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8/25/2019 STRATEGIC

Submitted to:
Mahtab Muntazeri
(Mbt) Lecturer,
Department of
Marketing &
Business (MIB)
North South


NAME ID Serial Number

Md. Rakibul Islam Abir 1521638630 20

MOAZ BIN ISLAM 1512529030 17

Al-Zami Hossain 1431179030 11

Taysir Ahmed Saeed 1611762030 29

Abu Hamim Naba 1611764030 30

Md. Nurul Absar 1522105030 21

25 August 2019
Mahtab Muntazeri
Lecturer, NSU School of Business and Economies.
Subject: Submission of the project on strategic marketing on Deligram to attract women
Dear Sir,
At first, we would like to thank almighty Allah since we have been able to finish this report in
due time without facing any difficulties. We are very highly indebted to our honorable course
instructor Mahtab Muntazeri for his guidance and kind support. The writing of the report is not
an easy task. All members of this team contribute at their best. The success of the project is a
result of the hard work and dedication of team.
We have tried our level best to complete this assignment meaningfully and correctly, as much
as possible. We hope you find this report satisfactory.
Best Regards
Hamim Abu
Moaz Bin Islam Sporshow
Taysir Ahmed
Al-Zami Hossain
Rakibul Islam Abir
Nurul Absar Noman

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Table of Contents
Company Background…………………………………………………………3
Pest Analysis…………………………………………………………………..4
TG profile……………………………………………………………………...8
Target Group…………………………………………………………………..8
Strategic Marketing Plan……………………………………………………...9
Key Action…………………………………………………………………….9
Budget Execution……………………………………………………………...15

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Overview of Deligram
Deligram is affiliated by Rahimafrooz Bangladesh. In 1954 Rahimafrooz started their business
as lead manufacture company, they manufacture batteries for car and IPS. Deligram start their
journey from 2018. Deligram is an e-commerce business where they sell kind of everything
motor-bike to TV, lipstick to perfume, mobile to headphone and cloths etc deligram say they
offer 10,000 variety of products to their customer to choose. Deligram is the E-commerce
sector of Rahimafrooz.
The founder and the CEO of Deligram is Mr. Waiz Rahman. He is one of the young
entrepreneurs of Bangladesh, he joints his family business after completing his engineering
degree from the University of Southern California. His dream to make the Deligram, Amazon
of Bangladesh. Mr. Rahman the CEO of Deligram, started in rural areas, “where Mr. Rahman
saw there was less competition but also potentially more to learn through a more early-adopter
customer base. That’s obviously one major challenge when it comes to growth, and now the
company is looking at urban expansion points”. He also said that “People will eventually shift,
but I think it’ll take five to eight years, which is why we provide the convenience via mom and
pop shops,”
At the beginning Deligram start their journey from Comilla which was great success. Deligram
take order from their customer in the both ways online and offline through combining the
nearest retail shop “Mudi Dokan” where customer can go give their order through their
deligram agent. If customer order their product through Deligram website or their app, deligram
will ask for delivery charge and if they order their product through deligram agent “Mudi
Dokan” than their will be no charge for delivery, Deligram provide their agent a tab so that
they can place customer order with that tab customer can receive their product from their agent
“Mudi Dokan”.
In 2018 December Deligram launch their business in Dhaka after that they start to target other
urban and rural area of Bangladesh. Customer can pay in many ways they want, if the product
price is low than they can pay by bkash or they can pay by their agent “Mudi dokan” if they
order form there. If the product price is big than they have to pay 10% in advance to conform
the deal for example: - bike, mobile, tv etc
Deligram is a Bangladeshi e-commerce business who want to be an Amazon of Bangladesh,
by using different and unique strategy.

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PEST analysis:
It’s not necessary that environment of a business currently enjoy will be same in the long run.
Almost every business is affected by some external factor. To protect the organization from
those externalist managers, asses, external environmental factor. The motive is to take batter
measure for the organization progress. Deligram also affected by those external factors. Here
we are going to do external environment factor of Deligram.


PEST Economical

Social Factor

Political factor: currently Bangladesh is politically stable country to do any sort of business.
Bangladesh has rapid growth in E- commerce business & Deligram is E- commerce platform.
Political environment can be a reason of loss and risk factors. Any kind of governmental
decision toward e- business can affect an e-business. Few years back there was subsidies in E-
commerce platform. But, in 2018 finance ministry of Bangladesh impose 5% vat on E-
commerce sector. This sort of assessment has massive impact on virtual platform business.
Global leader like amazon in e commerce sector is a big threat company like deligram. Amazon
planned to start their business in Bangladesh in 2020. As we said before we are going to start
our business in semi urban and rural area. Though now Bangladesh is politically stable country
but still there has some uncertainly in rural and semi urban area. Political instability like Village
politics, frequently quarrel with each other can affect in business.
Economical factor: E- commerce business has tremendous growth in Bangladesh. Initially the
growth was slow but in 2016 e commerce market growth in 2 billion TK and following year
2017 in cross 17 billion TK. According the data (from ECAP) this sector able to attract heavy
FDI. ECAP general secretary Abdual Wahed Tomal said that the expected market size in 2021
will be 70 billion. Here we can see that massive market growth is visible in E-commerce sector

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which could be a great opportunity for Deligram to get the market share. Very recent statistics
shown that Bangladesh is one of the fastest economic growing country in south Asia and
purchasing power is also increasing. Based on economic condition company set their strategy.
Interest rate, exchange rate, recession rate, inflection, demand and supply are the key elements
of economic environment which can heavily impact on business.
Social factor: society and culture have a great impact, how a customer will behave also
influence their purchase decision, consumption and buying pattern. Initially e commerce
industry in Bangladesh faced a slow growth, one of the major reasons behind it social factor.
In our country people are more likely to buy product physically from store. In Bangladesh
people adopting different culture via social media, they are using many social platforms like
Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp. This platform gradually influences customer behavior and
also educate them about virtual shopping. In recent years people who lives in urban cities are
more interested to purchase from e-shop. But rural and semi urban area customers are not aware
and unprepared to accepted that feature. Here is the gap in the market which could be an
opportunity from Deligram by educating and aware customer.
Technology: Relation between technology and E-commerce like body and soul. E- commerce
industry severely depends on technology. Entire E-commerce system is gift of technology. Few
years back even communication was difficult, people had to post mail and wait a week/ month
for reply. But in today’s world we don’t need to wait for a second to get reply. People are able
to buy anything or everything from their home. Technology satisfy the gap of convenience
which make customer life easier and this convenience is the main reason of booming E-
commerce industry, Deligram solely depends on technology because they are in online
platform. Big company like apple, Microsoft, IBM etc. invest billions of dollars in research
and development to introduce new technology. And sort of new invention or innovation in e-
commerce industry in heavily affect positively on line or virtual shop by this Deligram also
can be benefited.

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Country Bangladesh

Region Semi urban Rural areas


Age 15-20 21-30 31-40

Gender Female

Occupation Students Professionals House wife’s Entrepreneur

Social class Middle class Lower middle class

Family size Nuclear family Extended family


Personality Self- Decision Dependent Others

governing maker


Rate of usage Heavy Medium Light

In Bangladesh E-commerce industry is growing very fast in last couple of years. Online
shopping is starting from groceries to a luxury’s lifestyle product in urban areas. We will cover
all semi-urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. Many people are don’t know about E-commerce
technology in this area. If we educate them, they will become our customer.

Age: Our target is 15-40 age groups. But we will focus on 15-30 age people. Because they are
young and more excited about new technology and adopt early. If we educated them, they will
influence their parents and elder people.
Gender: We will target female customer. Because the presence of interested female customers
inside the shop is very low comparing to male customers.
Occupation: we will focus on students, professionals, and house wives. Students need many
educational equipment which are not available in local shop. They can easily find it on
Deligram. Professionals can also order and collect their professional thing. Housewife can

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order every essential household product from one Deligram shop and no need to go to many
Social Class: We will target middle class and lower-middle class people. In Bangladesh every
class people income is increase that why they are ready expand more money to improve their
lifestyle. If we attract them properly, they will expand money on Deligram.
Family size: In semi-urban and rural areas, Nuclear family and Extended family are more. That
way we will target Nuclear family and Extended family.

Personality: Self-governing people have a strong determination and desire to success and
become really big. Decision maker have dictatorial personality, they control other. Dependent
are depending on others. We will explore these types of personality people.

The main purpose of our project to attract women customer toward deligram, who lives in semi
urban and rural area. to attract our target, we identified some major problem, those are
described in below.
sociocultural system:
society and culture play an important role in consumer behavior. It manipulates consumer
consumption and buying pattern. The main religion in our country is ISLAM, which strictly
prohibited for women to go market and the culture of Bangladesh is also male dominated.
which deprived women in terms of buying behavior. This is how sociocultural factor has
influence in consumer buying pattern.
Lack of knowledge/popularity:
Deligram introduce in 2017 and start their operation in 2018. Its e very new service for the
customer. So that customer doesn’t have that much knowledge about deligram. They don’t
know how to use it, what are the features they provide and what sort product they providing.
Lack of promotion activities customer are not familiar with this service.
Conventional purchasing practice:
In Bangladesh people are likely to purchase physically from shop. Customer wants to touch
the product, feel the product and some people even to try. Customer like to begin with venders
specially women but in online shop customer can’t implied these practices. This is how
conventional purchasing practice affected online shopping.
Negative attitude toward online shopping:
Initially in online business everything was good but after some unethical online shop and their
bad quality product create negative image in customer mind gradually which converted in word
of mouth

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Students(15-20) House wife(20-30)

•Dependent •Dependent
•Independent •Unemployed •Unemployed
•Rationa •Emotional, Friendly •Emotional
•spent for others •Fashion wears, beauty •less desire
• Fashion wears, beauty product & stationaries •Fashion wears, beauty
product & utensils product & utensils

Target group

In this report our main target customer are women, for being more specific we are targeting
women’s whom are in 15-30 age. we select this age group because chances are high, it could
be easier for us to attract this age group toward deligram online service because they are young,
they think rationally, they have some sort of faith in technology and also enjoy this online
There is market gap in semi urban and rural area because there is no other online shop whom
cover this area. According the research of world bank almost 69% people in Bangladesh live
in rural and semi urban area. It’s a great opportunity for deligram to cover this huge market
that’s why we select this area. Market leader like amazon announce that they are going to access
in Bangladesh market to operate business and few are already in market. its will be difficult for
deligram to compete with others company like daraz and amazon to sustain in urban areas in
terms of operating business. So, selecting urban and semi-rural will be the best choice for
deligram to run business in long run benefit.
Our main target based on students and earing women’s. As we know that in semi urban and
rural area students cannot buy their desire product as an example, if one female student in rural
area wants to buy scientific calculator, she can’t get this product easily. She might go for city

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to purchase this calculator. Throughout deligram a student can order their desire product from
any place. On the other hand, our focus is in earning women’s, because they purchase
frequently. If we able to make them loyal customer its will be benefited for us.
In terms of social class our main target is working class, middle class and lower middle-class
people. Middle class is one of the main targeted consumer group, in Bangladesh middle class
consumer are rapidly growing. They have the potentiality and purchase power and they also
have curiosity about online shop. If we able to create faith and convenience a large chunk of
market share deligram can easily get without facing any competition.

Strategic Marketing Plan

Business Objectives:
Currently Deligram’s women product sales has taken a toll due to very a smaller number of
female customers trying out their kiosk service. Right now, Deligram’s main objective is to
increase the sale of its female based products in order to generate higher revenue.
Marketing Priorities:
To fulfill the objective, we have chosen the female community of Semi-Urban and Rural area
as the number of females not partaking in Deligram’s kiosk service is significantly higher. By
turning out the situation in the specific areas, Deligram can see a significant boost in their sale
of female based products and in their revenue.
Marketing Goals:
The main goal here is to attract female consumers and to persuade them to purchase products
through the kiosk.
Marketing Strategy:
By implementing the Integrated Marketing Communication, the objectives and the solution of
the current problem can be achieved. Integrated Marketing Communication is needed in order
to drag women customers according to their needs and wants. Since the Women population in
Semi Urban and Rural areas is less involved in Deligram services, we need to combine all the
IMC elements to get their attention and to make them familiar with the brand “Deligram”.
Separate Advertisements and Campaigns are to be done in order to target the women

Key Action
To execute our Marketing Strategy, we will be implementing the following actions:

1. Creating Awareness:
The Women community of the Semi-Urban and Rural area are unaware of the service
and product offerings of Deligram or they are unwilling to avail their service. In order

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to bring and attract more women customers, building awareness should be a primary
concern for Deligram in order to derive women customers.
 Freebies: We will be giving away customized bags and stationery with
Deligram’s name on it to the Girls School and College. By handing out these
stuffs we will give a big description of our service to the students. The
advantages of using kiosk service will be explained to them.

 Print Media: Deligram will be distributing printed leaflets as well as Billboards

all featuring women product related perks.

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2. Promoting Lifestyle:
It is vital to let the women customers know the lucrative advantages that they are missing out
by not taking the kiosk service of Deligram. In order to make them feel the necessity of
Deligram service, Deligram should do these following activities:
Deligram should make women customers realize that even with a little budget, one can still
lead a Smart & Modern Lifestyle. Deligram should cater products specific to girls and women.
Latest trend in the Home Utensils, Beauty tools, Clothing can be used as a persuasive act to
make the girls and women motivated to use Deligram’s kiosk service. The idea is to provide
the Lifestyle if not the slight taste of it which is led by the City people.

3. Creating Hype:
Making can be conducted in the designated areas stating that Products from abroad like China,
USA, Japan and Canada is available at your nearest “Mudir Dokan” it must be specifically
mentioned that Women and Girls will get specific perks which we named “ডিজি-ভাতা”.

4. Advertising:
 Banners and Billboards will be marked at different busy areas in the village to
increase the exposure. Leaflet can be supplied to the women consumers
showcasing the exciting features of kiosk service.

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Television Advertisements: Currently we have seen that Deligram’s advertisements are mainly
male centric. The situations in the advertisement mainly showcases the interactions between
male customers. Deligram should create a new TV Advertisement focused on the Women
Demography where they will demonstrate the use of kiosk service and showcase the
promotions and discounts the women shall receive from the Deligram service. The
advertisement will feature “Momtaz Begum” as the spokesperson.

5. Sales Promotion: Deligram should provide discounts and promotions offers focused
on women in-order to increase their customer base for identifying their needs are very
important. For this, identifying their needs should be their primary focus. As seen in
the TG Profile, we have divided our target consumer into 3 categories and they are:
 For the Student Category, Deligram should provide discounts and bonus offers
for fashion accessories like Hand Bags, Slippers (Flip-flops).
 For the Stay at home Mothers, Deligram should provide attractive discounts on
Home utensils and Fashion such as clothing.
 For Mothers, Deligram shall provide discounts and buy one get one offer on
Baby products such as Lotion and Shampoo. Attractive discounts on Baby

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 Purchase Perks:
Currently Women Customers are negligent to the Deligram kiosk service is due
to lack of awareness. One of the key strategies to create awareness is to give
Purchase Points. Or as we like to call it “ডিজি-ভাতা”. Initially these perks will
be focused on women customers and then gradually offered to the male
consumer as well. Women customer will attain points for each purchase of an
item which they can spend upon maturity on products available in Deligram.
The points will be provided on purchase of specific women related products

6. Public Relations: Deligram must provide a consistent message to the women customer
in order to motivate them and persuade them in order to use Deligram’s kiosk service.
To fulfill such objectives, they must under grow the following activities:
 Female Spokesperson: Deligram should choose a spokesperson who
can relate with the lives of the rural people specifically with the female.
One prime example can be “Mumtaz Begum” of Bangladesh. She is well
known and well received by the people of Semi Urban and Rural area.
We believe showcasing “Momtaz Begum” on spreading the information
of Deligram’s kiosk service primarily to the women customer will
positively persuade them in opting to their service. Deligram can host a
program where “Momtaz Begum” will sing as well as convey the
message to the women base in order to attract them.
 NGO: Deligram will appoint NGO’s who will organize Seminars in
Girls School and Colleges and in different occasional village fairs where
they will work on behalf of Deligram to showcase the products and
functions of the kiosk service to educate the women customers. How to
browse products and how to order etc.
 Providing a Platform: Deligram will provide a new platform for the
producer where they can sell their produced product. This will create an
opportunity for the female producers as well as attract the female
customers. This will ensure a stable economic growth and attract women
consumers. This will also generate Word-of-Mouth that will enhance the
brand exposure.
 Event Fair: Deligram will host a fair on a quarterly basis where they
will primarily showcase their kiosk service and female focused products.
Each year different area will be selected of a same region. This fair will
help to boost the brand recognition and encourage female customers to
try out Deligram’s service.

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Budget Execution

Tv Advertisements


Print Avertisement
Consumer Promotion


Integrated Marketing Communication will play an important role on attracting the female base
consumers to try out Deligram’s kiosk service. the constant use of Electronic media and Print
media and Broadcast Media as well as using promotional activities while appointing a
spokesperson will help Deligram to achieve to create a 360-degree Branding. By implementing
these activities constantly in the daily life of the rural people, Deligram will successfully
manage to tick all the touch points that will persuade the female customers to buy female
products from Deligram through the kiosk service ultimately increasing Deligram’s revenue.

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