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Manuel Quezon

Manuel Quezon, in full Manuel Luis Quezon y Molina, (born Aug. 19, 1878, Baler, Phil.—died Aug. 1,
1944, Saranac Lake, N.Y., U.S.), Filipino statesman, leader of the independence movement, and first
president of the Philippine Commonwealth established under U.S. tutelage in 1935.

the address of Manuel l Quezon for teachers and student in august 19 1938 telling about the past
achievement of every Pilipino’s who has enough self Confidence to show what they can do

it tells us about or on how political ignore some of the moan of the crowd about the lacking of
facilities and lac of guidance to sustain us in the proper discharge of our political obligations

that our social or being interacting with one Another is so diff than before because some of the
attitude that they encounter is diff. from now because we are engaging with the modernity of our
society. And some people who make mistake was being judge without knowing the true or the real
reason why their are failings

Some of the peple right now at this very moment are still having a low self steem to show thier
or they what they can because they are lacking of experience or lack of oppourtunity to show their
self and at this moment they hav eno idea on how to boost it because we are living in a society full
of Judgemental people who always looking whats wrong on what a mistake of a one person so that
some people are scared to failed but always take this as a advantage that failure is an event and not
the person and failure is a proof that you are keep on trying to do your e best and be strong enough

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