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A Review on Short Film titled: “Alternative Math.

By Auvan Lutfi (XII MIPA 3)

Orientation “Alternative Math”, a nine minute American short film directed by

David Maddox, is a 2017 American comedy film produced by Ideaman
Studios. The film casts Allyn Carrell as Mrs. Well for the main leads. It
is a meaningful short film that related to contemporary life, especially
in the field of education.
This 9-minute short film shows the dark reality: the lack of
respect and trust teachers are given these days. The film shows how
modern day society, media, parenting, and school administration have
the ability to flip the script on an innocent classroom situation. With
the presence of regulating parents, unjust lawsuits, broken school
systems, and scrutinizing media, teachers are left in fear of doing their
Interpretative The story begins when Mrs. Well trying to explain to her student,
Recount Danny, that 2+2=4. However, the student believes the answer is 22.
In his frustation, he rages against his teacher and runs out. When the
parents are called-in to discuss the situation, they also throw tantrum
on her, claiming there is more than one answer to any question.
The parents involve the principal and claimed her out for
upsetting the child and the parents. The parents unite and protest. The
school board steps in and suspends the teachers, rather than
supporting her for her academic integrity. The problem become worse
after the media blows it up, she gets fired. But there are a happy ending
and a funny twist at the end to leave you with a smile on your face,
it’swhen the principle calculate salary for Mrs. Well in front of the
media, “That’s $2,000 for your last pay period, and $2,000 for this one,
so that’s $4,000” said the principle. Then Mrs. Well said “Wrong, it’s
Evaluation What makes this film so special is that it functions on so many
layers. It also shows us why maths is so badly taught, why teachers are
not respected and why the whole school systems are broken when
professionalism and good teaching are marginalised in order to get
good marks in a narrow mindset.
Summative Overall, this short film is an excellent movie. Perhaps this is one
Evaluation of the best reasons to see “ALTERNATIVE MATH”, a film with heart,
humanity and humor, as well as deeper phisiological undertones. A
family film to be enjoyed by teacher and student alike.

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