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'realvrcrld" t

The ne\r reference standard lor

musical eryoyment lrom a stereo headphone .l
AKG Acoustics has broken the sound barrier to realistic natural, open sound-sound with more realistic stereo
reproduction ina headphone. Taking a no-compromise imaging, wider and more accurate frequency response, I

approach, we began with extensive electro-acoustic and lower distortion and less listening fatique than ever
psychoacoustic research, and backed it up with AKG's thought posible. Once you've heard the new AKG K-340
world reno'wned preci.sion manufacturing capability. Elecirostat /Dynamic Stereo Headphone, you'Il know why
Ultimately we were able to combine the best qualities of it is truly the new reference standard for "real wor1d" J
popular headphone designs with none of their drawbacks. musical enjoyment.
At last you can enjoy it all-comfort, light $/eight and


when we hear a souod, we perceive its only aggravate the psychoacoustic
location essentially by sensing the differ- problems caused by alt€lation of the
ences in loudness and in arrival time oI comb filter: nearly all stereo recordints .l
the sound at each ear. This information is are engineeted to create natural
further enhanced by tbe human brain's separation when played back tlrougl
ability to sense a "comb filter" effect, a loudspeakets. That is, they have more
series of notches or dips in the frequency
response of theear itsell that affect all
than flormal separation to account Jot
acoustic mixinS in the room during
sounds heard. The "comb filter" is so playback. Headphones do not provide
called because a gaph oI the response ecoustic mirdng or reverberant fields, so
looks like a comb. The notches ate separalion tends to be very exaggerated
caused by outer-ear resooance aDd dif- The combination of alteiint the comb fil-
The ideal 'flat" frequency response
lsleen linel is not whal we actually hear.
fractiorl effects liDterference of direct arld te! effect and the exatterated left-to-right The anatomy of the ear creates a "comb
reflected sound wavesl, and partially by separation in recotdinSs makes the head- filter" whicb produces peaks and dips in
resonances within the ear canal itself. phone listenint experietrce unnatural. the frequency response {red line) whicb we
The comb-filter eflect is a natural phe- accept as "normal" hearinS.
nomenon that gives us specific
iEformation about sound-source
IocalizatioD. We are never aware of the
"filter" per se, but we can celtai y hear
a diff€reDce when it is altered. t/
Io addition, cotrventio[al headphones,
whether the headphones are citcumaural
l"sealed"-cushion around the ears) or
supra-aulal {"oper air"
- cushion restint
on the earl, suppress or altet the ears' O""/,,,,@,((((((( !

natulal resodances so that the comb filter
changes or disappears. suddenly the
realism and accurate sound localizatioD
that would oormally be heard over a good !
set oI loudspeakers is gone. However, if a
headphore can retain, ot even simnlote,
the comb-filter effect, as does the K-340,
it will create acceptably accurate steleo
separation and localizatioo limagingl. LoudsDeakers vield a reasonablv flat frequencv response when measured in an ane-
Typical sound recording techniques cboic ch'amber {Al. Our ears and'brain, inlluenied by (heir inherent comb filter {Bl,
perceive the sorind as "oormal" and "flat".

when "measured," a sealed headphone An open air headDhone may also produce The AKG (-340 headphone-with its
may produce a similar or better frequency a similarly "measured" flat frequency re- dual sound-chambers, passive diaphragms,
respo-nse than a hiRh-qualiry loudspeaker snonse as the loudsoeaker, however, air snd acoustic re sis t an c e s main t a iDs
- recteates
(Al. However, when *on, its titht seal eicanine around the eirs weakens the eifec- accurate bass tesponse and
around the ears exaggeretes tbe bass re- tiuebasi response, while the earpads damp normal comb filter notch location,
sDonse; while the locltion, number, and the desirable comb filter notches, agein number, and depth. We perceive the sound
deoth of the comb filter's notches are also restricting perceived "oormal" hearing. to be normal as though coming from
seirerely altered, destroying the impression Ioudspeakers or live performances rather
of "normal," flat sound. then wearinS a hesdphon€.
AKGb unlquoly .ntinecrcd des
Tradeoff 1- AKG's Solution- Tradeoff 2-Transducers ...
Sealed or Open Air? Use both Condenser or Dynamic?
t "Seaied" headphones, with It was a genuine technological Headphones using conventional
ea4rieces that form an essentially air- challenge, but we were able to com- condenser transducers, also called
tight chamber over the ear, can bine the best characteristics of sealed " electrostatics, " are capable of
develop strong bass notes, although and open air designs, none of superb transient response, but have
t usually exaggerated at a particular their disadvantages, into one head- the disadvantages of weaker bass and
resonanl frequency. The trick here is phone-the K-340. The K-340 has the need for expensive, inconvenient
that unless the cushions fit tightly, 1arge, com{ortable circumaural ear- extemal power supplies. Headphones
L bass response will
be uneven . . . and pads that deate a small primary using dlmamic transducers tnrically
the kind of pressure needed to ensure sound chamber around the ear to yield stronger bass and require no
consistent response can get uncom- strengthen low frequencies, the only extemal supply, but the moving mass

t fortable. Moreover, "sealed" head-

phones create pronounced cavity
resonances that mask some of the
similarity to conventional sealed
headphones. Then we use something
in each earpiece that no other head-
is too great to equal the transient
accuracy of condenser tx)es.

ear's natural resonances - especially pbones, except our Model K-240, AKG's Solution-
t at lower frequencies - and shilt others
in frequency and amplitude, thus
have: patented AKG Passive Dia-
phragms, a secondary sound
Use both.
The K-340 is a two-way headphone
destroying much oI the realism of the chamber, and acoustic resistance e1e-
ments, all of which provide con-
with unexcelled transient and fre-
t sound.
"Open air" headphones are usually
fitted with open-pore foam earpads
trolled mid- to high-frequency
response without degrading psycho-
quency response. Each earpiece has a
fixed-charge electrostat fiansducer for
the mid and high frequencies and a
that damp out 1ow-{requency reso acoustic performance. These innova-
dynamic (moving-coi1| transducer for
I nances and minimize boominess.
Since an air-tight seal is unnecessary,
the headband can be more loosely
rions make the "free field" listening
experience with a K-340 the most
realistic ever achieved in a head-
the low frequencies, plus a built-in
crossover network. The technique is
just like that used successfully for
{itted for increased comfort. Un{or- phone, rnuch better than that of so
t tunately the earpads' damping is
wideband, extending beyond the
bass, so at high frequencies it sup-
called "open air" or sealed head-
phones, and with no sacrilice in bass
years in two-way high fidelity
speaker systems, with one dilference;
instead of using scaled-down

t presses desired ear-canal resonances,

modifies or destroys the comb filter,
and alters the perceived sound image.
Another primary trade-off here is ir
I the bass range, which su{fers from
decreased Ievel because the trans-
ducers are operated "unloaded"
resulting in less boominess. Soft
transducer diaphragms with wide
L excwsion have been used to over-
come the drop in bass, but they have
a tendency to break up and introduce
distortion at relatively low volume
with either of these conventional
designs, sealed or open air, the lis-
tener may hear directional ellects in
the program, but they won't bear an
accurate relationship to the original
sound source.

itn elirninates corrlrrrcn tradeclfls
speakers, we manufacture uans- with high-power amplifiers. There Passive Diaphragms, the key
ducers speci{ically for optimum per- are no circuit breakers to cut out, and
to natural sound reproduction.
formance in a headphone. no extra boxes to plug in.
To make a compact dynamic trans- The 4,000 Hz crossover frequency The Passive Diaphragms are thir:,
ducer with powerful, tight bass allows one transducer to handle high compliance membranes that
response, we wind precision voice critical vocal and midrange sounds. control the "acoustical size" of the
coils that can be inserted to very Despite the sma1l size, the crossovers headphone for optimum results at all
close tolerances in the narrow gap of are assembled from premium compo- frequencies. Opaque to sound at the
a dense magnetic structue. The stiff nents providing the smoothest pos- lowest ftequencies, the Passive
di.aphragm moves plenty of air with- sible transition between the low- and Diaphragms seal the primary cham-
out danger o{ break-up or di.stortion. high-frequency transducers. A mir:ia- ber for extended, linear bass output
The fabrication techniques are based ture impedance-matching trans- down to 15 Hz. Just at the point
on our experience manufacturilg pro- {ormer easily fits in each earpiece as where a resonant peak normally
f essional dynamic microphones, part of the qossover network. would create boominess, around 200
maximizing efficiency and ensuring Hz, the Passive Diaphragms become
AKG's two-way electrostat/
consistent perf omunce. acoustically transparent. Effectively
d1'namic design is a dramatic
To create the fixed-charge electro- acting as vents, they "unload" the
improvement over the sound quality
stat element a 2O-micron thick layer primary chamber into a secondary
which could be obtained from a
of gold molecules is vacuum depo. sound chamber to increase the coup-
single transducer. The full frequency
sited onto a strong, flexible mylar ling volume of air, smoothing the
spectrum is reproduced with pbe-
substrate. Since this element is per- mid-bass response. Because the dual
nomenal clarity and definition. A
manently charged, it requires no drum beat won't affect the cymbals. chambers reduce susceptibility to
external polarizing voltage; you can Vocals are uncolored, and the sound unpredictable bass output in the
connect the K-340 directly to the is always tralrsparent and undis- event of air leaks, the K-340 is
headphone jack of any receiver or
amplifier, or across the speaker out-
put terminals. Sensitivity is high
torted- even during highJevel pas-
sages with a large orchestra.
designed to exet far less pressure
against the sides oI the head.
The secondary sound chamber is,
enough for use with low-power amps, itself, ported to the open air environ-
yet the 400 ohm load impedance ment of the room, so the ear is free to
means the K-340 can be used salely develop its own n atural resonances
throughout the critical midrange.
There are no induced cavity reso-
nances, nor any foem to damp the
Passive Acoustic sound, as with "open air" {supra-
awal) phones. At extremely high fre-
quencies where headphone coupling
to the open air tends to be less effec- L
tive, acoustic resistances just behind
the Passive Diaphragms create a
subde comb-filter, simulating the
natural response of the ear out to
25 WIz, re-ueating vital localization
inlormation not present with other


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