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Article #1: Access to urban transportation system for individuals with disabilities
Recommendation: It was suggested that accessible design should be implemented from the
perspective of an integrated network approach, and priority should be
given to passenger concentration points in the multi-modal transport
system. Given advances in information technology, it is essential to enhance
the availability of geospatial information of accessible facilities for
pre-trip planning and real time navigation, to improve travel time reliability.
Awareness of directives in strategic urban and transport planning
should also be enhanced to achieve the sustainable development
of an accessible transport system.

Article #2: Affordable and common modes of transportation in developing cities and their
effect on the sustainability of streets
Recommendation: It is better to find solution to make these modes more sustainable, upgrading
their current status from informal to being more regular and environmentally friendly, enhancing
the drivers behavior, establishing formal stations and eventually, integrating them with the entire
transportation planning system of the city

Article #3: The case of public involvement in transportation planning using social media

Recommendation: it is apparent that social media use by local governments in both rural and
urban counties is sporadic. For effective communication with the public using social media, the
researchers need to develop their own distinct social media policies that would further pave the
way for increased and meaningful communication with concerned citizens in transportation
planning. Further, the deficiency in knowledge on best practices in use of social media by
government agencies apparently seems to pose an obstacle in realizing the potential of social
media for public involvement. The use of social media as an efficient forum in a two- way
communication with people and without endangering the dignity of the user and the
organization. Additionally, there also exists the need among local governments to invest
resources in programs aimed at computer literacy and enhancement of access to the internet in
rural and urban areas to reach the targeted population.

Article #4: A review of studies on green building assessment methods by comparative


Article #5: Usage of green concrete technology in civil engineering

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