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Script Conversation Unit ..........

Group :1
Title of Conversation : Introducing yourself
Setting : In library
Speakers : 1. Ariq as a student
2. Rara as a student

Expressions : let’s me introduce myself properly

My name is zahara azura but you

can call me Rara. I am a student of English education.

I’m Ariq I am student of English education too.

Advanced Words : 1. Perplexed : Very confused

: 2. Thrilled : Very Excited
: 3. under the weather : Feeling ill
: 4. On cloud nice : Extremely happy

Dialogues :

Ariq : Excuse me

Rara : yeah?

Ariq : what are you doing? Why do you look perplexed?

Rara : I am finding my book. I am perplexed because I forget where I put it.

Ariq : ooh, I just found a book on that table, is this yours?

Rara : Oh god, yes it’s mine. Thanks a lot.

Ariq : You’re welcome. Anyway, we have the same book. What is your

: major?

Rara : let’s me introduce myself properly. My name is zahara azura but you

: can call me Rara. I am a student of English education.

Ariq : what a coincident ! I’m Ariq , I am student of English education too.

Rara : incredible! Which class are you in?

Ariq : I’m in K2. What about you?

Rara : I’m in K3. By the way, are you from Padang?

Ariq : oh no, I am from Papua. And you, where are you from?

Rara : Wow Papua! I am from Jambi. I think I am thrilled to come to your

: hometown. Because I’ve read in internet that your province has a lot

: of unique things there such as the cultures, food, destinations, etc.

Ariq : Sure, you can go there whenever you want. I’ll be waiting for it.

: I am sorry we can’t talk for long. I want to see a doctor because I am

: under the weather.

Rara : Oh, it’s okay. Get well soon.

Ariq : On cloud nice to meet you. And I guess we’ll meet again as soon as

: possible.

Rara : So, do I. See you!

Ariq : See you too.

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