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Freedom of Press or the news media, is one of the major and vital features of a democratic

setup of a country without which the decision- making process of the government can affect
the lives of ordinary citizens greatly.
The Press and media consist of journalists, Reporters and many other people which helped
to deliver the news updates to every nook and corner of the country.
Therefore, the main responsibilities and advantages of a free press in a democratic country
 Maintains transparency-The press and media of the country maintains contact of the
common people and its governing bodies as to inform its citizens about the actions
and implementations of the government.

 Major help during epidemics and natural calamities-Media and press is not only
updates people about the circumstances and condition of the affected but also
encourage others to donate and help the victims.

 vital to provide public Opinion-Media and press also help in the process of decision-
making of the government by providing a clear cheat view of the needs and
requirements of the general public.

 Freedom of speech-The freedom of press also provides the freedom of speech to the
people. Press and media interview people about the decisions made by the
The main purpose of media is to educate and update as much people as possible. To do so,
various methods are used, namely-
1. Print media
2. Audio-visual media

1) Print media mainly consists of newspapers, journals, tabloids, books, flyers, etc. to reach
out to the masses of the society. Print media has played an important role in shaping our
society. Since the freedom struggle was started, various writers and freedom fighters used
the mean of the print media to educate and readily involve the people in the freedom
struggle. Recently, the prices of petrol were risen. Print media played an important role
There were several articles in newspapers and journals informing the government about
the discontent of the people. This forced the government to rollback prices of petrol.

2) Audio-visual media consists of radio television internet, etc.

Audio-visual media is a better and more powerful mean for press to create and express the
views and updates as it reaches to a larger number of people, even the backward and
illiterate sections of the society. For example, last year the Nirbhaya case shook the whole
nation. Huge rallies and campaigns were led for providing justice to the victim and its
family. All these rallies from New Delhi, NCR and from various other parts of the country
forced the government to transfer this case to the fast action court for faster justification.

As it is said that “every coin has two faces “. Even the press has some weak points and

Disadvantages of media may include-

 This open source of information and updates can provide critical and vital
information to threats like terrorism, etc.
 With the growing linkages between media and business firms, media is becoming
the centre of economic and political Power and so often fail to give a balanced
and unbiased report.

But sometimes, the freedom of press can be restricted due to certain defence and political

According to article 19(2), the freedom of press can be restricted if,

 Friendly relations or security of a state is concerned
 Public order is disrupted
 Sovereignty integrity or security of the country is concerned
 International relations are disturbed

So, we conclude that press and other media play an important role in a democratic setup,
without which public opinion, needs and suggestions would not reach the government
bodies, making their decision biased and discontented for some parts of the society. On the Commented [AT1]: Discontentful
other hand, news and updates shown can sometimes be the untrue story that is tweaked to
the advantage of rich and famous, owning or sponsoring press houses.

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