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Omegle – Talk to Strangers!

Strangers are everywhere.It has become the natural action of our eyes that when
we walk in the public, we acted out ignoring the strangers.We never know that strangers
might be the key of knowing more of ourselves,of having a pleasant mood and even
having more expriences. You probably have heard of sites that allow you chat people
anonymously but have you tried using them? Most of the teenagers today feel that they
cannot chance upon meeting someone new in their daily lives.This results to the idea of
teenagers using the internet as a way on huddling peers.Chatting through the internet has
become the new drag of meeting new people.The internet has made meeting new friends
more convenient that you no longer have to go outside to make one.Unlike other social
media platforms that show your background information publicly, some are concerned
about their privacy.This comes up with the idea of Omegle.Omegle or chat-roulette is a
site that allows you to chat people anonymously with the topic you’re both interested at.

These past months, Omegle has become a trend that a lot of vloggers tried
using Omegle.Their vlogs surfaced the internet that gained thousands of views.Omegle
was even aired in the national television for being a famous dating site.There are lot of
reasons why teenagers are so fond of using Omegle.It can be the great place to talk about
your interests where it is a proper online entertainment where you can share different
ideas to different people.Omegle can cheer you up when you are in a dull mood.You can
make yourself feel better by talking to someone new and divert your mind and talk about
our feelings.It can also be used as a time killer.Omegle will not only stay you busy but also
makes you feel relieve.You start chatting by putting out your interest.This helps you to find
the right person that you can chat considering that you have the same interests.Next after
putting your interest is to choose what mode of communication will you use, text or
video.After this the system will be the one to choose the person with the same interest.

The conversation usually starts with the question “asl?” which means age,sex
and location.It’s up to the user if he or she wants to end the conversation. Omegle brings
up a lot of feelings to everyone.In here, we do not only look for a partner but someone to
talk to.There are some studies that show talking to strangers verbally or non verbally
actually makes you a happier person.Researches also described that talking to a stranger
gave people the same feeling of helping someone and also contribute good emotional
benefits.Talking to a stranger about your thoughts in mind is more comfortable than talking
to someone you know.In this way we can identify that Omegle is not only used for dating
purposes but can also be in entertainment and personal uses.

Aside from the benefits of using Omegle, there are also a couple of
disadvantages on why you should be careful on using Omegle.Although Omegle allows
you to chat anonymously we must ensure that we do not give too much of our background
information.We must stay to the fact that we are talking to a stranger and that means that
we shouldn’t easily put our trust.Some Omegle users are aggressive and malicious that
they reach to the extent.We must remember to choose properly to whom we should talk
with properly without giving any personal information.We need to follow the policies
implemented by the site in order to ensure that we won’t encounter any issues.

Aguirre, Sebastian Kurei R.


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