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Questionnaire on Factors that affect the Academic Performances of Grade 11 students in Holy Cross
Name: ______________________________ Age: _____

Grade and Section: _________________ Gender: Female___ Male___

Economic Status:
: Poor ____
: Average _____
: Rich ____
Direction: Check and rate yourself based on the given statements using the following scales.
5- Always 4- Often 3- Sometimes 2- Rarely 1- Never
Study Habits 5 4 3 2 1

I used to go to school every day.

I listen attentively to the discussion of my teachers.
I participate in different school activities.
I do my assignments regularly.
I want to get a high grades.
I do not have too much time to study.
I submit my works/assignments on time.
I enhance my abilities and talents in school.
I have no time to study at home.
Tardiness 5 4 3 2 1

I feel sleepy in class.

I feel lazy when it comes to studying.
I come late to class.
I copy the works of my classmates.
I get bored during classroom discussion.
Modern Technology 5 4 3 2 1

I prefer playing mobile games rather than studying my lessons.

I prefer using my gadgets rather than reading books.
I use technology to do school works.
Financial Issues 5 4 3 2 1

We don’t have enough money to support my school expenses.

I am a working student
I save money for my other expenses in school (Projects etc.)

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