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Vastu guidelines for land selection

The dimensional system, the definition of form and analysis of mandala are
common to all types of vastus, whether stationary or movable. The site however Is the
operational base for all vastusthapana. Since the process of establishing a human
settlement, deciding its layout and locating the building depend on the suitability of the
site, the selection and analysis of the site are given great importance in vastuvidya. A
systematic method od assessing the attributes of the site, through observations and
experimentation is prescribed for the selection of site. it is followed by methods for
determining the cardinal directions and analysis of ground slope. The fixing of the
boundaries of the site defines the mandala which may then be analused in detail.

Vastu prescribes several traditional methods which are in practice even now and yield
correct results.

Method 1: The Water Test

Dig a pit of size 45 cm wide x 45 cm long x 45 cm deep (18" x 18" x 18") and fill it with
water. Wait for 3 minutes and observe the water. If the ground soaks the water and leaves
it 15 cm or less, then the land is of low grade and should not be considered. If the
remaining water is upto 30 cm deep, then it is of a medium grade. One may consider
buying it if no other choice is available. If the water is marginally absorbed by the soil
then it is of a high grade and should be considered for purchase.

A clockwise movement of water in the pit indicates a positive movement of energy in the
land. If the water is not much absorbed by the soil and also moves clockwise, such a plot
should be purchased even at a higher cost.

If the water moves anticlockwise, the land has negative movement of energy and the
inhabitants will suffer losses, failures, accidents, or even premature death. Such a plot
should be avoided.

Method 2: Seed Germination Test

Basil seeds are spread on the ground, watered and allowed to germinate. Basil is an
auspicious plant and can grow only on land with positive energy. If these seeds
germinate, then the land has positive energy, If they do not germinate, then the land
should be avoided.

Method 3: The Smell-Taste-Colour Test

Remove the top soil and pick some soil from below. If it smells like decomposed organic
matter it means that the land has bad energy. A good plot always emits a soft sweet
smell.Vastu has categorised soil according to its colour and taste into four categories
White soil which tastes sweet and smells good is suitable for people who persue
intellectual profession: teachers, preachers, artists, poets, musicians, intellectuals, writers,
software professionals, consultants, analyists etc.

Red soil with strong smell and bitter taste is suitable for those who are engaged with
agencies engaged in legal justice, administration and maintenance of law and order. This
category includes government employees, public servants, armed forces personnel,
policemen, administrators etc.

Yellowish or Greenish soil with a light smell and sour taste suits businessmen, bankers,
sharebrokers, and all those who are involved in commercial activities and from the world
of finance.

Black dark soil with a bitter taste and pungent smell suits all others.

Vastu for land: The surroundings

The land should be away from a graveyard, mausoleum, cremation ground, or any site of
last human rites.

Avoid a land which is opposite or next to a hospital or a nursing home influenced by the
diseased energy of the hospital.

A plot adjacent or opposite to a religious institution like a church, a temple or a mosque is

considered unsuitable for any residential, institutional or commercial purpose.

A small plot which has two large plots on either side, seems compressed between them
should be avoided. Such a plot will attract miseries and misfortunes.

The plot should not be near a garbage dump or a waste disposal site.

Vastu for land: Directions of the plot

Ideally the plot should face the cardinal directions (E-W or N-S). A twist upto 12 degrees
is permitted. A diagonal plot (whose corners meet at E-W or N-S the plot) should be
rejected. Such a plot invites confusion and miseries to the owner and his family.

T he s h ap e o f t he pl ot s ho ul d b e rec ta ng le or s qu are a nd a ll
c o r n e r s s h o u l d b e e q u a l . O n l y i n c a s e o f N O R T H E A S T c o r n e r, a n
o u t w a rd p ro j e c t i o n , w i t h i n c re a s e d o u t w a r d s l a n t , w o u l d b e v e r y

If the land has to be acquired for industrial use, then the

following aspects should be taken into consideration:-
a ) T h e i n d u s t r i e s re l a t e d t o p a p e r, c l o t h , l i m e s t o n e o r d e a l i n g w i t h
w hi te s u bs ta nc es are s e en to f lo ur is h w he n es ta bl is he d on p lo ts
facing East.

b ) N or th fa ci ng p lo ts are be ne fi c ia l fo r in du s t r i es d ea li ng i n i ce ,
pulses etc.

c) South facing plots have been found to be beneficial for

i n d u s t r i e s d e a l i n g i n e n g i n e e r i n g g o o d s , s t e e l , i ro n , t a b a c c o , b l a c k
p l a s t i c , c o a l , o i l m i l l s , j e w e l r y, c o s m e t i c p r o d u c t s , e l e c t r i c a l
goods, hotels and hospitals.

d ) We s t f a c i n g p l o t s a re b e n e f i c i a l f o r i n d u s t r i e s re l a t e d t o
g e n e r a l p r o v i s i o n s , g r a m f l o u r, w h e a t f l o u r, a u t o m o b i l e s , t r a n s p o r t

Vedh: Spearing roads

Roads, streets and lanes are also channels of strong energy currents which can hit a
house. A plot at the end of a dead-end lane is hit by this spearing energy with devastating
pranic effects to harm the positive energy of the plot. Such roads or streets are called

I call them spearing roads. Not all spearing roads are bad. There are several types of
Spears of which 4 are good. The figure below shows positive spears around a plot. If a
plot has streets coming from either of these directions, it is good. A plot with all other
spearing roads should be avoided.
Good Vedh

Dead End streets

A plot at the end of a dead-end road keeps on accumulating the highly negative energy
which shoots down the lane all the time. This accumulated manifests into chronic illness
or untimely death of its occupants and the owner.

Plot Shape

An ideal plot is a square plot with all corners at 90 degrees.

For a rectangular plot its length:width ratio should not exceed 1:2
A N-S long rectangular plot is preferred to an E-W long plot as it
receives more sunlight
Round, semi-circlular plots, triangular plots, rhomboid plots, plots of
other odd shapes should be rejected.
If a plot has an extended NE corner it is considered lucky.

High Pressure Plot: If a plot is wider at the front and narrower at the
rear, then it accumulates energy. Such a plot is unfit for building a house.
However, it may be used for a factory, warehouse, transport shed,
railroad station, bus stand, police station or other functional buildings
which may have a high level of activity. However, it is advisable to
consult a Vastu expert about such a plot before taking a final decision.

Low Pressure Plot: If a plot is narrow in the front and wider at the back,
then it is a low pressure plot. Such a plot is very suitable for building a
residence, home for elders, hospital, school, meditation centre etc. But
here too, it is advisable to consult a Vastu expert about such a plot before
taking a final decision.

Plot Topography
There are six types of plot topography which are discussed in Vastu

Vastu Name of Description Effect upon its occupants Remarks


Deerghayu Lower NE end and Success in all ventures, Best

raised SW end possible plot

Bhooit-vidhik Riasd NE side and Owner will suffer from Plot needs
depressed SW side poverty, infights, litigations, rectification
ill health.

Gaja-prushtha Entire Wesern side Confers happiness, long

is high and entire life, prosperity and success
Eastern side is low in life

Kurma Prushtha Raised in centre like Excellent plot

a tortoise' back

Daitya Prustha High E, SE, NE Unsuitable. Leads to loss of Plot needs

sloping towards money, happiness and rectificatio
West children.

Naga Prushtha Wider in West, Avoid. Plot needs

narrow in East, Loss of spouse and childen. rectificatio
Raised North, Owner is always threatened
sloping towards with illness, mental agony,
South, depressed tension, competitors.

A plot with the following characteristics should be avoided:

The soil stinks of decomposed organic matter

Is sandwiched between two tall buildings or two large plots

Has hills or high-rise structures in North, East, or North-East

Is near a burial ground or a crematorium

Is next to a place of worship

Has big trees in North, East, or North-East.

Is near a pollution emitting industrial unit.

I below a high tension cable.

Is close to an effluent treatment plant or a dirty water pond

Has a raised East, North-East and North and a depressed West, SW, and South, SE

Slope of land:
 West elevated - sloping towards the east: promotes material growth and
 South elevated - sloping to north: brings in wealth
 East elevated - sloping towards west: loss of wealth
 North elevated - sloping towards south: loss of inhabitants
 Northeast elevated - sloping towards southwest is bad.
 Southeast elevated - sloping towards northwest is good.
 Northwest elevated - sloping towards southeast is bad.
 Southwest elevated - sloping towards northeast is good.
 South east and east elevated - west and northwest are low-lying is good for human
beings. South and Southeast elevated - north and northwest low lying brings name
and fame in all activities.
 Southwest and south elevated - north and northeast low-lying, the family of the
indweller will multiply and be long lived. Added to this such a plot is blessed with
long life.
 West and southwest elevated - northeast and east low-lying brings welfare and
comfort to the occupant.
 West and northwest high - east and southeast low, is said to create commotion and
 North and northwest high - south and southeast low creates disease.
 North and northeast high - low from south to southwest leads to annihilation.
 East to northeast elevated - west to southwest low-lying causes decay of family.

There is a sloka in a text called Vastu Vidya, which can be memorized by


The plot with its:

 East side high -- death of children

 South east high -- brings in wealth
 Southeast low -- loss of wealth
 South high -- free from illness
 South west high -- brings in wealth
 West high -- blessed with progeny
 North west high -- loss of property
 North high -- generates disease
 North east high -- excessive grief

There is also an indication of high or low ground with respect to profession. For
individuals involved in physical labor--declivity on the west, commercial activities --
declivity on the South, political leaders and rulers -- declivity on the East, intellectuals
and professionals -- declivity on the North.

Selection of Land / Plot as per Va s t h u

To conclude, an ideal plot has the following features:

The soil smells good.

It retains water

The water moves clockwise

Has a high-rise building or a hill to its South or West.

Has a water body or a river in NE.

If it is a river, then the ideal flow is from South to North

Should make one feel happy and light when one walks over it.

Has a depressed North, Ne and East and a raised SW, S, W.

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