to 411,840km by 2011.
In the last decade registered vehicles per million population has increased by 219% while
urban road infrastructure per million only increased by 124%.
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POLICY Introduced :

This above picture gives the idea of how the country can regulate the problem for its
stake holders and we can better use the resources we have on a effective way and all the ways
we can improve to overcome the problems that occurred in the urban transportation.

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Level 0 - DFD
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Level 1 – DFD
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Location of the bus will be captured by GPS and sent it to control room through GPRS. This
data will be further processed to calculate estimated time of arrival and estimated time of
departure. Passengers can access this information at bus stops and through websites. The data
captured by GPS IOT device can be used to calculate speed and location of bus. As a result,
Bus operators can keep track of any sudden break or acceleration in the bus. IOT Edge device
sends all important data to machine learning to detect anomalies in data. IOT Hub manages
all IOT devices.

Using Artificial Intelligence and analytics, control room can adjust the traffic light and
suggest suitable route for public bus. There will be also in bus speaker and visual display to
communicate the passengers in bus about next stop. Old people at bus stops can book their
seats in advance using AI device located at bus stops. People can use this AI device to get
virtual assistant regarding routes.

GPRS can be used for internet access, MMS, SMS, WAP access. Using this data transferred
to control room and passengers can access this data through their mobile phones or laptops.
The In-bus display system will tell about next arrival stop and time to reach there. It also
informs passengers about other buses that will come to that stop. Driver will be also able to
communicate with passengers using the mile mounted at driver’s seat. Updates made by
driver will be also sent to central control station using GPRS and GSM. Data will be
displayed in respective bus stops through HTTP request. It will be also updated in the

The destination, route number, ETA, ETD will be displayed in different languages. There
will be also google translator mounted in passengers’ seat and bus stops. These devices will
be enabled with voice search to help visually challenged people. All this communication will
be done through HTTP protocol. Control room will have various advanced servers to process
the data received from bus through GSM and GPRS to monitor the route and time. The
stakeholders can access this processed data by visiting the official website and sending the
request to application server. The input data from GPS will be sent to GIS. Using these
passengers can see the bus routes with the help of digital map.

All the buses will be connected to cloud. IOT device in bus will help in accident prevention
by warning the bus drivers in advance about any vehicles approaching the bus with high
speed. The sensors in bus will keep track of surrounding vehicles in the bus and all data will
be sent to control room to study the anomalies and warn the driver. There is also emergency
button connected with IOT device which will help the drivers and passengers in case of any
emergency situation. The intelligent online booking system will make passengers to instantly
book the tickets. It also gives first priority to physically challenged people and old people.
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Level 0 – DFD (AI basedTicket booking)

AI based ticket booking will help to passengers to book ticket with bus having minimum
travel time. Visually challenged people will get seats near door in recommendation.
Passengers also has option to choose the bus based on the rating. All the data from control
system will be sent to Analytics department to monitor correct fare price for passengers.
Through portal servers, operators will be able update the information about tickets or
reservation system in the portal. Machine learning will provide smart driving assistance to
bus drivers. It will suggest recommended speed have maximum fuel efficiency. Bus drivers
can also switch the bus from manual mode to autonomous mode with help of AI.
AI will help drivers to recognize the error and suggest solutions to fix it. Bus can also interact
with surrounding vehicles with the help of IOT and AI.
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Implementing intelligent public bus transport system will help to reduce the traffic congestion
by increasing the public bus ridership. It also increases the passenger satisfaction and reduce
use of personal vehicles by encouraging people to use public bus. As a result, it will reduce
the fuel consumption, operational cost and increases the productivity. It will benefit various
stakeholders like bus drivers, passengers, travellers at bus stop and operational managers.
It also enables the communication between vehicles, collision warnings, traffic monitoring
and IOT based control of traffic signal lights.
Core technologies used in this model are IOT, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud computing, Edge
computing, GSM, GPS, GPRS, Machine learning and embedded systems. This model
suggests optimum use of the technologies to increase the operational efficiency and reduce
the inconvenience caused to the passengers.
There are various implementation challenges due to lack of resources, technical knowledge,
implication of technologies and financial support. Technologies are not used in full potential.
To cope up with this problem, government should introduce national standard for intelligent
public bus transport and should ensure effective communication between all the stakeholders
involved in project.



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