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Beatriz Mei R.

11- St. John Paul II

The Art of Marriage

Everybody needs somebody. That’s the normality of human beings. It may be

possible to commit yourself to others or to God through holy vocations yet committing
yourself to someone who gazes at you like a glorious starry sky or a gorgeous
Renaissance painting is another story.

Christian Marriage, also called Matrimony is a sacrament in which a man and a

woman publicly declare their love and fidelity in front of witnesses, a priest or minister and
God. This way, the bond that two people share would be further strengthened, with Him
always the center of their relationship. He would bear witness to your love story, guiding
the couple toward a good life together as the pair mentioned in their vows at Church. Still,
people find it complex to maintain a good marriage. To be honest, the answer is quite too
simple to discern, it stands before their very eyes- it is to fall in love again with the same
person every day, the feeling’s not ever fading as it grows stronger with yearning and
desire, something God wants us as His children to experience the same way He made
notable couples in the Bible did; the same way Joseph never abandoned Mary once he
knew of her unborn child who would then grow up to become the Savior of mankind.

Marriage is a huge painting. Millions of colors and brush movements create unique
love stories for each couple, not one is the same. The same way God created man to
differ from each other, Christian marriage is meant to be taken seriously, not as a joke.
With many young couples rushing to get married, it seems like divorce and separation to
them is just a huge sum of money to get out if ever the pair failed to complement each
other. As stated before, marriage is a painting. Even when you cover up mistakes, it will
still show through bumps and cracks on the canvas. That is how God sees two married
people. Even when separated by law, still, they are bonded together by a string of faith
due to the fact that they’ve been strung together by God and nothing in this mortal world
could ever justify that.

The popular notion about marriage and love is that they are synonymous, that they
spring from the same motives, and cover the same human needs. It is an art to be
mastered, the couple being on the same levels of Picasso and Rembrandt, painting each
other’s stories onto huge canvasses set out by God for them. God’s will for them will
always be the masterpiece. It is through Him that destined these two people to meet and
fill in each other’s spaces, loving each other’s imperfections and painting happiness over
their faces. With Him centralized in their lives, instead of living in a world of black and
white, they’ll not only see the joyful colors. Instead, what awaits them is the whole

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