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Research and UBRDC- Version Version

Development Center UR Doc Number: Date:

No. 05 03 02.19.2019
Title of Study:

1. This rating sheet should be attached to the manuscript given to the panel members before the
defense to give the panel members sufficient time to evaluate the manuscript. It should be
submitted to the research teacher on the day of the defense. For purposes of transparency, the
students may be issued a copy of the rating sheet upon request.
2. The number of points deducted considered the weight of the specific part. The number of items in
some parts do not necessarily corresponds with the total points in order for the students to still
received some points. Example: Background of the study is 20 points but with 7 indicators. If all the 7
indicators were not observed, the students will still receive 6 points (20-14). The 6 points will
compensate for their “effort, time, expenses…”
3. Other observations not captured in the indicators should be written in the “Comments” Column.


1. General appearance of the manuscript (10)

- Times New Roman Font 12
- 1.5 spacing
- Justified both sides
- Margin: 1.5” left side, 1” right side, 1” top, 1” bottom
- Main Section Headings: Each main section of the paper begins with
a heading which is capitalized, emboldened, left justified, and
double spaced from the lines above and below. Subheadings are _____
capitalized (first letter in each word), left justified, and bold italics.
- In-text citation: Author-date system
- Pagination: Top of page, right side
- the title is typed in an inverted pyramid format, capital letters, bold
*Instruction: Deduct 1 point for every item not observed
2. Sentence, Structure, Grammar, Mechanics and Spelling (20)
-sentences and paragraphs are easy to understand
-effective transition of paragraphs is observed
-ideas in the manuscript flow logically
-main thesis is well articulated in the paper
-the manuscript is free from serious errors in punctuation _____
-the manuscript is free from serious errors in spelling
-correct tenses of verbs are used
-citation style is correctly used
-the vocabulary of the discipline/topic studied is reflected in the
-correct usage of words is observed throughout
*Instruction: Deduct 2 points for every item not observed

CONTENT(70 points)

3. Background of the study (20 points)

-perspective from different parts of the world are discussed
-sufficient data/figures/information are presented to support the scenarios
surrounding the study
Research and UBRDC- Version Version
Development Center UR Doc Number: Date:
No. 05 03 02.19.2019
Title of Study:

-adequate literatures are presented to support the need to conduct the study
-the significance of the study is clearly established _____
-the specific problems/objectives are well-stated
-the specific problems/objectives reflect the main objective of the study
**Deduct 2 points for every item not observed
4. Conceptual Framework of the study (10 points)
-the conceptual framework is clearly identified and discussed in relation to
the study (if necessary)
-supporting theories/concepts are sufficiently discussed in relation to the
study _____
**Deduct 1 point for every item not observed
5. Methodology (20 points)
-the research design is appropriate
-the scope and delimitations of the study are clearly defined
-the locale of the study is clearly identified and described
-the criteria for identifying participants/informants are non-discriminatory
-the data gathering tool is clearly described in relation to the specific ______
-the procedures for data analyses are appropriate and well described
-the proposed data gathering procedures are discussed in an in-depth
**deduct 2 point for every item not observed
6. The Instruments/Tools (10 points)
-the questions are relevant to the topic
-the questions are non-invasive of the privacy of the individual
-the questions are stated clearly
-the questions are sufficient to generate the needed information _______
-the questions are non-discriminatory
-alternative means for recording data/information are presented
**deduct 2 points for every item not observed
7. References (10 points)
-the references follow the institutional format adopted
-the references are adequate _______
-the references are recent (at most 7 years back)
-the reference materials are varied/diverse
** deduct 1 point for every item not observed

_______________________________________ ______________
(Signature over printed name of panel member) (Date)

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