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Interactions of agent, host, Reaction of the host to the stimulus

environmental factors
(production of stimulus)
Pre-pathogenesis period Pathogenesis period
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Early Diagnosis
Health Specific Disability
& Prompt Rehabilitation
Promotion Protection Limitation
1. Provision of healthy 1. Give immunizations 1. In pregnant women 1. Perfect treatment and 1. Develop rehabilitation
and sufficient food to vulnerable groups who already have care so that sufferers institutions by
(both quality and to prevent disease signs of anemia recover and involving the
quantity) with the activities of given Fe tablets and complications do not community. For
the National it is recommended occur, for example example, institutions
2. Improvement of Immunization Week to eat foods using a stick for a for the rehabilitation
environmental (PIN) containing iron deformed leg of former CSWs, ex-
hygiene and drug users and others.
sanitation, for 2. Isolation of 2. Looking for 2. Prevention of
example the infectious disease sufferers in the complications and 2. Awaken the
provision of clean sufferers, for community by way disability by not doing community to accept
water, garbage example those of examination. For heavy movements or them back by
disposal, disposal of affected by bird flu example blood tests, forced movements on providing moral
feces and waste. are placed in lung rontgent. deformed legs. support at least for
isolation rooms those concerned to
3. Health education to 3. Looking for all 3. Improvement of health survive. For example,
the community. For 3. Prevention of people who have facilities as a support by not isolating ex-sex
example for the accidents both in been in contact with for enabling more workers in the
upper middle class public places and people with intensive treatment community where he
in developing workplaces by using infectious diseases and care. lives.
countries against personal protective (contact persons) to
the risk of coronary equipment. be monitored so that 3. Arrange social
heart disease. if the disease arises rehabilitation villages
4. Protection against can be immediately so that every patient
4. Exercise regularly ingredients that are given treatment. who has a disability is
according to carcinogenic, toxic able to defend
individual abilities. or allergic 4. screening to detect themselves.
substances. cancer early
5. The opportunity to 4. Counseling and
get entertainment 5. Controlling sources continuing efforts that
for mental and of pollution, for must be done after a
social development. example by person recovered from
conducting "clean an illness.
6. Responsible Friday" activities to
marriage and sex clean up rivers or
education advice. ditches together.

7. Recreation or 6. Use of condoms to

entertainment for prevent transmission
mental and social of HIV / AIDS

Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention

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