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Table 1

Respondents’ Level of Academic Commitment

in terms of level of commitment


Even if my parent’s are working abroad
1. I want to continue with my 3.91 Very High 1
2. I believe in life long learnings 3.75 Very High 2
3. I am determined to complete my 3.50 Very High 5
studies successfully.
4. I will persist with my studies until 3.59 Very High 4
I complete it.
5. I am not prepared to give up 3.69 Very High 3
Average Weighted Mean 3.69 Very High
Table 2

Respondents’ Level of Academic Commitment

in terms of satisfaction


Even if my parent’s are working abroad
1. My studies give me a great deal of 3.56 Very High 6
2. I am very happy with my studies. 3.60 Very High 4
3. Being able to study is close to ideal. 3.74 Very High 2
4. My studies are fulfilling to me. 3.77 Very High 1
5. My studies fulfill my needs for 3.47 High 8
intellectual stimulation and
intellectual interaction.
6. I enjoy studying. 3.71 Very High 3
7. I feel contended with my studies. 3.49 High 7
8. I feel very involved in my studies. 3.57 Very High 5
Average Weighted Mean 3.61 Very High
Table 3

Respondents’ Level of Academic Commitment

in Quality of Alternatives


Even if my parent’s are working abroad
1. If I had a choice i would rather do 3.49 High 3
something other than studying
2. There are better things in life than 3.70 Very High 2
3. Anything else would be better than 3.83 Very High 1
having to study.
Average Weighted Mean 3.67 Very High
Table 4

Respondents’ Level of Academic Commitment

in terms of investment


Even if my parent’s are working abroad
1. I feel very involved in my studies – 3.87 Very High 1
like I have put great deal into it.
2. Compared to others I know, I have 3.70 Very High 5
invested a great deal of time and
effort in my studies.
3. I spend a lot of time on my studies. 3.86 Very High 2
4. I usually put a lot of effort into my 3.80 Very High 4
5. I do a lot to ensure success in my 3.79 Very High 3
Average Weighted Mean 3.80 Very High
Table 5

Respondents’ Level of Academic Commitment

in terms of Meaningfulness
Even if my parent’s are working abroad
1. Being a student allows me to 3.71 Very High 8
express myself completely.
2. My approach to my studies reflects 3.68 Very High 9
who I am as a person.
3. My studies contribute to shaping 3.86 Very High 5
me as a person.
4. I am the kind of person who thrives 3.91 Very High 2.5
on studying.
5. My studies fulfill me. 3.77 Very High 6
6. Studying is a central aspect of who 3.75 Very High 7
I am.
7. Studying lend meaning to my life. 3.91 Very High 2.5
8. I express myself through my 3.96 Very High 1
9. Studying is an important part of my 3.90 Very High 4
Average Weighted Mean 3.83 Very High

Table 6
Summary Table of Academic Commitment of the Respondents

Indicators Mean Interpretation Rank
Level of Commitment 3.69 Very High 3
Satisfaction 3.61 Very High 5
Quality of Alternatives 3.67 Very High 4
Investment 3.80 Very High 2
Meaningfulness 3.83 Very High 1
Overall Weighted Mean 3.72 Very High
Table 7
Respondents’ Level of Emotional Stability


Because my parents are working abroad…
1. I get stressed out easily. 2.05 Low 6.5
2. I changed my mood a lot. 2.01 Low 12
3. I take offense easily 1.81 Low 18
4. I seldom get mad 1.79 Low 20
5. I often feel blue. 1.93 Low 15
6. I get caught up in my problems. 2.00 Low 13.5
7. I am relaxed most of the time. 2.04 Low 8
8. I get angry easily. 1.92 Low 16.5
9. I panic easily. 1.92 Low 16.5
10. I have frequent mood swings 2.03 Low 9.5
11. I rarely get irritated. 2.20 Low 3
12. I worry about things. 2.10 Low 4
13. I get overwhelmed by emotions. 2.00 Low 13.5
14. I grumble about things. 2.02 Low 11
15. Am not easily bothered by things. 2.05 Low 6.5
16. I am easily disturbed. 2.03 Low 9.5
17. I feel threatened easily 2.08 Low 5
18. I cry at times when I think about my 2.84 High 1
19. I get upset easily 2.25 Low 2
20. I am calm in most situations. 1.80 Low 19
Average Weighted Mean 2.04 Low
Table 8

Respondents’ Level of Attachment


Because my parents are working abroad…
1. Are persons I can count on to 3.70 Very High 4
provide emotional support when I
feel troubled.
2. Support my goals and interest. 3.65 Very High 7
3. Understand my problems and 3.71 Very High 2.5
concerns in life.
4. Are available to give me advice or 3.61 Very High 9
guidance when I want it.
5. Encourage me to make my own 3.57 Very High 10
6. Impose their ideas and values on 3.78 Very High 1
7. Are persons to whom I can 3.62 Very High 8
express differences of opinion on
important matters.
8. Have provided me with the 3.68 Very High 5.5
freedom to experiment and learn
things on my own.
9. Have trust and confidence in me. 3.68 Very High 5.5
10. Respect my judgement and 3.71 Very High 2.5
decisions, even if different from
what they would want.
Average Weighted Mean 3.67 Very High
Table 9

Relationship between Level of Academic Commitment and Level of Emotional Stability of

the Respondents

Academic Commitment
Pearson r p value Interpretation
Level of Commitment Not
0.001 0.992 Significant
Satisfaction Not
0.134 0.218 Significant
Quality of Alternatives Not
0.114 0.294 Significant
Investment Not
0.048 0.661 Significant
Meaningfulness Not
0.104 0.339 Significant
0.05 level of significance

As shown in the table 9, for the relationship between the academic commitment of the

respondent’s in terms of level of commitment, satisfaction, quality of alternatives, investment and

meaningfulness and level emotional stability, Pearson r values of -0.001, 0.134, 0.114, 0.048, and

0.104 were obtained. P values 0.992, 0.218, 0.294, 0.661 and 0.339, respectively, were obtained

which were higher than the 0.05 level of significance shows that there is no significant relationship

between the academic commitment of the respondent’s in terms of level of commitment,

satisfaction, quality of alternatives, investment and meaningfulness and level of emotional

stability. This means that the respondents’ level of emotional stability is not dependent on the

academic commitment.
Table 10
Relationship Between the Academic Commitment
and Level of Attachment of the Respondents

Academic Commitment Pearson r p value Interpretation

Level of Commitment
-0.498 0.000 Significant
-0.579 0.000 Significant
Quality of Alternatives
-0.578 0.000 Significant
-0.601 0.000 Significant
-0.635 0.000 Significant
0.01 level of significance

As shown in the table, for the relationship between the academic commitment of the

respondent’s in terms of level of commitment, satisfaction, quality of alternatives, investment and

meaningfulness and level of attachment, Pearson r values of -0.498, -0.579, -0.578, -0.601 and -

0.635 were obtained. All p values (0.000) were lower than the 0.01 level of significance which

shows that there is significant relationship between the academic commitment by the respondent’s

in terms of level of commitment, satisfaction, quality of alternatives, investment and

meaningfulness and level of attachment. This means that the higher is attachment of the

respondents, the higher their academic commitment.

Table 11
Relationship Between Level Emotional Stability
and Level of Attachment

Variables Pearson r p value Interpretation

Emotional Stability and Not
Level of Attachment 0.015 0.894 Significant
0.01 level of significance

As shown in the table, for the relationship between the respondents’ level of emotional

stability and their level of attachment, a Pearson r value of 0.015 was obtained. A p value of 0.894

which was higher than the 0.01 level of significance shows that there is no significant relationship

between the respondents’ emotional stability and their level of attachment. This means that the

respondents’ level of attachment is not dependent on their emotional stability.

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