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This activity will let you identify the reasons why you chose to be friends or not be
friends with certain people. You will also be asked to think of ways through
which you can connect with other people and create new friendships.


More Likely to be friends with Less Likely to be friends with

B. Imagine yourself in a situation with a group of adolescence your age.

 How do you decide whom you would like to connect with?

 How do you decide who you are more likely or less likely to be friends

Discussion Question

What did you learn about your choice of friends?

1. Are there any qualities of a new friends that might be deceptive—a quality
you find appealing when you first meet someone, but later discover does not
make him/her a good friend?

2. What about the reverse—quality that at first is not appealing, but becomes a
good one?
3. What could you talk about when you first meet someone you would like to
get to know?


4. How do you let others know you are open to meeting new people and
making new friends?

5. What would make them think the opposite is true?


6. How can you help students who are new in your school or community to feel
more welcome?


7. In your circle of friends, are there things that make it difficult for newcomers to
be accepted? If so, please explain.


8. What would make it easier for adolescence to establish friendships within your
circle of friends?
Choosing Healthy Relationships

This activity is designed to help facilitate your insights into ways of being with
other people to help you develop more meaningful and harmonious
interpersonal relationships.

Freedom Self Pleasure Commitment

Openness Touching Trust Sharing

Boss Independence Communication Threats

Compromise Responsibility Violence Friendships

Hard Work Fear Truth Respect

Dependency Being Selfish Strong Feelings Possessiveness

Sex Proving Yourself Scoring Control

Cruelty Closeness Promise Honesty

Jealousy Obsession Manipulation

Expecting all of
your needs to be Pain Intimidation Caring
Identify the following.

____________________ 1. These are connections between people which are

formed by emotional bonds and interactions.

____________________ 2. Give the four (4) factors that influence the establishment
of relationships.

____________________ 3.

____________________ 4.

____________________ 5.

____________________ 6. This is a relationship characterized by mutual concern,

affection, and respect, and is much deeper than
casual acquaintance.

____________________ 7. This theory states that a person often interprets his/her

own actions similar to how he/she evaluates the action
of other people.

____________________ 8. This phenomenon describes a person’s self-perception

as being influenced by the perception of other people.

____________________ 9. He proposed the Triangular Theory of Love.

____________________ 10. This love allows both partners to grow and enhance

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