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‫משפטים‬ ‫שבת שקלים‬ ‫בס "ד‬

Parshas ‫ משפטים‬is jammed packed, besides the many mitzvos that are
written in it. This Parsha is the conclusion, the ‫ נעילה‬of the ‫ימי השובבים‬,
in a regular year. It is also the first of the four Parshios that are read
surrounding the great ‫ י"ט‬of Purim- ‫שקלים‬. It is also ‫שבת מברכים אדר‬,
that prepares us for ‫פורים‬. At the end of the weeks of ‫שובבים‬, after we
have worked on the ‫תיקונים‬, we enter into the joy of ‫חודש אדר‬. Just like
from the ‫ נעילה‬of ‫יה"כ‬, we enter into the ‫ שמחה‬of ‫ימי סוכות‬, after the
‫ נעילה‬of ‫שובבים‬, we enter into the ‫ שמחה‬of ‫ימי פורים‬.

The Parsha begins with ‫ ואלה המשפטים‬where ‫=ואלה‬42, ‫ כנגד‬the 42 days

of ‫שובבים‬, the 42 words of ‫אנא בכח‬- the ‫שם מב‬, and the 42 words of the
first paragraph of ‫ שמע‬that is from ‫ ואהבת‬to ‫בשעריך‬. The last word or
the ‫ עקב‬of the ‫אנא בכח‬, the 42nd word, is ‫=תעלומת‬946=‫עיקבתא דמשיחא‬,
the time we find ourselves now, in total concealment- ‫ תעלומות‬or
‫הסתרה בתוך הסתרה‬. After the ‫ ימי השובבים‬we enter into the ‫ימי פורים‬
when we wear masks to conceal ourselves- ‫אנכי הסתר אסתיר‬. The 42nd
word in the first paragraph of ‫ שמע‬is ‫בשעריך‬. Parshas ‫ משפטים‬is the
‫שער‬, the gateway, taking us into the ‫ימי פורים ופסח‬. The ‫ ר"ת‬of
‫ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה‬, is ‫ואלה‬. The ‫ חדושי הרים‬says that ‫ חנוכה‬and
‫ פורים‬were given to the last and lowest generations, who need the
‫ תקונים‬of ‫שובבים‬. There is a special unity on Purim, that we don’t find
the rest of the year, since Purim is above understanding, like in
‫ פרשת שקלים‬where - ‫ העשיר לא ירבה והדל לא ימעיט‬everyone is equal
‫=שקלים‬480=‫ועמך כלם צדיקים‬.

The ‫ צבי לצדיק‬says that ‫ פורים‬is mitzva number 619, of the 613 mitzvas
from the Torah, and the seven from the Rabbanim -
‫=אחרית‬619=‫המן בן המדתא האגגי‬. Amelek attacked the yidden that were
outside the clouds, the lowest, the ‫ אחרית‬Jews. The ‫ חתם סופר‬says that
every mitzvah is ‫ כנגד‬a different organ of the body, and ‫ שקלים‬is ‫כנגד‬
the ‫גלגולת‬, the skull, which is above the brains. Everyone has a similar
skull, but not the same ‫דעת‬, and so this mitzva is equal amongst the
yidden. The mitzva of ‫ שקלים‬is performed with a half a shekel, hinting
to us that we are only half a yid, without another, ‫– עשה לך שתי חצוצרות‬
that is ‫חצי צורות‬, hinting that we must come on to another yid. The first
mitzva in ‫ פרשת משפטים‬is speaking of the lowest yid, who is a slave to
his desires, and wishes to stay that way- ‫לא אצא חפשי‬. We’re talking
here of a yid that stole and after being caught, didn’t have the means

to pay back, and so he was sold into slavery, in order to pay his debt.
He is the only one that the Torah permits to marry a ‫שפחה כנענית‬,
lowering this yid’s status among ‫עם ישראל‬. When he has paid his debt,
after six years, this slave could go free and be a full-fledged yid. If he
decides that he wants to remain a slave and says ‫אהבתי את אדני את אשתי‬
‫ואת בני לא אצא חפשי‬, he remains a slave, and his ear is pierced by the
mezuza of the doorway. In the ‫מזוזה‬, it’s written- ‫ואהבת את ה" אלקיך‬,
that all our love should be directed to the Almighty, and also the
Tefillin –‫וקשרתם לאות על ידך‬, that we must channel our physical desires
to Hashem only. In the ‫ מזוזה‬the ‫ שמע‬is written, where the ‫ ד‬in ‫ה" אחד‬,
is enlarged. We pierce the ear of the ‫ עבד נרצע‬by the ‫דלת‬, the door, to
remind him that Hashem is one, and He is our only master. The pasuk
says that he stays a slave forever, however Rashi says that ‫ לעלם‬means
till the fiftieth year of Yovel-
‫=ועבדו לעולם‬824=‫=והרבה עמו פדות‬824=‫ השיבנו הויה אליך ונשבה‬where
the ‫= ם‬600 in the laws of gem. There is a tikun, a redemption even for
this ‫עבד נרצע‬. The ‫ ירושלמי‬says that a slave cannot say ‫שמע‬, since he’s
unable to utter ‫אחד‬, which can only be said by ‫ אחד מי שאין לו אלה אדון‬as
it says in ‫יז‬:‫אל פני האדן ה" כג‬. Nor can he perform the mitzva of
‫ עולת הרגל‬since the ‫ בהמ"ק‬is the place of prostrating and subjugating
ourselves, only to Hashem, and this ‫ עבד‬has another master to listen to.

In ‫ו‬-‫ פתח אליה‬it says that ‫ צדק‬is ‫ דין‬and ‫ משפט‬is ‫רחמים‬, contrary to that
what we thought to be judgement ‫=משפטים‬479=‫על כסא רחמים‬. The
Parsha begins with the lowest Jew, the ‫עבד נרצע‬, the ‫ אחרית‬Jew, and
ends with the ‫ ראשית‬Jew, Moshe Rebbeinu, who is climbing ‫ הר סיני‬to
receive the Torah, as it says ‫וירא ראשית לו‬. Of the ‫ לוחות‬it says ‫חרות‬
which is written- ‫ אל תקרי חרות אלא חרות‬- the Torah causes real freedom
from the ‫יצר הרע‬. The ‫ עבד נרצע‬says ‫לא אצא חפשי‬, since he is not
interested in the ‫ חרות‬of the Torah. Similarly, as we have already
stated, Purim is the only ‫ י"ט‬where the ‫ אחרית‬precedes the ‫ראשית‬.
An example is that ‫אחשורוש‬, refers to Hashem- ‫מלך‬, who is
‫המלך שאחרית וראשית שלו‬, where the ‫ אחרית‬comes first. The Megilla is
read on the 11th, the 12th, the 13th, the 14th, and the 15th of Adar. The
‫בני כפרים‬, the ignorant villagers get ‫ קדימה‬in reading the Megilla the
11th, 12th, or 13th, before the Tzadikim living in ‫י"ם‬, who read the
Megilla last, on the 15th of Adar. The first three words of the ‫מגילה‬,
have a common thread with the beginning of the first ‫ משנה‬of Megilla-
‫=ויהי בימי אחשורוש‬914=‫מגילה נקראת ביא ביב ביג ביד בטו‬.
The ‫ בני כפרים‬have a ‫כניסה‬, a new entrance.

Those yidden that live in the ‫ כפרים‬have the merit to read the ‫מגילה‬
earlier the rest of ‫ כלל ישראל‬is learnt from the pasuk in the ‫– מגילה‬
‫=לקים את ימי הפרים בזמניהם‬1171=‫אלה שהכפרים מקדימים ליום הכניסה‬

Purim, which is just about the highest day of the entire year, is equated
with the ‫שער הנון‬, the 50th level of ‫ קדושה‬which is ‫אמונה‬, above ‫– דעת‬
‫ עד דלא ידע‬and ‫אשר ישלטו היהודים המה‬, where ‫= המה‬50. The ‫חתם סופר‬
says that the Torah is the names of Hashem (‫)רמב"ן‬, and the ‫ מגילה‬is
Hashem Himself- ‫אנכי הסתר אסתיר‬, and so we have the Halacha of
‫מבטלין תלמוד תורה מפני מקרא מגילה‬. In the story of the Megilla, ‫אחשורוש‬
together with ‫ המן‬attempted to draw the yidden into the 50th level of
‫טומאה‬. This is where our generation unfortunately has fallen into. This
‫ שער הנון‬of ‫ טומאה‬is really twofold. One is ‫כפירה‬, a lack of belief in the
Creator, and in his personal guidance of every detail in creation-
‫השגחה פרטית‬. The seducer of this ‫ כפירה‬is Amelek, of whom it says
‫אשר קרך‬, who is trying to cool -‫קרך‬, the yidden off from there
excitement and enthusiasm in serving Hashem. ‫ קרך‬also means ‫מקרה‬, a
happening, implying that everything that happens is a coincidence,
and not guided by the Almighty. The other manifestation of this 50th
level of impurity is the intense pursuit of worldly pleasures, also
implied in ‫אשר קרך‬, which is ‫לשון קרי‬- ‫זנות‬. The two parts of this 50th
level, are very much connected. A normal rational person, who simply
looks at the incredible intelligence in the world, could never deny the
existence of a creator. However since his desire is to pursue pleasure
and worldly delights, it is simply not worth it for him to believe in a
G-d and believe in a higher purpose. This would result in him
following laws, and self-control, and so it’s easier and more practical
for him to be an atheist. In the ‫ שמע‬both are connected, as it’s says
‫ ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם‬where ‫ לבבכם‬refers to ‫ כפירה‬and ‫עיניכם‬
refers to worldly pleasures.

The main intention of ‫ אחשורוש‬in making his lavish party, was to

seduce the yidden into all types of physical delights, topped off by
Haman’s suggestion to have ‫מטות של זהב וכסף‬, for ‫ זנות‬purposes. We see
the ‫ מדה כנגד מדה‬of the Almighty, in that Haman was hung, because of
a ‘bed’. The entire party was based on ‫כפירה‬, with ‫ אחשורוש‬making his
faulty account of when the ‫ בהמ"ק‬would be rebuilt. Now he was
celebrating that there would no ‫בהמ"ק‬, and no hope for ‫גאולה‬, and so-
eat, drink and be merry - -‫=אשר קרך‬821=‫אחשורוש‬. The reason Haman
built the tree ‫ חמישים אמה‬tall, was that his intention was to pull

Mordechai and all of ‫ כלל ישראל‬into the 50th level of ‫טומאה‬- ‫ כפירה‬and
‫יאוש‬. Purim is the ultimate example of no despair, as Rebbi Nachman
says ‫אין שום יאוש בעולם כלל‬. As it says in ‫ירמיהו‬, Hashem said the pasuk
to ‫ רחל‬- ‫ יש תקוה לאחריתך‬- that there is hope, even for the ‫ אחרית‬Jews.
Gematrias sometime are opposites-
‫=יש תקוה‬821=‫=אחשורוש‬821=‫זהומת הנחש‬.

Mordechai and ‫אסתר‬, who descend from Binyamin -‫בן ימין‬, reminds the
yidden that there is a ‫ י"ם‬and a ‫בהמ"ק‬, where we have a special day of
‫ שושן פורים‬to remember ‫ירושלים‬. The essence of the party was for the
yidden to forget ‫ י"ם‬and be despondant on ever having a ‫בהמ"ק‬.
It says in ‫תהלים קלז‬- ‫ תדבק לשוני לחכי‬- ‫תשכח ימיני‬-- ‫אם אשכחך י"ם‬- -
‫=אשכחך ירושלם‬935=‫מרדכי אסתר‬. The ‫ בהמ"ק‬was built in the portion of
‫בנימין‬, since he was the only one of the ‫ שבטים‬who didn’t bow down to
‫עשו‬, and the ‫ מקום המקדש‬is the place we bow only to Hashem.
Mordechai, who is a descendant of ‫בנימין‬, didn’t bow down to Haman.
We tell the ‫ עבד נרצע‬the severity of remaining a slave-
‫=ורצע אדניו את אזנו‬902=‫תדבק לשוני‬. Mordechai instills ‫ אמונה‬in
‫ כלל ישראל‬as it says ‫ויהי אמן את הדסה‬. We live in a similar or greater
state of ‫ הסתרה‬as then, but w/o ‫מרדכי ואסתר‬, and so it’s imperative for
us to draw on this ‫אמונה‬.

The ‫ תקוני זוהר‬says that ‫ פורים‬is higher even than ‫)כ פורים( יה"כ‬, where
‫ יה"כ‬is not ‫ מכפר‬for "‫חילול ה‬. The yidden by attending the ‫ סעודה‬of
‫כפירה‬, made a "‫חילול ה‬. Purim is the tikun- ‫=מקרא מגילה‬429=‫חילול השם‬

In ‫ פרשת משפטים‬the ‫עבד נרצע‬, forgot ‫י"ם‬, and has descended into this
50th level of ‫טומאה‬. He took another master, which is ‫כפירה‬, violating
the first two of the ‫עשרת הדברות‬. He also said ‫אהבתי את אשתי‬, where
Rashi says refers to the ‫שפחה‬, although he also had a Jewish wife.
Only an ‫ עבד‬that was married, was given a ‫שפחה‬, since the Torah
didn’t want his first wife and children to be with a ‫שפחה‬, and also the
Torah wanted him to choose freedom, after serving for six years, and
not stay with the ‫שפחה‬. However he remained a slave and said that he
doesn’t want to go free - ‫לא אצא חפשי‬. We see that even this low and
degraded yid has hope, in that the ‫ יובל‬has the ‫ כח‬to free this slave.
Purim, also being associated with the 50th level is a "‫ בח‬of ‫ יובל‬which
is freedom from bitterness- ‫ מרדכי‬is ‫ מר דרור‬that is ‫ דרור‬from
‫=מר‬240=‫עמלק‬, as is written by Yovel -‫ וקראתם דרור בארץ‬where
‫=דרור בארץ‬703=‫פא וו ריש יוד ממ‬. In the ‫ הפטרה‬of ‫משפטים‬, from ‫ ירמיהו‬in

the first pasuk, the last king, ‫ צדקיהו‬entered the people into a covenant
and declared emancipation for all the yidden -
‫=לקרא להם דרור‬816=‫ולערב יחלק שלל‬. Rashi says that this ‫ ברכה‬to ‫בנימין‬
– ‫ולערב יחלק שלל‬, is speaking of Purim, where in a time of ‫ ערב‬-‫הסתר‬,
they will split the booty of Haman. The Halacha of ‫ שילוח עבדים‬was for
many years not observed, and many yidden were keeping their slaves.
The ‫ ירושלמי‬in ‫ר"ה‬, says that this was the main reason for ‫חורבן בית‬
‫הראשון‬, and in the midst of taking the yidden out of Egypt, Hashem
commanded Moshe and Aharon to instruct ‫ בני ישראל‬in the mitzvah of
‫שילוח עבדים‬. The ‫ אור החיים‬says that only with Torah can a yid get out
of the 50th level of ‫טומאה‬.

The Mishne says that on ‫טו אדר‬, the roads were paved to prepare for
the ‫עולה רגל‬, as it says ‫מתקנים את הדרכים‬. The ‫ אמרי אמת‬is quoted to have
said that on Purim, a new ‫ דרך‬was introduced into ‫כלל ישראל‬, the ‫ דרך‬of
the ‫ שער הנון‬of ‫קדושה‬. The name ‫ מרדכי‬are the letters ‫דרכים‬, or ‫דרך ים‬,
where ‫ = ים‬50-‫ נ‬that is ‫דרך נ‬. We said before that ‫= ואלה‬42,
corresponding to the 42 days of ‫ שובבים‬and the 42 words in the first
paragraph of ‫ שמע‬- "‫ואהבת את ה‬. The 42nd word, ‫ ובשעריך‬corresponds
to the 42nd day of ‫שובבים‬, which is ‫שבת פרשת משפטים‬. By the ‫ שער‬is
where we bring the ‫עבד נרצע‬. We notice in the ‫מגילת אסתר‬, that
Mordechai was always sitting by the ‫שער‬. The ‫ מצורע‬was not permitted
to enter the gates of ‫י"ם‬. From the ‫ מצורע‬we learn a ‫ ג"ש‬to the ‫עבד נרצע‬
that we pierce his right ear. Mordechai was sitting next to the ‫ שער‬to
‫ מלמד זכות‬on all the yidden. He was seeking out- ‫ דורש‬his good points,
even the ‫ עבד נרצע‬so ‫=לא אצא חפשי‬521=‫דרש טוב‬. We bring the ‫עבד נרצע‬
into the ‫ י"ט‬of Purim ‫=והגישו‬330=‫פרים‬. Purim is the ‫ י"ט‬of ‫והגישו‬,
coming close- ‫הים‬-‫=והגישו אדניו אל האל‬523=‫על מקרה מגלה‬. The
‫ עבד נרצע‬is a member of ‫ כלל ישראל‬like every other yid -
‫=עבד נרצע‬486=‫ועמך כולם צדיקים‬.

There is a common mistake that many have, that ‫ נעשה ונשמע‬is in

‫פרשת יתרו‬, however this tremendous merit that ‫ כלל ישראל‬have for
eternity, is written here in ‫פרשת משפטים‬. The question is ‫נעשה ונשמע‬
defies logic, in that normally one has to understand, before he does.
Also the ‫ לאו‬of ‫בשר וחלב‬, not mixing meat and milk, is also not logical.
Why are these written in ‫משפטים‬, which are those mitzvos that are
logical and easy to grasp? The Torah is telling us that the yidden have
to follow all the laws of Torah and their details, not because of logic,
but because they are Hashem’s will. We fulfill all the ‫משפטים‬, as if

they are ‫חוקים‬, the laws that are beyond logic. ‫ אחשורוש‬said at the party
to the yidden ‫כרצון איש ואיש‬, do whatever you want – democracy,
which is the opposite of ‫נעשה ונשמע‬. The goal of a yid is to be totally
subservient to the will of Hashem, and for this reason Hashem took
the yidden out of Egypt- - ‫=יציאת מצרים‬891=‫נעשה ונשמע‬. After saying
‫ נעשה ונשמע‬the yidden were ‫ זוכה‬to be called ‫בני בכורי ישראל‬, when we
became Hashem’s first born. This was first written in ‫שמות‬, the
beginning of ‫שובבים‬, and ‫ נעשה ונשמע‬is written in ‫משפטים‬, the end of
‫שובבים‬. After the yidden said ‫נעשה ונשמע‬, the ‫ בני בכורי ישראל‬became a
reality. In ‫כח‬:‫ פסוק כב‬it says ‫ בכור בניך תתן לי‬and then in ‫יט‬:‫ פסוק כג‬it
says "‫ראשית בכורי אדמתך תביא בית ה‬, the mitzva of bringing our first
fruits to the ‫בהמ"ק‬, proclaiming that all our success is Hashem’s.
We are Hashem’s ‫בכורים‬, Hashem’s first fruits as it says in ‫– ירמיהו‬
‫קדוש ישראל ה" ראשית תבואתך‬.

The ‫ שפת אמת‬says that before ‫ביאת המשיח‬, there will be another ‫פורים‬,
where even those in the ‫ הסתרה בתוך הסתרה‬will receive a ‫כפרה‬, as it
says in the ‫מפטיר לשבת שקלים‬, the last three words ‫ לכפר על נפשותיכם‬-
‫=לכפר על נפשותיכם‬1336=‫ הסתר אסתיר‬. On Purim was the downfall of
‫פרס‬, who clearly in our times, is the enemy of civilization. There are
many prophesies that say ‫ פרס‬is the last fortress before ‫משיח‬. The
‫ מגילת אסתר‬is the last ‫ ספר‬in ‫תנ"ך‬, which hints to all events that are
taking place, in our times.

The Gemorra says that both the ‫ מגילה‬and the ‫שופר‬, are forbidden for
the same reason, when Purim or ‫ ר"ה‬fall on Shabbos- ‫היינו טעמו דשופר‬
‫היינו טעמו דמגילה‬. Both ‫ אלול‬and ‫ אדר‬are the last months of the year,
from ‫תשרי‬, and ‫ ניסן‬respectively- ‫ איש לרעהו ומתנות לאביונים‬are the ‫ר"ת‬
of ‫אלול‬, and the month where we perform the actual mitzva of
‫ מתנות לאביונים‬in ‫אדר‬. The deeper point, says the ‫ אמרי נועם‬is that what
the ‫ שופר‬accomplishes on ‫ר"ה‬, the ‫ מגילה‬accomplishes on Purim. Both
wake us up. The ‫ שופר‬talked about in ‫ פרשת יתרו‬was from the left horn
of the ‫איל של יצחק‬. The right horn will be blown in the future as is
written in the ‫ הפטרה‬in ‫והיה ביום ההוא יתקע בשופר גדול– פרשת שמות‬
‫ובאו האבדים בארץ אשור והנדחים בארץ מצרים והשתחוו לה" בהר הקדש בי"ם‬.
The ‫ אבדים בארץ אשור‬refers to the ‫ כופרים‬the ‫בעלי ע"ז‬, and the ‫נדחים בארץ‬
‫ מצרים‬refers to those who sunk into their physical desires, both the ‫שער‬
‫ הנון‬of ‫ טומאה‬that we spoke of. The ‫ עבד נרצע‬is a yid that isn’t interested
in the ‫= כתר‬620 of ‫ נעשה ונשמע‬- ‫=ואם אמר יאמר העבד‬620=‫שער נ‬.
The goal is to come to ‫ י"ם‬and bow to Hashem in the ‫בהמ"ק‬.

The ‫ שארית ישראל‬said that ‫ פרשת משפטים‬is the ‫ תיקון‬for all ‫נשמות ישראל‬,
from the lowest to the highest. All the ‫ ארבעת נזיקים‬are mentioned in
the Parsha, and when a yid learns about them, he receives a ‫ישועה‬. For
example learning of the ‫בור‬, saves a yid from falling in a pit. He
quotes the pasuk ‫למעני למעני אעשה‬. Hashem is saying that every yid
will have a ‫ תקון‬for His sake- ‫=למעני למעני אעשה‬776=‫שובו בנים שובבים‬

The word ‫ אדר‬is ‫ ר"ת‬of ‫רישא דלא אתידע‬, the level of ‫עד דלא ידע‬, and
‫רבין דרבין אשתכח‬, which are the last and highest moments of ‫שבת‬,- -
that is Adar is the ‫ סעודת שלישי‬of the year. In ‫ אדר‬we should merit
seeing the downfall of all our enemies, of the ‫ ד גלויות‬with the ‫ רחמים‬of
the Almighty, as it says in the end of the third Aliya pasuk ‫כו‬:‫כב‬-
‫=כי חנון אני‬205=‫=אדר‬205=‫בבל מדי יון אדום‬. There are 118 words in
‫משפטים‬, the ‫ סימן‬being ‫חנני‬, or Hashem’s compassion. Parshas ‫שקלים‬,
which is always read the ‫ שבת‬that brings in the month of ‫ אדר‬has the
mitzva for every yid to bring a ‫ מחצית השקל‬as "‫ תרומת ה‬- ‫= שקל‬430,
½ ‫= שקל‬215 =‫אדיר‬, as it says "‫אדיר במרום ה‬, and so ‫ אדר‬is a strong ‫מזל‬
for the yidden- ‫=אדיר במרום הויה‬529=‫=על מקרא מגילה‬529=‫יצא לחפשי‬.

The ‫שר שלום‬, the Belzer Rav brought a pasuk in ‫ פרשת מקץ‬to make this
point. It’s written in ‫י‬:‫ פסוק מג‬-‫ כי לולא התמהמהנו כי עתה שבנו זה פעמים‬,
where Yehuda said to his father Yaakov, that w/o the delay in returning
to Egypt with Binyamin, they could have returned already twice. Rav
Shalom is ‫ דורש‬that if a yid doesn’t do proper ‫ תשובה‬in ‫אלול‬, the letters
of ‫לולא‬, and he delays –‫התמהמה‬, he still has the chance in "‫ אדר ב‬when
‫= זה‬12, the 12th month, is doubled- ‫פעמים‬. In a leap year, there are
eight weeks of ‫ שובבים‬or 56 days, (instead of six weeks)- ‫שובבים תת‬,
and so a yid has 56 days of Teshuva -‫ שבנו‬is ‫נו‬- ‫שב‬, where ‫=נו‬56.
When there is a leap year, we have two months of ‫אדר‬, an extra month
to do ‫ תשובה‬and be free from the ‫ יצר הרע‬- - ‫=אדר אדר‬410=‫דרור‬.

There are sixty days of ‫אדר‬, where anything negative gets nullified in
sixty, or ‫בטל בששים‬, in the sixty days of ‫שמחה‬. The ‫ ארי הקודש‬says the
‫ שבט‬of ‫אדר‬, is ‫ נפתלי‬who traveled last, in the desert. The ‫ נשיא‬of ‫ נפתלי‬is
‫אחירע בן עינן‬, where ‫ אחירע‬translates as “my bad brother”, that is the
lowest yid. Mordechai is ‫ מלמד זכות‬even for him, and opened up new
doors, so that every yid could enter, and thus his name ‫פתחיה‬-
‫=דרש טוב‬521=‫=אחירע בן עינן‬521=‫לא אצא חפשי‬. The month of Adar, the
month of ‫נפתלי‬, of when ‫ מגילת אסתר‬is read is so great that it could ‫מתקן‬
even the ‫ אחי רע‬of the generation, the ‫ עבד נרצע‬who says ‫לא אצא נפשי‬.

Even the yid that doesn’t want to go free from his ‫יצר הרע‬, he to has a
tikun. By ‫ נפתלי‬it says ‫ נפתלי אילה שלוחה הנתן אמרי שפר‬In most places in
‫תנ"ך‬, the word ‫ שופר‬is written ‫ שפר‬w/o a ‫ו‬. The Megilla which we read
in the month of Naftali, is the ‫הנתן אמרי שפר‬, is equated with the
Shofar- ‫היינו טעמה דשופר היינו טעמה דמגילה‬. Both are needed to awaken
the generation – ‫=הנתן אמרי שפר‬1336=‫הסתר אסתיר‬. The pasuk says
‫ נפלתי קמתי‬that after ‫ נפלתי‬there is a ‫קמתי‬. Others say that ‫אדר‬, the last
month, is ‫ בנימין‬the last tribe- ‫ בנימין‬is ‫בן ימין‬, connected to ‫מרדכי איש‬
‫ ימיני‬who, together with Esther, both descend from Binyamin. As we
already said the Bracha given to Binyamin, ‫ ולערב יחלק שלל‬refers to
Purim time, in the ‫ערב‬-‫הסתר‬, when the spoils of Haman were divided.

Haman wanted to hang ‫ מרדכי‬on the ‫ עץ גבוע חמישים אמה‬in an attempt to

awaken the ‫חטא עץ הדעת‬, where the sin was primarily the need to know
even things that are not meant to grasp. Purim is the ‫י"ט‬, higher than
‫דעת‬, higher than ‫חשבון‬, where all yidden are equal. The ‫נועם אלימלך‬
says there is a world of ‫כל ישראל‬, where all are equal and there are no
‫קטרוגים‬, no ‫חטאים‬. This world was revealed on Purim
‫=לעיני כל ישראל‬761=‫אסתר המלכה‬. Esther knew the secret -
‫לך כנוס את כל היהודים‬, where there is no ‫ קטרוג‬when all the yidden are
united. As we said the mitzva of ‫ שקלים‬is parallel to the ‫ גלגולת‬which is
the ‫ כתר‬of the body. The only time ‫ כתר‬is written in all of ‫ תנ"ך‬is in
‫מגילת אסתר‬. Esther was ‫ מתקן‬the ‫אביונים‬, the yidden, poor financially
and or in ‫דעת‬, the lowest of yidden ‫=אלף בית יוד וו נון‬661=‫אסתר‬.
Purim is a gift from the higher worlds to the poor -
‫=מתנות לאביונים‬1045=‫חמשים שערי בינה‬.

The Midrash says that the tree that Haman wanted to hang Mordechai,
was from the ‫תיבת נח‬, and then built into his house ‫ויטב הדבר לפני המן‬
‫ויעש העץ‬. It says ‫ לפני‬instead of ‫בעיני‬, hinting that Haman took apart his
house himself, (‫ )לפני‬and built the ‫עץ‬, which demonstrates the great
hatred Haman had toward Mordechai. Haman wanted to awaken a
‫ קטרוג‬on the yidden. The ‫ עם ישראל‬were lax in keeping the laws of
‫ שמיטה‬and ‫יובל‬, which was one of the reasons that the ‫ בהמ"ק‬was
destroyed. Yovel is the 50th, above nature, similar to the ‫ תיבה‬that
miraculously contained all the animals in the world. The wood was
taken from the arc, which was ‫ אינו מן המידה‬- above nature, similar to
the ‫מקום הארון אינו מן המידה‬. This is where the ‫ נס‬of Purim is rooted.
One of the measurements of the ‫ תיבה‬was fifty Amos wide- -
‫=חמישים אמה רחבה‬669=‫מקום הארון אינו מן המידה‬. The yidden in

Shushan benifited from the ‫=תיבת עצי גפר‬1264=‫ליהודים אשר בשושן‬.

The fact that Haman used this ‫עץ‬, was exactly his downfall, since a
goy cannot reach the level of 50, that is a goy is dictated by nature,
and not ‫למעלה מן הטבע‬. The ‫ מהר"ל‬said that Haman held himself to be a
deity, and so he thought he could reach this 50th level. By the ‫עץ הדעת‬,
the snake made a ‫ חשבון‬of eating from the ‫עץ‬, as did the yidden by the
‫חטא העגל‬, making the ‫ עגל‬a day early. Also ‫ אחשורוש‬made a ‫ חשבון‬on
when the seventy years of ‫ גלות‬were up, but here there is clearly no
‫חשבון‬, as it was ‫למעלה מן הדעת‬. Purim is above ‫דעת‬, where all yidden
are equal, even the lowest. The yidden that went to the party fell into
‫חשבון‬, where what’s required of us and what will take us through the
‫ גלות‬is ‫אמונה‬, that is ‫נעשה ונשמע‬. What was revealed on Purim was ‫רצון‬,
which is ‫כתר‬, higher than ‫דעת‬. The ‫לעשות כרצון איש ואיש‬, that ‫אחשורוש‬
said of the party, was so the yidden would be punished, if attending
the ‫ סעודה‬came with their free will. On Purim, the yidden accepted the
Torah with ‫רצון‬, where everyone was equal, like the mitzva of ‫שקלים‬,
which is ‫ כנגד‬the ‫גלגולת‬, the skull. We don’t know Hashem’s will, and
there is no difference to us between ‫ פרה אדומה‬and a Mishpat -
‫=ואלה המשפטים‬526=‫ויקחו אליך פרה אדמה‬. Even the most logical
mitzvos have to be performed as the mitzva of ‫פרה אדומה‬, because of
the "‫רצון ה‬, and not because it is logical.

The Zohar says the source of ‫ גלגולים‬is here in ‫משפטים‬. The ‫ נשמה‬is
recycled until it gets a tikun ‫=גלגול‬72=‫ חסד‬, where the greatest
kindness is ‫גלגול‬, giving a yid a second chance even after death,
although it’s a painful experience. ‫ משפט‬is ‫ דין‬but it’s also ‫חסד‬, together
combining into ‫רחמים‬, as it says in the ‫פתח אליהו‬. Esther said that the
yidden have to fast for 72=‫ חסד‬hours. Chanuka is light from
‫ימות המשיח‬, whereas ‫ פורים‬is from ‫עולם הבא‬, which no one sees in this
lifetime. On Purim, we dull the ‫ דעת‬through wine, and go to a place
higher than ‫דעת‬. The wine on ‫ פורים‬is a "‫ בח‬of the ‫ יין המשומר‬of the
future- ‫=יין המשומר‬661=‫אסתר‬. The ‫ משיח‬will bring ‫ משפט‬to the world
‫=משפט‬429=‫ מקרא מגילה‬and gather all the yidden, like Esther did -
‫לך כנוס את כל היהודים‬, where ‫ כנוס‬is a term used to bring in. Purim is the
gathering of all the yidden ‫=יקבץ נדחינו‬330=‫פרים‬.

The month of ‫ שבט‬is mentioned just once in all of ‫תנ"ך‬, in ‫ז‬:‫זכריה א‬, the
date being ‫כד שבט‬, when Hashem gave ‫ זכריה‬the prophesy that He was
taking revenge on the goyim "‫… כי נחם ה‬for what they did to ‫י"ם‬.
Anytime a date is mentioned in ‫תנ"ך‬, the date is very important. This

date usually falls in the week of Parshas ‫משפטים‬, where there is a tikun
for all yidden, leading to the ‫ נחמה‬of ‫י"ם‬. The word ‫ ירושלם‬is written in
‫ תנ"ך‬676 times- ‫ הויה‬x ‫ הויה‬is 26 x 26= 676. Maybe in four of these
times the name ‫ ירושלים‬is written with a ‫י‬, one being in the ‫מגילת אסתר‬
where it’s written ‫אשר הגלה ירושלים‬. Purim in ‫ י"ם‬is ‫ בשלמות‬when there
is a ‫=משולש – פורים משולש‬676.

During the weeks of ‫שובבים‬, a yid could rectify the evil intentions of
‫ אחשורוש‬and ‫המן‬, and the ‫ פגמים‬they attempted to instill –‫כפירה‬, ‫זנות‬,
and despair - ‫= אחשורוש המן‬916=‫תקון שובבים‬. Even if a yid falls to the
lowest places, the ‫אחרית‬, he could always connect with the ‫ראשית‬-
even the Jewish slave ‫= תקנה עבד עברי‬913=‫בראשית‬. The ‫ מגילה‬begins
with ‫( אחשורוש‬as we said, could also refer to Hashem, the true ‫)מלך‬
who ruled from ‫הודו ועד כוש‬, where the ‫ הודו‬Jews are the ones that shine
(‫ הוד‬means splendor), and the ‫ כוש‬Jews, the black and lower level
yidden. Rav Tzadok says that the ‫ כוש‬Jews are the ones that fell into
‫פגם הברית‬, as ‫ כוש‬was the son of ‫חם‬, who was the only person that was
‫משמש בתיבה‬, and he also saw his father naked, and didn’t cover him
up. Purim is for the ‫ כוש‬Jews- ‫=כושי‬336=‫פורים‬.

Purim is ‫ עד דלא ידע‬that is, above ‫דעת‬, and can ‫ מכפר‬for any ‫חטא‬, even
those connected to ‫דעת‬. It says in the Megilla ‫ וכן יסד המלך‬which Rashi
says is a ‫ לשון‬of ‫יסוד‬. The intention of Ahashverosh was to ‫ מכשיל‬the
yidden in ‫מדת היסוד‬, that is ‫לעשות כרצון איש ואיש‬, that they should do
whatever feels good. This is the opposite of ‫נעשה ונשמע‬, where we
give up our desires to the "‫רצון ה‬. Any yid that is a slave to his ‫יצר הרע‬
is likened to the ‫עבד עברי‬, and if he is despondent in defeating the ‫יצר‬,
he is likened to the ‫עבד נרצע‬. In the end of ‫פרשת משפטים‬, the Torah is
referred to as ‫ספר הברית‬, since the only ones that could truly say
‫ נעשה ונשמע‬are those that could control the ‫בריתות‬. The real ‫יציאת מצרים‬
is when the ‫ טומאה‬and control of ‫מצרים‬, leave us, and we are no longer
‫ עבדים‬to our ‫יצר הרע‬, and then we can proclaim
‫= נעשה ונשמע‬891=‫יציאת מצרים‬.

Through the ‫ תיקונים‬of ‫שובבים‬, there is hope that we could transform

ourselves from a ‫ כוש‬Jew to a ‫ הודו‬Jew.

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